Wednesday, February 17, 2021



I will begin to tell my testimony. I will not detail all my evils as a witch because the purpose of my testimony is to bring edification to the Church. What influenced me to enter the world of magic first was the cartoons. Then when I was a teenager it was witchcraft films. In my youth, the desire to be a wizard was awakened in me. All of this was influenced by what my eyes watched.

A friend of mine used by the devil convinced me to enter the witchcraft. I started to perform small sacrifices of small animals like rats, birds, black cats even sacrificing missing children. I started reading many books that talked about the occult. I read up books in the library. I went deeper and bought satanist books. I was willing to be a witch.

I started having insomnia. I saw figures and heard voices in my room at midnight. Someone called my name. I would get up from my bed and open the door of my house while my parents were still asleep. I saw footsteps and the door was opening by itself. Someone called my name. I went out to the backyard of my house and there was only one voice but I didn't see anyone and started talking to her. That´s how I started talking to the demons.

The next day I told my parents. They didn't believe me and took me to a psychiatrist. There was nothing in the exams about any mental alteration when the problem is spiritual. There is no use going to the doctors.

After my parents' reaction I decided not to tell anything more to them as it was all in vain. When I reached the age of majority I told my parents that I would live alone. I didn't want to live with them because all the evil activities I wanted to do, I couldn't do close to them.

I wanted to evolve and become a great witch. For this to happen, I needed privacy. I was always a disciplined person. I tried to do everything that the books instructed me. All this helped me in the future to be a practicing servant of God disciplined by the word of God.

Three years passed and my experiences became more intimate with the demons. I lived near the bushland and far from communities to be free to make my blood sacrifices and my rituals. I reached a stage where I could see the demons face to face and talk to them.

The cosmetics demon introduced himself to me. He said, “I have invented a variety of cosmetics since ancient times. My activities started in Egypt and now in 2011 with doctors and scientists. I have done this for the seduction of men by women who buy my cosmetics. They make it easier for me to work witchcraft in their lives.”

He introduced a terrible evil entity to me. He is responsible for the false cures. This demon made a pact with me. He anointed me to perform all kinds of signs and wonders.

I had a witch school where I taught my students to practice magic. This demon operator of signs and wonders did great healing of people at my school. Several people with diseases, mental illnesses, and financial problems came to me for the solution to their problems. The devil knows the weakness of each person and uses it as a weapon to deceive me.

One day some pastors, bishops, and apostles heard people talking about me that I had authority from the dark world. I thought that these leaders were coming to oppose me since the light does not agree with darkness. Instead, they sought me and asked me for powers of the occult. They didn’t have the gifts of the Holy Spirit because they didn’t live a holy life. They wanted to work signs and wonders in their ministries for the number of members to grow and attract more people. They’re ambitious. They wanted to make a lot of money. I didn’t believe these men came to me to ask for authority and powers of darkness. They were willing to pay as much as I wanted to gain a part of my powers. They said it was worth spending to have a return. I believed that all evangelicals faithfully followed their God because we in the world of witchcraft faithfully follow our gods because we have a great fear of being killed by spirits. Evil evangelicals already betrayed their God by making a pact with the devil. I put my hands on those men and released my evil anointing on them.

Months later they came back to tell me that their churches were full and that they were operating great signs. I spilled one magic potion of herbs on the heads of these men. The same entity that walked with me and operates signs was now accompanying these brothers. These demons have made pacts with these brothers in exchange for their souls. I sold occultic powers to many gospel ministers. Only in my city alone, more than 50 received my powers.

The demons appeared in my house and presented themselves to me saying that they needed me and my services. The demon of fashion entity appeared to me. This demon has the power to seduce men. He presented himself in feminine form.

Another demon appeared to me. He is from the wind. He causes storms and whirlwinds over the seas to sink ships. He also causes strong winds, typhoons, hurricanes and strong winds knocking down houses. All this has killed millions of people dragging everything around him.

John 10:10 The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Then the water demon appeared to me. He causes the disasters in the seas to drown people in the water. He produces strong currents and tsunamis to drag people and boats into the water.

Then the demon of grudge was introduced to me. He made people get bitter and not to forgive others.

Then the fat eye demon introduced himself. He cast spells on people who became victims of the bad eye.

Afterward came the demon of paralysis that takes away the movement of people's bodies.

Then came the nightmare demon. He doesn’t let the person sleep and causes insomnia and sometimes suffocates him too and makes the man dream that he is having sex with women. These dreams seem real and take away all the physical energy. The next day the person wakes up tired. This demon enters the dream and also makes women dream that they are having sex with men. This demon is a hermaphrodite and has two sexes. It can be a woman to a man and can be a man to a woman. It only happens with people who don't have Jesus or even spiritually weak believers or lives a life of sins.

Nighttime prayers before bedtime are important and essential in our lives.

When I was still single I had sex with this demon. He didn’t appear in the dream like he does with other people. He materialized to sleep with me. This only happens with witches who go up to high levels. I had more than ten years of activity. It takes a long time to achieve this feat.

Today I am ashamed to say this. I just want to reveal that demons are real. The more the person gets involved in the occult, the more intimacy they have with the demons, the more real they become. The person ends up bringing these spirits from the spiritual world to their physical world. They end up being part of his life.

Then the demon of heresies and lies presented himself as an angel of the churches. That title belongs to the angels to the seven churches of the Apocalypse. He invented new religions that do not have Jesus. He incited pastors to contaminate the gospel. He used theologians to invent lying theologies.

He made the teachers create heresies in their teachings and the doctors of theology to twist the word of God in the smallest detail to confuse the Christians. These demons convinced the leaders to deny the word so that what is sin and abomination to God were no longer sins in the view of these pastors.

This demon of apostasy caused theological confusion and sought small spaces to enter the church through false teaching to bring spiritual confusion in the minds of the Christians and contaminate the body of Christ. This demon came in the form of an angel. He is what he says in the word in 2 Corinthians 11:14, and Satan is transformed into an angel of light. His form of an angel in the church means deceit.

After this, another demon presented himself as the demon of dementia. He drives people crazy without memories. He weakens their ability to think. Most people who are hospitalized in asylums are of spiritual causes. This demon appears to these people and upset them until they go crazy and be hospitalized. This demon is the spirit of madness and has made many become homeless and disappear from their homes.

After that, the demon that changes hearts appeared. He puts hardness, doubt, and disbelief in human hearts.

Then the demon of cancer came. He kills people who make a pact with him. People who go in search of wealth, fame, and recognition make a pact with this entity. When the term ends this demon puts cancer in them. They do several exams and chemotherapy but there is no way to be healed because cancer is a small demon that lodges inside the person and sucks all their health and feeds on the person’s blood. They suffer and die as the cancer is spiritual.

Another demon came. He causes heart disease that leads the person to death.

The demon that causes incurable diseases, the demon of seizures that cause epilepsy and causes death through drugs also appeared to me.

A family demon also appeared to me who puts the coldness in the relationship making the couples sleep in separate beds, makes the husband be disgusted with the woman and vice versa causing the divorce. He settles in the homes to provoke conflicts between parents and children, brother against brother, and divisions within the homes.

Now I understand how important it is for Christians to pray for one another over the cell phone and also visit the homes of those who are weak and pray. Today I have a group of brothers who help me visit the homes by praying in the homes of those who are spiritually weak.

The demon of division also introduced himself. He makes the brothers stumble over divisions within the churches. He creates groups, forms parties, and splits the church. He produces strife.

The demon of strong temper presented himself. He agitates people to fight with other people for anything.

A demon presented himself as a beautiful woman to me. He is a sensual demon of lust and also of sensuality. He makes the models parade on catwalks to use their beauty and pose with their bodies making many wonder at the beauty of their bodies and encourages them to do plastic surgery.

Another demon appeared to me as a chameleon. He changed color like a chameleon. One hour he was with his natural color another time green. He was camouflaged as a man, then he became a woman. He went through several transformations. He told me, “I'm the demon of homosexuality and lesbianism. I change the woman's mind to make her think that she is a man and I change the man’s mind making him think that he is a woman. I change colors as a camouflage to confuse people. I make lesbians feel they are men to feel the desire to relate to other women. I also make men become effeminate to have relationships with gay men. I reverse the nature of God. I make people have anal sex and oral sex. I go inside the church. The pastors have no authority to expel me. Homosexuals go to church and cannot break free for I am fierce. No one has divine authority to expel me as many pastors do not please God and do not live the gospel."

Brothers I was on the side of darkness. I know how dangerous these cunning demons are and full of traps. They enter through small spaces that believers open in their lives. 

The demon of letter, the demon of spiritual blindness came to me and told me, “I have blinded the understanding of many sages, many theologians writers of gospel books, books of sects and religions. I have reached great pastors’ works. They don't completely believe the Bible and reject important verses of exhortation and sanctity.”

The demon of disappointment appeared and said to me, “I take people to throw their lives into the gutter. I make them homeless and get addicted to drugs because of disappointments.”

Another demon came to me. He is the spirit of darkness. He makes spiritual lives darken through a little lie within the gospel preached by others.

Another demon came to me. He is the spirit of ambition, greed and riches. He stains the hearts of man with these desires.

The demon of spiritual perversion appeared and told me, “I make good people become bad. I reverse values. Those who do good I make them do evil. Good habits are easy to be bad. I make a positive turn negative.”

The demon of pedophilia appeared to me. He put desires in adults to want to have sex with children and also put the desire in children to want to have sex with adults.

Then came the vampire demon. I offered him a lot of blood from people animals and even mine when I was going up the levels of witchcraft. I cut my arm. This demon possessed a student of mine and sucked a lot of blood. The purpose of this demon is to suck the spiritual lives of many people leading to madness, depression and suicide.

Another demon presented himself. He is the entity that feeds on negative feelings like grudges, hatred, bitterness, depression, stress, and all kinds of bad feelings. He feeds on those feelings and gets strong to be able to throw a healthy person in the gutter.

The demon of pornography appeared in the shape of a seductive woman. He has the purpose of addicting people through pornographic websites and movies.

The demon of the earth came to me. He is responsible for earthquakes, floods, landslides, eruptions of volcanoes. They have killed millions of people all over the world.

Another demon appeared to me. He is called an error demon and he makes people commit many mistakes. He influences sin.

Another demon came to me. He is the entity of the murders. He makes people kill others for trivial things.

Another demon presented himself. He is the entity that generates jealousy. For example, he causes one brother to be jealous of another brother because of the parents’ favoritism.

The forest demon presented himself to me. He receives all the covenants' sacrifices and offerings within the forest. He uses man to destroy nature.

The demon of sexual perversion presented himself to me. He makes people fall into fornication and adultery and incites cheating and betrayal.

The demon of abortion encourages abortion and causes great infant mortality.

The demon of swearing and insults came to me and said, “People who swear and curse gives me the legality to enter their lives.”

The demon of the mind came to me. He puts thoughts and intentions in the head to be dishonest.

A demon child came and said, “I visit the womb of a pregnant woman and waits for the child to be born to work in her life and to mislead her soul in the future.”

When a child is born it is important to raise and nurture her in the ways of the lord as the prophet Samuel was raised and taught.

The demon of the corpse came to me. He uses people to feed on the corpse practicing necrophagy. He also incites people to feel desires for dead bodies and to have sexual relations with dead people practicing necrophilia.

The demon of transmutation came to me. He transforms chemical elements into another element. He changes matter into another matter. He has control over what matter is made of and he could easily change matter. He can transform one thing into another. He cannot create something out of nothing only God is the creator but this demon can take something created and transform it into something else. I say this because he turned the water into wine changing the color of the water and changing its taste.

After these demons, a great leader came to me and said, “I have a mission for you.”

I said, “I am willing to do this mission.”

He replied, “I want you to go to churches. Don't worry about their leaders. They have no authority. They don’t have the discernment to know what is of God and what is ours. I will enter you inside the churches with an entity.”

I asked, “What is your name?”

He answered, “I am the demon of false prophecies and false visions. I make people enter these spiritual visions, making them feel that their God has manifested among them.”

Then a demon appeared burning in fire. He approached me and I could feel a great heat. He had the great authority to seal people and baptize them in false fire and false spirits. This demon spoke in angelic tongues and he also spoke other languages from several countries. This devil of deception, Helibrás, was ready to enter me inside the churches.

Before entering the church, I attended a theology course where I obtained a diploma and a pastor's credentials. The first church I visited I went undetected as a witch. Nobody discovered anything. I was well-received. Brothers asked if I had any office, what church did I belong to.

I said, “I am a pastor,” and I gave the name of a church that did not exist. The pastor gave me the opportunity to preach. His church was full that day. I went to the pulpit and started to speak the word of God and the two demons that were with me started to act. These demons made most people enter into spiritual manifestations and the people were thrilled and gave way to these demons to work, thinking that it is the Holy Spirit. The demon spoke in strange languages. A boy spoke in strange languages. A fire demon approached the people. Many of them felt his presence thinking it was the Holy Spirit and gave way to him. Many fell on the ground and twirled around with this false cult and this false power.

I spoke the word of curses in strange tongues in which the devil granted me which the people didn’t understand. They accepted my prophecies and rejoiced. The people said, “This woman is from God,” and the pastor asked me to return again. They had no idea who had acted that night. The people asked me for prayer and I prayed with the laying on of hands. The evil spirit that was in me passed on to those brothers. I cursed each one of them. When I said my prayers they accepted my prayers and gave credibility to my person. This gave legality for the demons to enter their lives. My fame spread in my city. I went to several churches and operated several signs. I cursed several churches.

The result was that after a false Pentecost caused by these demons that accompanied me people jumped around. But the following day they were weak and empty of God. They drank from the filthy waters offered by the demons. The spirit of discouragement entered the lives of many people. After this false movement, the shepherds who invited me went astray and paid a high price for surrendering their sheep to deceit causing their spiritual deaths.

I believe that these pastors did not do it out of malice. They were also victims of deceit and paid dearly for not having fellowship with God. The church is going through a difficult time. It craves spiritual manifestations but these movements of the Holy Spirit have ceased for some years because of sin. The people yearn for this move of God but they don’t want to pay the price of renunciation. They don’t look for their deliverance.

I believe that the people feel joy and fall to the ground for not enduring the presence of the Holy Spirit according to 2 Chronicles 5:13-14 It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, saying, For He is good; for His mercy endures for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD; 14 So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God.

What we have to do is stay connected with the Holy Spirit because there are demons imitating the same activities. Brothers, don’t let unknown people put their hands on your heads. No one knows about these people's lives or their spiritual condition. Maybe that person lives a spiritual life inferior to yours and passes all their problems on to you and still passes the evil spirit to you. Also the only way of not having such transference is for you to live a holy life and a life of prayer.

If someone puts their hands on the head of those who live in holiness, evil does not pass because they have the mark of the Holy Spirit. The demons cannot enter as the Scriptures says in Proverbs 26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

I say from experience. I put my hands on the head of a teenager. His life was sealed with the seal of the Holy Spirit. I saw an energy that enveloped his body. He was covered with the blood of Christ. He was the exclusive property of God. 

This young man is the example of that church where I saw the same cover. There was a church that had not sent a letter of invitation for me. I found it strange all the churches called me. They even disputed with one another in inviting me. This church did not care for me to invite me. My fame was commented by all the churches - in this church, nobody spoke my name. My fame there was stifled. It was an insult to me. I wanted to embarrass that church and their God. I invoked Helibras.

I told him, “You gave me a list of all the churches in the city except for that church.”

He told me, “I gave you the name of the serious churches and you have fulfilled what I said. You did a great job for Satan.”

I answered the demon, “I want to get in there. I want to find out what is special about this church and why you fear this church so much.”

Helibrás looked at me furiously and said, “Your job is to obey orders just as I obey my orders. We are the masters of the council. We know all the churches in this city. We know all the information. This church is not on the list. We are thinking of some strategy to attack.”

I said, “You told me I'm a powerful witch and nobody can beat me. Now you are telling me that I can't defeat that poor little church of few people. You lied to me. I need to see with my eyes if this church can beat me. What is the entity of that church that you don't want me to go to? Are they so strong in spirit? You told me that all the spirits are with me mainly the strongest. I want to see your boss, the one who is the king of all.”

He laughed and said, “Who are you to talk to him? You can't just talk with him without going through us. We will send a legion with you. Remember that you have a pact with us. You cannot leave us after you are humiliated in that church. If the pact is broken, you will die at midnight.”

I came to the service of that church accompanied with a legion of demons. As we were coming near the door, a part of the legion left because they could not resist the power of prayer in that place

The people there were different from the other churches. The people are holy and there was no scandal in them and no reproach at all. Their angelic faces were shining joy and holiness. They were making 40 days of fasting and prayers.

Upon entering this church, a brother behind the door realized that I was a false pastor full of demons. I had entered several churches and they all believed that I was a woman of God. Already in that church, I could not deceive them. The brother scolded those demons ordering them to leave. I fell demonized on the ground. The brothers expelled all of them. I was free to fall into the hands of God. I was His now. This church was the bridge that led me to the truth.

I asked the brothers, “Who is the strong entity here?”

They answered me, “There is no strong entity here. The only power here is God who created everything.”

I accepted Jesus and they prayed that I would not die that night for the demons had threatened me. I went to my sheltered house. Thankfully there are churches that have authority despite being few. At midnight I bent my knees to pray and thank God that the demons that threatened me didn’t show up to kill me.

I closed the school of witchcraft and dedicated the hall for the church. I burned occult books. Now the presence that is in me is no longer that of demons that imitate the Holy Spirit. Now this flame is genuine that lives in me. I received the gift of spiritual discernment and judges the spirits because I have dominion.

For those who have no calling, stay on the watch. Do not judge without being sure. Ask God for the gift of discernment. Watch the church.

The fire demon started in various sects like Hinduism, Buddhism and witchcraft is entering the churches. This demon enters the churches and observes each person who is out of holiness. He approaches and deceives them.

For those who live a holy life he walks away. He sees the mark of the Spirit and walks away.

One day I went to visit a denomination now as a servant of God not to deceive but to minister. A woman was speaking in tongues. I knew I had already seen that language somewhere. I knew this demon when I was still on the side of darkness. I saw that there was something strange with her. The Holy Spirit told me to put my hand on her. When I did that the demon manifested and I cast it out.

I went to another church to pay a visit. A man was delivering several prophecies. I was able to discern what spirit he was using. When I was still a witch I delivered false prophecies. I pointed my hand from afar and rebuked that demon. The worker fell to the ground and God freed him. This demon of false prophecy prophesied blessings in name of God. When the blessings were not fulfilled many deviated from God. They were disappointed with God for not fulfilling the promises of blessings. These revelations that do not come from God are diverting many.

I have the gift of revelation and prophecy but I only deliver the messages if the Holy Spirit commands and until now all have been fulfilled.

I leave an alert to the church. Beware of new manifestations and new moves of the Holy Spirit. New manifestations that the Bible does not teach are added doctrines. Beware of false manifestations. Ask for God’s direction from those people who live a holy life and have the mark of God. Their lives are protected by God. Those people who have this mark have the glow of the fire that shines and chases away the demons.

For those who do not live a holy life the devil does not see the light in their lives. He sees the darkness in the lives of these people. He approaches and infiltrates his little dark flame and smoke in these people so that they work for the devil as his instruments.

You who are not Christian or who is not living a holy life, you can be deceived by this demon. I do not want to judge anyone. I am warning everyone how clever this demon is. I conclude my testimony that everyone seeks God, God does not want to see His children deceived.

The peace of our Lord Jesus be with everyone. Amen

Translated from Ashley Irving video


  1. Every SIn has its Demon, thats it..

    Then it means when we sin ,we should pray that thE demon present should be banished in Jesus name..

    1. Yes brother
      Every vice that is committed on earth there is demon of influence.

  2. I commend this post very much. Sound and biblical.

  3. Very good post. God bless you

  4. Our Owner Yahweh Yahweh would give we the discernment of this fake pastors that uses witcraft powers to pastor their churches. Why do they do that?
