Friday, October 12, 2018



Beloved, if God allows it, I will talk about the spiritual sleep or apostasy. There is a man on this earth who does not have a human father. His mother is Jewish and his father is Lucifer. This man is captain Samannelli. He is a multi-billionaire, and for the moment, he is in the Vatican because the papacy is the shadow of the antichrist. Thus, it is in him that the spirit of the antichrist will become incarnate. He is already on earth; he is in the Vatican and finances many NGOs. Beware of NGOs; beware of the donations and gifts that one gives to you. When you receive those things, you must pray on them before using them. They are poisoned gifts.



And I went to evangelize in the city of Havana, Cuba. I did not know the danger I was running into. The regime of that country is not as liberal as that of other countries in Latin America. I was preaching in the square and was surprised by a group of men. They were not police officers, but they work for the government. They took me to a secluded townhouse.

I stayed in a room chained in the chair and with a gag in my mouth. They picked up electrical wires and turned on the power and shocked me. I took an electric shock to the point of falling to the ground. The torturers put a towel on my face and closed my nostrils. And with a water hose made me swallow that water until I choked. I was in a small cell of short stature. When I entered the room I crouched for the little space. They turned on the refrigeration system, I felt very cold. Then they turned on the heater and I felt warm and with a loudspeaker with annoying sounds. They left me without food and drink. I suffered psychological torture. They applied the serum that made me sleep.

The Holy Spirit gave me the strength to endure the pain, hunger, and thirst. This group performed satanic rituals in front of me with my own blood. One of the members said, "Here is a communist country, you cannot speak of your God. Let's destroy Christianity. We are the agents of the beast of the apocalypse. It was our communist empire that influenced Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews and kill millions of them. When communism completely dominates the world, we will shut down all Christian temples. We are the scarlet woman of the apocalypse, we have killed more Christians in history than the Catholic church. Islamic terrorist groups are together with us. It is communism that sponsors terrorist groups and also the criminal factions of drug trafficking around the world. We hate Christians and Jews. Who created the political ideology that supports abortion, homosexuality, rebel movements like hippies, punks, reggae, rockers, and others? We are the ones who did that."

We will change the federal laws of all countries to destroy the Gospel. In a few decades, families will be destroyed by sexual immorality. We will build a culture fallen and out of the Christian standard. We will destroy the humanity that believes in God and new people will be born with an ideology of the Antichrist. We are taking the authority of parents from their children. Our project is to make iniquity evolve and multiply throughout the world and thus become the Babylon of the apocalypse. We are investing a lot of money in novels, movies and cartoons to destroy the family and all kinds of inventions and technology to achieve global contamination. We are a unique political party and Satanist. Our network of political parties already dominates the world.

Whatever we do, we consult Lucifer. He passes on the co-ordinations of hell to build a world that has its image and likeness. We will change the laws to benefit Satan. We will create gay marriages and establish a New World Order. The world is already being indoctrinated by our master Lucifer.

The Vatican is in our hands and the Pope already follows the doctrine of our master. The Islamic factions work for us. Communism is God and is creating a new era. Soon a man will reign and take over the world government and will be at the top of politics.

All political parties work for a network of communism. Parties are only enemies in the media to deceive the world. All parties work for us and obey our orders. They are our cells that are paving the way for the Antichrist to reign. We already have the mark of the beast. Communism is an organism where millions of politicians and Satanists are at work. The media work to spread our lies. We deceive the people with false promises that will not be fulfilled. All this to save time until the Antichrist takes over and nothing will improve in this world. Politics is manipulating you.

The world is confused and does not know which political party is right. It's no use running away from anyone who votes for us and we'll never get out of power. Communism finances evil on earth and implements war, famine, death and diseases created in the laboratory.

These men who tortured me work for communism. They are just employees who perform the service of the great Satanists. They spoke all the secrets of the government, thinking that I would die in that prison. At dusk, they left me in the torture room all cut. I no longer had any hope of living. They were killing me little by little. Those Satanists looked like the devils of hell who tortured souls. I saw how the demons possessed them to torture me.

The idea of manufacturing contraceptive to kill babies and destroy the family came from the adherents of communism. I was caught up in hell, but God did not let me be tortured. Now I was being tortured by the demons' followers. In that cold, damp room a demon appeared to me and said, "How do you feel being in a piece of hell?" And he laughed. That room looked like part of hell on earth.

But the angel of the Lord appeared to me the same night, the same angel I saw in my rapture. He helped me what to do on earth. The angel's anointing made the chains and padlock fall to the floor and unlocked the prison door. I could not escape because I was weak from the loss of blood and lack of food. I fell to the ground and I was out of power to get up. The place was far from the city, I had no strength to walk there and no money to go by bus. They saved my life because I would be used as a laboratory genetic experiment. I was the experiment mouse for evil projects.

The angel lifted me from the ground and took me in my arms. I fainted and woke up at home lying in my bed. I believe I was translated quickly or the angel with his speed of lightning brought me from Cuba to my country. I could not even get there by plane. The angel told me not to plant seeds in infertile lands. That place refused the Gospel, I could not win souls. The angel asked me to walk in the direction of God.

After that suffering, I decided to obey and go to the places that Jesus ordered. My wife took me to the hospital and I was hospitalized because of blade infections.

Communism is one hundred percent Antichrists and hates God. It is an empire that acts like a beast that destroys and devours men. The radical Muslims who work for this empire are the crushing teeth of the communist beast. The red color of communism resembles the Roman Empire. Communism may be the new Roman empire that will rise to persecute the church and the Jews.

The ideology of unifying the world is to expect the world ruler to be part of their projects. I saw their plans and now I am sure that communism will bring all the policies together into one.



Jesus said: I will reveal to you my servant the government of the Antichrist.

The Lord showed me the rule of the Antichrist. This man of great political influence and world leader was presented to the UN as the conductor of peace. Groups of politicians and terrorist factions who were against his government were crushed. All his opponents were destroyed and his empire was growing. The kingdom of this man gained more powers from hell when the pit of the abyss was opened. His rule received special training from Satan, and a legion of demons was submissive to his authority. The people marked with his sign and adherents of his government were possessed by a class of demons that made them persecute the Christians and the Jews.

This class dominated by the forces of darkness was submissive to the rulers of the Antichrist government. The demonic persecutors caused the Jews and Christians to fall on the ground in such pain and twisted, biting their tongues. I saw these scorpion demons made them suffer the same pains that souls have in hell. The same suffering that exists in hell had come to Earth.

The rebellious worshipers of the Beast were being tormented in the flesh.

The Antichrist changed the structure of his government, dividing the planet into 10 parts. Ten governors were put, each to control a part of the world that is in the hands of the Antichrist. These 10 governors afflicted the nations where they dominated by imposing the mark of the Beast on the people. They forced people to worship the Beast with the death penalty for the rebels. The legislation of the whole world was changed; worshiping the Beast was part of the article of that law.

The confiscated Bibles were burned and destroyed, while the name of the Antichrist was in the media, newspaper magazines, newspaper papers, television newspapers and also on radios.
The population was oppressed by the 10 rulers. They made the people a slave, making them fear pain.

One of these 10 rulers is the False Prophet who rules the Middle East and the land of Israel. The church of the great tribulation is dressed in black for accepting the mark. They worshiped in their churches. She is the bride of the Antichrist and the False Prophet imitated the Holy Spirit, performing his duties on earth. The False Prophet had all the gifts.

The capital of the Antichrist's empire was the center of all evil. Out of this city come out all the world corruption. This city exerted great influence in all the cities and controlled the world. The Antichrist and the powerful men of government dwell in it along with the legions of demons that were released from the abyss. All strength was coming out of that evil city to defile people.
It was from this city that he left the orders to execute the fugitive Christians.

I saw a dark, dark force, looking like a black blanket coming out of the city. The dark force radiated the whole world like a black light. The hatred to destroy the people of Israel was in the hearts of the whole world. All the people of God from Israel and others were hidden from the fury of the Antichrist.

The seat of the Antichrist's false religion was in the capital, where he commanded all the churches in the world. Troops from all over the world worked for the Antichrist. From that Satanic city, laws allowing the pedophile marriage of children and adults were promulgated. Men marrying men and women with women. The places for sex practices were no longer inside the houses of prostitution.

Sex with prostitutes was practiced in public squares. All the people passing by looked at all sorts of orgies. The Antichrist's government ordered the brothels in the open air to please people. All the rulers of the Antichrist released the sex show in the city squares. The children who passed in the cities saw all those scenes practiced in the square. All of this made the children more immoral, encouraging them to have sex before they were 10 years old.

The scene of prostitution was set up in the center of the city for people to engage in sexual orgies. Sometimes to get the public's attention, two women would get naked having sex live. In the other, day 2 men practiced outdoor sex on stage.

This city is the great Babylon that was thriving in its trade in the area of prostitution and drug trafficking. Where all drugs were legally sold at fairs.

I saw the great will of God against this city and its religion that blasphemed the name of God. I saw thunder that invaded the skies. And the Antichrist along with the governors destroys the religious system of the false church. The church was destroyed so as not to interfere with the rule of the Antichrist. The whole group that was part of the false religious system was massacred by the Antichrist's troops.

With religion destroyed the Antichrist assumes himself as the center of the world. He stands in God's place. A great earthquake came upon this city and completely destroyed it. A city full of prostitution, drugs, drinks, money, large companies, businesses, and corporations were destroyed.

This city shed a lot of Christians' blood. This city is the Bride of the Devil who was devastated by the earthquake. The structures were shaken from the earth, destroying the palaces of the governors and all their banks. All the surrounding cities were reduced to ashes. Only the debris and self-destruction were left.

This earthquake was the largest on the world scale. It changed the entire configuration of the Earth and inverted climates, changing the poles of the planet.

After these things, my vision went to the wedding of the Lamb. Jesus' wife got ready for the party. She was clothed in fine linen, dressed in royalty which is the costume of the Lamb's wife.

My vision went to the country of Israel, where I could see millions of communist and Muslim soldiers from various countries. All were being led by the Antichrist and False Prophet who were rejected by the people of Israel who discovered the deception of these 2 Beasts.

Jesus came down from heaven on a white horse and annihilated all the multitude of soldiers and people who were wanting to attack Israel. These soldiers had large weapons of destruction and were killed. Jesus just spoke and His words became a sharp sword that shattered all the enemies of Israel.

I was so terrified of blood that it gushed in that place. It looked like a river of blood that flowed through the streets of the city.

Jesus said, My handmaid, this day will come and it will be My great vengeance against the enemies of My people and the remaining enemies of the millennium on Earth.



When the Antichrist arrives the temples of the churches will be taken and the shepherds who do not deliver the temples will have to flee. The government will make great persecution of the people of God and many churches that used to worship Jesus closed their doors.



The Lord showed me in a vision devils enthroned in the minds and hearts of the governors. Their hearts were dominated to put laws of persecution to the Christians. Their evil minds were controlled to surrender the world into the hands of the future Antichrist. I also saw the multiplication of sin and demons reigning over the life of every person who was not converted. Many did not want to give up sin and pluck sin out of their life by force. The kingdom of Satan was upon the lives of many brethren through sin. Church, give no place to this kingdom. Take it out of control of your lives, free yourself from the evil system of this world, dethrone the demons that work in your life, free yourself from the influence of the world, put Jesus as king on the throne of your life, let Jesus rule your life. Take control and let the Holy Spirit reign in your center. Turn away from sin, temptations, and pleasures. The Lord showed me an army of demons for the future government of Satan on earth. He took the mental control of the people with his mark (666). The governors received the future emperor of the new world order.



These demons came out in video games, causing many young people to fall into hell. They had dreams. They planned futures, but they died with all this, all their projects died there. How sad to see our youth getting lost. The future of the church is being destroyed, Satan has set up a plan to destroy the children and youth to have no more churches. He is forming an unbelieving generation through drawings and films. This generation will worship the Antichrist. I have seen his whole plan in hell.



The Satanist answered me, "That's right, he told me you were the devils. People look at me and they do not believe that I am a sorcerer because I look elegant. I am a friend of several pastors. I have no enemy, Jesus said that we have to love our neighbor. I have no reason to wage war with you, we will not gain anything from it. I want to make an alliance with all Christian churches and religions. Soon all will unite in one love, to receive the Antichrist who will rule the world."

"I will overcome this war by making alliances with the churches and defiling the holy gospel. I will never overcome this war by speaking evil of Christians, but by uniting and loving they will defeat. My mission is to bring together all peoples of different religions, peoples, and races for the arrival of our king. A new era will come and all religions will disappear, only a single religion will exist, anti-Christianity."

When the Satanist spoke these words he disappeared from my front and appeared 30 meters away, then disappeared. I do not know where he went.



I went down to hell with the angel, he told me, "Today we are going to visit a part of hell, the abyss."

The angel and I entered hell and then we went into a different place. In that place, there were no souls and no demons tormenting souls. It was a dark place without fire and a legion of angels trapped in that place. They were not demons but angels who have sinned in the past and were in an abyss. I came near an angel, he looked at me with great hatred and tried to grab me but the chains held that angel, preventing him from catching me. I looked at these angels. They were black and their original forms of angels disappeared and gave place to monsters of horrifying aspects.

I suddenly saw them become locusts. Their appearances were as described in Revelation 9:7-8  And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle, and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. 

I had never witnessed devils so terrible.

The angel said, "These are the grasshopper angels who will be loosed to torment the earth. Satan will receive the key of that place and will lead this army and release these creatures to harm humanity."

I said, "There the Earth will be like a living hell when these creatures go up there."

The angel showed me an angel who was trapped in the chains. This angel turned into a dragon with several heads. The angel said, "That is the Beast who will be the Antichrist on Earth." The angel showed me a part of the abyss where there was no angel trapped. A vast, dark and dangerous place, prepared for someone. The angel said, "This place is where Satan will be trapped for a thousand years."



The angel of the Lord took me to another church. I do not know if this church was inside or outside my country. I just know that when I entered that church I felt a strange sensation; it was not like the others I had entered. When I stepped there in that place I saw several demons, but they were not walking inside the church. They were incorporated in each member that was there.

The angel of the Lord allowed me to see devils attached to them inside their bodies. I looked at the shepherd who was on top of that pulpit. I saw his face transfigured in the face of a terrible demon.

I said to the angel, "No, no. This cannot be happening. I ministered in several churches and never saw it. What does that mean? Is this a church?"

The angel said, "These are Satanic infiltrators, Satanists, and sorcerers who open churches and pass themselves up as shepherds. They are agents of the demons."

And I asked, "These people cannot see anything?"

The angel said, "These blind people obey their doctrines without questioning; look at their faces."

When I looked at them, I saw they had no eyes; there were holes in place of their eyes.

The angel said, "The spirit of Antichrist of those who are against the precepts of Christ already reign on earth. The purpose of these agents of Satan is to corrupt the other churches with their doctrines. They have goals. They have great knowledge of the word, have great theology and positions. All this benefits them to be called to go preach in any church through their status."

The angel said, "Marcus if there was a person in this church with eyes open, the Holy Spirit would be in that place. He would use that person to open the eyes of others. When you stepped on that spot, you perceived a strange sensation. That is the absence of the Holy Spirit in that place."

I asked the angel, "As Satan is bold, he is already placing his soldiers within our ministries."

The angel said, "Marcus, warn the churches not to get carried away by the fame and status of preachers and their diplomas of positions. Warn the church to watch. Do not open the doors for strangers to minister. It is better to give the opportunity to the little ones of the same church that the pastor already knows than to give the opportunity to an unknown preacher."

The angel said, "Look at these people's hands."

I looked and saw their hands were chained.

The angel said, "These people live in blind obedience, but if they know the truth they will come out of the deceit and receive the deliverance of these demons that are in their bodies. Tell the church to ask for the gift of discernment and of the vision."



Jesus showed me a monster with several heads that came up from the depths of the earth. That monster went to Italy and sat on the throne of the Vatican. And then that terrible creature was transfigured into a pope. He united all religions through a new ecumenical law. The churches that did not accept and refused this agreement were persecuted, because the decree gave powers to the Vatican.

After this vision, Lord Jesus told me to return to my body. I returned to the earth and was in my house. I prayed to God and said, "Lord, what do these visions of the Vatican mean?"

Jesus told me that the church will not rise before the signs are fulfilled. I want to tell the church that the servants of God will see the Antichrist. This is going to be the biggest sign of Jesus' return. And many upon seeing the Antichrist will awaken in their prayers and the last revival will come upon those chosen who will be raptured. The church will go through the tribulation.

Jesus answered me, "Son, after so many revelations about the church, you still have doubts. I talked to you so much and you still did not understand." After this message, I meditated on the Word of God.



When I returned to my house, I had a vision of a sword-knight in black armor. He was meeting in hell with the demons. The knight was empowered with the powers of darkness. His mission is to bring the greatest number of souls to hell and make life difficult for those who resist his authority.

The Holy Spirit said, "This warrior you see will declare war on the saints and will be the greatest spiritual warfare of all time. The sword that is in his hand means the word of the lie that will cause the spiritual death of his worshipers, and for those who do not prefer to follow Jesus, will cause physical death."

In the vision, I saw when this knight was behind a spiritual wall and passed by entering our world. And when that happened he was no longer a knight, but a man. I could not see the face of this man for God's sake, but I saw his body from the neck down. An elegant and good-looking man, very different from Jesus when He became incarnate on earth and was born in a manger, the son of humble parents.

This man is extremely intelligent and rich with a speech that could persuade the world population. Today the church is at war against what is spiritual, but the day will come that evil will cease to be spiritual and will reveal itself in person and the eyes of the whole world will see him. The personification of evil will wreak the greatest spiritual battle ever against the church and it will be a bloody battle.



Other members asked about whether a Christian should be running for political office.

I said, "Churches that encourage their members to apply to join political parties will in future welcome and support the Antichrist together with the tribes, races, and nations when he passes for a good ruler."



I saw the demons planning to form the government of the Antichrist, using all the most important politicians on earth. I want to tell all believers not to run for office. There is no dispute between parties. They are all friends and are planning the reign of the Antichrist. They just pretend they are enemies within the media to deceive voters and lie with false promises.



These demonic apparitions are another sign of Jesus' coming.

People are seeing the demons with their own eyes like an apparition of extraterrestrials. These demons are no longer invisible and begin to reveal themselves to people, others are appearing with their physical forms.

People do not understand that they are the demons and they weigh in monsters of the movies. They have no notions of the spiritual things that are happening. Demons want to be seen by people because they know they think of fairy tales and many to strengthen the lies say that elves exist.

I saw in vision when walking with the angel a spiritual curtain opening. Without understanding, I asked for an explanation to the angel who told me, "The more this curtain opens, the more demons will reveal themselves to a world that is blind and will never believe in their existence. The demons want to talk and walk among the people as human people. They do not want to be invisible. They just did not do it because God did not allow it."

When the spiritual curtains are torn the demons will take total control of the world in the reign of the Antichrist. There will be no difference between the spirit world and the earth, all the spirits will be mixed with the people. Their desires are to materialize in intelligent people to facilitate contact with people and to control them through the words of persuasion.

The angel said that Jesus has not allowed this to happen because of the prayers of the church. That was the revealed message I had.



I came back to earth after my rapture. My pastor sent me with a group of missionaries for the conference. I participated in the missionary conference that aims to preach the Word in the four corners of the world. At this conference, I sat with over a hundred pastors looking like a parliament. Lord Jesus brought me a revelation about this meeting.

At the time of the speeches, I discovered the word "ecumenism" stamped on the foreheads of their faces. To my surprise, there were sorcerers, Satanists, Freemasons, priests, and Christians. Everyone was gathered there to preach the Gospel in the world. Its objectives are the union of peoples, languages, and nations in the name of peace. All this is paving the way for the Antichrist. In that union of religions, we can no longer unmask the sects but agree to be one. This plan is to unite all and transform into a single religion to receive the Beast. This union of peoples various artists sang in the song "We are the World."

My pastor accepted this ecumenical union. I left the conference and opened a new ministry to stay separate from the profane churches. Since my pastor came together with them, I was forced to disagree and quit his ministry. Today I am happy to be separated from these things. May God bless all hearers amen.



One day Satan possessed a woman and said to me, "At that moment the greatest sorcerers are releasing demons to enter into the maternal wombs. These babies are special children, they will still be possessed in the womb. They will be born with great emotional and intellectual abilities. They will be the future politicians, doctors, and judges, who will prepare the new world order for the Antichrist. You will be one of those men who will perform the opening ritual for a new era. I need you to make your sorcerer level grow until you become one of the great ones."



All these pastors I spoke to are New Age followers with me. The goal of the New Age is to unite all religions to receive the Antichrist. Pastors who are involved in the New Age cannot preach against sects, they have to join them to form a new religion. Buddhist concepts and philosophies are being integrated into the Gospel. Spiritualist concepts and Hindu movements are entering the church. Taoism, Confucianism, Satanism and spiritualism and others are mingling with Christian teachings.

There is a fusion of these teachings to form a unique theology. When you create a teaching that is mixed with all religious concepts, you create a single religion and one God, the Antichrist. They are mixing the pure with the profane, blending diversified teachings into one. With the result of this mixture are born several evangelical currents. Look at the movements that emerged, the neo-Pentecostals, the liberation movements, and the Unicists. The altars of the churches are desecrated with miraculous objects and the ministers desecrate the pulpits with their sinful lives.

Today's Christian church has stopped preaching against sin, that is the plan of the New Age, to bring Catholics and Christians together. This is the Antichrist's ecumenical project of uniting religions and peoples. As a participant of the New Age, I no longer believed in the churches.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Replies
    1. Why u say this?

    2. Barack Obama is not the Antichrist, he is the beast. The US is mystery Babylon and the harlot.

  3. I thought Lord Maitreya is the Antichrist
