Monday, July 13, 2020



I heard the voice of the Lord that was in the sky above China before the pandemic. And before any news that can frighten the world, the Lord said that several countries like Japan and some countries of Europe and many others will be hit by giant waves by the permission of God. 

I was praying and crying and speaking in languages and trembling with so much power. Immediately I understood that the world has already entered into the judgment of the Lord. The Lord said it was for us to pray for the world and Christians should pray. 

It all started on the 20th of June, 2019 when I was resting in the afternoon. I fell such a great presence that I soon realized that I was with the Lord. My body trembles because the Lord visits me in a powerful way. I started to hear the audible voice of the Lord in my ears, which was very intense. And every time the Lord spoke I feared for my ears were exposed to the voice of the Lord which was thunderous with a lot of authority and rigor. It was very strong. I paid attention to hear what God wanted to tell me. 

The Lord said to me, "My son, prophesy.” 

I couldn't look at Him because of the power of His glory. I was simply feeling His presence that was so strong that I felt very weak and shaky. Even as He sent me to prophesy, I prophesied with all my heart and strength. And out of my mouth, I said the word of the Lord. While I prophesied I was shaking and my body seemed to be electrified. 

I said. "Woe to the inhabitants of the land. Many disasters and cataclysm are imminent. Woe to the inhabitants of the land.”

Then I saw the land opening up with all strength and I've never seen anything like it. When the earth opened, I saw a being coming out of the earth, who seemed to be a giant with a feminine aspect. Her appearance was like she was formed out of dust. 

The Lord told me, “Big earthquakes are going to happen and the land will suffer from disasters that are never seen before.”

And this was the reason I was to prophesy to the inhabitants of the Earth. While I was prophesying the Lord told me to prophesy against the Church, “For there were churchgoers that call themselves Christians but they are hypocrites doing all kinds of evil, using their lips to lie and doing wickedness. These hypocrites play with Me. They think they are serving Me but they are serving Satan. Great catastrophes and disasters will happen. Still, nothing compared to what lies ahead for humanity. Your time to smile and cheer is over. Now is My time. My judgment and My hour has come. The earth will be shaken and millions are going to die.”


The Lord visited me again while I was sleeping and He told me, “My son, proclaim My word against Europe. This land is divorced from God. Yet it was where God in the past has raised great movements that changed the history of the world. But today they are totally carnal to the point of neglecting the word of God and the worship of the God of their parents. This continent has turned to wickedness after having met the true God. They partook the love of God one day and then they went on to embrace Satan. They are thus destined to be the Judas of the world for they will lead humanity to perdition through the single currency and the single government.” 

The Lord said, "In this land of Europe men are assembled together and are working to build the tower of Babel, a one-world language and one-world government and one-world god. But just as I confused the people who built the tower of Babel so I will confuse their union, thus bringing great wars and destruction of the global pact followed by catastrophes because of their sins. The blessed ones who are in this continent and fear God not following their satanic teachings will not partake the punishment this continent will receive in the future. For the sake of My power and glory, Repent!”

The Lord said, “The Holy Spirit is the number one missionary for the work of the Father. John 14 verse 26, But that comforter the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in My name will teach you all things and will remind you of all that I have told you. 


Brother, in my daily devotion and meditation at dawn the Lord opened my vision to clearly see what was going to happen. And I saw the statue of Jesus Christ that is in Brazil falling down. And then the Lord said that something terrible is about to happen in that country. I also saw the statue of liberty in the United States of America falling down. 

The Lord told me that this last country is going fall and He will give another one His power. Disasters are coming in these two countries like the chalice of the wrath of God. Because I understand now that these two countries had been chosen by God to bring the world to Christ but they did strange things. They gave themselves to Freemasonry instead of doing the Master's work of evangelism. 

The other day, I was praying and the Lord took me in spirit to see some presidents of the world. And I saw President Trump with a ball of basketball. I also saw some other presidents. When I saw Queen Elizabeth I couldn't understand. God told me at that moment that she would be gone and that someone will come in her place. She was going to die but already they will be someone she had prepared for the new world order that is imminent. 


I saw in a dream television and radio announcing that each community and neighborhood should be grouping before their local authority and their administration. I saw in this vision it was announced on radio and TV that everyone should attend the local authority to receive a worldwide notification. I realized that it was the Antichrist's arrival. 

And after that announcement urging people to attend the local government for the mark of the beast, I saw that the roads were closed and many have already reported to the authority. 

Brother, everything is already put together for the manifestation of the Antichrist. Soon we the saints will get out of here and leave the Earth in the blast of the trumpet. 

After seeing the implementation of martial law and state of emergency for the marking of humanity, I also saw an evil power that rose out of Hell. He was very big but his head was like a chicken. And he came out of Hell with the purpose of receiving his share of the dead because he was released to reap the souls of men. 

God showed me very dirty swabs that had been used to clean the ears of someone. Christ said that at that time it will be clear to the nations' ears. It's time for them to hear My voice. Much will be transformed at that time. 

Brother, we got to seek peace with everyone. Let's fight with all our strength to enter the eternal kingdom. He also told me about the number of people who are crying now but after the pandemic are going to abandon Him. 

Nobody with any kind of sin will be caught in the Rapture. Those with sin in the mind and thought will not rise. Even if they don't speak or commit masturbation in the body, if they desire and think about women they will not go up in the Rapture if they don't regret it. They must fight and die completely to this world of sin for the kingdom of God demands a great resignation from the world. May the Lord God help us all to live in holiness because the heavens demand it. As it is written in the word of God, Hebrews 12:14, that without holiness no one will see the Lord.  

This year in February 2020, I prayed and worshipped with praises for what He had done for us the glory of God. On that day my son at the end of March was saying that Jesus was going to return. And he saw the Rapture and he was mentioning some names of pastors that would go up in the Rapture. And others that would stay. I will hide identities. 

We were scared by what he said. So I went to lay down after devotion and I had a Rapture experience. I felt my soul leaving the body and was taken floating up to a very magnificent beautiful house. And the floor looked like crystal and the walls were green they shone. 

My son mentioned that I was also going to be left behind when the rapture happens. So I understand that the Lord brought me here for He wanted to deal with me since I have struggled to maintain my spiritual life. I understood that it was for me to bring peace and purity to people. Green representing hope. I woke up smiling and singing because I was renewed by His mercy. In this sense, all I ask of God is that He helps me walk the narrow path now. 


  1. Fascinating stuff thanks Chong.

    Have you heard the talk of this Apophis asteroid 2029? The time frame seems to fit with what is posted here.

    1. Yes, as I was reading this before posting, I was also doing a mental calculation to the 2029 Apophis asteroid as predicted/prophesied by Tom Horn. Things look pretty close now.

  2. I got my whole family reading spirit report any time you post

  3. The spirit report it is an Awakening call to all that have ears to hear, and those with eyes to see, watch and pray alway
