Thursday, September 24, 2020



When I was just a little boy, all the children did sports and ran. But whenever I do sports, my heart would start to hurt. I told my mother I couldn't participate in these games.

So we went to the doctor who asked my mother whether anyone in the family had respiratory and heart disease. My mother said my grandfather died of a heart attack and his grandfather too.

After examination, the doctor says to my mother, “Your son is also sick with heart disease. He needs to be treated.”

When we left that hospital, I came home sad because of my heart situation.

I said to the Lord, “I believe that You heal. I believe that You still speak and I want You to know everything.”

After seeing the doctor for the second time in order to arrange treatment, one night, the pain began in parts of my heart. On that day, there was torrential rain, thunder and lightning, but I had no other choice but to go to the church.

When I got to the church, it was closed. I opened the church that was empty for there was nobody but the Holy Spirit was there waiting for His people to go on their knees before His altar.

I arrived on that altar and I said, “Lord, I want You to know that I believe that You heal.”

When I said those words to the Lord, it seemed as if the pain grew stronger. I felt strongly that pain increasing in my heart. Every time I cried out for healing to the Lord, the pain grew.

Suddenly I felt that someone was looking at me in the church.

And I said, “There is nobody in the church. I am alone here in the church and the rain is very strong.”

I looked back and there was no one but me. Yet I still felt that someone was watching me. I was prostrated, full of tears talking to God about my condition.

I said, “Lord, I believe that You still heal. If You are the healer, I want You to talk to me today.”

At that moment, I observed a woman behind with golden wings.

When I saw that I said, “What is it that I just saw?”

I cleaned my tears for I felt that someone was with me observing me.

I said, “Lord, I believe that today is the night that You are going to heal me.”

When I said that to the Lord with all my heart with all my force, in the twinkling of an eye, I find myself in a very big auditorium. I was no longer in the church but in a large auditorium full of white haze. I was not prostrated in that place.

Suddenly I began to hear very loud steps far away. My ears could hear footsteps from someone who was approaching, I realized that the footsteps of the one approaching were shaking the ground. I felt the earth trembling and my heart trembling. I could not understand who was coming.

Then I began to observe a small light that was getting bigger and bigger. I saw that blazing and resplendent light stopping 10 meters away from me, and for the first time, a voice was heard in the middle of the light. It was a powerful and tremendous audible voice that was soft.

The voice told me, “I am Jesus.”

I still could not understand that I was before Jesus since l did not understand.

The Lord said again, “I am Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and I am telling you from today onwards, you are healthy because of My blood which is My soul.”

And in an instant, I got back in my body. When I got up from the altar of the church, I was speaking in tongues and I was baptized by the Holy Spirit.

My family wondered what was happening to me, for I was speaking in tongues incessantly. I told them that I could not open my eyes because the light of the sun would hurt me. The glow that I had seen in that encounter was very strong. And I only remembered the word of the Lord who told me to keep preparing, fasting and praying.

The following week, the doctor was surprised when he did an examination for I was healthy, but I already knew that I was healthy.

And the doctor said, “I don't know what happened. The boy has received a miracle.”

My mother said, “My son has received a miracle because we have a Christ who moves mountains and works miracles until today.”

My soul praised the Lord for this healing.

At the age of 17, a prophet of God told me, “You'll see His glory.”

I didn't know what glory was. I didn't know what God had prepared for me.

I knelt down and said, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”

At that very moment, I heard someone calling my name three times.

I asked my dad whether he was calling me as I heard someone calling me.

He told me, “I did not call you.”

My father said, “When I'm calling you, you don't come, and when I don't call, you come.”

I continued to pray and said, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”

I slept and in a dream, I observed that I was studying in school. I saw an elder that came into the class and took books away from my hand and said, “I want you to get out of here.”

When I woke up in the morning, I remembered the dream.

I said, “Lord, I believe that this dream does not come from You. Why should You take me out of school?”

The following day, I saw the elder again when he came for the third time in the dream in the school where I studied and told me, “I want you to leave school because this is the instruction of the Lord. You're going to preach His Word.”

When I woke up, I told the Lord, “I'm going to leave if you ask me to leave.”

I felt desperate. I didn't want to disobey the voice of the Lord. I joined my mother in prayer, fasting and reading of the Bible that I told her about the instruction of the Lord. Quickly, we went to a prayer campaign.

After three months, I told the Lord, “It's been three months and I haven't seen what You told me through the prophet. I would like to see Your glory.”

When I got home, my mother told me, “The Lord told me that we need to start prayer because the time has come. The moment God has prepared for you has come.”

We started praying in the room. My mother took oil and anointed my head. To my surprise, the ceiling of the room disappeared. I began to observe a staff coming down from Heaven. Then I saw a beautiful Being, transparent, full of glory of power.

He told me, “I'm not a man to lie or children of men to regret. I do what I say, and I fulfill what I promise. I am the Holy Spirit of God. I come to anoint you for what the Father has prepared for your life. It is necessary.”

The Holy Spirit extended His hand. And I saw a book, a very big book that was golden. On the front of the book, it was written, “The Book of Life.”

I looked at the Book of Life where names were being written, and these names were glowing.

And the Lord said, “These names that you see being written are the souls coming to the Lord. At this moment, they are surrendering their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, who has entered their hearts as the only Savior.”

I looked in the book and I saw names that were cut for they no longer shone and I asked the Spirit of God why these names no longer shine.

He answered me, “These names are of the people who are still inside the local church, but they no longer read their word. They no longer fast and pray. They no longer seek the presence of the Lord and their names are being erased.”

I saw that other names had only two letters.

The Spirit told me, “These souls no longer go to the house of the Lord. They have departed from the house of the Lord and because of mercy their names are still written in this book, but very soon the hand of God will come and really erase them. Tell the Church of Christ to preach the word because the Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. It's time to search for souls because Christ is coming soon.”

And the Spirit told me, “Tell My Church to remove TV before them. Instead of watching television, tell them to meditate the Scripture and win souls because the return of Christ is imminent.”

And today I come to tell this Church that we must be prepared for in a blink of an eye our Lord will come. 

The Spirit told me, “Get ready.”

Then I saw that I was alone. This Spirit left me at that moment. I heard His voice on the right side of my ear.

He told me, “Do not fear because I am with you.”

The Lord spent the day with me when He walked with me everywhere in October 2017. At midnight, I started to feel pain from the heart. It was very strong. I took a pill to calm the pain, but it didn't go away. My mom rebuked the demons. We prayed that the Holy Spirit may take control. But I began to feel the pain again in my heart.

And I said, “Lord, You already healed me, for You said that I was already healthy. Why is my heart feeling pain?”

At that moment, I heard a strong voice that told me, “My son, do not fear. This pain is in order to glorify My name. This is the day I'm going to show you something.”

But the pain got bigger in my heart. I felt intense pain on my chest. At that moment, I saw that I was no longer inside my body. But I saw that my spirit was in the air. When I looked toward the atmosphere, I saw like a ray in the sky, and I behold the Heaven opening, and I saw thousands of scintillating angels that came into sight.

Bright angels were descending from the mount of Heaven coming towards me. They sang a song of praise that I have not been able to understand. They sang in a mysterious language. The only thing I could understand was that they sang Hallelujah to the Lord. And they also said, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord,” giving glory to God. I saw how these resplendent angels opened the corridor, some went to the right and others went to the left.

Immediately I began to hear the footsteps that I heard in that auditorium.

And I said, “This is the Lord who is coming.”

When I observed I saw Heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider was in resplendent white robes. It was the Lord Himself. I saw the Lord stopping the horse and coming down from the white horse. He was coming toward me, and I fell to my knees and started crying at His feet.

He had a crown on His head and a blazing light came out of His face. Across His chest were letters that I could not know and understand. Those letters were changed to Spanish and I saw it was written, “The King of kings and Lord of lords.”

I beheld the Lord’s beauty and I saw that He wore a belt on His waist that said, “Holiness to Jehovah.” It was also written, “Faithful and True. The Word of God.”

He told me, “My son, do not fear because I am Jehovah your God. I left My throne of glory to show you something about My imminent return, and what I have prepared for My Church. Take My hand and don't be afraid.”

I took His hand as if there was a magnet in the hand of the Lord. At that moment we ascended, we were moving at a great speed, and I started to see the stars, the planets, and galaxies.

At that moment, I began to observe many demons that were chained in the second Heaven. There were so many demons.

And the Lord said, “These are the demons which are mentioned in My word, where Paul said, Our fight is not against blood or flesh, but against principalities and rulers of the celestial regions.” (cf Ephesians 6:12)

Beloved brother, we ascended faster and we reached the third Heaven where I observed a city in the air. The city was decorated with pearls, diamonds, and gold. The city was very large. The city gate was adorned with many pearls glued on each gate. There was an angel standing.

I saw one angel that said, “Welcome to the eternal paradise.”

Immediately the door opened.

The Lord said, “I am the Door. I am the Way and the Truth and I am the Life and no one goes to the Father but by Me.”

When we entered the city gate, I placed my feet on the floor of the Eternal City. I saw that it was like a glass-like crystal covered with gold. I couldn't touch that floor as if I was hoovering. But the Lord walked on that floor that it was like crystal.

I said, “Lord, I want to touch and tread like You tread.”

The Lord said, “It is not time yet for you to step on this place. You're going to step on it when My Church has been snatched from the Earth. I'll show you something.”

And we started moving, and I began to see some very large clusters of beautiful heavenly flowers. Then I saw a crystal clear river in the garden of paradise.

I heard a melody and I was wondering who was singing that melody. I heard the host of Heaven singing Hallelujah to the Lord, but I was not able to see them. I was in admiration and wonders of blooming flowers of the paradise of God, and these birds of Heaven.

The Lord said, “These creation and angels adore Me, but My Church on earth does not have time to worship Me. I am looking for worshipers.”

We kept walking in that place where we saw the river of life and its crystalline water. I saw a fountain in the middle of that place overflowing with crystal clear water.

When we left the river of life, the Lord told me, “You will say to people on the earth, I am real. I have given My life for humanity. You will not shut up.”

When I looked at the Lord’s feet and hands, I saw two marks.

I said, "Lord, why do You have these scars on Your feet?”

He answered me, “My son, these scars are more than 2000 years. I went to die for you and My Church and for all humanity on the cross of Calvary.”

The Lord extended His hands to me. I could see that the Lord had an injury on the side, that was still fresh.

And I said, “Lord, when are these injuries and marks going to be erased?”

The Lord said, “My son, the time has not yet come for these marks to be erased. To this day, My blood is fresh and available to restore, to give life to the lowly and the fallen, to save My Church. When all My people are in this kingdom giving Me glory, these marks will be removed.”

The Lord said, “Now I want you to put your fingers on these injuries.”

But I said, “Lord, I believe You. Seeing is enough.”

But when I touched these scars, I came to understand why the Lord made me touch for the Lord said, “You will go to the world and you will put your hands on the sick and they will be healed because of this blood injury and marks.”

He told me, “I have something else to show you.”

We kept walking in that immense place and we entered a very large illuminated and very beautiful white auditorium. And in that auditorium, I saw many big stands and bleachers up to the altar. There was a white and resplendent throne. I did not see anyone, I only saw a throne that was lit, a very bright and colorful light that illuminated the place. I saw in the middle of the auditorium, a very long table, which I saw the beginning but not the end. Above that table were golden candlesticks with lamps that were lit.

I began to see that there were many delightful fruits of Paradise, bread, golden cups, gold plates that were covered. Behind that table, there were many chairs like thrones that were totally golden and covered with pearls.

And the Lord said, “My people that are preparing for My return will sit on these chairs.”

I saw that behind each chair on the back, there were many names that I did not recognize.

And the Lord said, “These are names of My people that dwell in gold.”

The Lord said, “These are the crowns of justice.”

And I asked, “Lord, Where is my chair? Where am I going to sit? And where is my crown, my clothing?”

I began to despair. 

The Lord began to smile and told me, “Wait, I have something else to show you here.”

When He told me that, we got to the altar. I began to see many instruments, such as golden violins, big golden harps, flutes, drums, many things of gold in that place.

I said, “Lord, there is no one playing these instruments on this altar.”

But these instruments were beautiful, yet there was no one to touch them.

And the Lord said, “My son, these instruments are waiting for worshipers that will worship Me in Spirit and in Truth. They will play these golden instruments for Me when the Trumpet is sounded on that day. They will be in this place of singing for the Lamb.”

When we went down, I was served dessert. I did not see Jesus again. Later, when Jesus came back, He sat on the shining white throne. Then He started talking to me.

The Lord said to me, “I am the One. I am The Powerful, and I'll tell you who I am. I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and Jacob. I am the same God who walked on the waters. I am the One in the New Testament. I am the God that raised the paralytic, who gave sight to the blind, who healed sick. I am the same God that was crucified. I am the One that rose from the grave on the third day. I am the same God forever and ever. I am the Beginning and the End, the Prince of Peace, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. I am the Father, I am the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the Almighty God, the Morning Star.”

I kept everything the Lord said in my mind.

He told me, “You will go to My churches and you will tell them these truths. Today many only worship My name, but they are not honoring the Father, only the Son. You will go to churches and you will tell them to also honor the Father and the Holy Spirit at all times. They no longer venerate the Father and the Spirit. You will worship and honor the Father from whom I sent the Holy Spirit who is the Comforter to come so that you also honor Him, but My people do not do it.”

I told him, “Lord, I do not understand what You are telling me”.

And He told me, “You only speak all this in the streets.”

Then the Lord stood up from the throne, took me to a chair, and told me, “My son, in this chair, you will sit.”

I saw my crown on the table, which had no pearls. It was just a gold ring.

And I asked the Lord, “Why are these other crowns full of pearls but mine has nothing?”

The Lord smiled and said, “My son, this is because you have not yet preached My word on the earth. You must preach My word for souls to come to My kingdom. You're gonna win souls to decorate your crown with pearls.”

There were many crowns on the table that went beyond sight. They were like mine with no pearls.

The Lord told me, “Look at these crowns without pearls. They are for souls that do not preach My word. Carry these souls to My house of prayer. It is time for you to win souls and to bring them to the feet of Christ, whether they are family or friends because we are living the last times. Very soon the trumpet will sound and those who are asleep will wake up.”

NEXT: Diego Ortiz 4 Satan Has Permission From God To Separate The Tares From The Wheat.

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