Wednesday, January 13, 2021



[Article written by Kyle’s mother.]

Jesus has allowed my son Kyle to experience the wonders and joys of Heaven. Kyle is able to see the Holy Spirit covering believers, looking like some form of a bubble. 

Non-believers do not have bubbles at all. However, non-believers with loved ones who are believers who are interceding for them will have a partial covering of the bubble, except that there is a huge gaping hole in the bubble.

Families, who are all believers, can share one big bubble, and often it can take just 1 believer in that bubble who stays close and faithful to the Lord who can make the bubble brighter and brighter. I think the bubble could likely be related to our spiritual armor.

Bubbles are a powerful thing in the spiritual realm. People with bright bubbles have the power to destroy demons in the air around them.

When you have a bright bubble, these demons do not even attempt to touch the bubble. Just barely hovering near it, the demons will burst into flames and die.

Inversely, when the bubble around the believer is dark, the demon needs to touch the bubble many times, before he is able to destroy the power of the bubble.

So dark bubble equals the lack of spiritual power (in the spiritual armor). Sin can cause gaping holes in this bubble, for example, the sin of unbelief (in the Lord), cursing the Lord, and sins like murder, etc.

It is like a literal illustration of this verse in John 8:12, Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

With this information about bubbles covering believers, we should be alert to bubbles covering preachers we are listening to.

Listening to half-truths with "feel good" messages will be poisonous to believers. We need to avoid listening to preachers who are not approved by the Holy Spirit. We stay clear of the enemy to be a spotless and untainted bride.

Kyle made this remark, “Joseph Prince has a very dark bubble around him, and Jesus said that he is not teaching the real Jesus."

[Joseph Prince (born 15 May 1963) is the evangelist and senior pastor of New Creation Church based in Singapore. He was one of the church's founders in 1983. He is a mega pastor who grew his church from 20 members to more than 33,000 attendees.]

I attended New Creation Church (headed by Joseph Prince Ministries) for close to 8 years, 2000-2008. I served in ministry for close to 5 years until I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to search the Word on my own. From there I discovered his preaching had truths but plenty of leavens mixed in as well.

As a member, and following through his sermons weekly, his sermons are focused a lot on grace, but I discovered as I went deeper into the Word, that it lacks repentance, sanctification, and obedience in our relationship with the Lord. So I have come to the conclusion that he is a false preacher, the fruit of his ministry shows it.

Many of his church members are very driven by their material desires and are worldly. I have interacted with many that do not have true conviction to follow the Lord and surrender their whole lives to Him. Most are there in the hope of obtaining God's blessings but do not commit to Him wholeheartedly. It's very sad but I have encountered too many of the 'fruit' produced by Joseph Prince ministries.

For a few years, I have been asking the Lord to reveal the truth to me behind this ministry and He has, through the study of the Word, and now with Kyle being able to see in the spiritual realm. It's a very strong confirmation for me.

I asked Kyle again when I clicked on a Joseph Prince video. He paused for some time (he told me that he has to ask Jesus the question in his mind) and Jesus’ answer to him was, "Pastor Prince knows Jesus, but he does not want to teach the real Jesus."

Hearing this is a confirmation that Joseph Prince does not teach the truth.

I then did an exercise with him, and went through a few other preachers on Youtube to find out the degree of their light around their bubbles. 

Kyle used this analogy to describe the degree of brightness or lack of it. He was the one that shared this with me without any prompting on my end and he has no knowledge of this concept.

He described the body of Christ to me, illustrating Jesus as the head, right on top. According to him now, Kyle and I are located at the chin of Jesus.

Colossians 1:18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

Here I list some of the preachers that we checked while doing the 'Check that Preacher' exercise. The closer the preacher is to the top of the head (where Jesus is illustrated to be), the closer the preacher is walking with the Lord, and the brighter is the bubble.

Preachers like Paul Washer and Pastor JD Faraq - At the Nose.

Pastor Loran Livingston of Central Church of God in North Carolina - at the Forehead area.

Perry Stone is at the chest area.

Jonathan Cahn is at the chin area. ‘

Crefro Dollar - at the neck.

Jesse Duplantis - at the waist.

TD Jakes - at the waist.

Rod Parsley - at the stomach.

Paula White - at the stomach.

Paul White - also at the stomach.

Joyce Meyer - at the waist.

Phil Pringer - at the foot.

Sid Roth - this was very interesting. I showed him a video of Sid Roth in Jan 2012, and another in Dec 2012. With the video in Jan, he pointed out that Sid Roth was located at the foot. Then in Dec 2012, he pointed out that he is at the waist, and Kyle remarked, “His brightness has improved!”

Benny Hinn - at the toes!

Joseph Prince has a dark bubble and this was a shocker when I heard it. He is not even a part of the body, not even on the foot! His standing is out of the body of Christ!

One person that exceeded Joseph Prince is Joel Osteen. Osteen is out of the body, further away than Prince and Kyle remarked, "He does not know Jesus."

[Joel Scott Osteen is an American pastor, televangelist, and author, based in Houston, Texas. As of 2018, Osteen's televised sermons were seen by approximately 10 million viewers in the US and several million more in over 100 countries weekly. Osteen has also written several best-selling books. Wikipedia]

I realized that there were quite a number of Word-of-Faith preachers that were located at the waist area and below.

When I started the exercise with him showing all the preachers on Youtube, I wanted to stop after a few of them… but Kyle said, “Jesus said, “This is important, we need to see more of them, and continue ..”

So in the end, we have this list of different preachers with the brightness of their bubbles, in their varying brightness, and locations at the different parts of the body of Christ.

I do know that from now on, I am only going to listen to preachers that are located on the 'face' of the body.



  1. This is some revelation to me, i hope im not wrong on this Mr Chong. If i am, please correct me..

    From what she says, seems like the Pastors located on the face of the body of Christ are ther True word Teachers/Preachers..
    Others going down the body are of lower rank, since benni hinn is at the toes, means he has not ranked up to the Face according to the word in Teaching it & living it..

    1. It was past midnight when I read your comment before retiring for the night. Bad mistake. I was tossing and turning the whole night pondering on your question.

      Unfortunately Jesus didn’t tell Kyle what those locations on the face and body of Christ meant. So our answers may be speculative guesses that do not accurately reflect the mind of Christ, as Scriptures tell us that His thoughts and ways are far above our thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:9-10). So it is not my place to say who’s right or wrong or to correct anybody’s interpretation. And my answers below may be erroneous and may miss the mark too.

      If we read Kyle’s vision in the context of Ephesians 4:15, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head, that is, Christ,” it may mean that those occupying the forehead, nose and chin of Jesus have grown higher in truth and love than those lower who are in the stomach, waist and feet. So Mandla, you may be right, those occupying the head are the True word Teachers/Preachers compared to those on the lower parts of the body of Christ.

      If we read it in the context of Colossians 1:18, “And He is the head of the body... that in all things He may have the preeminence,” it may mean that those in the head are giving more preeminence and prominence to Christ and giving more glory to Him compared to those on the lower parts of the body. We may speculate that those at the feet are taking all the glory to themselves as “those who humble themselves shall be exalted and those who exalt themselves shall be humbled” (Matthew 23:12).

      But if we read it in the context of 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, we get a totally different perspective. 1 Cor 12:12 says For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. Paul Washer is at the Nose because his role is to discern errors in the Church. The nose is used to sniff and smell and symbolically represents discernment. Perry Stone is at the chest area as he reveals secrets and mysteries hidden in the heart of Christ, just as John the beloved disciple was always leaning at the chest of Jesus and was privy to His secrets. Those at the waist may be playing the role of the “belt of truth” (Ephesians 6:14). Those at the stomach give spiritual food to the body of Christ and are the “faithful and wise servant whom the lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season” (Matthew 24:45). Those at the feet are those who trample over the serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19) and Benny Hinn fits this picture very well. Stephen criticized the Jews as being stiffnecked and always resisting the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51), so Creflo Dollar’s location at the neck is to make people compliant and submissive to the Holy Spirit.

    2. Some say Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, TD Jakes, Rod Parsley, Paula White, Benny Hinn mentioned in the list are false teachers and false prophets. They may have started well but the enemy may have overcome them but their original destinies are located in those parts of the body.

      Jesus said, “If I do not wash you, you will have no part in Me” (John 13:8). Joseph Prince and Joel Osteen stand outside the body of Christ because they are not washed by the Word (John 15:3, You are clean through the Word which I have spoken to you) and therefore have no part in Him. Joseph Prince’s hypergrace gospel and Joel Osteen’s bless-me prosperity gospel are contrary to the full counsel of the Word and that is why they have no part in the body of Christ. In the spirit realm, they may be helped by demons who usher Christians to their megachurches so that they may walk the broad way to perdition.

      I have written these comments in response to a reader’s question about Kyle’s vision. I acknowledge it is dangerous to build up a whole framework of doctrine and theology based on one person’s vision. It is not my intention to lead readers down the rabbit’s labyrinths. Let us not deviate our minds from Jesus Christ as Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 11:3 But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

    3. What about Ron Carpenter (Redemption Church in Greenville SC).What his bubble like and where is he located on the body?

  2. Крефло Доллар проповедует процветание и он на уровне шеи?..хм..

  3. I gotta be honest this didn't make much sense to me, Joseph Prince is not in the body of Christ, but smooth criminals like Duplantis, Creflo, Paula, Joyce, Perry and Rod (the whole TBN mafia) are?? That just doesn't sound right.

    Also the source site is highly suspect, people making huge sweeping prophecies based on Obama being the antichrist and the prophecies attached to that are obviously and laughably false, also that part of the world (Indonesia) loves to mix Bible with their Sadhu indian guru teachings into one thick gnostic soup.

    Also, every mother thinks her kid is none other than the very oracle of God. Gotta be sharp on this one folks. Have to consider that a 4 year flipping through youtube videos may not in fact be a prophet. Creflo Dollar at the neck? Thats not even his real name.

    Joel I can understand though, guy cruises to church in his Ferrari 458, thats just obscene.

    1. Hi Anonymous

      Like MR chong said, we get born again now then after be taken away by demons out of the True Doctrine of Christ..

      All may have started well, but pastors peer pressure builded up then most deviated outer way to serve themselves or to be used by the Devil..

      Should all this non sound doctrine teachers return to the Word of God, thell occupy those mentioned places in the Body with well pleasant affection of Christ effectively..

      Though this pastors, Joyce-Creflo-Rod-Perry-Benni-etc etc, as they are still seen in the body, all are still welcomed to repent & take their positions mightily..

      The WORD OF GOD is still a mystery though we read it daily, thus said "seek the Kingdom 1st & all shall be added"..
      We shouldnt take down some other testimonies, rather we can ask Jesus to verify for us if we suspect, He Himself has all wisdom & answers..

      Thanks for your view Mr Chong..

  4. In the end, I know as much, as I knew before.
