Friday, September 18, 2020



Brutal conversation between sister Vanessa and a demon at the border of Heaven beyond the grave.

Vanessa in an extraordinary vision was traveling in the afterlife. She managed to exceed several levels of control successfully. She even wore a beautiful white garment. But while she was joyful and sang to God, suddenly she met some demonic creatures who speak with human voices. And these demonic beings drank wines that resemble the one that men consume on the earth.

When she saw them she became puzzled. She turned to the other side and tried not to look in their direction.

But suddenly, one of those demonic beings called her name and said to sister Vanessa, “Congratulations. We can see that you are on your way to paradise. What a beautiful garment you have put on. I would like to have nice clothes like yours. You certainly have served your God well to be able to have such a beautiful garment. I think that we celebrate together with you.”

Vanessa asked him anxiously, “Since when darkness rejoices in the light?”

The monster replied to sister Vanessa and said, “In Romans 12 verse 15 it is written, Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who cry. That's why we look forward to you Vanessa.”

The sister responded to this demon, “I do not rejoice with the devil for what communion is there between the light and the darkness?”

The monster told her, “We do not ask you to rejoice with us. It is we who rejoice from you. Because it's been a long time since we see pilgrims putting on such a beautiful garment to cross this border to get to Heaven. And since we've seen you we're rejoicing, so rejoice and just grab a cup of wine or any drink of your choice.”

Vanessa answered them, “It is written in the scriptures you cannot drink from the Lord's Cup and the Demon Cup. You are my enemy and I can never have dinner with you.”

The monster retorted, “But it is also written that He has set up a table before you in the presence of your enemy. And of which you have nothing to fear. After all, He who watches over you never sleeps.”

Vanessa took this demon and said, “You are right. But the Bible also said, “Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him.”

The monster told her, “I see that you know very well your Bible. It is very nice of you. But we do not ask you to drink from our own cup. Because the table is set in front of you. You can just choose any drink of your choice because you have to eat and drink because the journey in front of you is far away.”

Vanessa refused and said, “I cannot drink. I cannot take the drink of the princes of this world.”

The monster laughed at her saying, “Ah, it seems you're scared. Do not worry, Vanessa. These drinks are all non-alcoholic. These are the same drinks that you use to refresh yourself when you lived on earth. We know that you do not drink alcohol. Which is why we have here energy drinks that you have always loved on earth, especially the drinks like the Monsters, the Red Bull, the Bacchus wine. They are the energy drinks of Hell and the energy of the demons. Remember that they were your favorite drinks on earth. And so we brought your favorite drinks here for fun. You know that the journey in front of you is still far away and that you need more forces to continue on your journey. And many opponents are on the road. As it is written, If you falter on the day of distress, how small is your strength. So take a few glasses of these drinks to gain more strength.”

Vanessa shouted, “The Lord is my strength for it is written, “But those who trust in the Lord shall renew their strength.”

Suddenly the monster became very furious with Vanessa and he replied angrily to her, “Vanessa, I see how stubborn you are. No problem. You can continue on your journey. But before you do it, you must pay for these empty bottles in front of us.”

The monster said, “Vanessa, we have in our records accusation and charges according to which in your life on earth you drank more than 86 energy Monster drinks. You drank 33 Red Bull energy. And 11 Red Energy Devil. You also drank 23 bottles of Bacchus while you were alive. And you still have not paid for it on earth. Is it not written that no debt should be left unpaid with the exception of the debt of love. The Bible says Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another.”

Vanessa retorted to this demon, “You lie. It is written that the devil is a liar and the father of lies. I paid for everything I bought on earth and I never buy on credit. So I have no debt to pay you.”

The monster angrily replied, “Fool, who cares about your dollars here? Your money perishes with you. If you cannot buy the gift of the Spirit with money how dare you believe that you can buy one of our products with money. By using our products, you have made transactions with your soul. In fact, you have sold your soul to us. And we are here to take your soul. You have agreed with our products. And you have chosen to be loose, complacent and unwise despite the fact that the names of our angels and spirits are openly labeled on these drinks. And even our logos are clearly drawn on them. So you have to pay them with your soul. So your soul belongs to us.”

Vanessa refused and said, “Never! I reject this. In the name of Jesus, my house is in Heaven because I am among the chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, the special possession of God and I will declare the praises of the One who called me out of the darkness into His marvelous light.”

But the monster scolded her, “Fool, did you not buy our products when you were on earth? It's time to pay for what you bought.”

Vanessa replied, “You cannot have a hand on me because I'm a child of God. I gave my life to Christ since I was young. And I live a life that pleases the Lord. I belong to Jesus. Leave me alone with my Jesus.”

Immediately one of the monsters angrily slapped the sister Vanessa and said, “You think you can scare us with this name here. Did you not read that if the kingdom of Satan divides against itself it cannot remain standing? You cannot have our spirit alive in your body and have the power to bind us. Because you are in us and we are in you. So your soul belongs to us.”

Vanessa replied with surprise and said, “How does this regular, non-alcoholic product belong to you? Is it not been produced on earth? Is it not written in First Corinthian 10 verse 25 that whatever is sold on the market I can buy it and bless it. And once I bless them in the name of God there are blessed. And what God called clean, let no one call it unclean.”

The monster said to Vanessa, “To tell the truth you speak out of lack of knowledge. We cannot be made clean and we cannot be purified by blood and prayer. The mark that is on our products cannot be removed. The blood of the virtuous Man can never clean us. And the names of our products cannot be affected and made pure. Since the Lord has given man the power to name all he has created, no matter what name he gives to things that's what they are. Therefore these products have not just received our name but also carry our identity and nature. Vanessa, if you had vigilance you would have noticed the mark of the beast 666 on your hand. Do you think that someone with the mark 666 could inherit the kingdom of God?”

Vanessa replied to this monster, “I received no mark of the beast for I bear the mark of Christ in my body.”

The monster pointed to Vanessa with his finger saying, “What about the mark of the beast on your right hand? Do you not see the mark 666 clearly written on your hand?”

When Vanessa checked the back of her hand she saw 666 written on it. And she screamed, “Oh my God, I thought I had received the mark of Christ on my body. But how did I got the mark of beast 666?”

The monster explained to her laughing. He said to Vanessa, “Once you start using our products and all these items that bear our name, you automatically wear our spirit. And we mark you with the 666. And that means that you share our vision and you agree with us. Also know that two people cannot walk together if they do not agree. Since you agree with us and you took advantage of our products on earth we are here for escorting you home to Hell. Welcome home, my daughter.”

Immediately Vanessa startled shouting at the Lord, “Save me.”

The monster laughed at her and said, “He cannot listen because He does not know your voice. Have not you read that He will not go never against His word. He must leave to Ceasar what belongs to Caesar. So, welcome home, my daughter. The rest of your friends are already waiting in Hell.”

The monster laughed intensely and said, “As it was written in John 10:14, I know My sheep and My sheep know Me. Given that you belong to us, even if you shout with loud voices forcefully, He will not hear you here.”

Vanessa felt lost and abandoned. Immediately she cried to God, “Oh my Lord have mercy on me. I have served you for 30 years. Do not let me perish. Help me, O Lord.”

The monster laughed badly and said, “We have a great message for the rest of those who are still alive on earth. Our products are very good for your health, your pleasure, your entertainment and fun. Our beauty and makeup products are the best on the market and the strongest compared to the other products on the market. And they are at affordable prices. Take yours in the supermarkets and the nearest shops. There are also cars that carry our names and our brands are visible to all. But people do not look at our logos and symbols because they like them. We also have our mark 666 in medication, even in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, even energizing ones. We even thought of ignorant Christians. We make them non-alcoholic beers to satisfy their desire to also take beers. They can use our products without moderation. We have our brands of shoes, T-shirts and caps, fabrics. We have our brand of electronics and digital media. In fact, we are the kings of technology. And these new media come from us. We are the best in cosmetics and fashion. Millions of women use and wear our products.”

The monster continued and said, “Vanessa, see you look very beautiful and sexy. It's our makeup products that made you into a sexy girl. Your God never made you so attractive like that. Look at your radiantly seductive skin. Wherever you walk, men turn their heads to look and lust after you. They had already slept with you spiritually in their hearts. We are equally responsible for wigs and artificial hair that you wore on the earth. We designed varnishes and nail polish. We produce lipsticks, tights and pants for women. We make mini skirts. Shoes in clogs that you call high heel. We call it clogs. We are producing lightening cream to allow women including yourself to change the color of your skin. We are also responsible for tattoos, earrings, pearls, rings, chains. All of these are our products. And they have served and made you beautiful to the eyes of the world on earth. So we created all these things to satisfy your desire to look like our sirens and ladies of the sea and our queen Jezebel. Yet your Bible had forbidden to touch these things, specifically in the 1 Timothy 2:9-10 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with modesty and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becomes women professing godliness) with good works. But you do not want to hear about this passage. And our pastors and our missionaries make you believe that God does not look at the body but only the heart.”

The monster goes on and says., “We even infiltrate a lot of so-called evangelical churches just by our cosmetics, products and adornments. We know well that your God will never accept churches inhabited and full of these articles. That's why He has chased the sellers from His temple. But today it's the same Christians who are chasing Him and welcomes us by adopting our products. Through our products, we filled these churches. If they dance, we also dance with them. If they jump, we also jump with them. If they preach, we are right there standing next to them on their platform. But no one can suspect our presence and spot us because our system of camouflage and espionage is very sophisticated. Who can tell them that their locks are snakes? Just look at the women pastors of these churches. It is also clear that these wives of pastors are the ones who make great publicity for our ornaments and our cosmetics. We have managed to put thousands of churches under our control. The only ones that escape us are those who fight us by prohibiting our products. They are our sworn enemies. That is why we persecute them financially. We divert all the rich men from these churches to lead them to the churches that belong to us. And we have also hardened the hearts of some Christians to never pay their tithing and offerings. We put in their heads that this money is to enrich their pastor. Yet God sees those who fail to pay tithes and offerings as thieves. We also have a lot of fake teachers on Youtube who advise believers against paying tithes. See how naive you really are." 

"Our beauty products are everywhere on Earth. And whoever wears these things ranks on our side and gives us the permission and the mandate to control his life on earth. We make women beautiful in the eyes of the world but their souls are captured. These women who wear our beauty and makeup products bear our mark of 666. And no prayer can deliver them from our hand unless they stripped themselves of our objects, removes them and repents on earth before coming here. Yet by these things we understood that humans love us more than the One who sacrificed Himself for them.”

“They make fun of the One who died for them. We have also opened many restaurants all over the world so that you consume our drinks. We give you the best service. Our beautiful and sexy ladies are also there to satisfy your men sexually who are let down by their women at home in the marriage. See how married men and even old people come to bed with our girls in hotels, hostels and rented rooms.”

“We also have a lot of channels, TV programs and others working for our kingdom through which we broadcast these cartoons in order to chain and capture the souls of young children and to put them at our service. They grow up with our education system designed for humans. By these images that they love they are initiated to the delinquency, rebellion against their parents and drugs.”

Many of our soap operas are sent to earth to control homes especially Christian homes. These homes are controlled by our sirens and mermaids posted in their homes to create spiritual weakness and slumber. So that after watching the soap opera everyone goes to bed without prayer. These homes gather around our images for they have specific programs in appointment. They never miss our programs on TV.”

“Young people are captured through the clips of our artists who have already sold us their souls. They work for us after signing pacts with us. They are required to convey our blasphemy and mockery of God in their songs. And they must also invoke us. They are the most famous on the planet. They must each time make our horned greeting signs in their concerts for us as a mark of respect for our contract. Otherwise, we will kill them and their souls will land here.”

“We have made pornographic movies free for young people in puberty to quickly initiate them to masturbation. Our agents are programmed to collect their seeds with each masturbation because this liquid is precious to us. They allow us to fuel our magical networks of magical powers.”

“And we have pastors in search of miracle power and healing. We also have our well-organized entertainment and distraction programs like football and other sports which bring the whole world to our cause and worship us. That's why we provide wealth to the players and make them rich and famous so that they will advertise us. Many people. even Christians have for God Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Samuel eto'o. All these stars are paid to serve us and give up their souls and those who applaud and support them are immediately placed in our cages reserved for the ignorant.”

“We work seriously for the development of new technologies on all social media and the internet. And you can spend all your time in the social network and give up your book called the Bible. We have also opened many churches that preach our gospel of prosperity. We have given these pastors who work for us magical powers to do all kinds of miracles and wonders to win us more souls.”

“We have no time to waste like you. So we are in all areas on Earth. We have the world under our control and we develop new strategies of action every day. The only ones that can slow us down are the true Christians who seriously pray. But they are rarer and rarer because of the worries of life and the tribulations.”

“Our goal is just to stop humans from going where we were cast out. We are working to block as many Christians as possible from the trumpet of the Rapture of the church. We are not ready to go down alone in the lake of fire and suffering. Look at all the beautiful people who work for us for the consumption of our products and services with eyes closed.”

“But here beyond the grave, your eyes will be open and you will see that you were never Christians. Because true Christians are vigilant and watch over their souls. And they do not touch unclean things. But you are so ignorant that you forget that you are not trading in cash money but using our products you are trading your soul. We just need your souls. And we'll just be waiting at the door of the afterlife to lead you to Hell.”

“Men vote for us and reject their creators. It's their choice. But here we do not know about mercy. We will not go down alone in this great lake of fire and sulfur.”

“Now Vanessa, follow us. It's your turn to go to taste our blow of the sword in Hell, where weeping and gnashing of teeth await. We have to go as we have to welcome new arrivals.”

At these words, Vanessa jumped from her sleep with tears and trembling. It is then that she knew that it was a vision of the Lord that wanted to warn and preserve one's soul from Hell. 

The Bible declares in Job 33:14-18 For God speaks once, yes twice, yet man perceives it not. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, in slumberings on the bed; 16 Then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, 17 That He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. 18 He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.

It is written in 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 17 Why come out from among them, and be you separate, said the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 18 And will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, said the Lord Almighty.

In Revelation 22:10-12 And He said to me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. 11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be.


  1. Thank you Jesus Christ, I will stop "dying" for demonic cars with strange animal and abstract logos/symbols, such as Lamborghini, Tesla, Jaguar, Maserati, Porsche, Alfa Romeo, Dodge Ram, Peugeot, Bentley, Ferrari, Saab, Dodge Viper, Rover, Cardillac, Ford Mustang, Ford Shelby and many more....

    1. The vehicle of our transportation will not become our coffin, in Jesus Name, Amen.

  2. Thank you Chong for posting this. Very powerful.
    I have a queation please. Does anybody know how the persons behind the testimonies can remember all of these long conversations with Jesus (or with the demons). How can they remember every word they said? Sinse the conversations is very long and not simple.

    1. Probably for these kinds of critical messages to the Body of Christ, the seer, the dreamer, may have been given a supernatural capacity to remember by angels or by the Holy Spirit. Moses Lushiku was given this capacity as he said:
      In the beginning of this dispensation, the chief Angel Gabriel held my head and I felt a powerful contact. And then he said, “The things that we are about to show you are many. That is why we are giving you the capacity to remember and memorize them in detail.”

    2. Than yo very much for the answer.

  3. I agree beauty products are obviously tools from satan to deform God's image in man, but then Christians must begin to live as cave-men in stone-age civilization to avoid the use of modern techs, cars, t.vs, mobile phones, etc, and turn to vegetarians to avoid eating unclean foods!

  4. A vision from the Lord, yet she never not once personally met with God nor any of his angels? Forgive me if i may be offensive here, but the way this whole "testimony"is structured raises my doubts regarding its validity than confirming anything

  5. Also the MOTB is already in the items ??

  6. Please have mercy on my soul Jesus Christ and show me where I errored so I can make things right
