Tuesday, September 29, 2020




Hi I'm Kevin Zadai. Welcome to the secret place where all your prayers are answered. Today we're going to be talking about some of the things that happen in the secret place. One of them being just judgments. A lot of you need some justice in your life. The Lord has already spoken to me about this.

Today we're going to talk about just judgments. This is one of the benefits of being in the secret place. In Psalms 36: 6 in a Passion translation it says your judgments are as full of wisdom as the oceans are full of water.

This is encouraging to me because as many of you know I was on the other side for 45 minutes with Jesus. One of the things that I can tell you about Jesus is He's full of justice. A lot of people have been praying for the answers to their prayers but Jesus explained to me that He is also a God of justice.

Those judgments that He makes against your enemies are going to become clear to you today. I want you to yield to the Spirit because the Lord is speaking. He's saying that there's been a lot of things that have happened in your life that were not right. It's not enough for God to just sit back and have not have recompense.

We're going to pray today. We're gonna spend some time talking about what the God of recompense, the God who is just the God who is fighting for you. It's the God of the payback. 

I'm telling you that the Lord wants to pay back. He wants to make the enemy come according to Scripture. You know the enemy has to pay back when he's caught 7 times what was stolen. He's got to give the belongings of His household as well as a recompense for being caught.

The enemy is caught but do you have recompense? Do you have justice in your life? This is what the Lord has shown me about Himself. He is a God of justice.

Now justice will reign in your life after this word. Think about the secret place as you're sitting there with the Lord.

The Lord says you know what? I know that you are healed from your past. I understand that but on record, there are some things that I want to pay you back for. I am asking you to release Me to go and get back what has been stolen from you.

It's not enough the Lord says that it has been resolved. As far as you have forgiven your enemy you have gone on with him. The Lord is saying that He is a judge who is just. He wants justice in your case.

I found out Jesus wants us to side with Him. Think about this. The advocate, the lawyer that you have in court is Jesus. The judge is Jesus' Father. The court is rigged in your favor. Jesus is going to take your case today. He's going to present it to the Father. The Father's gonna rule in your favor. 

Think about this as we pray in the Spirit. I'm gonna pray in tongues. I'm going to deliver the translation of that tongues.

[Speaking in tongues now].

The Spirit of the Lord is saying that the Angels of the Lord have been sent to recompense to bring justice in your case. The Lord says it's time now for recompense. It's time for the enemy to repay what he has stolen from you. The Lord is a just judge.

It is my belief that the Spirit of the Lord is saying these just judgments are in your favor in the name of Jesus. The Lord's telling me that some of you have been stolen from by your family. That is a deep hurt.

We're gonna ask you by the Spirit of Lord. He's telling me to forgive your family members that have stolen from you. He told me that there's some inheritance that was given. It was stolen from you that you didn't get what was yours. The Lord knows about that.

I'm speaking to some people. You need to forgive your family members in the Lord. He said He's gonna bring it another way for you. The Lord is gonna bring it another way because the angels are being sent forth. They're going to bring it back to you in another way. You need to release your family members.

The Lord is saying to some of you it feels as though your dreams have been stolen from you. It seems like they've just gone dormant. There's been a thief in your life that's taken those dreams that were in your heart.

It's almost like God is taking you back when you were a child. You used to dream. Think about what. It'd be like when you grew up.

Well the Lord said, "I am here to give you your dreams back to give you hope.” The Spirit of the Lord is saying, “Don't let go of that which I have given you in your heart in dreams, visions and words of the Lord.” The Lord is renewing those things by the Spirit of the Living God. The Lord is reviving those things that He has spoken to you.

It's time for justice. People I'm telling you the Spirit of the Lord is moving on your behalf. He's speaking right through me. I can feel it. I know what He's doing.

The Spirit of the Lord is saying that the Angels have come. They're going to bring forth justice in your life. Think about what the Lord is saying to you. He's had it. He's had it. Do you realize what the Spirit of the Lord saying? That the enemies of God are also your enemies. Your enemies are God's enemies. Both enemies are done. God is judging your enemies. He has not forgotten. He has not forgotten you.

In fact some of you, I'm just telling you by the Spirit of the Lord, money is going to be released to you that was stolen from you. There's some of you the Lord is already telling me you're gonna get a raise. You're gonna get a raise unexpected raise. This has happened to me many times.

I'm telling you by the Spirit of the Lord. It's time for recompense. The Lord says those things which you have done in secret where you have given to people, those things were written down. Now the Lord is going to reward you.

The Lord is saying something else to me. I saw where you were not giving an opportunity. It was your place to be promoted. You were not promoted. The Lord has written that down. Whoever that is the Lord wants you to know that you will not be passed up again, that your promotion is coming. It was stolen from you.

It's almost like you were Joseph. You were thrown in a pit. You ended up in Potiphar's house. You ended up in jail but the Lord says you're coming out because the word of the Lord after it is tested you it's gonna come forth. The word of the Lord is gonna come to you. It's gonna come to pass. I'm telling you you are going to be promoted. Justice is coming. Justice is coming into your life.

I think about Moses. How Moses was walking with God. It wasn't easy at times. He would go to the Lord. He would ask for help. He said, “Lord, how do I deal with these people?” The Lord said, "I know that they're stiff-necked.” Moses replied, “Well, Lord, You know they're Your people. We're not going anywhere without You.”

That touched the Lord's heart. It touched the Lord's heart. That's what you're gonna say in this secret place. This is one of those things. "Lord, I want justice but this is how it's gonna happen. You're gonna go with me. If You don't go with me I'm not going." He loves to hear that.

He told me that one time, “My people need to tell Me that they need Me like their next breath. They need My just judgments in their life. They need Me to act.”

You can initiate a miracle. The Lord tells me there are miracles being initiated. This is powerful. This session right here is one of the most powerful sessions because the Lord is telling me. He's had enough. He's not gonna sit back any longer and watch you get stolen from. He has kept track of everything that's been stolen from you.

Now the Spirit of Lord is telling me that you need to rejoice. We're just gonna worship the Lord. Let's just raise our hands. Let's just worship God. Thank God thank you Lord for Your recompense. Thank you Lord for the deliverance. Thank You for just judgments. Oh thank You Father. Thank You for delivering us the power of just judgments in our life. Thank You, Lord. You are a just judge. You are taking care of it.

This is what the Spirit of the Lord saying to. I'm just gonna keep going here. The Spirit of the Lord is telling me that there are a lot of you that the process that you've gone through has worn you out. You've gone through a hard time.

The Lord says, “Listen, if you'll just stick in there with Me just a little longer, I am working it out on your behalf. I am moving. You can't give up now.”

The Lord says to keep moving, keep going forward, keep praying, keep seeking Me because you are at the edge of a breakthrough. The Lord is going to a breakthrough on your behalf.

I'm speaking to people whose bodies are holding them back. I speak healing in the name of Jesus. I speak to every kind of disease. I drive it out especially in the kidneys and livers. Lord God just cleanse those livers. Cleanse those kidneys in the name of Jesus.

All you people that have back pain I know that it's hard but the Lord wants to heal you. There's going to be a heat going up and down your spine because the Lord is healing you.

The Lord is saying, “It's time for justice. It's time that there is a judgment against your enemy.”

There are evil spirits that have been tormenting you at night. The Lord told me that there are people that don't even want to sleep because when they sleep they have bad dreams. Evil spirits torment them. I drive you out in the name of Jesus you foul lying devils. I break the power in the name of Jesus. You will sleep soundly. No more bad dreams. In the name of Jesus, I break that power.

You see the Lord is bringing justice on your behalf. I'm addressing every evil spirit that is hindering any kind of prosperity. In the name of Jesus, I break every evil spirit that has built walls up to stop the money from coming in. The money shall flow. The Lord saying, “It is not Me that's holding it back from you.” It is broken now in the name of Jesus. I am telling you by the Spirit of God, prosperity is flowing to you.

You need to just raise your hands and worship God. Thank you Father for the release of finances. Thank you Father.

There are some of you the Lord is saying that you want to be used in ministry. Well, I'm telling you the Lord wants to use you in ministry but here's how He's going to do it. He's gonna give you something to do. He's gonna tell you what to do. What He's telling me to tell you is this wait on Him because the Lord wants to speak to you and give you instructions. The power of the Lord is upon me. I'm telling you by the power of God things are being broken off your life but one of the things you need to do is you need to receive instructions from your commander. This is justice because you have waited a long time. The Lord says your time is coming. It's not gonna be delayed any longer because justice has come in your life. The Lord has said that He has ruled in your favor.

Well now I'm telling you the power God is ministering to people. There are kisses from heaven happening. You see what happens to you. The Lord is delivering you. You're gonna see. You're gonna see it. You're gonna see the things that are gonna break open for you.

The Lord says, “When you pray, expect Me to visit you. When you seek Me expect to find Me. When you knock expect that door to be open. It shall be open to you.”

There are many people you will not have to wait for any longer because the Lord has come. He has come with an answer to your prayer. I'm telling you by the power of God that justice has come to your life.

Thank you Lord Jesus. There are many people there. You're even feeling the restoration in your joints. Even the pain that was there is not there any longer. The Lord is moving. See this is what happens in the secret place. The Lord's whispering to you. He's saying, "You know what? You don't have to wait another day."

I have come just like it was in Joshua chapter 5 when that angel came. Joshua didn't even know who he was. He said, “I am the commander of the Lord's army.” That's what that angel said. Now I have come. That's what the Lord saying to you. What happens when an angel shows up? He starts to execute justice on your behalf in your life. When he just pulls that sword out, you guys start going after all your enemies. All of a sudden there are no enemies left. No one's talking. No one's saying anything to you anymore.

In the Spirit you see you're gonna sleep fine now. You're going to sleep fine. You're gonna hear the voice of the Lord. The Lord's telling me. He's saying, “The increase of the anointing is coming on your life to where you can hear My voice.”

The Lord said, “The justice that's coming into your life is this. That the word of the Lord has come to you but there are many voices in the warfare you're going through that you cannot distinguish which is of God which is not. You find yourself in a corner.”

The Lord says, “I'm going to make it in the secret place that you can hear My voice clearly.”

I'm telling you the Lord's moving in the area of justice. He's judging in your favor. Remember what happened to me when the Lord sent me back. He said, “Kevin, if you'll go back, you'll do My will, if you'll do what I've asked you to do, you cannot fail. It's all extra credit. You cannot fail.”

He told me, “Kevin, if you'll tell the people to believe that they received before they even pray believe in your heart that what they are praying will come to pass believe before you even receive it, you shall have it.”

This is the Jesus Christ that you serve as a Christian. You're believing. He already wants to give you the desires of your heart. He's going to give it to you. Psalms 37 He will give you the desires of your heart. That's what He's telling me. You have to receive from Him.

This blessed time in His presence there's gonna be a command about you. You're probably feeling it because I'm feeling it. The shift has happened. It's time for you to rise up in boldness. Speak the word of the Lord.

You see that's what God wants. God wants people on this earth to operate in authority. He wants them to speak the power of the Word of God that's spoken in Heaven. I'm sensing that you are getting hit.

There's many of you that are called to the prophetic but you don't have the boldness to speak. You need to start allowing and yielding to the other realm to the other place where God dwells in you. It's in Heaven but it's in you. You got a yield to that. There's a word of the Lord coming inside of you.

Jeremiah said that when he's tried to stop speaking the word of the Lord, there was like a fire that was inside of him. That fire is inside of you. That fire is burning. The fire is burning inside of you. It's the word of the Lord. You need to start speaking the word of the Lord.

I'm telling you. You're breaking out. It's your time. I'm sensing some other things for you. You have chosen some of the people that you're associated with. They are not like you. They are not called to the same walk that you're called to. The Lord's been dealing with you. The Lord tells me that you need to let those people go. Those people who are not allowing you to walk in what God has called you to. You need to let them go. It's better to be alone with God than it is to be with someone who's going to slow you down.

There are certain people that are destined for your life at certain times but then God moves them out. He moves you into other places with other people that have the same vision you do. The reason why God has chosen this time in this place to tell you this is because it's time for just judgments to be in your life. It's time for you to move on.

The Lord's telling you. You know what I'm talking about. You need to let those people go. There are people that are in relationships that don't need to be in those relationships. It's time. The Lord is saying it's time.

He said, “I've called you to be apart for Me. It's time for you to move into what I have for you.”

Now I see the fire of God. The fire God's hitting many people. It's profound all over the world. People are getting hit by the fire of God. The fire is burning inside of you because there are many prophets out there. There are many people that are called to prophesy. You haven't been doing it.

The Lord is saying it's time to yield to the Spirit to yield to that fire. Speak forth the mysteries of God. You go ahead. Just practice it. Just start speaking forth what God's telling you to speak. You know in telling the devil that I am in no longer gonna be in lack that the Lord is leading me into all provision that the Lord God has provided for me. He's working it all out. I'm gonna be promoted because I submit to His will. I am NOT going to take no for an answer.

The Lord told me one time. He said, “Kevin, if people will just take a hold of Me and not let go, I'll give them what they want. I find people irresistible when they approach Me in faith, a faith a tenacity that will not let go.”

That's what's going on. You're taking hold of Jesus. You're not letting go because the Lord has ruled in your favor. This is the way you have to act from now on. You have to act as though you know that the Lord has ruled in your favor. This is your time.

Well the Spirit of the Lord still speaking to me there are many people, you're realizing that you have lived in at low life. You have lived a very low life in comparison to what God has for you. The Spirit of Revelation is hitting you. He's telling you, “Listen this fire is burning out the chaff.” It's showing you you've been living a low life. It's time to let the Spirit of God take you up into a higher realm in a higher way of living. It starts right here below your nose. You're gonna start speaking with the fire of God.

You're going to start prophesying to your world. You're going to tell your world that the kingdoms of this earth have become the kingdoms of our God. The kingdoms of this world have now become the kingdoms of our God. That there's a transference from Heaven to Earth.

It comes out of your Spirit through your lips. You're speaking by the Spirit of God. You just prophesy. I'm prophesying to you. You can prophesy to your world. The Lord still tells me there's fire manifesting.

Just close your eyes. Raise your hands. Receive the fire. The fire of God is coming through the camera coming right to you now in the name of Jesus. The fire of God is over you because God says the new and living way that I have for you now is powerful that you cannot fail. The Lord says you cannot fail if you walk with Me. He would not lead you astray.

A lot of people learned to trust Him by walking with Him. You're learning to hear from the Spirit. This Lord says, "I'm gonna teach you how to hear My voice." That's what He's telling. He said, "If you'll let Me I will teach you how to hear My voice."

The Lord is really doing a lot of work. I'm still getting a lot of downloads coming to me. One of them is that your healing is delayed. You have to wake up every morning. You have to say, “Lord, I thank You for healing me. I thank You that I am whole.” When you go to bed at night you say, “Lord, I thank You that I am healed that I am whole.”

You don't let go of that. Think about this. I was wearing glasses in contacts since 1983. I did not believe that I needed contacts for all these years. I kept saying, “Lord, I believe I'm healed,” but I wore contacts for all these years. Just a short time ago the Lord told me I was healed. I went to the optician. I found that I don't need contacts anymore. The Lord healed me. No one touched me. No one prayed for me. I believe that this place called the secret place is where I received my healing.

I never accepted the fact that I was going blind. I always accepted my eyes were getting better. Now they are completely healed. You can receive your healing - now you need to just reach out. Touch the hem of the garment of Jesus.

The Lord says, “Come to My throne. Bow down before Me. See what happens in your life. There's a turnaround coming.”

That's what the Lord just said. He's saying come and bow down before Him. Worship Him. The Spirit of the Lord is saying that there's a turnaround coming. There's a turnaround coming in the name of Jesus.

The Lord says this also. He's been dealing with you because you're supposed to also study. You're supposed to get ready to write. The Lord says that there are many books in Heaven that need to be written in this realm. He said there are also songs in Heaven that must be transferred into this realm. He's been talking to you. You need to start to pick up your pen. Start writing. You need to pick up those musical instruments you need to start to go into the secret place. Let the Lord teach you to play. The Lord is telling you that you are called. You are chosen. You can yield tp this Spirit.

Thank you for tuning in with me on this session of the secret place until next time. God bless you

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  1. Что-то он мне не нравится..

  2. Same...struggle to read his articles

  3. Last year when I watched his videos, I was not impressed. But reading his articles here, I was able to pick up some useful points for my daily prayers.
