Thursday, December 17, 2020



My dear brothers and sisters, we remember above all, that the only thing that will stay with us for eternity is all that we have done for Jesus Christ, all that is of the Earth will remain on the Earth. All these things that we're looking for now, we leave them on the Earth. No one will take anything by leaving the Earth, and we will be leaving the Earth soon, either by the Rapture or by death.

Do not forget, beloved, that everything that Jesus Christ has promised us is eternal, whether it is the throne that He promises us if we are victorious, whether it is the kingdom, the crown, the treasures of heavenly home, peace, glory, happiness, all is eternal. This is why Satan in his jealousy does everything to distract us from the work of God.

In the world of darkness, demons are working tirelessly to devise strategies that will blind the whole world and prevent the true children of God from focusing on the work of God. All those who will remain faithful to Jesus until reaching Heaven will reap all that they have sown and all that they have invested for God. Their time, their talent, their money, everything that they did for the Lord, they will find it in Heaven in the form of a crown, treasure, and eternal blessings.

If you are intending to make a very big and beautiful home on Earth, for your earthly retreat, change your mind now. Rather make a very big and very beautiful house in Heaven to spend your heavenly retreat there. The best retirement is the one that will last. The retreat to Heaven will last for eternity. It's up to you to choose what kind of castle you want for all eternity. If you want to enjoy your little semblance of happiness on this Earth to spend your eternity in Hell feel free. And if you want to endure the vagaries of this life on Earth for a limited time to spend your eternity in Heaven, feel free. Either way, the choice is yours.

You can still find yourself in Hell, if you don't watch over your life. There is still a risk to end up in Hell for those who fail to watch over their walk.

My dears, I was involved in a motorcycle accident in late 2010. I was seriously injured from head to toe. I was taken to a doctor and a scan was performed to find out what was really going on. It was then that I learned that there was a blood clot in my head. The doctor said it had to be removed because it could cause death for me within a few days.

It was during my stay in the hospital that I encountered the Lord that took me to Heaven and Hell and the Lord showed me the End of Time, the Day of the Lord.

The Lord told me, “Here is what will happen on the day of the Rapture.”

In this scene, I saw people dressed in white flying through the air like a Superman. They went up to meet the Lord in the clouds. On Earth, I had noticed that countless people had missed the Rapture. There were millions of people, billions of people raised their hands in the air hoping to rise, but they weren't going up. Nothing was happening.

Then the Lord showed me another scene that affected me greatly. Two people who are very close to me raised their hands in the air, but nothing was happening. They were not going up. A big blow hit me in the heart. I resolved from that moment to return to Earth to do whatever the cost to save these two people,

Beloved, there is going to be immense regret and sorrow on this Earth. Unimaginable regret. Everyone regretted. Everyone regretted missing the day of the Rapture. Everywhere, there were countless accidents across the Earth.

The Lord told me that the Spirit of God was no longer on Earth. It is the enemy that reigns there now. I saw the Statue of Liberty hit by a meteorite. People in their cars were being chased by meteorites. There was destruction everywhere. I also saw a scene where people were praying in a church.

But the Lord said to me, “I no longer listen to these people. I no longer listen to them.”

Brothers and sisters, the Earth was in darkness. The moon and the sun no longer emitted any light. The whole Earth was plunged into darkness.

Revelation 8:12, KJV: "And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise."

The Lord said, “Yves, take a look at what's going on in Europe. Their time there is completely handled by the devil so that they may not have the slightest opportunity to serve Me. Yet, this is a form of modern idolatry, something I really hate. Talk to everyone there. Tell them to stand guard because My return is imminent.”

I said to the Lord, “Would you like to tell me when exactly You'll be back there?”

He said, laughing, “I cannot tell you because My Father alone knows it. But tell everyone to stand guard and prepare for My coming is near. There will be a country that I will remove from the surface of the Earth for wickedness comes strongly to Me.”

I said, “Lord, will it be like what happened in Japan?”

The Lord said, “It is true that the earthquake and tsunami that happened there were already very bad, but what will happen to that country will far exceed what happened in Japan because I will make it disappear forever.”

I said, “Lord, can you tell me which country is this?”

The Lord answered, “Yves, I said that Madagascar is waiting for you.”

I was seized with great terror. Please pray together for Madagascar. And for all the islands around it, sincerely ask God for forgiveness.


After these things, the Lord took me to the temple of Satan and showed me all the weapons that will be used in World War Three, and the events that will take place after the day of the Rapture.

In his temple under the sea, the devil gave instructions and said to the assembly, “I told you to work hard to accelerate World War Three.”

The audience asked him about the objective.

He replied, “When this war begins, there will be great mass destruction on the Earth. These people will no longer have time to repent and offer their lives to God. A single explosion will cost the lives of countless people.”

I saw in the temple of Lucifer a small weapon that has the potential to destroy the Earth's crust. Beloved, after the day of the Rapture, there will be a huge manhunt for all who refuse the mark of the beast. Wherever you are on this Earth, they will hunt you down and find you. And here I tell you that nobody will enjoy the tortures. Nobody.

Dear brothers and sisters, we all know the Lord Jesus. I beg you do not miss the Rapture. Do not risk experiencing what will happen in the reign of the Antichrist. You have to be successful in the first round. Don't wait for the second round. At that time, it will be necessary to go through tortures of unimaginable violence to be saved. You will live the equivalent of Hell to go to Heaven.


The Lord said to me, “Come, I'll take you to see something else.”

It was a huge building in the middle with a large room which the Lord allowed me to see from outside through windows. There was a very long table there. Everything was prepared for a great feast. Even the golden cups had already been filled with wine. This has prepared for the bride of the Lamb.

The Lord told me, “Yves, are you ready to change and abandon your bad character as well as your bad habits?”

Yes, Lord.” I fell on my knees before Jesus.

He said to me, “Receive the Holy Spirit. And it is this Holy Spirit who will purify you completely and make you as pure as snow, and there will be no more impurity on you.”

Then He breathed on me. I heard crackles all over my body. And I felt great serenity.

After He blew on me, Jesus then said to me, “Are you ready to carry My message and to do My works?”

Yes, Jesus, I'm ready.”

When all this was over, Jesus said to me again, “Now I am going to anoint you. Receive the power of God, and the whole world will be speechless when they see your life for I will fill it with My glory.”

Then He breathed on me a second time, and I immediately felt a great current flow through my body.

Then the Lord said, “Yves, do not be absorbed in daily life and do not take your relationship with God lightly. Think about the things that are in Heaven, and offer God your life and everything that concerns you. It is up to you alone to decide. And be careful not to delay too long. Because in this case, I will not be able to do anything for you. Use the name of Jesus because the devil cannot do anything against you if you use this mighty weapon. Communicate this message to everyone, both to people you know and to those who don't know, because it is God's will. I will be happy to see you act like this. And I will bless you in everything you do because you will have accomplished the mission I have given you. May the Holy Spirit descend on you and give you new strength so that you can change your life for a better one so that everything about you will be pleasing to God.”

The Lord told me in this experience, “We must neither joke with the gospel nor take it lightly. We must be very careful that praying does not become a simple customary habit. You absolutely have to make prayer a lifestyle and prayer must be made a top priority, even when it comes to tiny things. We must henceforth think of things which are above in Heaven and not only those which are on Earth.”

The Lord said, “You should not be absorbed by the routine of everyday life. You have to control the words that you say and the actions that you do in front of a person because they can cause wounds in his soul. You have to be very careful with your gestures, your way of dressing, your behavior for fear of provoking a temptation, inciting desire, and adultery in those who watch. Do not have the spirit of fornication, which is an abomination in the sight of God. Praying for one another is very important. When praying for a person's name weighs heavily on the heart during prayer, say that person's name and ask the Lord to cover them with His holy blood to protect them.”

Jesus said afterward, “There are other recommendations that I want to give you. Most men never asked Me for advice before doing something and often it is only when they are stuck that they invoke Me and ask Me to save them. From now on you must consult Me on how to proceed when you want to do things and it is only after you have obtained an answer from Me that you can proceed. When you ask Me for something, make it clear what you are asking for. Do not hesitate about it, whatever it is, whether it is money or equipment or something else.”


  1. Где написано в Библии что восхищение церкви будет до великой скорби?
