Sunday, September 13, 2020



Day 13

This is the fourth time the LORD has taken my spiritual body to the HEART of Hell.

I was alone in this place. Only the voice of the LORD led me to walk around to see the place. After seeing the cells where I had visited yesterday, I then walked to the very end. There was a large hallway and I saw many - countless - very large and creepy creatures. They were winged, horned and have epaulet marks on the right and left shoulder. Unlike soldiers in the world whose mark is attached to a shirt which can be removed and washed, the devil's rank is one with his body; some are like protruding bones, some are like boils, burns, or mucous liquids that stick, and some are hairy.

As I was observing the place, a huge vision appeared before me like a movie.

I saw many people dressed in black, mostly young people, teenagers who were partying, drinking and doing free sex. After that, they said prayers in a language I didn't understand, it sounded like Latin. After they prayed, one of them said the word "Satan", then a big devil came out of his cell; his chains came loose and entered into churches that were spiritually dark, where there was no anointing of the LORD.

There were also demons that roam the streets, making people suddenly have accidents because their minds were made empty, especially those who have no sign of ownership of the LORD JESUS, ​or those who have a sign of ownership of the LORD JESUS but had allowed a gap to happen through the committing of sin.

Other evil things that Satan does are as follows:

1. Make people lose their memories. Their minds taken and given to Satanists as sacrifice.

2. Make aborted babies as sacrifices.

The more sacrifices gained, the many more large demons are released from the shackles and come to the place of worship. Therefore, it is necessary for us as children of God to pray much so that we are always protected by the blood of the LORD JESUS. God wants us to be close and intimate with HIM.

After that, I walked to another place that looked like a corridor or a big cave. I saw a throne that was dark and creepy. There was a huge creature, half an animal and half a creepy creature's body. Its tail was long, the tip was like a spearhead, its eyes were bright red. I also saw an animal resembling a large black greenish snake. I was afraid to see them and tried to calm down, because there was a voice of the LORD that said,

"Do not be afraid my dear, they cannot touch you, because you are surrounded by MY glory."

Excerpt from THE TESTIMONY OF ELISABETH WIDYAWATI HERMAN 40 DAYS WITH JESUS IN HEAVEN AND HELL. To read the full testimony, download this pdf translated to English from the Indonesian language.

NEXT: Elisabeth W Herman 2 The Correct Way To Cast Out Demons


  1. This lady has makeups and wearing Trousers and Jesus was ok with it?

    1. I wondered too. I think it's a scandal.

    2. At the very least, you might possibly find fault with the messenger but not the message. Thank you.

    3. ....Let us consider the great Prophets in the Bible, like Abraham,Moses,Noah,King David,Jonah,Paul etc.,they were humans like us and had faults and blemishes in their lives but their divine revelations and messages were unpolluted and untarnished. Thank God for His grace. Bye.

    4. If Jesus called her to see all this, surely Jesus wouldnt have Chosen a righteous & perfect vessel..

      She goes through all the experiences to witness what takes people to Hell so she can also repent and warn other women of Vanities the devil set as traps..

      I believe Jesus will continue to warn her unless she becomes stubborn just like MARY K BAXTER who continues to wear make ups & jewelry..

      We are all subject to our choices, Jesus stil protects us with this vanities, but the sad thing is that you may not enter Heaven with them vanities as we read many testimonials here that Many Christians were accused at the Heavens gate by demons, neither Jesus nor Angels could rescue the soul since it didnt follow Gods word perfectly.. So all those lost souls are in torment for the vanities they still wear..

      I had told so in other comment sections that, what ever you do in or on your body, it reflects in the spirit. If a lady wears a trouser in the spirit shes also wearing a trouser aswell, when she dies, she will see herself on that trouser and earings and tattoos and all the things she last had. So what makes it worse is that she didnt ask for forgiveness before dying in those vanities thus subject to Accusation at the Heavens Gates..
      ( )

  2. Do you have from day one visit to heaven and hell??

  3. Do you have from day one visit to heaven and hell??

  4. Do you have from day one visit to heaven and hell??

  5. The full testimony is in the link in the article above.
    Here it is again:

  6. How to hear this in english
