Wednesday, March 17, 2021



I am about 76 years old. I was born in Romania. My father was an Orthodox Christian. He died when I was just a baby. I later became a Catholic. I had always wanted to find The Way to Heaven. I prayed to Mary and Theresa, but my prayers remained unanswered. I felt empty inside my soul. I wanted to become an Evangelical Christian, but people told me that Evangelical Christians are evil. I wanted to be saved and have eternal life.

I had 7 children and worked in a factory weaving rugs. I was very poor. One time I ate from an open can of meat that I found in a dumpster. The meat was spoiled. I became very sick.

They took me to several hospitals. I had hepatitis. My liver was in such a bad shape, that there wasn't anything they could do to save it. I lost a lot of weight. I was only 29 kg. Finally, after over 8 months of suffering in hospitals, I died.

My body was placed in the morgue. My soul was taken through a long tunnel. It was dark and muddy, with stones and thorns along the way. In the distance, I could see a light. I wanted to go quickly toward the light. I could only go very slowly because of the darkness and stones in the way. (This symbolized my religion).

I heard someone calling me to come, "Come, come Iuliana". 

When I finally reached the end of the tunnel, I was in a very beautiful place. This was Heaven. I had never seen a place like this before. The person I heard calling me by name was an angel.

The angel said to me, "You must go back to Earth because you have not made a commitment with God."

When the angel checked for my name in the Book of Life, my name was not written in it. The angel explained to me about God the Father, and Jesus the Son, the 24 elders, and all the angels that were praising God always. I really wanted to stay there but was not allowed, because while on Earth I had not made a commitment to God. I wanted to stay there forever.

The angel told me to wait for a while. Jesus was in the Temple with all the angels. He was talking to them. The Temple was made out of crystal. It was huge. By the door of the Temple, 2 angels were kneeling. I looked around while waiting for Jesus to come out of the Temple. There were beautiful flowers all over. The grass was shiny like silk.

There was a very long table (it looked kilometers long). There was a white lace tablecloth. On the table, there was milk and honey, and all kinds of fruit. Chairs were set on each side of the table. I felt really hungry and wanted some strawberries or some milk, but had no right to anything that was on the table.

I looked around and saw that all the streets were made of gold. The houses were made of gold and crystal. There were also trees. Each tree had an interesting name. Each tree had different kinds of fruit in it. There was also a mountain made of crystal, with a forest of silver trees. I also saw animals and children there.

The children had wings, and each had a musical instrument. Children were playing with the animals. I noticed that some of the animals are the ones that are dangerous on Earth. There was a great joy. Everyone was happy.

I noticed that the angels that were kneeling by the door of the Temple were now getting up. It was time for Jesus and the angels to come out of the Temple. Everyone was dressed in a long white gown, with a crown on their head. Their faces looked so young. Everyone went to sit down at the table.

Then a great light came toward me. As the light came closer, I was shaking and fell down and fainted. Then someone came and picked me up. The person spoke to me, "Go back to Earth to make a commitment with God. I died for you too. I died for everyone. I don't want to lose you."

I was curious to see who is holding me and talking to me. I wanted just to get a glimpse. It was a Man dressed in white. He was barefoot. I could see nail marks on His feet. His face looked like the face of a porcelain doll.

He looked at me kindly, and spoke gently to me, "I know everything about you woman, all your suffering. I don't want to lose you. Go back to Earth to make a commitment with the Father. I want you to be a testimony. No one will be able to say that they didn't see you."

Then I was taken to a place where I had to be judged. Seven judges were in this place. From here I could see Hell. I saw piles of alcohol and cigarettes, money, gold, expensive clothing. People who loved all these things were on the left side (in Hell). I was wondering if I would go on the left side with these people.

All my life I have suffered, even as a child. I was a slave at the age of 7 taking care of cows and sheep of rich people. My feet were frostbitten. I now have problems with my feet because of this. No one had compassion for me.

I could hear people screaming in Hell. Some were saying, "Just a little water because our lips and face are burning. Help, help." I wanted to help them.

I saw a tree there, and a few men were tied to the tree. I could tell that at one point in their lives, they had served God. Now their white garments became dirty, and their crowns had fallen off. Now they were tortured by Satan. I had compassion for them.

I was shouting, "Don't hurt them, don't hurt them."

I asked the men, "What happened to your white garments?"

I found out that these men had taken the poor people’s money and used them for themselves. I noticed an apple tree there, with apples in it. I decided to take an apple and offer some juice from the apple to the people asking for water. The apple was dry, with no liquid in it. Everyone was shouting for help.

The women that had abortions while on Earth were tortured the worst. They were forced by Satan to eat the flesh of the child.

The people in Hell were each in their own pit, up to their shoulders. They could not come out of there. I could see the flesh coming off their bones, and worms on their bodies. About 6 to 8 people were harnessed to a plow. They were forced to pull. It was very difficult to pull since the plow was so low on the ground. Satan was whipping them, as they were trying to pull.

I was shouting, "Don't hurt them, don't hurt them".

Now the time came for me to be judged. A person could not be judged until their sins were revealed. There was a big screen, sort of like a great big mirror, that showed the people's lives. All the things that did not please the Lord, were revealed. They showed my sins.

A girl came and said, "Mother, why did you kill me? I didn't even have a name. I was supposed to be a prophetess and have 7 children, and you killed me with hot water."

I was shocked to hear this. "I have never even killed a baby chick, but who are you?"

"Mother, I was supposed to be your daughter, but I was killed. It was not your fault, the Lord knows this."

This is how it happened. While working in the weaving factory, (I worked the graveyard shift) the power went out. Everyone rushed to take showers before leaving. (The women had their own separate showers). My female co-workers noticed that I was pregnant again. I already had 7 children. The other women had one or two children the most. They were making fun of me, that I was expecting another baby.

They teased me by saying, "Let's take Iuliana to the shower and put her in hot water to get rid of the baby. Isn't it enough that she already has 7 kids?"

A few days later I noticed that something was wrong. I wasn't feeling well. At that time I didn't know that the baby was supposed to grow up to be a prophetess. Now the girl showed me how the hands of those women from work, have killed my baby.

I named the girl Eve and told her, “I am really sorry about what had happened”.

Then I asked Eve, "Who raised you and helped you grow?"

Eve answered, "Jesus."

I could now see Jesus' hands. Milk was flowing from His hands, and He was feeding 10 children at a time. Not saint Mary or Theresa, but Jesus was feeding the children that people did not want on Earth.

I asked Eve to forgive me.

"I forgive you mom, but I don't know if the children I was supposed to have, will forgive you.”

(Eve was supposed to have 7 boys).

I asked the boys if they will forgive their grandmother. Their reply was "No." After hearing the words "No," I was sure I would go on the left side, which was Hell. I was going to be judged now.

There was like a high table, sort of like a podium. Behind this podium, there were 7 judges. They were very cruel. They stared angrily at me. It was dark. The only light there were some torches. Satan ordered the torch to be lowered while he checked to find my name in his book. There were a lot of very thick books with millions of names in them. Three times Satan checked for my name, but couldn't find it. He was furiously staring at me. He wants everybody's name in his books.

I was so frightened at this point, that I passed out. All of the people passed out when coming to this point. All of the people cried and gnashed their teeth. The next thing I remember is a hand picking me up. I knew it was Jesus.

We were at the crucifixion scene. I saw 3 crosses, one on each side of Jesus. I saw blood under Jesus' cross. I saw the nails into His feet.

Jesus said to me, "I did all of this Iuliana. I know everything about you. Go back to Earth and tell everybody to repent. I am coming back soon. I will reward everyone accordingly."

I passed out after this. I woke up in the morgue. I had been in the morgue for 2 days. On the 3rd day, I was scheduled for an autopsy. My autopsy was delayed because of Romania's Independence Day (August 23).

During Communism, nobody worked on that day. At this time, a retired Baptist pastor had a dream at night and heard a voice warning him, "Go quickly to the hospital. There is a woman there. Don't let them do an autopsy because I have a plan with her."

He went to the hospital and told the doctors about the dream.

He told them, "Even though you don't believe, let's pray."

There were 18 doctors there altogether. They started praying. After I had risen, I spoke for 4 minutes. (The Holy Spirit spoke through me). The pastor asked somebody to type my words.

The pastor asked me, "Where were you?"

I answered, "In the Lord's country.”

"What did you see there?"

"The most beautiful place. My eyes have never seen such a beautiful place. Golden streets, millions of angels, the saints, the Lord's table. I also saw Hell, a very, very terrible place. Jesus said, 'I died for all of them.' Very few go to the right (Heaven). A very large number to the left (Hell). Jesus is still crying for us, for our sins."

I was dead for 7 days altogether. A second time I was dead for 5 hours. This time I was weak from eating poorly. I passed out and died in front of the grocery store while waiting in line. They took me to the hospital.

This time I saw Heaven again. I saw Jesus. He was really sad. His white garments were covered in blood. He was crying. Jesus spoke to me saying, "Go back to Earth again and tell the people to repent. I am coming soon. The sins of the world have reached all the way to the Father."

I felt good when Jesus told me to "go back again" because Jesus knew that He had sent me another time before to make a commitment. 

The same day, my grandson was looking for me. A neighbor told the grandson that I had died again. When I had risen this time, I was in the morgue. I was looking for my clothes in the trash can. I found my dress and some boots that belonged to a dead person. I couldn't find my scarf, so I took a piece from the curtain to cover my head. The door was locked to the morgue. I started shouting for someone to open the door for me.

"Open the door. Jesus has sent me to tell everyone to repent, to love one another."

A nurse heard me and told the doctor about it.

The doctor told me, "Everyone is dead in there, they can't talk."

"No, doctor, come quickly, there is a woman's voice."

They opened the door for me. They were shocked to see me. They made a cross with their fingers. (Non-Christians do that when something really strange happens). My skin looked kind of pale, bluish. 

I went into the center of our shopping place and shouted for everyone to "repent, Jesus is coming soon."

When I went home, a group of people followed me. A policeman took photos of me for the newspaper. My grandson came by, and couldn't believe I was alive again.

"Grandma, you have risen again."

Then he fell down and fainted. Someone threw water on him. He told me that they had taken my coffin to the hospital, then ran away. He was afraid and didn't come anymore to visit me.

The Lord bless you, my brothers and sisters. Repent. May the Holy Spirit guide you. Love one another as Jesus loves us. Amen.


  1. Simple things we can do,
    1. tell people to REPENT-(Matt 3v1-2) (Matt 4v17)
    2. LOVE 1 another-(Matt 5v43-48) (Matt 18v21-22)

  2. Wow! How amazing and emotional as well. Jesus is coming soon!

  3. Wow! This has provoked me to examine my life and see if there are areas making Jesus cry. Have mercy on us Jesus.

  4. You are highly favoured grandma. Me pray you make our Owner Yahweh Yahweh abodin place at last.
