Wednesday, January 20, 2021



During a church service, Pastor Nelson Soo was led by the Holy Spirit to summon and judge a spirit of deception. After a few moments of silence, he called out the name of the demon. Somebody in the congregation started manifesting violently. He commanded the demon to come to the microphone, and the person having the demon was led forcibly to the front of the church to the microphone by an unseen force. Some parts of the conversation went like this:

Pastor: Who sent you here?

Demon: Satan

Pastor: What for?

Demon: To destroy the work of God here

Pastor: Why do you come to this church to disturb the services here?

Demon: Because you speak the truth. I hate the truth. It is setting many God’s people free.

Pastor: How do you disturb God’s people?

Demon: When a pastor is preparing his teachings, I help him to prepare. When he teaches his congregation what I tell him to teach, I lodge in the minds of those who accept that wrong teaching. I hide behind that teaching and later destroy that person’s life through that dark knowledge. I make him suffer poverty, sickness, and hardships. I make that person think that he is suffering for Jesus.

Pastor: How come you can teach a pastor how to prepare his sermons?

Demon: Most pastors do not consult the Holy Spirit when they prepare their sermons. They rely on their analytical minds to understand the Word. That is where we come in. First, we give them some deep teachings and then we add in the poison. These pastors do not inquire of the Holy Spirit. They think that they are guided by the Holy Spirit but they deceive themselves because they hardly fellowship with the Holy Spirit. How can the Holy Spirit teach you anything if you don’t fellowship with the Holy Spirit? So, we give them some deep teachings and then we add in the poison that they cannot detect. They think the first teaching is good, so they automatically think that the poison we are giving is also true. If they have the Holy Spirit, they would be able to detect the poison. That is how we have spread much confusion among the people of God.

Pastor: Do you specialize in this work?

Demon: Yes. I even attended Bible College in Hell, and I got an honors degree in theology as well.

Pastor: What? You study the Bible in Hell too?

Demon: Yes. Every day, we have to study the Bible in order to learn how to twist and turn the Scriptures and spread the wrong teachings. Many people just assume that as long as you can give Bible chapter and verse, you are doctrinally sound. They do not inquire of the Holy Spirit and they are no match for our subtle and twisted logic. Every day, we prepare the sermon outlines for pastors and Bible teachers. Many people read the Bible without the Holy Spirit and that is where they go wrong.

Pastor: Do you know that your time on earth is up?

Demon: Yes, I know

Pastor: Did an angel serve you the document from the Lord Jesus Christ?

Demon: Yes, he did. (The document is a notice from Jesus that the demon has been judged and his time is up and must now be consigned to his place in Hell).

Pastor: By the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, all your legal rights are stripped and you are consigned to the place assigned to you. Go, in Jesus’ Name.

The demon let loose a mournful cry and departed from the person, who later collapsed to the floor.

Pastor: Now, some Christians hold that you should not conduct any conversation with the demons in a deliverance case. This is generally sound wisdom, for Satan is the father of lies. When he speaks lies, he speaks naturally. It’s easy for a minister of deliverance to be deceived by demons in the deliverance case if he is not in tune with the Spirit of Truth.

However, this is not an absolute rule for we see Jesus conducting a conversation with the demons as well. The general rule is that you must be under the control of the Holy Spirit. If you are under instructions from the Holy Spirit not to hold a conversation with the demons, follow that. However, if the Holy Spirit directs you to hold such a conversation, it is to expose the strategies of the devil.

NEXT : Nelson Soo 2 Study Tour Of Heaven

Nelson Soo 2 Study Tour Of Heaven


  1. Replies
    1. Nelson Soo became deviated , lifted up his heart and strayed away from God towards the later part of his life before he passed away . He died at the age of 49, highly diabetic, and his organs collapsed , he did not consult any doctor instead those that looked after him bought Chinese meds to heal his wounds as his legs were heavily swollen from diabetes and he actually died with his organs collapsed and maggots were crawling all over his body as divulger by the funeral caretaker

    2. Dove Assembly is a CULT CHURCH. Ajaran sesat , the members do not read the bible as they are told that the nibr was written to trap the devil, they believe that the founder NELSON SOO was the last prophet and that he had gone back to prepare rooms for them in heaven. The successor NG GHEE carries on his legacy and continue to lead the congregation astray. The members are brainwashed , indoctrinated and instilled with fear that they will be slew by angels should they leave the church.

  2. Powerful truths.
    The Wise know how to separate the Truth of the Word from the poisonous lies of the enemy prevalent in many teachings

  3. Hello
    Nelson Soo led the whole congregation to RENOUNCE JESUS and taught the people at Jesus has no divinity of God , He is just a man.That was his theory towards the end of his life.
    Nelson Soo died a terrible death , with maggots crawling all over his body.
    He became so deviated and twisted the bible for his own vested agendas. When people walked out of the church , he cursed them. He used vulgar language by calling those people that left the church. Now the elder NG GHEE continue his legacy of leading the congregation astray.

    1. do you think that when you die,butterflies will adorn you corpse? surely got maggots la if body not deposed in a certain time

  4. EX DOVE ASSEMBLY MEMBER has this to say .Infact many members had walked out of this CULT CHURCH

    Towards the end of his life , the cult leader NELSON SOO, he became so twisted , deviated and practiced WITHCHCRAFT , he forbade the members from reading the bible , and not to use the name of Jesus , he claimed that Jesus has no divinity of God, he was just a man and that he , Nelson Soo was the second son of God...see how crazy and twisted he had became.

    He died at the age of 49, his organs collapsed , on his death bed , his body was covered with maggots as he was severely diabetic . He drank aerated drinks and even encouraged the members to drink coke , sugary aerated sweet drinks , so many people even young kids are suffering from diabetes

    He prophesied that he was the end time prophet and that he was the channel of blessings and the members of DOVE ASSEMBLY will jump into his wagon to go to heaven...yet he died !How irony

    Now , his cult teaching and legacy is carried on by the so called successor NG GHEE who is even worse than NELSON SOO.

    This cult church is in Plaza Pengkalan , 3rd mile ,Jln Ipoh in KL and you cannot enter the premises without an Assess pass card.

  5. It is so sad and devastating to know that many people are still trapped in this CULT church. Many families have broken up and if the spouse walk out , he or she will be divorced , parents will disown any of their kids who walk out , vise versa , even friends or relatives will be excommunicated , the successor, the old senile elderly man , NG GHEE is far more worse than Nelson Soo , he propagate disunity amongst the members, and he would encourage the parents to disown their children who walk out of Dove Assembly , and spouses to divorce and he has no bible knowledge , he just has the gift of gap.
    At the pulpit , he preach crazy doctrines beyond comprehension and would scream and shout at the top of voice , mostly attacking and scolding those that question his authority and he professes that Holy Spirit speaks through him. Whoever that goes against him will be ostracized, punished and tormented mentally and emotionally.
    This is what is happening in this cult church.

    1. Hehe .. ex member of this church for 17 years .. i left the this church for 10 years happily survived and healthily breathing now .. hahaha !

    2. Those that walked out of this CULT CHURCH, they are all doing GREAT EXPLOITS! Some hv even migrated and are living in overseas . Sad that many of their friends and loved ones who are still stuck and left behind ex communicated, cut relationship and ostracized them. This is the reality of CULT CHURCH. Pray that God will open their eyes and release them from the clutches and bondages of the evil one.

  6. Dove Assembly us a very dark demonic Cult church.The cult leader NELSON SOO started well in the begining of his ministry and preached Jesus as Saviour but towards the later part of his life , he became deviated and turned away from the truth . He started to indoctrinated the congregation and his sermons were from the pits of hell.
    All his inner circle walked out on him when they witnessed how crazy he had became , he lived in fear and often thought that people especially Christians out there were out to attack him , he had entourage to accompany him to have his meals A single man who was never married. He died a recluse , with only a few so called his helpers to tend to him on his dying bed. He was sickly and in his sickness , he cursed and swore .That was devulged by some if those who were with him in his dying bed.
    Please do not say that he was a man of God. He propogated dark teachings and now his legacy is carried by NG GHEE who is far more worse than NELSON SOO.

    NG GHEE has destroyed many families and homes , he has no bible knowledge and spiritually darkened .

    1. Cannot Imagine and believe that such CULT exist in the heart of Kuala Lumpur and people are so gullible and naive to be sucked in such deviant teachings ! Flee from DOVE ASSEMBLY and DON'T even step foot in this DEMONIC CULT CHURCH

  7. I know a group of people attended the church. I was told not to use SKII P&G KAO and some other brands. Funny enough when P&G sold some of its brands, the brand immediately became OKAY. WTF? Can some one explain to me?

    Also, some of those who attended contributes a lot to the church. And they are also proud of the funding has been raised and kept for no use.

    Lastly, they do not read bible. And was told bible is god written to trip devil. So we human should not read. I feel sad. As a Christian, bible is where I find my comfort and get closer with god.

    I can’t be 100% sure if it is a cult. I am just human, I can’t judge for sure. But I feel lucky that they never accept me when a family member applied for me to join the church. If a church going to stop me from reading bible, then at least it’s not the church for me. However, I feel sad for my loved ones if it is truly a cult.

    1. Dove Assembly in Jln Ipoh is undeniably a CULT CHURCH !

  8. Yo it’s scary to see how many of you guys went through the same shit I did as a child because my mom forced me into this life that Dove Assembly cheated them into.

    It’s one of the worst cult churches there is and yes I can confirm we were told to drink Coke as it can cure all kinds of sickness from sore throat to all other shit.

    Once their bank account was frozen due to spat with partners and I remember vaguely there was about rm20 million inside frozen and how he made stupid stories about how those ex partners that went against him were striked by chariots at the Ground floor of Plaza Pengkalan and my stupid parent actually believed these stories and would tell them to us so proudly.

    They prey on those going through really rough times so please do not fall into this cult.

    1. This is some of the stuff that the pastor preached by the way. All of the posts in "Salvation Song" are his sermons.

      There be tales of satanic space robots here:

      Here is where they believe Jesus was of Chinese heritage:

      Here is where they believe a Jesus like figure appeared in China in medieval times and was guarded by kungfu masters:

    2. Hey my dad has been attending this church since I was born and I also had to go through this stupid shit as a child (being told that Coke would clear the “haze particles” in my throat). Thankfully my mom and I never listened and just treated him like he was insane.

      Can you give me a way of contacting you? My dad still goes there and I would like to know how your mom left (or if she is still attending how you are dealing with it).

    3. Yes , many people even the young ones are suffering from DIABETES due to drinking COKE ! The Cult pastor NELSON SOO also severely DIABETIC and both his legs swell like elephants before he died. Now the old senile elder NG GHEE , and Sis Leong , Elder Loke are behaving like DEVILS , carrying the legacy of deviated teachings from hell , instiling. Fear , practice witchcraft and manipulation in the congregation.

  9. This is a cult church. Stay away. My family got caught in it's cult. So stay away!!!!

  10. Hi how can I reach out to you? I really need more info abt this church

  11. The eccentric notion of abstaining from indulging in mooncakes, dumplings, and other such items as symbolic gestures unrelated to divinity seems perplexing. Identifying specific brands restricted from use until they undergo acquisition and a name change appears arbitrary and illogical. A more sensible approach would be to assess the church by observing its congregation and the results of their actions, akin to examining the fruit borne by a tree.

  12. It is Holy Spirit Led Church. Dove Assembly believes in conplete Bible and many experienced and testified Medically / Xrays / checked by doctors and proven healing and miracle.. in general Fathet Son and Holy Spirit was always observed as all other general church. It supports other church missions. cares for needy families and gives silently (not publicly bragging and showing off). It was visited by many major Church Pastors from other country.
    The church well defined,JESUS..meaning Jesus legal status on earth and his purpose of life on earth and the ressurected Jesus now in Heaven. All prayers are isubmitted scripturally in the name of Jesus.
    Christmas is celebrated; but Santa Claus, Chrstmas Trees and all other evil objects are not pratcised by the church.

    There is nothing evil about this church.
    We cant expect satan and satans people to say good things especially that people are eperiencing healings, concecrating in prayer and devoted to their life in Holy Spirit.

    1. Dove Assembly is Demonic and a CULT CHURCH. My fly and I were there for more than 23 years and we were were plucker out in 2010.. Now the senile old zElder NG GHEE is taking over the pulpit preaching EVIL DOCTRINE left by the cult leader NELSON SOO who became so deviated and left the congregation to renounce Jesus'...

  13. Patience is the best solution to witness this church real or not. Don't read the book by it cover.

  14. Dove Assembly is a church that probably came from the Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) movement.

    They have a couple of teachings which are concerning to me:
    1. They reject the divinity of Jesus completely. So they are strictly unitarian. They even reject the Arian position, where Jesus is the divine Word of God, but subordinate to the Father.
    2. The bible isn't the sole authority. They believe in prophecies and revelations from certain "chosen" individuals. Even if this new information goes against what is written in the bible.
    3. Like many churches that sprung out of the SDA movement, they believe most of the other churches out there are fallen "dark churches", and they are maybe the only true church remaining.
    4. Strong emphasis on things that are "pleasing to God", or "from Satan". E.g. mooncakes are bad. Interestingly enough, they don't stop their members from eating pig blood curd.

    The tl:dr version is that they just need to write their own scripture, and they can go join the Mormons, Baháʼí, and Muslims in denouncing the foolishness of Christianity.

  15. Truth be told. NEVER step foot in this CULT CHURCH , called Dove Assembly in Plaza Pengkalan, Jln Ipoh. Many families have been destroyed and when the spouse or kids walk out , they will be ostracized and ex communicated by their own spouse and parents ,vise versa...the CULT PASTOR PASSED AWAY and now the elder NG GHEE is even worse than Nelson Soo. He is devil incarnated, practice witchcraft and preach Half truth, twist the bible and the congregation are forbidden to read the bible . This is a CULT Church who renounce Jesus. Flee from this CULT church !

  16. Your dad is still there , so are many who are still stuck there and blinded. Dove Assembly is a CULT CHURCH. No truth is preached here. All dark doctrines.

    1. Who would have thought that Dove Assembly is a CULT CHURCH ? The so called pastor NELSON SOO hailed from Klang , he went to a Proper Bible school and was serving as worker in an AOG Church... He was a loner and often spoke as if HOLY SPIRIT was speaking to him. Wierd guy , with familiar spirits ,disassociated with his own family members.That was why he propogated DISUNITY and Disassociation with outside Christians ,he declared GOD has DISOWNED the Christians out there as they believe in the divinity of God in Jesus.and even family members who do not go to the same church in DOVE ASSEMBLY . He diciphered the Bible according to his own whims and fancy and none should even question him ! Just follow blindly and he discouraged the ppl fr reading the bible, he said the bible is written to trap Satan .

    2. Nelson Soo started his own church initially in Bricksfield , then moved in to 17th floor ,Plaza Pengkalan in Jln Ipoh. Many members had bn trapped in his deviated and cultist teachings , he practiced witchcraft ,dark knowledge and dark doctrines .. and had the anointing of dark powers, instilled fear , control and manipulation ... Please google and read what CULT is all about. Dove Assembly is a CULT church . He died in 2009 at the age of 49 and his successor old senile NG GHEE carries on with his dark idealogies .
