Wednesday, April 28, 2021



This is the divine testimony of an 11-year-old girl Nayeli Gómez Utus whom Jesus Christ took to Hell to witness the consequences of pursuing artificial beauty, makeup and cosmetics and other interesting revelations that will shock you.

I am 11 years old. Brothers and sisters family, I want to tell you, brothers, that before with my pocket money, I would buy beauty products. I like to put on nail polish. I like to put the perfumes of my parents on my arms without their permission. I love to play with Barbies dolls, watch all kinds of things on TV, including the series and battles on TV. I didn't go to church. The Lord doesn't like people that practiced all those things of the world. Parents that have watched sports, the mothers that have watched their series, the youngsters that have gone to parties, the children that have watched cartoons on TV and who are dead today are in Hell.

Nobody comes to the Father except by Jesus. Jesus is the Way. Jesus is the Truth. Jesus is the Life. Everybody that trusts in Jesus will never die. They will have everlasting life. I invite you to close your eyes and stand up so that you can help me give a short prayer so that I can start my testimony. Heavenly Father who art in heaven hallowed is Thy name. Let Your spirit come upon me so that I can testify. Thank you, Jesus. Amen amen amen amen.

This is my testimony. On the 29th of June of 2013 my brother and I arrived to church and we started praying.

At that moment, I saw the face of a demon that told me, “Come, come,” and I told my brother, “Brother, I see a face,” and the brother said, “What? What face, Nayeli?” The demon kept on talking and he said, “Come, come, come, come. I will make you happy.”

I heard my brother say to one of the children, “Run. Go call the pastor.”

At that moment, I lost my consciousness and I was in a black place and I could hear the steps of the demon that had talked to me. I could see all his body and he would tell me, “Come, come. I'm going to make you happy. Come, come.”

I told him, “I don't want to go with you. I want to go with my Lord.”

But he would keep on talking and he would say, “Come, come, come, come.”

He took me. He grabbed me by my arm. All my body was burning. I was burning and he took me to a door. It was a big door. It wasn't a small door and I could hear screams that would say, “Mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy.” There was a smell of horrible smell and I never wanted to go into that place. The demon grabbed me and put me there. He wasn't there anymore. 

I saw a wonderful light that came from above. I couldn't see His feet. I couldn't see the clothes. I couldn't see anything. I just saw the lights and He told me, “Come by My side.”

I went by His side and He told me, “You're going to tell everything that you're going to see.”

I told Him, “Why me? Why me? Why not my parents?”

The Lord Jesus told me, “I chose you. I chose you.”

In that moment a man fell at the tip of his toes. His mouth was closed. He couldn't talk and he would stare at me and with his eyes like he was telling me, “Escape. Get out of here. Escape,” and I asked the Lord Jesus, “Who is he?”

The Lord told me, “It's your grandpa. They talked to him about Me but he ignored Me.”

I told the Lord, “But how can my grandpa be here?”

They told him about Me but he ignored Me.”

Another man who was younger and could talk told me, “Escape. Get out of here. Escape get out of here. Escape get out of here.”

I ask the Lord, “Who is he?”

The Lord told me, “It's your uncle.”

I told him, “But which of my uncles?

The Lord told me, “It's the father of your cousin. In your hands, I leave the life of your family. In your hands, I leave the life of your family.”

The demons took my uncle away in a black room and at that moment the Lord wasn't there anymore. I was alone and I looked everywhere but He wasn't there. They were laughing and others were talking and they would say, “You will stay here. You will come here.”

I told them, “I will not come here.”

There were women and few men and a demon took a nail and another demon took a hammer and they did holes in my ears. They put me a big earring that went to the tip of my toes and I would scream, “Why Lord, why have You left me? Look what they're doing to me. Look what they're doing to me.” That earring was heavy. Everywhere they would put rings on me.

Young ladies that put rings, the demons would put a nail in their tongues and they would make a hole and they would put earrings in them. They took me out of there. To you youngsters, to you young ladies, to you brothers and sisters and all those persons that put earrings in rings, this is what will happen to you in Hell.

And they took me to another room. They took my tongue out and they asked me, “Your God that you worshipped, the God that you served, does He exists?”

I told them, “Yes the God that I worship, the God that I serve exists.”

Then because I said the truth they cut my tongue and that was the room of the liars. The one that says the truth but not live the truth, they would cut a piece of their tongue. To you youngsters, young ladies, young men that like and that love to lie to your parents to your neighbors those persons are in Hell because they lied.

They took me out of there and they took me to another room. There were men, there were boys, children, women and they were drinking but they were drinking acid without ceasing and when they stop, the demons would come and they would put more acid for them to drink.

They took me out of there and they took me to another room. To you women and men that go to parties you drink those liquors, if you die without repenting you will go to Hell. You will drink acid without ceasing.

All kinds of persons whether children, youngsters, women who were stealing, the demons gave them a time and when they didn't bring something they would cut their hands and there you had to bring at least a rocket. They didn't come here to Earth to steal but where they were they had to steal. All those persons that have stolen from their parents and from their neighbors are in Hell.

They took me out of there and the demons pushed me and there I started screaming, “Lord, take me out of here. Lord, where are You? Why have You abandoned me, Lord?” But the Lord didn't answer. Demons would tell me, “You will stay here. You will come here.”

I cried out, “Lord, look at me. Look what they have done to me. Lord, look what they have done to me. Forgive me. Why have You abandoned me? Lord, why have you abandoned me?”

And the Lord didn't answer and I told Him, “Lord, take me out of here.”

And the Lord told me, “You still have to see. You still have to see more.”

He took me to a room and there was a young man. He was dancing repeatedly and the Lord told me, “He is Michael Jackson. When he was on Earth he did a pact with the devil and that's why he's here.”

And the Lord took me out of there and He took me to another room and there were a lot of people.

I asked, “Why are they dancing?”

The Lord told me, “They were the fans of Michael Jackson.”

I said to the Lord, “Even the fans of Michael Jackson come here. My cousin cannot come to this place. My cousin cannot come to this place.”

The Lord told me, “In your hands, I leave the life of your family. In your hands, I leave the life of your family.”

The Lord took me out of there and He took me to another room. There was a young lady. She would put on perfume and she would put a liquid on her body. She would be looking at a beautiful perfume but when she would put it on her body she would burn. She said when she was on Earth her perfume was her idol that's why she's in Hell. To you young ladies young boys that like to wear perfume the person that puts on perfume are in Hell.

The Lord took me to another place where there were a lot of artists and they were playing on skulls that were singing. They would take a stick but when they took the stick they would burn and they had to sing because if they stopped the demons would punish them.

There there was a young lady that was dressed in a special way but when she saw the Lord she started screaming. She said, “Mercy, mercy, have mercy on me. Take me out of here for a second only for a second.”

She didn't ask a minute neither an hour but a second.

I asked the Lord, “Why isn't there any hope for them?”

And the Lord told me, “I cannot take them to My kingdom because I had already given them their chance.”

The Lord took me out of there and the persons that were there would come to Jesus.

The Lord would say, “Remember that I invited you to church and you didn't come. Remember I invited you and you didn't want to come.”

And when the person heard that they would hide.

I didn't know who was coming when I saw the demons bowing down and saying, “My king, my king, my prince, my king, my king, my prince has come.”

I didn't know who was coming from the darkness. A giant demon came out. There was fire coming out of his nose. He came out and the demons kept exclaiming him, “My king, my king, my prince, my king, my prince has come.”

The giant demon grabbed me but the Lord brought me by the other hand. The giant demon was pulling me and I wanted to go by the side of the Lord but the demon keeps on calling me. The demon let go of me and he said, “You will come here.”

The Lord took me out of there and I would say to the Lord, “Lord take me out of here because I can't take it anymore. Take me out of here.”

But the Lord told me, “You still have to see more.”

And the Lord took me to a place and all my family members were there including my parents, my brother, my uncles, and some church members. I thought they were dead and I asked the Lord, “But why are they there?”

The Lord told me, “Some of them didn't reconcile with Me and some of them didn't convert to Me but I have no choice. That's why they're there.”

Suddenly my brother my grandparents and my father's bodies disappeared and I thought that they were dead and I asked the Lord, “Where is the body of my brother? Where is the body of my grandfather?”

The Lord told me, “They reconciled with Me. I put into your hands the life of your family.”

I told him, “Lord, I will not be able to do it. I will not be able to do it.”

The Lord told me, “I will help you. I will help you, My daughter. My daughter, worship Me. My daughter, my daughter, adore Me and I will help you.”

The demon was saying, “One of your family members is worshiping the demon.”

I said to the Lord, “Who is worshiping the demon?”

The Lord told me, “Your aunt.”

I told Him, “But which aunt?”

The Lord told me, “Your Aunt Clara.”

I told Him, “But how can You say that? It's true that my aunt dance to the songs of the world but she doesn't worship the devil.”

The Lord told me, “But the devil thinks that your aunt is worshiping him.”

I said to the Lord, “Lord, take me out of here.

The Lord told me, “You still have to see more.”

And there the Lord took me to a room. There were men raping female demons. Their private parts couldn't bear it anymore. They were asking for mercy but they didn't have mercy anymore. They were raping female demons. Those persons that rape persons here on Earth, they are forced to rape female demons in Hell.

He took me out of there. He took me to another room and there were youngsters, men, women and they were separated. There were little girls watching their barbies cartoons on TV and they don't have to close their eyes because when they close their eyes, the demons put them a pin in their eyes and if they close their eyes the pin will make a hole in their eyes. The little boys were watching Dragon Ball and the demons would put pins in their eyes. The mothers were watching their series. The fathers were watching their sports and the Lord took me out and I said to the Lord, “Lord, I can't take it anymore. Take me out of here.”

The Lord told me, “I will take you out of here but you will have to tell everything that you saw here.”

I said to the Lord, “I'm not going to tell it. I'm not going to say it.”

The Lord told me, “You have to say it not only in your church but in different places and different churches. Otherwise the demons will keep on saying to you, ‘My king, my king, my prince wants you to come with him.’”

I said the Lord, “Lord, whatever You want. I will say it but please take me out of here Father. I don't want to stay here.”

The Lord grabbed me by my hand and I disappeared and I appeared in front of the door of Heaven and I asked Him, “Where are the babies? Where is the baby of my aunt that died in her womb?”

The Lord told me, “He is in My kingdom. He is joyful but at the same time he is crying.”

I asked Him, “Where is the baby of my other aunt that died in her womb?”

The Lord told me, “He is also joyful in My kingdom but he is also crying. They cry because their parents are taking bad ways.”

The Lord told me, “That's why in your hands, I leave the life of your family.”

I told the Lord, “Lord, I won't be able to do it.”

Then the Lord said, “The demons will come out and they would keep on saying, ‘My king, my prince wants you to come with him.’”

I said to the Lord, “Lord, take me out of here. They're coming for me.”

The Lord grabbed me and I appeared again in the church and I didn't recognize anybody not even my parents and I kept on hearing the screams in my head and one of the brothers said to me, “Say, ‘Jesus.’ Say, ‘Jesus.”

And from my mouth, the word ‘Jesus’ came out and there the scream stopped and I regained my memory and I recognized my parents.

My brother in the book of Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Brothers and sisters youngsters and young ladies persons from all over the world if you doubt the existence of Hell, I confirm to you that Hell is real because all those persons that have died without Christ are in Hell. You have a second chance to repent but there's no more opportunity for them. You and I have the opportunity to repent. Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you. Jesus is saying to you, “Come to Me and I will give you rest.”

Youngsters young ladies brothers and sisters, I invite you to come in front. Your condition is not important. Your problem is not important. I invite you to come in front if you want to give your life to Jesus or if you want to reconcile with Him. Jesus loves you. I invite you to come in front and reconcile yourself with Him. You have an opportunity. I invite you. Come, friends, if you want to reconcile or if you want to give your life to Jesus. I invite you to come in friends no matter your condition. I invite you to come in front if you want to reconcile and give your life to Christ and He will make you free. He gives you an opportunity to worship Him. Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you.

Translated from Nayeli Gómez video.


  1. Wow!!!

    What a Wonderful Testimony!!!

    The Sovereign King Jesus Christ Still Lives.
    He Loves us so dearly that's why he keeps on warning us about HELL and VANITY.

  2. Jesus Christ is the King of, He's been warning us lately, which means that His second coming is very close.

  3. May we listen as He warns.. May His blood cleanse us from all filth with attachments of this world & we start living the way He wants us to..

    Mandla. MG
    ( )

  4. So wearing perfumes and TV arent sins, just dont idolize them. Got it!

    Poor Brainwashed girl though

    1. Thank you for sharing your testimony with us. Jesus wants us all to be with Him in the Kingdom of our Father God.

  5. May the ALMIGHTY GOD bless you my sister for sharing this testimony.

  6. God bless the world and have mercy for all.

  7. Thank you for that testimony

  8. Around years ago in 2018 I think, there was this PowerPoint video (now deleted) I saw on YouTube stating that the authorities are looking for her and that she along with her family has escaped from Peru. The PowerPoint video also stated that a man (who’s name wasn’t mentioned/publicized) was arrested for using intimate images while editing the video of her testimony, and that those who are resharing the footage are supporting the crime. Crazy how some guy who edit her video was being a pervert to a child.

    I also remember years back in a YouTube comment, she wrote that she wanted people to delete the video and admitted the guy was arrested for the explicit images (as I mentioned above), and also accused the YouTube user for stealing.

    I have her email address and tried to get in touch with her and never received a response.

    All I can assume is if she made her video copyrighted because of the guy’s arrest, then it’s not real.

