Monday, April 12, 2021



The end of time. Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, my name is Notho Mkize. I'm from South Africa in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. I'm a young woman who has had great encounters with the Lord numerous times. This started when I was still a student back in 2016. I've had tons of different visions and revelations from the Lord but today I want to share with all of you people of God a vision I had last night on the 10th of April 2021.

Brothers and sisters perilous times are upon us. We have no time left before us. Please let us fast and pray. Let us repent and pray like we had never done before. Let us turn away from sin because there's no more time.

Last night I was in a vision and in this vision it was like I was in our small town of Port Shepstone that is very close to my house. I saw countless people on the ground as if a force had caused them to collapse and fall to the ground. When I looked, I saw that there was debris from buildings that have collapsed all over the place. I saw that there were many dead bodies as well. As I was standing there in confusion and in great terror asking myself why I'm in this part of the town and what might have happened.

Then I saw a man walking towards me. He was wearing like an African Zion Church regalia of a white coat with a blue iron belt on His waist. His complexion was of walnut brown color. His hair was white as bleached wool. His hair was so white that it emitted life as if it had crystals in it. As He was walking towards me it was like I was being electrified by His presence. His presence and glory were so strong that I could feel goosebumps on my skin even though I was in a vision.

When He was about a meter close to me He stopped and greeted me in a name that was given unto me by my late aunt. He said, “Hello, Ivy,” but because of His strong presence and glory, I couldn't even respond for I was actually paralyzed by His presence. My mouth couldn't move. Even though I couldn't move I was so at peace. I can't explain that feeling I felt. I felt extremely relaxed when He said, “Hello, Ivy.” I just looked at Him and didn't respond. He went on and told me that He has come to show me great events that are going to take place on the Earth.

He said, “Ivy, I am going to show you events that are going to take place very soon. Please alert your fellow brothers and sisters in the walk of salvation about what I am about to show you.”

Seconds after He had said that to me it was like in a split second we were transported to my mother's village where I saw multitudes of people on the ground weeping as if something disastrous had happened and He asked me if I understood what I was seeing. I nodded with my head saying yes. He asked me what was I seeing but because I couldn't open my mouth I responded with my mind and said, “I'm seeing the aftermath of a comet that had fallen on the Earth.” He responded and said, “Yes you are correct.”

Brothers and sisters a huge mountain of fire is on our way and it is about to hit us. I saw the aftermath of this event. Buildings are going to collapse and many people are going to die from the shaking and vibration of the Earth. The sound of the impact and the blast will tear people's eardrums. The vibration of the sound waves will be so strong that many are going to die as their brains will be damaged by the sound waves. The book of Revelation 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

Brothers and sisters the trumpet is about to blast and the blasting will be disastrous. Brothers and sisters, we are headed into a dark future and all these worldly things we are focused on are vanities. They won't help us only the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ Yeshua and repentance is going to help us.

After He showed me this comet event it was like in a split second we were transported to Durban. We were standing on Victoria Street and I saw a great wave of the sea coming inland. The water looked dark and monstrous and it was like a very huge demonic tsunami.

The Shining Person went on to tell me that all coastal cities especially those in the southern hemisphere will be covered by monstrous tsunamis. A lot of people are going to die from this. The water was sweeping everything on its way. it swept cars, people, children. I even saw a young lady who was still holding her grocery bag as if she was coming from shopping and was being swallowed by the waves.

The horror the screams and confusion from people were unbearable. I couldn't take what I was seeing as if I was about to scream my lungs out. I suddenly woke up.

Brothers and sisters let us work on our salvation. The time is almost over. Anything can happen anytime from now on. For you are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night while people are saying peace and security destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains on a pregnant woman and they will not escape.(1 Thess 5:3)

[Commentary: The 7 years Great Tribulation is divided into two parts. The first 3.5 years is Satan’s Wrath whereas the second 3.5 years is God’s Wrath. The ‘burning mountain” of Revelation 8:8 will occur within the second 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation. Tom Horn’s vision suggests that this asteroid will strike in 2029.]

From Peniel Ngonde video


  1. Woah epic. and south african too!

    I wonder if she's talking about Apophis? It just passed this past March 5th I was watching it closely, but it was still very far out. 2029 is also highly unlikely, 2068 is a maybe, thats pretty close. But whatever date it is I just just wonder if it's that rock specifically.

    Just to add balance to Tom Horn stuff he also claimed 2012 and 2016 something would occur which it never did. Of course each round of books came with the obligatory merchandise. Don't get me wrong I like Tom, but yeah there is a bit of a business going on there as well as it does with all of these guys.

    But it doesn't have to be Apophis specifically, John saw in Revelation two asteroid strikes, and there are many, many rocks out there. There is a margin to argue that for Jesus to come "like a thief in the night" that Earth would probably not even see it coming, which is possible, they can't see everything thats out there all the time.

    And even then, I think it's highly likely Jesus would have taken his people before these things hit. But for it not to be true, Revelation would have to step aside, and I don't think thats going to happen.

    But this does make me feel better about living in Joburg (18th highest city in the world). So take that, waves.

    But it sounds like those living in La Paz Bolivia may be quite happy with themselves down the line.

    1. Another interesting tidbit, according to Troy Brewer numbers have significance in the Bible, according to him number 9 is for judgement. On the 9th of Av both temples were destroyed, and both world wars began, as well as other significant destructive occurrences.

      The number they gave Apophis... 999-42, triple judgement. Astronomers aren't about the Bible they just name and number as they see fit, and they gave that rock triple 9 of all things.

      Does it HAVE to be THAT rock? Nah

      But boy does it fit the description though.

    2. Interesting insight about the number 9 being the number of judgment. Prince Philip died at 9am on April 9 which is the 99th day of the year at the age of 99. Perhaps the Lord is telling us that Philip's death is another confirmatory sign that impending judgment is on the way.

    3. Wow Ray I did not know that :0

    4. Although news says he died 3 pm though, but it was still on the 9th at 99 years old.

    5. Read Revelations two times, chapter to Chapter then will understand the series events awaiting the world..

      No body knows when Jesus will come,
      He comes by death to surprise you or
      He can come by Tribulation time to surprise you lastly He will Come riding on a Cloud to fetch the bride to the marriage supper..

      NoW before you die is someone Holy at that Time.?
      Then should tribulation come while you alive, will you get the SEAL OF GOD before the distruction of 7years happen according to Revelation 7v1-3:
      "_And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
      _And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
      _Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads."

      -no Holy ready Christian will suffer in the coming 7yrs of distruction, all will be fed manna like how it was with iSrael since you wont hv rights to buy or sell in the future when the beasts Marks heathens & sleepy Christians with 666 (Rev 13v18)

      Rev 9v4:
      "_And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads."

      Once Jesus opens the 6th seal ( Rev6v12-17 ),then tribulation starts, so do scientist hav access to Jesus timetable to predict His work..?

      Once Jesus open the 7th seal ( Rev 8v1-6 ) then Trumpets will start sounding after Jesus shook the world & Heavens according to the 6th seal..

      So in all we await the 6th seal to be opened then those that will be Holy & ready will be SEALED WITH GODS SEAL ( Rev 7v3 ) so that when the Real antiChrist (Rev 9v2 ) comes after the 7th seal he finds the Holy SEALED & the heathens with the fake unready Christians scattered around looking for safety..
      No matter what calculatioNs we can put, 9 99 0r 999 ,2012 2016 2012 2029 or which ever year, thats your mental ideology that wont have bases.. Not even Jesus knows when He will come.
      Mark 13:32:
      "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father."
      Stick to the word of God, leave the rest to the devil..

  2. Мат 24:36-41:
    "³⁶ О дне же том и часе никто не знает, ни Ангелы небесные, а только Отец Мой один;
    ³⁷ но, как было во дни Ноя, так будет и в пришествие Сына Человеческого:
    ³⁸ ибо, как во дни перед потопом ели, пили, женились и выходили замуж, до того дня, как вошел Ной в ковчег,
    ³⁹ и не думали, пока не пришел потоп и не истребил всех, - так будет и пришествие Сына Человеческого;
    ⁴⁰ тогда будут двое на поле: один берется, а другой оставляется;
    ⁴¹ две мелющие в жерновах: одна берется, а другая оставляется."

  3. 1Ин 4:1:
    "Как узнать духа истины и духа заблуждения
    Возлюбленные! не всякому духу верьте, но испытывайте духов, от Бога ли они, потому что много лжепророков появилось в мире."
