Friday, January 22, 2021




I saw in a vision this section of Hell that was dealing with the production of medicine. I saw them producing medicines in different forms. Some were in tablet form while others were in liquid form but what shocked me was the scene I beheld. I saw demons casting spells in these medicines. I was extremely shocked because I never expected demons to be casting spells that will cause humanity to sin.

I was telling God, “Lord, spells of sin in medicine? Am I seeing demons casting evil spells of sin and destruction on medicine? The devil is this desperate to take people to Hell?”

I used to think demons make medicines to affect health and even cause diseases like cancer or that cause death, but spells that make people sin?

Beloved I'm telling you as the days go by, the devil grows more desperate to sweep humanity to Hell. He’s working tirelessly to make sure no soul escapes his trap but if we obey and follow Jesus Christ in our hearts, the devil has no power over us.


I also saw in Hell, demons were turning human flesh into cow beef and children into chickens and transporting them to the surface (earth). I also saw demons squeezing human bodies until oil was extracted from the bodies. I saw this oil being packed and transported to earth. Beloved, I couldn't believe what the Lord revealed to me. This oil is transported mainly as cooking oil. Beloved, the devil is wicked. I saw in a vision this human oil being used in a home and they used it for cooking purposes.


I also saw that this oil extracted from human bodies was mixed with lotions, perfumes, creams, body oils, deodorant soaps and these products were used on the surface (earth).

The Lord mentioned an area called “Lukalu” where I saw a lady using a lotion which she didn't know that was mixed with human oil and then she went out.

The Lord also told me this lotion had carried spirits of masturbation, fornication, adultery, lust, and seduction. This lady was used by Satan to trap men in sin and she slept with many men.

Actually, this woman was a demon incarnate and that was her mission from Hell. I heard from the Lord that this type of human oil is powerful as a magnet, that if a lady either human or not (demon incarnate) uses it, she will seduce many men and they will not resist her and she would finally sleep with them. It is likewise for the men who use this lotion also.

Ladies who used these products were possessed by demons and were used by Satan for casting spells of lust, indecent dressing, fornication, homosexuality, masturbation, and all kinds of sin but the Lord told me specifically that they carried the spirit of homosexuality.

And I saw this guy spraying this type of perfume and he was possessed by demons and he started to lust for the same sex, Note that he wasn't a demon but a normal man and wasn’t homosexual but after using this perfume, he was possessed by demons of homosexuality and started to lust for other men and he slept with many of them (men).

Beloved, this is terrible because the devil is wicked. More so, this man unknowingly cast spells of worldly dressing for both men and women, worldly hair cuts, makeup, and use of jewelry but the Lord Jesus was insisting that these deodorants mostly carried spirits of homosexuality.


Beloved, the world is in danger and without Jesus Christ, we are all heading to the pit of Hell. Beloved, we have to pray against it because the Lord told me that Satan wants homosexuality to increase in Africa like in America and Europe.

I remember that this is not the first time that the Lord is revealing this to me. I was in a church one day and we were praying and the Holy Spirit whispered in my ears.

He said, “Satan wants to make Africa like Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Can you imagine that beloved Africa and the world turning to a city of abomination?

Beloved, let us fast and pray tirelessly to destroy and hinder all plans and missions of the devil. Beloved, we have to pray and fast and ask for the Lord to intervene against the evil plans of Satan.

Beloved, I saw in a vision, the central part of Africa was like a center where the smoke from Hell spread to all African nations and it went to the east, west, south, and northern part of Africa. I saw that after this smoke that came from Hell spread in the African continent, people started sinning and doing abominable things that anyone in his or her right mind would not do.

I saw bestiality (sex with animals) being committed in all parts of Africa. People were lusting on animals like cows, dogs, goats and they were having sex with them. This was done both by men and women.

I saw people having oral sex and anal sex, Note that this is different from gays. I saw married couples, engaged people, and youth using this method in sex. Men were introducing their genital organs in the anus to their wives, fiancees, girlfriends.

More so, I saw men using their mouth to give pleasure to their women in genital organs even in the anus and women did this to their men to please and satisfy them.

They did not know that this smoke that rose from Hell influenced them and they were possessed by demons.

I saw also men raping women in streets, bars, men were inflamed with great lust that they couldn't contain themselves and committed rape.

I saw also men raping little girls and sodomizing boys. These men were older and stronger while these boys were only 4 to 9 yrs old and they threatened them to shut up. They continued to force them to have anal sex and finally, these little boys got used to this and it was their usual behavior because they started doing it willingly and even enjoyed it.

I saw in a vision that demons of homosexuality possessed these innocent boys and inflamed them with irresistible lust that they increased every day in these abominable acts and yet they were just innocent boys who knew nothing about this.

In a vision I saw this happening in rural areas. I saw family members having sex. I saw a brother having sex with a sister, a mother having sex with her son, a father having sex with his daughter and some dads even sodomized their own parents. I even saw uncles sodomizing nephews and forcing their nieces to sleep with them.

I told the Lord, “This is so much I can't remember all of this” but He said to me, “I will remind you everything and you will inform My people that this is the plan of the devil and it shall come to pass.”

As this smoke spread, I saw children watching pornography and they practiced sex with one another without their parents being aware of that. I saw also people especially youth masturbating and doing all kinds of abominable things. Homosexuality captured the youth and they engage in gay love.


l also saw Satan planning to corrupt children through cartoons. He even introduced homosexuality in cartoons and he made it seem like it was a normal thing ta have same-sex love. As these children were exposed to such evil and due to lack of prayer and knowledge of Christianity, these children were affected by these cartoons.

I saw spells coming out of these cartoons and entering these children and it causes them to be possessed by homosexuality.

Satan said, “These parents are irresponsible and they are not maintaining their children’s upbringing. They don't teach them the word of God nor do they take them to church. Don’t they know that they are supposed to teach their children in the way of the Lord? But they aren't teaching them so we will take that chance to teach their children our evil ways. Let them be wicked and evil like us hahahahahahahaha.”

The devil laughed sarcastically.

I saw children learning and practicing witchcraft, indecent dressing, insulting word and vulgar languages, homosexuality, and these spirits came from Hell through cartoons and possessed them causing them to change in behaviors.


I saw Satan telling his servants (Satanists, witches, magicians, actors, models, musicians, comedians), “For you witches and Satanists, go and initiate people in witchcraft, and Satanism especially little children. Make sure to initiate the greatest number in dark arts and for you influential people and great personalities, you must influence humanity to evil-doing, sing more secular songs with dirty words and dress more worldly. Teach them how to dress and behave. Actors you must dress worldly and talk dirty word and make it seem cool and it's how the world should be. Introduce pornography in movies and make sure sex scenes are many so for those who don't watch porn may be exposed to it in movies and they justify it like, “Well I'm just watching a movie not pornography” do all kinds of abominable sex practice like anal and oral sex and make it seem like it's pleasing so they may start practicing it. Let them follow us to Hell hanahahahahahaha. Put curses and spells of addiction, masturbation, homosexuality, death, drunkenness, violence and make them copy everything but portray it in a way that will seem cool so that they may copy it.”

These influential people were from all over the world but I saw Satan insisting on the African ones. I realized many of these people were demons in human disguise and they were living on earth as normal people. But these people were icons and celebrities that influence the world and control its behavior.


Beloved, I saw in a vision also children of all kinds. Some looked rich, some average but others seemed poor judging from their dressing but all these were demons and Satanists receiving orders from Satan to influence children at home, schools, and everywhere children are found.

They were supposed to mingle with other kids and cause them to sin making sure no one is reconciling with God.

I saw this particular girl. She wore a knee-length skirt but the devil was very angry at her and told her, “Make sure to wear short skirts even if your mission on earth is being poor. Wear short and indecent clothes and influence other children to dress like you so they land in Hell."


I saw another group of what looked like women and men. Beloved, you can't believe what I saw. Handicapped and disabled people were also addressed in that Satanic audience to cause sin to multiply.

I saw people of different careers and professions. They were all Satans’ agents and demons incarnate. I saw Muslims and so-called Christians also in that group receiving instructions and they looked very serious about everything Satan was saying because I saw some of them writing on their notebooks what Satan was saying.


Another group I saw was secondary, high and university students being addressed by Satan. 

He was saying, “Befriend those humans and cause them to do evil. Teach them evil but portray it as a normal thing to do. Seduce them for I have given you power upon them especially those unbelievers and carnal Christians. So seduce them and date them. Make sure you cause them to lust on you and finally sleep with them. Pretend that you love them so that they may feel so special to a point that they'll never want you to break up with them. Befriend them and make them do evil and abominable things. Send them pornography so as to corrupt their minds with sex. Cast spells of lust, fornication, masturbation especially on those Christians. Make sure to pollute them and trap them in the sin of fornication. For those who are righteous (saints), befriend them and gain trust from them so that you can cause them to lust over you and fall into fornication. If they don’t succumb to your snares, abuse them, insult them just every way to make them fall into sin. Take them to clubs, buy them drinks, cause them to fall in sin totally.”

Satan was addressing them and said, “Make sure sin multiplies and cast spells on them so they may go deeper in sin. Cast spells of laziness to study, going to church and prayer, spells of fornication, masturbation, lust, worldly hairstyles and etc.”

He continued, “If there is anyone with a desire to serve God or anyone with the love of God, immediately quench it before they become flamboyant and fiery. They are a great threat to our kingdom and we can't afford it. And for those who are Christians, befriend them so you can open a gateway and influence them to sin. Those fools do not know that bad company corrupts good manners, so if they keep you as a friend, you can cause them to sin in various ways. Wear seductive clothes and seduce them while you cast spells of lust. Pretend that you love them, make it seem as if you care for them but it's all just pretense to lure them in fornication. Influence them to start drinking, invite them to clubs and parties, pretend that you love them but it's just a mission to separate them from the Righteous One (Jesus). They'll be lazy to go to church but they'll attend clubs which is my church hahahahahhahahahaha. They'll be justifying it and say it's just having fun but it's just a trap.”

In fact spiritually, a club is a trap for souls and the evil spirits are present there.


Beloved, I saw in a vision what seemed to be dirty black oil. Before I asked concerning it, I was informed that oil is the anointing of unholy music (secular music) and that is why it is irresistible to youth.

The moment someone listens to secular music and false preaching, there are spells and anointing that are stuck in the hearer’s ears so if he hears it again the next time, it will be irresistible.


Yes and these demons intentionally marry humans to increase the birthrate of demonic babies, The Lord told me, “Many aquatic demons, sirens and marine spirits are coming in the flesh and they mingle with the seeds of human to give birth to a corrupt race that doesn't repent.”


Beloved when I had this vision I saw evil increasing, murder and war was increasing on earth and evil was increasing every day.

Beloved. It is time to pray and fast and not to rest.


Having read this, Beloved I would like you to know that we are living in a spiritual war against the enemy every day of our lives on earth, and we must be very watchful and vigilant in prayers and trust Jesus Christ in all things till we rest with Him forever in Heaven.

Beloved if you would love to surrender your whole life to Jesus Christ now and escape the evil in this world, please say this prayer below with all your heart and surrender yourself completely to Jesus Christ.


Oh Lord God in heaven who has created me, I now acknowledge my sins before Thee and I'm sorry for all my sins and repent of them all today. Please forgive me through your Son Jesus Christ who died for me and rose again. Lord Jesus Christ, I now receive You into my life as my Lord and personal Saviour. Please put my name in the book of life and help me to be with You in heaven forever and ever. Amen.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


[Source :]


  1. In all these we are saved through the blood from our Redeemer Yahwehshua Mashiak

    1. Yes. No other way..
      God help us wake up so we can love Him whole Heartedly..

  2. Tanzanian not Nigerian. God bless you

  3. God bless you for these revelations. Let us take this serious brethren

  4. Acts 2.38 is the correct path. Amen.
