Thursday, October 8, 2020



There are 7 main generals of the Satanic church.

They have rituals like what churches generally do:

1) Praise & Worship: These songs are usually heavy metal/rock, including Santana (Maria), Janet & Michael Jackson (Scream), John Lennon (Imagine) or Bon Jovi's songs, then Black Sabbath, and other heavy metal genres. These are the young people’s favorites.

2) Reading the Word: Not using the ordinary Bible but Satanic Bible, which twists all the words of the Bible according to their perversion.

3) Holy Communion: They eat the baby's organs (the result of the abortion) and drink the baby's blood.

4) Love Feast: They can have sexual relations freely with the people who are there and also use drugs distributed freely.

They have 2 programs that are carried out in the End Times, namely:

a) Long Term: Building their 'god' temple, namely the Antichrist.

b) Short Term: Capturing souls, especially the younger generation and infiltrating churches. For their area of operation, they are divided into territories and the base in Asia, namely Indonesia, is in Manado, because the level of abortion there is the highest and its territorial spirit is the ruler of the Manado area and is the spirit of adultery.


Satan’s Church Kids (the Indonesian acronym is AGC) finds it exciting to infiltrate churches.

For churches that are non-Charismatic Pentecostals, the AGC infiltrate from the start of the service and participate in the worship. But when it comes to Pentecostal-Charismatic churches (such as churches under Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) and the like), they infiltrate during the reading time of the word, because they cannot enter the time of praise & worship. (Note: this is not for denigrating other churches but talking about facts experienced by Satan's Church Kids).

Their target is to make 75% of the congregation sleepy, 20% of the congregation to chat and distract the 5% who really listen by saying certain mantras. According to them, it is very easy for them to infiltrate churches outside of Charismatic Pentecostals because the non-Charismatic Pentecostal churches have no intercessors on guard (in a state of prayer during worship) and also there is no Praise & Worship.

In a Pentecostal church, intercessors have prayers during the service (in prayer: asking the angels of God to watch around the church). During times of praise & worship, Satan is afraid of praise and worship (which is sung from a heart that sincerely thank God). This makes it difficult for Satan’s Church Kids to enter the church, even though they are good at penetrating walls.

However, if there are angels on guard and if they enter the church from the beginning and take part in praise and worship then they will feel hot and feel like they are going to burn. It is difficult for them to get out of the church. This is very dangerous for them and as a result, the demons in them can manifest. (Note: whatever your church, this angelic protection of the church depends on the holiness and spiritual strength of the servants of God leading the church.)

There are 4 things that Satan's church children are afraid of:

1) Praise and Worship

2) Word of God

3) Prayer

4) Complete weapons of God like the Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, the Holy Fire of the Holy Spirit.


When someone gets caught in the devil's church, it will be very difficult for him to be released except when God Himself delivers him. This is because when they entered the devil’s church, they made a blood covenant with the devil. Every new person is told to bleed from any part of the body and their blood is mixed with potions and holy water, to be ritualized.

The way they attract people, especially young people:

a) By inviting them to eat, not at cheap restaurants, but at expensive and high-class restaurants, definitely those that have 21% tax & service.

b) Each of them wears a pentagram ring with sharp corners. When they shake hands with a new member, they will slightly pull back their hand, so that they will scratch them with their ring and draw some blood. The blood in the ring is ritualized by them. For your information, Michael Jackson mastered pentagram level 3, and David Copperfield mastered pentagram level 4.


I am Rony Immanuel. I am a descendant of the Mongol dynasty, the 16th child of 23 siblings. My mother is the 3rd of my father's 6 wives. I come from a very rich family in Manado and my family owns a gemstone mine. 

Because of my rank as a general in the Church of Satan, I mastered pentagram until level 1, the highest level. I also mastered 8 kinds of international languages. My best graduate score is GPA 4. 

But after I was converted, all the languages I could speak were lost. My pentagram ring went missing, and I was expelled from my family and left with no money at all. But I held to the promise of God that the whole family will be saved.


Accidentally I met a servant of God. I wanted to fight God's servants with the knowledge I had from the lowest to the highest levels of witchcraft. However, I couldn’t defeat this servant of God. When I was about to run, my legs couldn't move. Finally, I could only cry and the servant of God brought me to the seminary. In one room, when I woke up, I heard the servant of God singing praise and worship songs. I tried to fight again with the knowledge I had, but still couldn't.

Finally, the team prayed over me. I manifested and finally was delivered. I vomited out the burned black paper (that was my pentagram covenant) until the last antenna came out of my body. Every general has a transmitter with a high level of telepathy. If a ritual takes place anywhere and even though they are not there, they would know what is happening.

At that time I had vomiting and discharge for up to 8 months, and it was a real pain. My occultic knowledge is already high level as I already had a pact with Lucifer. In the past, as a general of the satanic church, I often drank blood and ate human organs. After my deliverance, all I ever did every day is read the Bible.


Satan showed himself to those who have entered into a cult of Satan worship and he uses them to carry out his activities by infiltrating and destroying churches among other things.

There are also ways Satan enters through Science, Music, Film, Religion, Culture, Technology and so on. Some of you who do not understand think that it is normal. Actually, this is very dangerous. It is like a slow-moving virus, which creates addiction and obsession with them until they become your idols. This aims to destroy your immunity, that is, your relationship with God. 

This testimony teaches us to be more careful, which mainly comes from ourselves. We must build our relationship with God, with a heart that loves Him every day. When you know Him you can tell what is from God or what is not. Amen

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