Saturday, March 6, 2021



The end of time. We were holding a convention in our church and we have received a servant from the south of the country.

He was sleeping in my room and I was sleeping and praying in the living room. In the night when it was between 2 a.m and 3 a.m, I was praying in the night for the seminar. Suddenly I heard the audible voice of God.

The Lord said, "Grace, I want you to get out of the compound."

But I ignored this voice and I continued to pray. While I continued to pray, the Lord called my name for the second time.

The Lord said, "Grace, get out of the house."

But I continued to pray because I was flowing in prayer. The Lord called me for the third time. At that moment, I got out of the living room and I was now in the yard. I remember I was still praying in tongues.

The Lord said, “Don't stay in the courtyard. Get out in the street.”

When I went out of the compound the Lord said, “Advance to the place where the street meets with another direction in the crossroad.”

When I reached the crossroad the Lord said, "Now begin to declare words that I will tell you.”

I stood in the crossroad declaring the word of the Lord in the neighborhood. When I had finished declaring spoken words over the neighborhood, suddenly I felt the Lord slapping me on the shoulder.

When I was about to turn around, the Lord said, “Grace, look up to the sky.”

I remember on that day there was no electricity. It was really dark. When I looked up to the sky I saw a powerful light. Then I noticed that this light was circular and intense. In the middle of this circular shape, there was flowing great light. Very quickly I saw a figure that looked like snow and light.

When I looked closer, I saw that it was actually a bright angel that had wings. I saw that he was holding a vase. I was stunned and I kept interceding in tongues. I had goosebumps and my hair rose.

When I looked again, I saw this circular light descending to Earth and the angelic figure was growing bigger. What surprised me is that I saw this angel was dressed in white and he was wearing a black crown. Moreover, he had two horns on his head. I was shocked.

I asked, “Is this an angel of light or an angel of darkness?”

When I looked at his feet I saw that it was metallic. This was a humanoid giant demon standing in space that was holding a vase.

The Lord said, "Grace, what do you see?”

I said, "Lord, this is a strange angel. What is his vase for?”

The Lord said, “Behold, look at what he is doing.”

When I looked, I saw this angel of Satan breaking the vase he was holding. As a result, a liquid product began to splash and propagate.

The Lord said, "Look carefully where this liquid is falling.”

When I looked I saw the terrestrial globe. And this demonic liquid was spreading all over the globe. As a result, a thick cloud of darkness that I have never seen covered the terrestrial globe.

The Lord asked me, “What do you see?”

I said, “Lord I can see thick darkness darkening the terrestrial globe. I can no longer see countries and continents of the terrestrial globe because of the darkness.”

The Lord said, "Now look at this angel.”

When I looked at the angel, I saw that he was uttering words and roaring with the voice of a beast. He was speaking mysterious words and he was roaring incredibly like a ferocious beast and his eyes were changing whenever he was roaring like a beast. The more this angel was roaring and uttering mysterious words, I saw that darkness was multiplying on the Earth.

I said, "Lord, what is the meaning of it all?”

This the Lord told me, “Grace, I chose you as a messenger despite the people’s hard heart. You must proclaim My message to the people. You must warn the Church to be on the alert and to watch. Warn the Church for the devil is surrounding and covering the Earth with total and absolute darkness. He is multiplying and increasing darkness in all parts of the world. The globe that you saw is the Earth and the nations of the world. The demonic angel that you saw was sent by Satan to launch darkness on the land. He is multiplying darkness. Behold see how he is increasing darkness that is covering the world.”

My dear, when I looked I saw the gathering of the global elite. It was a summit of world leaders and chiefs of states. I was able to recognize many of the world leaders. In the auditorium, I saw a podium where the dragon Lucifer was giving instructions and directives.

I saw the dragon saying, “I will extend your mandate in terms of power. In return, you must serve me and help me fulfill my mission. I want to dominate the world filling the Earth with more darkness.”

Then I saw Lucifer making a sign towards the floor. As a result, I saw countless boxes appearing on the floor.

The dragon told the chiefs of states, “Get these products and take them all over the world. You will inject the people of the world with this product and whoever will be injected with this product will belong to me. They will also become submissive to you and your power. They will never rebel against you.”

Immediately the Lord told me, “You see these injections the dragon is giving the world leaders. It is precisely the liquid that the beastly angel has splashed all over the world to increase darkness and rule.”

I said, "Lord, what is this product?”

The Lord said, "This is the vaccine that they are giving to the world supposedly against the spread of coronavirus.”

The Lord said, "This vaccine is not against coronavirus. It is the mark of the beast. It is the domination of Satan. The vaccine will facilitate the Adversary to rule the world. It will increase the darkness. After the vaccination of the world population, you will see the escalation of sin, immorality, and moral bankruptcy. People will become incredulous towards the Church. People will not accept the sound doctrine and Biblical gospel. Those who belong to Me will suffer persecution and they will be rejected. The power of darkness is about to escalate and fill the Earth more and more.”

My dear, I know that some will criticize this message. What matters is that you heard the message and happy are the ones who take into consideration this message. You remember last year when I did a video where the Lord said that this pandemic does not come from Him.

The purpose of this pandemic is that the devil wants to possess the people. The devil is rushing to do what was supposed to happen in the aftermath of the rapture. It is actually when the Church is raptured that those who are left behind are supposed to face this choice. It is when the Church is gone that global disaster and cataclysm will strike the world. But it is the presence of the Bride on Earth that is delaying judgment.

[The above paragraph reflects the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view. Some Christians believe that ALL Christians will go through the first 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation, which is the time of the Devil’s wrath via the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The second 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation is the time of God’s wrath. Only those who grow to the full stature and measure and fullness of Jesus Christ (the Manifested Sons of God) will be caught up in the Rapture before the time of God’s wrath.]

But painful days are ahead for humanity. This pandemic is just a foretaste. The Antichrist will control and impose chiefs of states over nations. At that time, no one will buy and sell unless he has the mark. The Antichrist agents will check who is selling and buying. There shall be torture. We must work in order to escape the things that are about to happen. The Great Tribulation must be avoided at all costs.

It is the intimacy with the Holy Spirit that is the principal thing. For it is the Holy Spirit that will rapture the Church. The relationship you have with the Spirit of God in you is the key to the rapture.

The enemy is cunning and knows the end-time prophecy. What is to happen during the Great Tribulation he is rushing to implement it now. He wants to win the souls of the elect. The dragon will cause the government of the world to impose this vaccine. That way the Bride of Christ will be forced to receive it. The right to work and employment will be bound to this vaccine. Unless you receive the vaccine you will not work. And anyone who takes this vaccine will belong to the devil.

When you take this vaccine your soul belongs to the enemy. Thank God for our president that is a Christian for he will not impose on the people. The president gave the people the choice.

The Lord told me, “Warn My Church. This vaccine is being administered and My children will be pressured and tormented to receive this vaccine. The dragon is rushing to do now what he was supposed to do in the aftermath of the rapture. Yet the Church is here. There are countries that will impose their people. They will fire people. They will even confine people to separate them from the vaccinated population. People won't have the right to their own money in the bank account.”


  1. Im so disturbed by this revelation because it confirms what the LORD revealed to me while I was in prayer. Last month(February 2021) while in prayer the LORD said 'Preparation'. It was after few days that he made it clear to me that the devil is PREPARING this world with the vaccine for the coming of Antichrist.

    Children of GOD, this is no longer the time to compromise but seek the LORD in prayer and fasting.

    1. Thanks bro.
      If one is indeed a true child of God, i believe the Holy Spirit will speak and warn you about this mark.
      No true child of God will be carried away.
      "Watch and pray" is what the Lord has always been warning about

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. in my country indonesia
    Covid 19 vaccine becomes mandatory and those who are vaccinated will get a certificate to travel or sell and it has started to be implemented for those who refuse vaccines will be fined $ 350 (dollars) Many church leaders have told their congregations to be vaccinated because they have to submit to the government according to the word of God many of my brothers who will receive this vaccine because they only know that the mark of the beast is this chip is very sad.

    1. Its sad to hear that you guys are forced to take this nonsense.. Though us we are told here in South Africa that its not mandatory to get it, i suspect in future thell change the rules forcing Employers to comply to getting their Employees to Vaccinate for work permit sake. So Government will put pressure on business people & company owners so that this owners put pressure on us below to comply if we still want to earn a living wage..

      Beseech the Lord Jesus ,, we will pray for you this side aswell.. "No hunger, poverty, distress, unEmployment can separate us from the love of God" (Rom 8v31-35)..

      I pray that you all hold on till the End then shall you be Saved (Matt 24v13 )..

    2. South Africa is indeed look into the same thing

    3. Sir, please don't make up story.
      "Many church leaders have told their congregations to be vaccinated because they have to submit to the government"

      They are voluntarily take it.
      I still got no vaccine, and I'm not fined by $350.

  4. This is unreal, just youtube "vaccine passport", its not unthinkable that in some countries those without it can't be employed, allowed into shops, or allowed to sell things.

    "The relationship you have with the Spirit of God in you is the key to the rapture" - that needs to be written down somewhere


  5. We need to put the term “mark of the Beast” in the proper context. Just as there are many antichrists (1 John 2:18) and one Antichrist (Rev 13), so there are many marks of the Beast and one Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:18). Jesus said in John 14:30, for the ruler of this world comes, and he has nothing in Me. In other words, Jesus did not have any mark of the Beast on Him.

    There are many persons with the mark of the Beast on them already. Among them are the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Rosicrucians, the Satanists, the sorcerers, witches, wizards, followers of false religions, the thieves, the murderers, the fornicators, the liars, the gossipers etc. There are many properties of the Beast already in the world. Among them are the ouija board, fortune-telling, astral traveling, divination, tattoos, heavy metal music, psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs etc. Partaking in them leaves a mark of the Beast on those practitioners. Indeed, many already are marked with 666 on their foreheads even before the introduction of 666 in Rev 13.

    There are many marks of the Beast in the world because the “whole world lieth in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). Many will be consigned to everlasting fire as they are cursed (with the mark of the Beast) (Matthew 25:41) even though they did not live in the time of Rev 13 to be injected with the Mark of the Beast.

    What the seer-prophet Felly Grace is warning us is that God showed him that the vaccine is a property of Satan that will leave the mark of the Beast in the recipients. Prophet Isaac Mayele said the Lord told him to tell His children not to get vaccinated for this vaccine is from the world of Satan. The aim of this vaccine is to cause mass destruction. Indeed there are reports of sudden deaths, blindness, deafness, palsy etc after vaccination. Prophetess Vitória Fernandes Of Brazil said she saw the vaccine being made in hell. Former Satanist Jean Claude Muamba revealed Luciferian plan to kill 6 million souls with the pandemic.

    1. Thank you for clearing out this important subject. I received a vision of a needle inserted in my right hand. I did not understood the message at that time, but when the LORD's messengers started to talk about the vaccine, I understood the vision.

    2. Totally agree with you on those who are already marked. God confirmed that to me too. Praise the Lord!

  6. The vaccine will carry an invisible mark of the beast whereas the mark of the beast in Rev 13 will be both invisible and tangible that can be scanned for buying and selling.

  7. I agree with your opinion.
    but in my country, Indonesia has issued a government regulation but it has not been implemented. If later you don't have a vaccine certificate you can't travel or sell and buy at the super market, and those who refuse the vaccine will be fined $ 350.

  8. Blessed Thel, do you have a website? I would like to read your teachings.

  9. Yes there are wandering souls of those who die before their time.

  10. Once upon a time malaria parasites ravaged the whole world. The church couldn't stop it with prayers until Quinine was discovered and the vaccine was injected to the world. Nobody claimed the vaccine to be the mark of the antichrist. People got saved. Over the time polio vaccine got discovered, likewise for cholera, meningitis, measles, influenza, ebola and for many other pestilence that devastated mankind where the effective prayers of the church could not conquer. Lives were saved. No one claimed those vaccines are from satanic agenda, the mark of the antichrist to make ala Christian lose his salvation. It is a marvel today, that a supposedly devastating global plague as covid19 was not revealed beforehand to any prophet or any heaven-hell rapture vistors to forewarn the impending ravage and global lockdown. Now that the world is in better relief and recovery with the discovery of vaccines to battle this plague, rapture excursionists are now coming out to discount the vaccines as the mark of the antichrist.
    Is it the Jesus of the Holy bible that gave such revelation?
    If Christians are not to be vaccinated then what alternative remedy to cure this virus did Jesus show them? Many Christians and pastors died from covid19. If prayers couldn't stop these saints from untimely deaths of this covid-19 virus, what alternative cure did their rapture experience provide for Christians who don't want the mark of the antichrist? How many pastors and prayers ministers have claimed divine healing on covid19 patients? None. Covid19 has come to stay permanent in this world like many other diseases before it. The anti-covid vaccine has also come to stay in this world- it is the gift of God for answered prayers. I took the vaccine and I didn't lose my salvation and I didn't receive any mark of the beast but the mark of the Lord Jesus Christ where no pestilence should trouble me! Galatians 6:17

    1. Firstly, I hope you have not taken the vaccine, based on your comment. If you have taken it already, then there is no remedy for you. its over.
      However, if you have not taken it, then read please:
      Secondly, what was discovered to cure Malaria was not in vaccine format, but therapeutic treatment.
      Thirdly, the Covid-19 vaccine is not like the one we took against Yellow Fever, or Polio, or Measles, or Meningitis; this one is different in its composition. It is an mRNA vaccine. This vaccine has the ability to edit your DNA, your very human genome, what makes you human, and not a beast. This mRNA vaccine will eventually destroy your humanity. Its currently doing s gradually to all that have taken it, but they just don't know, until one day, they will just turn against God Almighty.
      Fourthly, are you afraid of an infection called covid-19, and you claim to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the power of His resurrection?
      If you believe in Mark 16:17-18, then why ask question about what else to use to defeat this affliction from the kingdom of darkness?
      Is it not better to die of an infection (if your faith is not strong enough to give you the victory), and still live in eternity with the Lord Jesus, than to take a vaccine into your body, which is capable of turning you into a bonafide servant of Satan forever? What is in this life on the present earth that make Christians give excuses to want to live longer with compromises attached?
      Are you afraid to die for what you believe? Are you not sure of going to Heaven if you die of an infection today? Do you think this life on earth is comparable to what is obtainable in Heaven?
      Fifthly, I have had a revelation Dream about this evil vaccine way back between 2003 and 2004. Then, nobody believed me that the Mark of the Beast was connected to the vaccine and that it was coming in the near future. 16 and 17 years after that time, its come to pass. I had a follow-up dream early 2021. In that dream, I travelled to a western country, like America. I was arrested at the airport for not taken the vaccine before arriving in that country. I was immediately taken to a clinic where I was injected with the mRNA vaccines. Immediately afterwards, I began to have tremor on my hands. I cried bitterly, because, I had this consciousness that I was lost forever for taking the vaccine. Then I woke up from the dream.

      Lastly, lets be prepared for the persecution of the saints of God, as we await the rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ.

      Again, I hope for your salvation's sake, you have not taken the vaccine, and you don't intend to take it.

    2. Does it stop with just the COVID shot? If it was the mark, wouldn’t Satan be using vaccines for other diseases to get his agenda across? Remember, the Devil’s crafty. I’m starting to get apathetic of these things, but the Mark of the Beast is the only thing that keeps me going with this.

  11. Mr. Evangelist, you are not properly informed on this matter. You have not said what the Lord told you about it. As an evangelist you should be hearing from God Almighty,right? You have taken the vaccine,and you still have your salvation. The real corona virus has been around since the 60's? Do a little bit more research and you will find out that we are not dealing with a natural virus. Watch these, and take note of the dates when these messages were given:

    1. I don't need to hear from God on petty matters of COVID-19, the beast and the antichrist. My calling is to preach the gospel and win souls for Jesus. Neither do I wait on some so-called rapture posts and hell-fire revelations to know the mind of God about the apocalypse. My bible is infallible and sufficient for me. Many posts in this blog have been proven to be false and the only powerful weapon to discern it is to be able divide the word of truth skillfully, 2Timothy 2:15. Very sad that readers of these posts just accept everything hook line and sinker without proper cross examination with scriptures. Satan has his own posts and rapture experiences to confuse the Christian and making the bible irrelevant.
      In 1918 the influenza virus came to Nigeria after the 1st WW. About 274000 perished including 8000 in Lagos alone. Christians died and churches were included to lockdown. Likewise missionaries and early explorers to my country died of malaria parasites of the tropics. Plagues and viruses of tetanus, polio, meningitis Lhasa fever, aids have claimed millions of casualties when there was no remedy. There's nothing unusual about COVID-19 virus. A virus is a virus as far as mortality is concerned. It can kill.
      Today, drugs and vaccines have been invented to combat, curtail and cure these diseases. Now in my country all the alarmist pastors and overseers that "got revelation from God against the vaccine" at outset of the outbreak as mark of the beast, etc are now trooping out to be vaccinated against the virus!
      At one time thousands of Jehovah's witnesses perished for rejecting blood sampling and transfusions during childbirth, accident and surgery cases because their doctrine taught them so. Today they're wiser. It's now fractional blood and their conscience.
      The devil feeds on ignorance and lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6 and his kingdom prospers on mass deaths and blood collection to fuel its power and a sure and stealthy way is by manipulating ignorance on people not to take COVID-19 vaccine. Through this voluntary ignorance more blood will be supplied to the astral blood bank as sacrifice to Satan.
      More the any point in time the devil is also using pastors and so called rapture testimonies to preach ignorance for people not to take vaccines becausee he knows nominal Christians believe more in what their pastor say and in dreams, visions and revelations without cross-checking with what the Bible says!
      Last month I lost a junior cousin to COVID-19. He was 32, he was the only member of family of 8 that didn't get vaccinated at all. He believed all the anti-vaccine apocalyptic junk on the internet. His father is also a clergy like me.
      Diseases are results of sin.
      How many pastors and rapture excursionists have visited COVID isolation centres to lay hands on the patients for healing? None.
      COVID is here on earth like many other diseases that are yet to be permanently eradicated. As Christians our faith is in the word of God and our power is on the working of the HolySpirit. The blood of Jesus can never die! 2Chroncles 7:14 enjoins all believers to be unified in faith, prayers and confessions in seeking the face of our Lord then we can be demonstrating the promises Jesus made available in Mark 16:15-17 to lay hands on the sick to heal them, whether virus or bacterial; visible or invisible; physical or spiritual; usual or unusual.
      The name of Jesus covers everything, Philippians 2;5-10.
      This is my mandate in this world and this is what I'm teaching in this post.
      In matters time healings will come, Malachi 4:2.

    2. Does it stop with just the COVID shot. If it was, wouldn’t Satan be using vaccines for other diseases to get his agenda across? Remember, the Devil’s crafty. I’m starting to get apathetic of these things, but the Mark of the Beast is the only thing that keeps me going with this.

  12. COVID-19 vaccine is free here in Nigeria and the govt is not pressurising anyone on forced mandate to take the vaccine like some African countries.
    Thank God i took the full dose without any side-effects. I didn't lose my salvation, my anointing didn't diminish and the HolySpirit is not convicting me of sin and neither is Jesus mad at me!
    Moreover, COVID vaccine is NOT the biblical mark of the beast.
    The mark of the beast will be received with the RIGHT HAND and the FOREHEAD, Revelation 13:16. Thank God again the COVID vaccine is injected into our left upper hand and none on the forehead!!
    Millions who are not yet vaccinated are still buying and selling freely as they wish without discrimination, arrests or persecution. Certainly this is not the endtime scenario of the mark of the beast in Revelation 13:17 where no one would be able to buy or sell without the mark!
    The scripture is simple and clear enough on this matter!
    International travels now require everyone to show vaccine certification at immigration points as safety precautions for those of us who cross boundaries all the time, so, shouldn't the world get on his feet again?
    Jesus has not instructed me to be wasting time doing irrelevant research on some virus. Mine is to lay hands on the sick by faith and let Jesus perfect the healing!
    The word of God is clear enough.
    Read your bible very well.
    Many anti-vaccine alarmists on this platform will still quietly take the vaccine in future without telling anyone. Be not deceived.
    Please let no one be a casualty of untimely death because of misinformation and misinterpretation of the mark of the beast. Jesus saves!
    Evangelist Johnson

  13. Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. This is one of the false testimonies, ask Jesus Christ for the gift of discerning of spirits. This false testimony is intended to confuse the people of God, so that the children of God do not believe the real testimonies, including those on this site.

  14. How do you know that this testimony is false did you ask God for confirmation that tells you not to hear this testimony...well for me this true because truly this the last days because He says in act “’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

  15. And this is testimony is not he the only one to testify but they are many..this testimony truly help us to be vigilant to the plan of they enemy...

  16. There's nothing strange about the testimony.
    We are the strange ones here. Evil and wicked generation are we.
    Spiritually things are very deep and need only the wonderful Holy Spirit to unfold them for you.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.
