Friday, November 27, 2020



Peace of the Lord, brother. This is the testimony of the singer and preacher Victoria Fernandez. I'm here to tell you one shocking testimony that the Lord gave me on October 31, 2020.

The Lord visited me for the second time and took me to the United States. And then He took me to Hell to show me a laboratory where I saw the Coronavirus vaccine.

I will tell the vision I had that day on October 31, where Jesus Christ was there in my prayer room as I was in fellowship with my King, my Groom. I experienced the best when Jesus Christ appeared to me the second time. He already manifested to me three times. The first time it was the 29th of October. The second time, it was the 31 of October. When He came for the second time He showed me the turmoil and civil war in America and the vaccine for the Coronavirus.

When the Lord came, we traveled to the United States. And He said, "I will take you back to Hell again.” When He said that I started to contemplate and smelled a very strong demon that was like the wind. This demon came into my room like a swirling wind, sending smoke in my room. I can't explain it for it was terror.

And that moment the Lord appeared, He hugged me. He said, "Well, daughter, I love you so much. I'm here to help you and show you more things.”

I was hugged by Jesus for a long time. My body was electrified with so much power hallelujah. At that moment, when He hugged me, immediately He took my spirit and transported me with Him to New York. I knew that we were in New York in the United States. And we were in a big square in New York City. I don't know which place it was.

Suddenly, I saw some crowded people marching in that square, and they were carrying flags of the United States. They were protesting. It was like a march with flags. I saw it very fast. This part was very fast. They were protesters passing and carrying the flags. And I realized that in that protest, there was a person on his knees.

Even when I was in Hell and terror in that room where I saw the Coronavirus vaccines, the Lord pulled out a screen where I watch the United States in the Civil War. And there were buildings on fire in every corner. Because of these elections in the United States, there will be very hard times.

I saw my brother, a lot of protests mainly from New York City. We all have to pray and seek the presence of the Lord. It's not going to be easy. I saw again, the flag being raised by this person on his knees. The Lord did not give me many details this time. I was just shown the kind of unrest in America where I saw this person on his knees with hands raised.

In the second part of this vision yesterday, the Lord took me to the interior of the United States government in the White House. And I saw my brothers, everything was messed up. I was in the White House and it was very beautiful. It was lunchtime. Brother, inside the White House, things were looking upside down. A lot of people had invaded the White House, walking the stairs. I saw soldiers who were in the White House dealing with those people. Everything was messed up.

The Lord took me there and said, "Daughter, this is how the government of the United States and the presidency will be. Watch!”

I saw that it was all messy. It was really a mess. Things were all upset.

The Lord said, “Daughter, the next few days, the United States would not be easy. Things will not be easy, and it will be difficult. But I need to show you more things, and I will now lead you to Hell.”

I said, “My God.”

But again, Jesus said, "I need to take you to Hell.”

I replied and said, “I don't want to go.”

But looking again at the Lord, the Lord said, "I'll be with you.”

It was so wonderful brothers to be listening to the tenderness of the voice of Jesus. The Lord asked me to take it easy and hugged me. He was full of love. The Lord is big and strong. He was surrounded by external flames of fire like oil. Soon He took me by the hand and we started going down a dark tunnel. I was very scared.

He said, "I told you that I will be with you. Do not fear. I need to show you something for the Brazilian nation and the whole world.”

So we went down in Hell and it was the first time for me to be there. It was so dark. There were many bugs that appeared in Hell. I saw the bottomless pit and lots of cries and screaming for help. But we passed quickly as the screaming was strong. I arrived with the Lord in a room where I saw demons with tails. It was a terrible vision for I saw many demons and I got scared.

Jesus said, "Don't fear. I am with you.”

He put His arm around me. We went through this route that was waste. He comforted me all the time. How I love you, Jesus, you are wonderful. And when He touched me His touch was matchless.

Brothers, the Lord took me to a hole in Hell where I saw a demon that was handling medicine. And I saw this very big demon that was dealing with medical instruments. I saw him taking out from inside that closet medical items and he put them on a round table. He put these medical items on top of that table. This demon had a pen and he wrote the names of the countries of the earth on these glasses.

The Lord told me, “What you are seeing, daughter, is about the vaccine of the Coronavirus. It comes straight from Hell.”

The Lord told me, “You will tell people, no one should take this vaccine of the devil. Warn anyone that wants salvation. This vaccine comes from Hell.”

Nobody takes this vaccine. For God's sake, I know it will not be mandatory in Brazil. I trust in the name of Jesus Christ. I trust my God, it will not be mandatory in Brazil. I trust that President Jair Bolsonaro won't let this vaccine be mandatory. I trust the Lord Jesus. May the Lord touch the president’s heart so that this vaccine will not be mandatory, I prophesied. Otherwise, God's children will flee the country and hide.

I saw this demon handling this medical substance that was a vaccine that he was putting inside many little bottles where doctors keep medical substance. I noticed many of these little bottles had labels of names of several countries of the world. I saw among them there was the country of Angola, Brazil, the Russian Federation. I saw this demon signing on the name on these little bottles having names of several countries. I contemplated with dread.

Jesus even came back and He calmed me down and told me, “You need to see this for I have to warn Brazil and the world about these terrible things that are about to happen in the world.”

And then another demon appeared and opened one of these bottles and was testing the vaccine on a soul in Hell. It was very terrible. My God, this vaccine is coming and will appear. No one should take it for God's sake. This vaccine made in Hell is a problem.

This is the vision that the Lord gave me on 31 October 2020.

Transcribed from Watchman-vision video :

The original video in Portuguese is found here:



  1. I'm not sure about the White House being messy! Many people & Prophets of God see 45 in office for another 4 years. Everything is playing out the way it is to save America from the ploys & years of manipulations of the enemy & his followers on earth. People of God must be diligent in prayer, believe in God & also His prophets, & you will succeed!🕊♥️🙏🏽🙌🏽HALLELUJAH. IN Jesus name. Amene🤙🏽

    1. This is how the masses get deceived. In these last days, Christians should not trust any government. Last two days, the Lord delivered a message that most prophets are prophesying peace when He has not told them so. We just need to focus on the Lord and watch out for events that will unfold right before us and not think any government is in to save us. Spiritually a lot is going on and even if the government retains power for another four years, it doesn’t mean everything will be okay spiritually. The stage is getting set for the Lord’s immediate return. We need to watch and pray!

  2. No Deception, wait & see, no need to be in Fear. Fear is of the devil.. Live in Repentance not fear or deception. Repentance is a safe place. 45 will do another 4 years... Hope in Jesus. He has a plan for You! Trust in the word of Isaiah 45. See the deliverance of the Lord! In Jesus name. Amene!!🔥🔥

    1. Well you were completely wrong in your prophecy. Obviously, you are not hearing from God. Repent of your sins before it is too late!

  3. Very interesting, because recently I saw the dream about Angola, which was in a map of Africa colored dark red color and also some movement is something to the West .
    i know that this country refuse to have an Islam on her territory through the presidential bill approved by parliament. and this law is valid.
    So what does the Angola means in a context of your vision of mark on the bottle? . And what about Brazil and Russia? What is the interpretation? Because I don’t understand from your experience exactly that part . What is the Lord warned of exactly for these countries
    ( I’m not citizen of any of these countries and I was surprised about Angola in my dream)

  4. Moreover, what is the name of the vaccine the prophetess saw in hell so that we Christians can avoid it when eventually it is used on earth. Or, are all covid-19 vaccines from different countries from hell?
    I need clarification.

    1. It's as straight as an arrow. CORONA VACCINE IS FROM HELL it doesn't matter the brand name or country of manufacture

    2. Exactly! Don't take it is the word. Whether it's from Johnson or mRNA

  5. Amen! Don't take the vaccine it's a big lie.
    Precursor of the beast system...
    More revelations of vaccines can found it here

  6. I have taken the full dose COVID vaccine without any side-effects! The HolySpirit has not convicted me of sin, my anointing has not been robbed, Jesus is not mad at me, i have not lost my salvation neither has my name been removed from the book of life!
    The vaccine is free in my country Nigeria and no one is compelled by govt penalty, persecution or force to be vaccinated.
    At the outbreak of this virus many pastors, online dreamers, social media prophets and endtime-phobia writers like many on this post denounced the vaccine as the mark of the beast. They claimed all sorts of aberative visions from "god" without any ingredients of sound biblical exegesis in the spirit of true and faithful Christian scholarship. Many hell-fire screechers joined the bandwagon and incongruous virus researchers posted articles in blogs.
    Today, in my country their numbers are diminished as many pastors are now quietly going behind the doors to get vaccinated! Who is fooling who?
    Thousands of relatives and beloved ones have died prematurely because they didn't get vaccinated due to these false teachings on the mark of the beast. This is outrageous to say the least and voluntary ignorance!
    The COVID vaccine is not the biblical mark of the beast. Read Revelation 13:16-17. The mark will be on the RIGHT HAND and the FOREHEAD if prophetic symbols are to be interpreted in the literal sense. No one will buy or sell without it. The current vaccine is injected to our LEFT upper hand and nowhere in the forehead and people are still buying and selling without it!!
    It will be outrageous and foolish to suggest a Christian will lose his salvation because of protective inaculation.
    People perish for lack of knowledge. Those who die for rejecting this vaccine are just additional sacrifice to the whirlpool of satanic bloodbank.
    For several decades many in the cult of jehovah's witnesses perished in thousands for rejecting blood transfusions in childbirths, surgeries and accident cases for many years because of doctrinal misinterpretation of scripture. Today they've seen a "new light" that allows for blood fractions and their conscience, whatever it means.
    International travels now rightly require passengers to be vaccine certified before accesses across immigration and boundaries.
    Many of these false anti-vaccine writers will eventually go silently behind doors for their shot.
    Please don't be misled and don't go into voluntary bondage.
    Read your bible deeper.
    Jesus saves.

    Evangelist Johnson, Lagos, Nigeria.

    1. Did you also consolt God about this bro if this is true before you comment..

    2. 2 Thessalonians 2:9
      The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works... (How does satan work?) Clue
      John 10:1 - "Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.
      John 8:44
      You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
      John 10:10
      The thief comes only to steal, Kill and Destroy...
      your quote ("Read Revelation 13:16-17. The mark will be on the RIGHT HAND and the FOREHEAD if prophetic symbols are to be interpreted in the literal sense".)
      God calls SATAN the Lawless one for good reason. Being that he is the implementor of the mark, he has to only maintain who he is. by entering your body the temple (1st Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:19-20) illegally. We are warned that he will do it illegally first then later for purposes of formality he will 'obey'.
      For the record, the Holyspirit can't allow you to be inoculated for protection. Vaccinations are proof that christians have fallen away.

    3. Mr Michael,don't misinterpret the bible.
      The bible never forbids Christians to take medications and vaccines when they are sick.
      What's the use of hospitals and medical doctors? Luke in the gospel was a physician and much more Apostle Paul advised Timothy to take medication for his sickness, 1 Timothy 5:23.
      The HolySpirit can never forbid protective inoculation. And vaccinations are never a proof of fallen away.
      Baby Moses was protected in a small ark basket from infant mortality, Exodus 2:3 yet it was in God's plan. Likewise baby Jesus was snatched away to Egypt as protection from infant mortality of Herod's assassins yet God commanded it.
      Eating good and healthy diet is also protective and preventive medicine.
      It is only in cults that followers are forbidden medicine and certain diets even at the risk of voluntary deaths.
      Christians should take protective inoculation when necessary. You don't lose faith in God by taking medicine.
      Moreover the mark of the beast is not COVID-19 vaccine. The testing time will introduce this mark by the beast and the false prophet, Rev 13:16-17. They have not yet arrived on the scene. And the mark will not be a vaccine either!

  7. How do you know that this testimony is false did you ask God for confirmation that tells you not to hear this testimony...well for me this true because truly this the last days because He says in act “’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.




    "The Lord spoke to me yesterday between 4am-8am...this message is to chastise and warn...for those who are proud and difficult. To those who are stubborn that no warning is good enough for them. This is the word of Lord for those who will not listen...who continue to dismiss proof of harm by saying it's "rare and isolated"...The Lord says you will be pierced with sorrows. These things I will now read are these that will happen to those who take the Moderna vaccine, the Pfizer vaccine, Astrazeneca vaccine, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine... The Lord named these ones. The first thing is you will shake. He says you will shake like someone who was put in an ice bath, someone who can't get warm again. You will have these uncontrollable jitters and when you have those jitters, the Lord says, it is a signal of severe damage to your neurological center. If this has already happened to you, then know that you have been breached. You have sustained a breach to your central nervous system and you are just like a car whose computer has been hacked, leaving the car now vulnerable to outside forces. Your internal human software has received a foreign entity into your bloodstream and now you will be reprogrammed until you are fully broken and ruined... the Lord said, "Alzheimer's, dementia, this is the vaccine."

  10. This is 2023 June. Things are normal about the COVID tragedy of 3years ago. This post is cleary a false testimony. Billions of people have been vaccinated with no side effects.
    What will take to hell is not vaccine but unrepented sin and not accepting Christ as saviour.

    1. You can't think anymore. These vaccines have made many people in Russia worse. If even YouTube is blocking the dissemination of truthful information. I feel sorry for the people who took the vaccine. It's been observed that it has a bad effect on the brain. The testimony is true and civil war in the usa is coming soon.

    2. You done it? 💉 repnet and ask for mercy. People are dying !
