Friday, January 29, 2021




The queen gave me an appointment to meet at a rendezvous and from there, the queen physically came to meet me and took me in a taxi to an area I wasn’t well familiar with. We both walked about nine poles into a thick forest and the queen stopped at a tree.

She asked me what the name of the tree was and I frantically looked around it, trying to find any of my leaves to help identify it, but found none. In fact, the surrounding was neat – as if someone was assigned to sweep it thrice a day. The queen told me it’s called “tossy tree.”

She chanted an incantation and a side of the tree opened like a door and we both entered in. After about twenty-five minutes, it opened again and we stepped out. I realized we were in another location entirely. It was when I saw some signposts in the streets that I realized that we were in Bombay (now Mumbai) in India.

The queen told me that the tossy tree is used to physically travel to any geographical location in the world. Soon, a car stopped by and we both entered it. The queen introduced the driver to me as one of her agents.

We were taken to a ceremony that was held in a large conference center in the city and in attendance were various occultists from different parts of the world. I was marked present in their register and I saw my name is already written on it, in bolder letters than the rest.

There was a lecture going on and our kind of meal was served. While I was eating, a man walked in and tapped me on the shoulder and he seemed to have forgotten something so he motioned to me to come with him. On getting to where he was, the queen was there already and he told me it’s time for the baptism. I was given a pamphlet to read and follow. As I was about to ask the queen a question, she disappeared.

I realized I was in this alone. There was a huge tank there in the open and out if it seemed to emerge steam of dark energy. The pamphlet warned the candidates that no matter what they see, hear or experience during the initiation, they must not express any fear, otherwise, they might not come out alive.

There was an incantation written on it to proceed with the ritual and when I recited it, I was levitated and suspended into the tank. The lid on the tank had the words “Baptism/Initiation Tank” written in both English and Hindi.

In the tank, the place was filled with strange, fearful creatures. As I fell, I was lashed around like a tennis ball from one bird creature to another. They each had the face of a man, woman, dog, cat, and owl, all looking evil.

I landed at the feet of a big creature whose full stature was obstructed by the size of his belly. Its body looked like that of a grizzly bear. It removed my eyeballs with a screwdriver and put back in their place, eyeballs that could see clearer and farther than normal human eyes

Then I was thrown onto a boa constrictor which coiled around me and held me in its grip. It spat out three big eggs with strings which hung around my neck and I was flung to another evil creature and on until I reached the end. In all these, I felt neither pain nor fear and I was brought out of the tank.

At that moment a skeleton hand handed me a pamphlet on my successful completion of the satanic baptism and the rules that guide it.

I felt physically stronger, bolder, and magickally charged after the ceremony. The queen then appeared and we returned home to Nigeria via the same route we came to India.


I used to have meetings with my own agents in the spirit world, but I appeared to them in a “lower form” of a woman. Their level of power was still low, and to appear to them in my true identity would scare the living daylights out of them.

One night, while conducting a meeting, there was pandemonium as the whole place began to quake and the meeting was disbanded (when a Christian prays aggressively, it causes chaos in the spirit realm). I checked up on a monitoring screen and saw a Christian man from Benin City praying fervently.

I had seen him before at the New Benin market and I could also see four angels with bright swords standing with him as he prayed. I switched off the screen to scheme on what to do. When I turned it back on, the screen exploded into ashes and I fled from there.

The next day, the queen summoned me and told me she was watching from somewhere and saw what happened last night and encouraged me not to give up in my occult warfare. She took me to the Christian man’s house but we couldn’t enter it as it was under a heavy lock and chains.

When I returned home, I crossed my legs (lotus posture) and chanted an incantation over a bowl of water and this Christian man’s reflection appeared in it. As I picked up a knife to stab him, I saw two angels extricate his reflection from the water. So I slowly dropped the knife.

I afflicted his three children with diseases and they later died. I also “weighed” his wife and saw that she was spiritually weak, so I afflicted her with a mysterious sickness that can neither be diagnosed nor cured except by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Christian man, being a store owner, began auctioning his goods so as to clear her medical bills, but I sent fire to destroy his store and did a few other mischiefs to him.

Yet this man didn’t give up. He rented another shop from a man who happened to be one of my agents. I ordered this landlord to eject him. Soon, a Christian brother helped him and he found another place. I frustratingly dismissed him as obdurate and left him alone.

Years later, as I was visiting a market in Benin, I was shocked to see this Christian man in a store, bigger, better and filled with more goods than the one he had before. After overcoming my initial shock, I mustered some boldness and walked in. Pretending to be a customer, I struck up a conversation with the man, and then, to my shock I learned that God had healed his wife and replenished what he had lost.

We began to bargain over a lady’s skirt while I devised what to do. Suddenly, there was a whirlwind at the front of this store. I viewed it with my spiritual eyes and realized it was the presence of a superior power, so I quickly pretended that some dust had been blown into my eyes.

The Christian man went to borrow a basin of water and handkerchief from someone else for me to clean my eyes. As I knelt and dipped my face into the water, I suddenly saw a mysterious reflection in the water.

I saw a Man, walking slowly, fresh red blood was oozing from various parts of His body. He looked like someone badly wounded and was carrying a heavy cross.

As this Man walked on slowly, I was fascinated with the blood as I had never seen any human blood that reddish and fresh and I reached out with my vampiristic urge to suck that blood but it was impossible. Suddenly, the Man stopped and looked straight at me saying, “Why don’t you want My own to carry this cross with Me?”

His voice was so loud that I physically covered up my ears and looked at the Christian man to see if he heard it too, but the man didn’t and was busy with something else. The words kept echoing in my mind and it seemed to shatter my powers for I felt too weak to carry my legs to walk out.

As I sat there, the Christian man asked me which church I attended, I quickly mentioned one. The man began to preach the gospel to me that Jesus Christ loves me more than I love myself but I was too busy in my thoughts wondering how my powers failed me and pondering on the identity of that Man I saw in the reflection.

When I got home, the words of the Man kept ringing in my ears. The more I tried to remember the image, the more my powers seem to be crumbling. But my hands were unnerved when I remembered the all-available queen. I invoked the queen but she didn’t appear.

Later, when she appeared, I began to narrate my experience to her, hoping she would solve the riddle. “Who was that Man that I saw in the water?” I asked the queen. She was surprised also, “Which man? What reflection?” She claimed she didn’t see any man but observed that I looked hurt after washing my eyes in the basin.

So I proceeded to tell her what I saw, how I used my powers given me to try to drink that blood but couldn’t and He asked me, “Why do you want to destroy My own?” The queen paused for a while and nodded. “That man you saw is known and called by everyone in our kingdom, The Righteous Man.”

She told me, “This Righteous Man was beaten, mocked, and shamefully crucified naked in order to deliver mankind from our claws of bondage (sin). In fact, our powers which we use for evil purposes actually belong to God as we were once in God’s service but rejected Him.”

She said, “We including Ariel, Leviathan, Paimon, Cassiel, Ashtaroth, Belial, Tzaphkiel, Ariton, Asmodeus, and myself, fondly called the Queen – were chased from God’s presence earlier and all scattered to every conceivable place in the universe (land, sea and air) to establish ourselves.”

Then God created man but Satan, the president, executed a plan devised by these archdemons which caused Adam to sin. Yet, in spite of this, God still loved man and promised that a Deliverer would come. They didn’t expect that this Saviour of mankind would come as early as He did, but when He did come, we did all we could and finally possessed the people He came to save and have Him crucified.”

That was our own initial means of defeating Him but Satan reminded us that the Saviour had said He would resurrect, so on that Saturday night, we mobilized ourselves fully armed to avert His resurrection.”

But, when it was about 11:55pm, many angels came from heaven with songs of praise and said it won’t be well with us. One particular angel that descended forced us all to bow with our heads held down to the ground and we were unable to do anything. By the time we lifted up our heads, the Righteous Man had risen and left the tomb.”

This Righteous Man is the manifestation of God to the whole world; we struck His heel but He crushed our heads, and that His blood which you saw in the reflection is still used by those who believe in Him to crush our heads. In fact, those who believe in Him and are as righteous as He is, are also as powerful as He is.”

I asked her, “Will the Righteous Man appoint some people in our own kingdom to rule in His kingdom?”

She replied, “We all are too filthy in God’s sight to be in His kingdom. In fact, anyone that doesn’t join those Christians is damned, as it is written in their book.”

I then asked her, “If this Righteous Man is so powerful, why can’t we just reconcile with Him?”

The queen answered, “It’s too late for us. A date has been set for us all to face the ax and we will be stripped of our powers and our kingdoms will be totally destroyed and you as our seed, will also face the ax.”

She then told me, “You have the power to stop the people in the ring from accessing our power.”

I later knew this was a lie. I wanted to ask more questions but she said she was tired of my questions but would answer them later. She kissed me and then disappeared.

After her departure, I became more hardened than before. I reasoned that since I am eventually going to be destroyed by God, I must make sure I deceive, kill and destroy as many lives as possible before I am made to face the ax at last.

That night, I used my powers to spiritually cover the major highways connecting two neighboring states. This resulted in an accident which was reported in 1985 claiming about 80 lives.

Three survivors of the bloody accident were Christians; they were unconscious at the site, and I decided to proceed to murder them physically. I traced the hospital they were taken to and chanted an incantation to impersonate one of the nurses (a matron) working there who was currently on a leave.

I chanted another incantation and a blue Peugeot 504 car like hers appeared and I drove into the hospital (ESUTH). I opened her office with my own key and searched for the record of the patients admitted. I was able to fish out the records of the survivors and I mixed together three different types of drugs and called another nurse to give them to the patient.

I watched from the office with my spiritual eyes to see that the target was sleeping but before the nurse came to his ward, he woke up quickly like he was having a bad dream and when the nurse came with the injection, he vehemently refused to take it since he was now okay. Eventually, the nurse left without giving him the injection.

With that, I left and returned home. The queen appeared to me later, looking happy.

She announced to me, “Right now, there is joy in all the kingdoms of darkness, that even Satan sent his greetings.”

The queen also informed me, “We are currently searching for a spiritual temple for you and in due course, the place would be consecrated and you would rise in your rank.”


During this time, I had a friend, Jude who happened to be my best friend. We visited each other’s homes, played football together, went out together and both families were friends also. One day, both Jude and I went out to swim in a river and it lasted for hours.

When I was done, I looked around and didn’t find Jude. I assumed Jude had left the river and rushed home before me. That evening when Jude’s parents came to my house to ask about the whereabouts of my friend, I told them where we had gone swimming that day and thought he had gone home earlier.

A search team began to frantically look for Jude and they inquired at a diviner who revealed that he had drowned. His body was recovered days after. I knew what had really happened and for three days I mourned my friend’s death, unable to eat.

During this period, the queen didn’t appear to me. Later, on the fourth day when she did appear when no one else was home, I was beside myself in tears, asking why she killed my friend.

The queen showed no emotion. She told me, “By the virtue of the protocols of the kingdom, you aren’t supposed to be released back to the earth after your initial capture, and now that you were allowed to return, an exchange of human life had to be provided to appease the powers that be.”

This victim had to be someone you loved and who loved you back, therefore, we had no choice but to sacrifice Jude. You should not be showing grief after all your training and exposure in our system. Do not expose this to anyone or you would also be killed.”

This insidious plan by the kingdom of darkness succeeded because neither Jude nor my family were Christians thus leaving us open to occult powers.

After some weeks, I forgot about Jude and became more thirsty for occult wisdom and power. I visited the queen.

The queen then informed me, “A site has been found for your spiritual temple and it’s going to be located within Ishimokoto lake in Abiriba, Abia State.”

This lake is regarded as a mystery lake because it dries up during the rainy season and flows during the dry season. When the temple was opened, a ceremony was performed during which blood sacrifices were made.

I began to study the pamphlet I was given during my earthly initiation in India and decided to use one of the eggs I was given by the boa in the satanic tank.

As instructed in the pamphlet, I locked my door securely, took the first egg, and smashed it on the ground of my room after chanting the necessary incantation. At that moment, my spirit was fragmented into two places at the same time. The first was to my temple while the second was leading to another dimension in the spirit world. I decided to explore the second option.

When I appeared in the kingdom, I was welcomed by the chief of the demi-gods who told me, “I will be your guide during your tour and regardless of what you see or feel, you are not allowed to ask questions.”

The first place I was taken to (in a hi-tech car that was designed like a pressing iron) was a large complex of high-rise buildings. The streets were beautiful and the structures looked futuristic.

The gates to the buildings opened by its own mechanism and we walked inside. The first place I was taken to was a large laboratory where some men were as busy as ants, sealing some dried materials into containers, without noticing any visitor. I forgot I wasn’t supposed to ask any questions and asked the chief who they were. He angrily answered that they are scientists.

Next, I was taken to a factory where baby foods were being manufactured on an assembly line. I could see the name and brand of the product on the cans but was curious what was in it.

As I struggled to open the lid, the can fell to the floor, spilling the powder. I tasted it and realized it was grounded human flesh — the bodies of disobedient agents packaged into baby foods (to infuse babies with water spirits as I later learned).

I visited another place when we were hungry and the chief demi-god requested a demi-god who had animal features to prepare us a meal. I opened a big flask on the table and a fat female child (about two years old) was pulled out of it. I was taken aback when I saw her and heard her cry. 

I asked, "How did she get into the food flask?" 

The demi-god told me, "Ask your mother (the queen) how it came to be."

The demi-god chanted an incantation and the baby became very weak, unable to cry anymore. I plunged a knife into her body and began to dissect her in a tray with rainbow designs. After the meal was served, I was taken to another place.

Later on, the queen told me, "We sometimes place fanciful objects at specific locations on earth and children who pick them up vanish and appear in our realm in whatever vessel they are kept by the spirits. So that was how that baby got into the food flask."

I was also taken to a large museum holding the golden statues of all the outstanding people in the kingdom of darkness. When I was about to be shown that of Satan, the chief asked me if I had met Satan the president before.

I explained how it happened as the chief listened intently, then I was shown the handsome image of Satan. The chief promised to bestow on me the power to be able to stand before the presence of Satan as I wasn’t yet qualified to see him in my full power unassisted.

I was highly elated to see my own statue as well, but we couldn’t view all of them as the chief told me the statues were innumerable and could take months to view them all if one did nothing else.

When my tour came to an end, the chief demi-god told me he would give me the power I needed. He fixed his mouth into my mouth (as if kissing) and spat into my mouth certain things I didn’t know and ordered me to swallow them. I felt superior within me as I complied. I asked for more, but the chief told me that’s all he had himself.

The chief also gave me the power to withstand Satan’s presence in my right leg. He brought a long dark thin rod and inserted it up my heel. I felt no pain at all. Then he applied a copious amount of magickal oil over the site. That small hole remained in my foot (but it began to close up after my deliverance).

I returned to my room and resumed my duties in power in my underground temple.

NEXT : Kalu Abosi 3 Born Twice: From Demonism To Christianity Part 3


  1. Truth Remains with all facts that this dark world dont have power against True unCompromising Christians..

    Unbelievers & all pagans keep them stronger that it impacts Christianity by all levels through temptations and fruitless living we showing our God..

    Part3 awaited..

  2. “It’s too late for us. A date has been set for us all to face the ax and we will be stripped of our powers and our kingdoms will be totally destroyed"

    Now there's something to look forward to xD

    1. Hi Anonymous

      Hoping its you who was commenting by Aston Adam 8 testimony..
      Please browse through back to those Testimonies comments to check what i wrote.

  3. Replies
    1. The second batch of pdfs will be released once it reaches 100 pdfs.
