Monday, October 5, 2020



The Lord showed me a deaconess who used to belong to the Full Gospel Church. She died when she had a traffic accident. Her car tumbled when she was coming back from an idol worship of a harvest celebration. She was pregnant in her sixth month. Her husband who was driving was alive.

Idol worship is the most detestable sin before God. We know why God dealt the Israelites with such wrath. It was due to their idol worship. Although she was a Jesus believing deaconess in a megachurch, her faith couldn’t help her from falling into Hell with her. It was a sudden death on the way home from the idol worship.

She stretched her hand through the crack of ground toward me, hoping that she could come out of Hell by holding my hand. I knew I couldn’t help her. Once fell down to Hell, no one can come back out. Repenting in Hell is too late.

She continued to talk to me, “Take me out just once! Just once! I didn’t know! I didn’t know! I didn’t know! I didn’t know that eating cursed food of idol worship is a detestable sin that caused such a curse! Pastors didn’t teach us so! Tell them! Tell them! Tell them that eating food from any idol worship is a detestable sin!”

Do you have some problems you cannot manage? Are some traffic accidents or chronic disease continuing in your household? Those could be due to idol worship. Our God never wants you to eat the food offered to idols. Never eat any food offered to any idol!

But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing My servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. (Rev 2:20)

The deaconess continued. She clearly was revealing about ‘MEMORIAL WORSHIP SERVICE AND FUNERAL WORSHIP SERVICES.’

Yeouido Full Gospel Church is a famous church among many people, but its pastors never taught about the truth of those services.

“Pastors! Why didn’t you let me know that attending memorial and funeral worship services is a terrible sin? Why didn’t you tell me that memorial and funeral services are idol worship just like the ancestor worship? Many pastors are deceived! They are compromising with human traditions! Please tell them that any memorial and funeral worship services are idol worship!”

Many pastors are compromising with human traditions. Why? They fear their congregation. Their congregation is equated with the money they make. Pastors are committing the same sins, so they cannot point out and reprove those sins to their congregation. Even pastors are in those sins and not clean so that they cannot lead their congregation to the narrow and truthful way by preaching repentance and reproaching.

My beloved! Remember that any memorial and funeral worship services are indeed idol worship. Suppose one kept nine commandments of the Ten Commandments. If the one dies with the sin of violating that one commandment without repenting, s/he surely will fall down to Hell.

Many are falling down to Hell because of memorial and funeral services and eating food from idol worship. Many pastors tell that it is OK to eat any food by drawing a cross on the food. Do you think that demons would go out when you draw a cross? Demons go out when we command demons in the name of Jesus. Only when we command in the name of Jesus will demons go away and curses leave us and we are liberated from poverty and diseases. Remember this.

The deaconess continued. “Tell them! Please tell them! Hell is here, tell them! Hell is here, tell them! Hell is just below the ground, tell them! I cannot endure the terror of Hell! I cannot live because of the terror of Hell!”

God showed me a family having a memorial service. They displayed a Bible and a picture of the diseased person. As they continued the worship, dark clouds of curses came upon the family. The family did not recognize the dark cloud of curses. They were deceived by demons.

There are some pastors who know that any memorial/funeral services are idolatry. They are afraid of revealing the truth because if they say the truth, they think their members may leave their churches. If those pastors do not inform their members while they know that is sin, it will be those pastor’s responsibilities for any of their members going to Hell.

Now you heard about this, preach to your believing family members and relatives. Why? We all have to be saved. Jesus is weeping with tears of blood. “My people should know that the memorial/funeral service is idolatry! They must repent! Oh, My blood-bought people! My blood-bought people!” Whenever Jesus weeps like that, I cry aloud as well.

Do not worship dead ancestors and do not eat any food that was offered in idol worship. A demon is never a spirit of a dead person. Demons are fallen angels cast down from heaven. They are evil spirits that want to corrupt the whole world under the devil’s control.

Any memorial worship is idolatry. Why? It is to remember the dead person every year and worship before the picture of the dead one. The ONLY ONE we should worship is JESUS.

Why do you violate the first and second commandments? When you worship idols, you may be attacked by various curses like wrath, calamity, diseases, poverty, or punishments in Hell. If you do not repent idolatry, you may fall into Hellfire and tortured forever as punishments when you die.

Gathering together on the anniversary of the death of the dead one, and thinking about the dead person and worship, is NOT worshiping God. The memorial service is the same as pagan’s idol worship which is for demons. If churches worship idols like Gentiles by changing their name as memorial service, the devil will receive all the glories.

Offering flowers to the dead also is idolatry. If offering flowers to the dead is not idolatry, what else would be idolatry? Offering flowers came from traditions of Gentile temples or shrines.

Do you think the dead receives the flowers? If offering flowers and expressing homage before the dead is not idolatry, what else would be idolatry?

Don’t be deceived by pastors who vainly approve of offered food for idolatry for a meal. If your pastor is teaching that you can eat the food offered for idols, he is a corrupt pastor. It doesn’t matter how great a preacher he is or how many doctoral titles he has. Laypersons have to awake the pastor. If you change one person like a pastor, all other congregation can repent and go to heaven.

“But as for the Gentiles who have believed, we have sent a letter with our judgment that they should abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality." (Act 21:25)

“Then they yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor, and ate sacrifices offered to the dead;” (Psa 106:28)

Excerpts from Download this pdf to read the testimony in full.


  1. Wow...sounds too good to be true.

  2. Good info, who would've thought? Thanks Chong.

    Shows you what a major, major mistake it is for Catholics to revere and basically worship dead "saints"

    1. This testimony spooked me, honestly. I had conducted such memorial and funeral services before. Never in my wildest imagination that they could turn out to be so wrong.

  3. I was in a memorial service just a day ago and before it started the Holy Spirit gave me this discerning headache and while it was going on a sick/nauseating feeling that was unbearable. The next day, I felt so drained and burdened in my spirit and I did not know why, then I reads this and immediately KNEW why I was feeling so off, I sinned by participating! I wailed and wept and asked our king to forgive me! After that chains are free! This is true brethren, I just want to undo what I did against our King but He us faithful and can restore us again in Jesus name.

  4. In our country here in Africa, and in most parts of the Christian world when someone dies in Christian family, a burial service is usually conducted in the church prior to the internment. This practice cuts across all denominations.
    Is this burial service also idolatry?
    Bro Chong I need a biblical answer.

    1. Your question is, Is this burial service also idolatry? You want a biblical answer.

      We need to put the CONTEXT to the Korean Memorial and Funeral Worship Services mentioned in the above article as practised by the Koreans. This festival is called Chuseok. Once a year for 3 days in September, Koreans celebrate the harvest by visiting their family's home town, do ancestor worship, feasts with Korean traditional food and rice wines. New harvests are offered to local deities and ancestors, which means Chuseok may have originated as a worship ritual to demons.

      Some aspects of this are observed by the Catholic All Souls’ Day like visiting the graves of departed loved ones and praying the rosary. Normally a Catholic priest comes around to sprinkle the graves with holy water and may say Mass at the cemetery with the devotees present.

      Similarly, the Chinese of parts of Asia celebrate Qingming festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day in English (sometimes also called Chinese Memorial Day or Ancestors' Day).

      There may be some similar festivals in Africa or other parts of Asia that I am not aware of.

      This Korean Chuseok/Catholic All Souls’ Day/Chinese Qingming are DIFFERENT from a burial service conducted for a newly departed soul. When a Christian dies, the family goes into mourning. A burial service is conducted. Suitable songs are sung, an uplifting and comforting message is given, eulogies are made and finally the benediction given. There are variations between the Evangelical, Catholic and Orthodox burial services. Catholics and Orthodox offer prayers for the dead but Evangelicals offer prayers for the living.

      Christians should remember that “God is not the God of the dead but of the living” and “Let the dead bury the dead.”

      Elbrevil Elonga says, When people go to the cemetery, they often do things that connect them to the real world of the dead for they do things that can be called the cult of the dead, which connect them with a kingdom of Satan, the CroMagnon world, which is the underworld.

      In Africa, a cemetery has become like a bar and restaurant where people go to relax, eat and drink. Yet the cemetery is part of this dimension of Lucifer called the CroMagnon world. People do things in the cemetery that connect them to the world of Satan, for the cemetery is the extension of this dimension of Satan called the CroMagnon world. Anything that is related to death is connected to this CroMagnon world.


      So basically we are looking at two different events: one, a Korean Chuseok/ Catholic All Souls’ Day/Chinese Qingming for departed ancestors and two, a burial or funeral service for a newly departed individual.

      The above article is specifying that any memorial service in honour of DEAD ANCESTORS and food offered to the dead is IDOLATROUS. It also specifies that a memorial service in honour of a person’s DEATH ANNIVERSARY is also IDOLATROUS. But it is not saying a burial funeral service for the newly departed prior to internment is idolatrous.

    2. Bro. Chong. Thanks for your insight on the newly departed. Death Anniversaries are mushrooming in Africa and it is seen as a pompous lifestyle in some circles and is a way for the clergy to make money and keep busy. I think is is very absurd
