Wednesday, September 9, 2020




Hello, my name is Naomi Amaoka. I am from Nagoya City in Japan. I decided to share my experience that I had with the Lord in April 2020, exactly on the 19th of this month. I am aware that the Lord will judge me if I do not tell everything He showed me. I have the pleasure of sharing this experience. The Lord told me that through my testimony, many will be delivered from spiritual bondage in Japan and in many different places where this testimony will be given.

I am a 24-year-old young lady and my whole life I have always been instructed in the Word since I was a child. I attended a traditional Baptist church with my mother and I learned early to play the keyboard. I kept doing this work which became my primary function in my church and beyond. I also helped in the ministry of the Word, teaching the Bible in the children's group and Saturday night with a brother.

But I started to be very proud because the pastor praised me a lot for my dedication. I had been like playing the keyboard in worship services on Sunday mornings, also because I'm always one of the first to arrive at the church and assist children in reading the Bible in Bible School.

This caused problems in the church and two years ago, two sisters left my church and went to another congregation because of me. They thought there were different forms of treatment with people inside my church and that was a mess in our church management. I am always praised by the others in the church.

On the 19th of April 2020. I had just eaten dinner. And as usual, I went to read the Bible a little bit. And finally, I went to pray before sleeping. While I was praying, I felt as if someone was by my side. I persevered in my prayer when finally I heard a voice calling me, “My daughter.”

I stopped the prayer and I asked aloud to my mom who was in the room watching TV if it was her calling me, but she said that was not the case. I continued to pray and again I heard the voice saying, “Daughter, I am your Lord. I have a great work to do in your life. My daughter. I chose you from your mother's womb to be My watchman in this place.”

When I was hearing this, I was even more nervous. I said to the Lord, “Whatever you want from me, I'm here.”

And He told me, “At this time, servant, I'm raising an army of spiritual warriors in this country. And among them are missionaries, evangelists, and through these warriors, many in Asia will be freed and saved.”

The Lord told me, “I am preparing more warriors and watchmen like you. I will show you that the spiritual world is no joke and I will show you why I do not wish any of My children to serve Me and live a double life. They cannot live without holiness. Many of My children are sinning against Me without knowing but I don't want any to get lost as it is written in Hosea 4:6, My people perish for lack of knowledge.”

Then I started to feel my body becoming numb, and it was getting cold even with the fan off. I was in the same position of prayer and kneeling by the side of my bed and with my face resting on it. Then I passed out and I started to see my body leaning on the bed and at the same time, I could feel that I was out of my body.

Immediately I saw a very strong light that illuminated the room. Quickly I saw a Man with white robes, and it was impossible to see His face because of the light, which was as intense as the sun. Then I saw that my body was prostrated on the floor.

And then the Lord stretched out His hand on my head and told me, “My daughter, I will show you the spirit world and the dangers of a life without holiness. I will show you the fate of the rebels and those who despise My Word and refuse My grace.”

Quickly a black hole appeared on the floor of my bedroom, and we went down in this bottom I never saw before, until we arrived at a place that was rocky. I was able to see things in this place, thanks to the light of the Lord accompanying me.

I saw worms that came out of the ground and also centipedes and other venomous insects. We walked and arrived before an immense strange gate. The Lord Jesus pointed His right hand to the gate and it opened.

That's when I started to see the worst scenes ever. I saw demons of various types and I started hearing lots of screams. I was feeling really hot there. I smelled an unbearable stench similar to that of animals in decomposition.

I asked the Lord, “What is this place?”

He told me, “This is Hell and I'm showing you so you will care for the souls of the people. You will preach My holy gospel. I will show you those who regret their sins which have brought them here.”

Then we arrived in a place where there was a crowd of women tormented by demons that were piercing their bodies with spears. I saw that these women were burning in flames up to their waists. I couldn't stand their screams and I asked the Lord to get me out of that place.

But He told me, “It is necessary My daughter for you to tell My servants that I don't like them to use ornaments like chains, earrings and beauty products. 1 Peter 3:3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.”

I said, “Lord, I wear earrings and jewelry and the leaders always tell us to dress up well in the church for You.”

However, the Lord told me, “What I like is a faithful servant who adores Me in spirit and in truth, a servant that lives in holiness.”

We walked more, and I saw a woman being tormented in a chair and a demon poured acid over her head and there was no more hair on it but wounds and burns. The woman screamed in despair and then I asked the Lord, “What did she do to deserve this?”

He told me, “She did My work but she dyed her hair. I gave women natural hair as a veil. And I require from each one here not to cut or to modify the natural style of your hair. 1 Corinthians 11:15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.”

I asked the Lord for mercy because I dye my hair and trim my hair.

The Lord said, “I'm revealing this to you My daughter so that you serve Me in spirit and for you to separate from vanity. Tell My people that without holiness, no one will see Me.”

Then the Lord also showed me a smelly little lake of black water. And I saw demons around this lake collecting a kind of dust and putting them in small bottles for transformation.

The Lord told me, “Tell My servants that many cosmetic industry owners make satanic pacts to enrich themselves and devote their products to demons. I do not like My children to use makeup or any kind of paintings.”

I remembered my makeup kit and my lipstick. I told the Lord that I would never use them again. And I was sorry for everything I did until that day. I promised to lead a deeper Christian life always doing the will of the Lord.

Finally, the Lord took me out of that place and we came back to my room.

And the Lord said, “Tell My people, Hell is real. Tell My children and daughters that My Spirit does not co-habit with vanity and pride. Without holiness, without justice and without truth, no soul can enter heaven. You will speak in your church, everything you've seen and heard. Many will not like it, but I will be with you. And I will charge them on the Day of Judgment if they reject these revelations.”

After telling me this, the Lord disappeared together with the light. When I woke up from this experience, I saw that I was kneeling beside my bed the same way I knelt down to pray with my face resting on it. I looked at my tablet and it was already 18 past 2am.

This was my first experience that I had with the Lord Jesus on the 19th of April 2020.

Brothers and sisters, I regretted and abandoned vanity. After that day I started to pray more intensely. And I began to seek the presence of the Spirit in my home and my life. I started to be persecuted in my church because of my testimony.

But the Lord said, “Continue to preach the truth as a chosen watchman.”

After that experience. I started to pray three times a day and I started to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit more in my life, and it has helped me to endure spiritual wars.

I told my experience in my church. As a result, some removed their earrings and necklaces but others were afraid. Unfortunately, the pastor did not believe and he warned me to stop propagating heresies in the church.

This is my duty to testify to you now. My conscience is at peace.

Dear brothers, time is short. It is necessary that we walk in holiness, in truth, and in justice in order to reach the kingdom of God. 

The Lord bless everyone.

NEXT: Naomi Amaoka 2 the Enemy’s Strategies Against The Chosen Ones


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Your eyes are very sharp. Yes, it should be 2020 and not 2002. I have amended it. Grateful thanks for pointing out the error. Please continue to correct me if you see any more errors. I welcome your corrections happily.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you for this important testimony.GOd bless you.thank you Jesus anen

  2. Dear Joshua,

    thank you so much for your ministry that has changed our lives by opening our eyes to the spiritual side of our reality that the devil has managed to hide from our spiritual reality. The enemy has managed to deceive us despite us going to church. The many decades I attended church and heard messages, all those pastors didn't have this revealed TRUTH! I was soo-o tired and not connecting things and very empty inside and I cried to The Most High to open my eyes and your Ministry and others have been instrumental and the answer to my prayer.

    May the Lord protect you and provide for you to keep you even more stronger to preach this gospel!

    I am simply asking, when will you resume the African pastors messages? I come from Kenya in AFRICA and I was following on their messages and I am looking forward to catch up with where we had reached with their message series.

    1. I also love the deep teachings of some African pastors like Moses Lushiku, Aston Adam Mbaya and Joshua Lokamba. These three are Francophone and unfortunately I am French-illiterate. If it happens that Mr. Peniel Ngonde has translated their teachings to English and posted their videos online, then I can easily transcribe them and post them here. I did hire a transcriber translator from Fiverr to translate a couple of Moses Lushiku's videos but discontinued for awhile. I tried a few French transcription services that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) but did not find them satisfactory. I would love to find a way to translate Aidah Nakasujja's videos from the Luganda dialect she speaks in to English. I also would love to transcribe Iyke Nathan Uzorma's videos too but had to give up after I couldn't decipher many of his spoken words. However, his written English as reflected in his books and writings is breath-taking and profound. There are also a few Portuguese-speaking pastors from Angola and Brazil that I would love to transcribe too but
      unfortunately I do not know Portuguese. These are my challenges in bringing the teachings of the African pastors to the English-speaking world.

    2. We will pray for a way out. Your ministry is much needed and it is The Most High who has set it up and He will see you through your challenges.
      Thank you for getting back to me so fast. I trully do appreciate.

    3. Just to add, as for your blog site appearance; it's very appealing visually as well as the arrangement and cataloging is very friendly for maneuvering . Keep up the good work!

  3. Is the teaching of Baptist regarding once saved always saved a true doctrine?

    1. It is a heresy from the pits of hell.

  4. Thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth...

  5. Please what's the name of Naomi Amaoka's church in Japan?

    1. It is a Baptist Church in Nagoya City but more than that, Naomi didnt specify in her testimony.
