Wednesday, August 19, 2020



Mermaid of the waters converted to Jesus Christ!

My name is Fidèle Debilou. I was born on April 21, 1980, in San-Pédro, Ivory Coast. I am responsible for the evangelism department in my church.

What I am about to tell you now is what I experienced and what I saw with my own eyes. It is the reality and the truth.

I was still a student in the college and I was still 14 when it all started. I had a boyfriend and I contracted a pregnancy with him.

It was considered a shame in my family. As a consequence, my boyfriend and I ran away from the city to escape the shame. We went to his native village.

My father only had girls. Knowing that he would not appreciate this pregnancy, I fled to Kotcheri (Lakota) with my boyfriend Ozougrou Raphael.

My boyfriend’s family rejected me so I had no place to stay. In the meantime, my parents began to look for me. They could not find me. Then they started to trace my boyfriend to the village and found me. They talked to my boyfriend’s family and they apologized for what happened.

After the talk, it was agreed that I would stay in this family. I stayed until I delivered the baby. His father promised to help me continue my studies and return to my family without difficulty.

I continued to live my life in this family for many years. I became part of this family. I even forgot about my own family. In fact, this family was in superstition. They bewitched me to forget my own family. I stayed and had 4 children.

Back then I was going to church but I was a lukewarm Christian. I was not born again.

My father-in-law adores the dragon (the devil) and many of his children died. From 16 children, he only had 10 left.

One day I lost my underwear, which was later found in my father-in-law's kitchen under his loincloths. When we confronted him, he asked me to forgive him for wearing the underwear and told me to take back my underwear and use it as it is fine.

He told me not to humiliate him by throwing it away. I was naive. I took back the underwear and after washing it and keeping it for a few days, I put it on.

It was from this moment that I began to have terrible nightmares and dreams of pleasure that I never had in my life before.

Firstly I started to eat in dreams. Later I had sexual intercourse in dreams. I didn’t take those dreams seriously. I continued to live life and these sexual intercourse dreams became normal for me.

Sometime later my father-in-law began to lose children. He had 4 wives and 16 children. In a short space of time, he lost 2 children in 2 months.

He went to find a prophet who asked the family to buy candles. The prophet gave the whole family instructions concerning prayer rituals that the family was supposed to observe in order to avoid death in the family.

I was not interested in all these practices and rituals. I noticed that every day they were doing ritualistic prayers instructed by the so-called prophet, yet they were attending the Catholic church every Sunday.

But they were bothered because I was not attending their daily prayer. In fact, I was going to an evangelical church although I was not really born again. I was just attending the church as a routine.


Then something dramatic happened. One night I had a dream in which a man dressed in white told me since I don't pray, that's why I have all these dreams.

I thought it was Jesus Christ Himself. He was well dressed in a brightening white garment that was shining. This entity of light said to me that everybody in the house is praying but I was failing to participate, that I should join them in prayer. I really thought that this being of light was Jesus Christ.

He was Caucasian with long hair. I was confused as to how could Jesus Christ send me to participate in a ritualistic prayer.

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14).

I prayed in the night and in the morning but in the end, I joined the family in their ritualistic prayer.

I went back to my father-in-law's house. I was pushed by a power to go and kneel before the candles and pray to the dragon. I asked God for forgiveness.

Weird thing is that I was stuck in front of these candles until the whole family came to find me there.

And it was when my partner's big brother called Zama who also wanted me, sprayed me with water that I was able to get up. It was a miracle for me. I could move freely now. I was touched by that miracle.

To encourage me to pray with them (because according to them it is because I do not pray with them that I remained nailed in front of the candles), he gave me a small prayer book. I began to attend this family prayer regularly. They were using the Bible despite the fact that it was an occultic sect.

I was given a book of prayer to Mary the Holy Virgin. There were prayers like, "Hail Mary, full of grace ... etc."

The more I read this book, the more I wanted to read it. As I continued to read that book and attend the family prayer, my spiritual eyes opened. When I was walking in the streets, I began to see beyond normal vision. I was seeing bizarre and strange things. I was told that it was a gift of illumination.

As I continued with this series of prayer, very strange things continued to unfold. Little by little I found myself under the sea. I don’t know how I ended up there. I told my brother-in-law about it but he kinda ignored me.


Later he gave me water to drink. I thought it will stop it but it made it worse. On that very day when it was night, I was transported mysteriously under the ocean.

I saw many people. I saw crowds of mystics and occultists. They were well dressed and they were having meetings.

There were big halls there where these people hold conferences on living churches in order to destabilize them. In this meeting, one of the mystics was delivering a speech.

As I was new in this occultic world, I did not mind the meeting. I was in a new world and for me, I was actually learning to move in this new reality.

At the first meeting I looked like a little girl, and as I frequented the sea, I started to walk and grow taller. Then I started to master everything. I was really well received. I was regarded as a new soul. People were happy and excited to see me in this mysterious kingdom.


Then the hierarchy decided to organize a ceremony of fire baptism for me. I was told that they will call god to come and baptize me with fire.

In the universe beneath the ocean, Satan is regarded and called god, exactly the way Jesus is God in our physical universe.

I was told that the purpose of this ceremony was that I was to be filled with the "Holy Spirit" in order to serve god Lucifer.

A date was set for the fire baptism ceremony and on that day we were all gathered. There were a lot of mystics, occultists and sirens.

My brother-in-law Zama who was among the mystics introduced me to the oceanic siren for my baptism of fire. He introduced me as a newcomer to granny watta, queen of the coast or even mermaid of the waters (called under the sea 'Virgin Mary'). In this universe beneath the ocean, people call her the Holy Virgin Mary. She is the one worshipped in the Catholic Church as the Mother of God.

I stepped towards the Holy Virgin Mary.

She said to me, “You are welcomed in our universe.”

I replied, “Amen!” just like the way we say Amen on the surface of the Earth.

She said, “From today, you are our daughter. You will do as you are told. You will work for god Lucifer. Your name is no longer Fidele. You have a new name Anéa (which means magic).”

Actually, when the Holy Virgin Mary showed up in this ceremony, I and all the mystics including the sirens knelt down before her in exactly the same way Catholics kneel down before her statues on the surface of the Earth. In reality my brothers and sisters in Christ, they bow before a demon without knowing it.

The oceanic siren came to lead the ceremony of my fire baptism in order to empower me. Not long after her arrival, she conjured god Lucifer to attend my baptism of fire ceremony in order to serve their god Lucifer.

She called on 'the great master.' He landed and he was really beautiful. Immediately I remembered the shining figure, the entity of light that showed up in our house. It was him exactly the way I saw him in our house in that vision.

Back then, I did not know that I was dealing with Lucifer himself because he appeared like an angel of light. He looks exactly like the 'Jesus Christ' we see in the pictures in the Catholic Church on Earth.

He greeted and all responded. He took me under the sea to make me a princess of the waters.

He said to me, “You are not just anybody. You are a princess from now on.”

Then Lucifer called the oceanic siren, the Holy Virgin Mary and said to her, “Lay your hand on your daughter and transmit power to her.”

So I was presented by the Virgin Mary with human blood in her hand to the great master. The great master poured this human blood on my face and he told me that from now on I am anointed to seduce. 

When the ceremony of fire baptism ended, Lucifer made his speech. He said to the attendees, “You are going to Earth. You will go from one church to another and you will destroy them. Christians are 20% of the human population. You are going to do whatever to turn these Christians to unbelievers. This is your assignment. They must be destroyed by redoubling our efforts."

The master added, "The one who succeeds in his mission will be in my throne and seated at my right hand.”

They all cheered.

Then he said to me, “You are anointed to seduce.” Then he left me with the Holy Virgin Mary and disappeared.

The Virgin Mary chewed something that she poured in my mouth and she also gave me human blood to drink. Since then, she calls me her daughter and I call her, “mother.”

For the grace of God, source of salvation for all men… teaches us to renounce ungodliness and worldly lusts… Titus 2:11-12


The oceanic siren Mary has industries functioning even now under the ocean. She designed everything in these industries and as I became her representative, I was supposed to visit these industries.

I was supposed to cover for her in these factories and plants in case she is away. Therefore I had to visit these factories with her. Later she showed me my duty in these factories.

Underwater, she has a factory that she showed me around where she makes everything. I saw barrels full of fresh human blood. She said this fresh human blood was obtained from the surface of the Earth.

According to her, it is the blood of the Lord that purifies man and what the pagans (those who call themselves Christians) invoke is bad blood.

Human blood mixed with other plants allows the manufacture of nail polish, lipstick, makeup of all kinds.

As we continued the visit, I saw many bottles containing white liquid. I asked the Holy Virgin, “What is inside these bottles?” She replied, “This is the place you will be working.”

She said, “These bottles full of white liquids are the sperm of men.”

I asked the Virgin, “What are we supposed to do with these men sperm?”

She said, “Take it easy. You will know.”

Beloved, the Holy Virgin Mary uses men sperm to make lightening lotion, hygienic products and many other ointments that women use while in their toilets. And it is there in this factory that I will work.

Under the sea, hairs of live hairy animals are cut by the sirens of the water. They bewitched them and mixed them with human blood to make all kinds of wigs and hair attachment which are very popular with women.

Then I saw many makeup products. The siren told me that she also designs nail polish by using human blood stocked in barrels. Human blood was mixed with certain plants for designing nail polish.

The core of nail polish and lipstick is human blood. The Holy Virgin also designs hair attachments.

I saw a place where demons were working as dressmakers and fashion designers and these clothes were supposed to appear on Earth.

Mamy Watta works a lot in collaboration with factories on Earth. It makes products disappear from stores on Earth and in a mystical and very rapid way replaces them with what is produced under the sea. What happens is that when industries and factories supply their items to the retail shops, the sirens replace the original with the counterfeits designed in the underwater factories which are attached with demons.

So, all these clothes and shoes were already in trend in the universe beneath the ocean before they were exported to Earth. I sew under the sea and this was also my profession on Earth. I just have to think about it and the models of clothes parade in my head: the pants for women, tights, etc. That was my mission. And people will surely see me in my ready-to-wear store thinking that I sew these clothes on land when in reality they are delivered to me from the sea. We make sure that the women pay for the clothes that we sell, not only in monetary terms but also in spiritual and mystical terms. These clothes are made from the same pattern that we created from the sea and in this way they are marked 666.

The Virgin Mary even has shops all over the Earth that are selling these items. Not all the clothes sold in the market are earthly made. A lot of them are counterfeits from the marine kingdom.


The other mission that has been given to me is to destroy the living churches. Dead churches don't interest us because they already belong to us. My new name Anea (magic) gave me the power to bewitch and seduce.

I was not sent to simple Christians but ministers and pastors. I was assigned against evangelical churches. I was becoming extremely beautiful and attractive.

One day I went to a particular church that was singled out as a target. I attended the service. I prayed, I sang songs of praise like everybody else. I gave my offering like everybody else and at the end of the service, they asked, “Who came for the first time?”

I stood up and when the church service ended, the pastor spoke to me. I told him that I was in search of a friend in the city. Immediately the pastor asked me to be his girlfriend. Later we went to his place and as he was single, the pastor went and bought a condom quickly and we had sex. After we finished, he was about to throw the condom in the bin, I asked him to give it to me. He was surprised and he asked me, “What are you going to do with it?”

As he was already bewitched, he gave it to me. Then I asked him, “Do you know me?” I said, “You just lost it!’ Then I went out.

After leaving him, I disappeared and I landed underwater. I was greeted by applause from sirens and demons who were congratulating me.

Let me clarify that before any sexual act with these men of God, a deep work was done in their minds in the marine kingdom to the point that when they see me at first sight, they became excited and aroused.

This is the “victory” of the devil.

No human can be tied to the jewelry, clothes, products we make and not belong to us. Some churches that we have won prophesy, speak in tongues but the answer comes from the sea and they would never know.

We take away the gifts of God through the doors created by sin such as worldliness, pride, theft and we replace them with our miracle-working capacities. When their prayers and prophecies are answered and fulfilled, they believe it is God while the answer comes from us. It happens because they refuse to sincerely repent. I have come to a point where I can give orders to demons to answer prayers, fulfill prophecies and work healings and miracles. In some evangelical churches, we were playing and toying with pastors as people play with babies.

During my destruction missions, I went one day to a Baptist Works and Mission Church. The women of this church are a challenge and a problem for us because they veil themselves. They never part with it, don't put on our clothes, do not use our varnishes, our jewelry, our make-up ... in short, they prevent our products from working! We do everything to weaken them, attack them, harden their hearts so that they refuse to wear the veil.

So I was sent there after a colleague of mine failed. I spent a time in fasting. I went to see the pastor and told him, “I want you to pray for me.”

He said, “Hmm, so early in the morning?”

He was not convinced to do it. I was stunned.

Later I came back to see him in the office. He prayed and read the Scriptures for me. Then he asked me, “Are you single?” I replied, “Yes, I am but you are a man of God. I don’t want to attract the wrath of God upon me.”

He said, “Forget about that. Let’s meet on Sunday after the service.”

I was happy and excited on that day. In fact, I was the first in the church because I was promised a crown by Lucifer if I succeeded against this pastor, as many have failed before me.

You have to note that prior to Sunday service there was a lot of activity and bewitchment aimed against this pastor in the marine kingdom and I was usually made extremely beautiful in the eyes of these pastors.

On Sunday, I came so early in the morning. I was excited, I could not wait. Then the pastor arrived in the church that was already full. He started preaching but I did not mind or care about his preaching. But while I was murmuring, something dramatic happened.

I felt like a man touched my shoulder behind me. Beloved, when I turned around to check who touched me, I saw Jesus of Nazareth on the cross. His blood was flowing and then I heard a powerful voice saying to me, “Look how you are crucifying Me again on the cross.”

It was the first time for me to hear such a powerful voice and to see such scenes of Jesus Christ Himself with blood. I screamed really loud in the church and I fell on the ground. I was taken to the office of prayer. When I woke up, the intercessors asked me, “Sister, what is wrong?”

I replied, “I saw Jesus.”

They asked again, “Is there any problem?

I answered, “I saw Jesus.”

They said, “OK, let us recommend you to Jesus Christ.”

I said, “No, I am not interested.”

Then I went out of the church with anger. I kept hearing the word “Jesus” in my ears.

Then I traveled back to the marine kingdom. I was angry. When the oceanic siren saw me, she said, “Welcome back, my daughter.”

I replied with anger, “Stop it right there! I am not your daughter!”

Then I asked her, “Who are you? Are you really the Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ?”

I said, “If you are really the Mother of Christ, you would not have sent me to sleep with men. Who are you?”

She replied, “That church is causing us problems, that’s why I sent you there.”

I said, “You should have warned me that this church is problematic.”

I said to Mary, the Holy Virgin, “You told me that you were God, why is that Christians used the name of Jesus Christ, I am collapsing on the ground?”

Beloved, when I quoted the name of Jesus Christ, the oceanic siren, the Blessed Virgin collapsed on the ground.

After she stood again, she said, “My daughter, you don’t quote that name here!”

I replied, “You told me that you are Almighty and you have all the power, why is it that the name of their God is causing me pain? Next time your god Lucifer has to intervene.”

The Blessed Virgin called Lucifer who landed in the twinkling of an eye. He was dressed like Jesus Christ.

Beloved, let me tell you that the pictures of Jesus Christ you see on Earth in the Catholic Church is Lucifer himself and not Jesus Christ as I saw the real Jesus face to face.

When Lucifer landed, he said, “My daughter, are you OK?”

I said, “I am not your daughter.”

Lucifer said, “I told you that I am God. Why are you stressed?”

Lucifer said, “I just showed you my blood that was shed on the cross for you.”

I said, “OK, I get it. I saw your blood on the cross.”

The devil wanted to confuse me by telling me that the image of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that I saw in the church was him but Jesus Christ was at work to confuse him.

Lucifer said, “I am your God and your Father.”

I replied, “Yes, daddy, I got it.”

Lucifer was dressed in brightening clothes.

I said to Lucifer, “Daddy, I was on the surface of the Earth in a church and I saw a man on the cross who said His name is Jesus Christ.”

Beloved, when I quoted the name of Jesus Christ, Lucifer collapsed on the ground.

Actually, it is forbidden to quote the name of Jesus Christ in the marine kingdom and the second heaven because there are repercussions.

When I pronounced the name of Jesus Christ in front of Lucifer, he was on the ground but something else happened.

The white and shining garment that Lucifer was wearing vanished and his grotesque and gruesome shape was revealed. When I saw him in his ugly shape, I was horrified.

Beloved, the devil is really ugly. I cannot compare his ugliness to anything on Earth. He was absolute darkness, grotesque. His nails, his red eyes, his big ears, he was ugly. His wings were scary. He is really a fallen angel.

When he stood up, he said, “Who is this impolite and disobedient woman. Woman, why do you do exactly what you are forbidden to do?”

I got insolent as I was angry. I said, “You told me that you are God, right?”

Lucifer replied, “You dare to speak?”

Then he asked, “Who is this insolent woman?

Then the Holy Virgin Mary said to me, “Over here respect and discipline is the way. You cannot talk to God like that!”

As I was angry, I replied to her, “You sit there!”

Then I asked Lucifer, “You told me that you are God, How come when I mentioned the name of the other God, you and the Holy Virgin are collapsing on the ground? What does it mean? I see that you are not the true God. You are Satan! From now on, I am not with you. I separate from you!”

Then Lucifer replied, “As you made the decision to betray us and you are a traitor, you are not leaving the marine kingdom!”

I replied to Lucifer, “There is nothing you will do against me. From now on, it is over between you and me and if you dare to threaten me or come closer to me, I will call that name (Jesus Christ) that is causing both of you to collapse on the ground. So don’t try to come after me.”

Then I returned to Earth.

But immediately after returning to Earth, I got sick. I was suffering from migraine. In astral traveling, we go out the body from the head and so I was attacked right there. I was feeling like there was something in my head. Sometimes I was losing my mind.

Later I went to church. I explained my story and everything I was doing to the pastors. They began a serious consultation with me. Then we did prayer session for deliverance but I noticed that even after deliverance prayer, I still had the power of seduction.

Brothers in the church could not withstand the seductive and sexual vibes coming from me.

I was sleeping with brothers in the church and when the pastors noticed it and the report reached them, they asked me, “What is wrong?”

I told them, “I have no control. There is a power influencing me to behave that way.”

Then I was told to fast for deliverance prayer.

I fasted for many days and at the end of that fasting, I was joined by pastors for deliverance prayer. When pastors laid their hands on me, my spiritual eyes opened. I saw myself in the abode of the dead.

The place was like a desert with hot sand. In this place, there was a fight between the forces of darkness and the forces of light for my soul. As I was living in fornication, my soul was in the abode of the dead and this prayer caused God to despatch His forces to get me out of there.

When the pastors were praying for me, I noticed that there was a torrential wind blowing like a hurricane. When I was there, my soul was dressed in torn up clothes. When the prayer ended, my soul left the abode of the dead.

When I opened my eyes, I explained to the pastors what I saw as the Lord also showed them that I was there in the abode of the dead.

After the casting out of the demon of seduction, I noticed that I was still not completely free because I was still having sexual dreams. Actually in the marine kingdom, I was married to a papa water. He is the one who was molesting me. He was my spiritual husband.

I was also eating and drinking in my dreams. On top of that, it is like my spirit was leaving my body and astral traveling in space. There were many powers still in operation in me.

Therefore, the pastors had to destroy them one by one and it took time after many prayers before I was completely delivered from all of this and I gave my life to Christ.

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