
Saturday, September 29, 2018



March 2017

I am a former member of the church of Pastor Kenzo Atsushi. I am going to talk about my departure from the path of Jesus and my reconciliation. At the request of Pastor Robert, I will be speaking of my testimony. He sent me an e-mail so I can report my experience.

I do not congregate in his church because he is in another country. My sister Kimberly who has also deviated will be speaking of her experience on another occasion.

I began to congregate with him when I was still young in the year of 1995. We were very friendly with Kenzo and together we made prayers in the mount. He always did his missions alone. A day in one of his missions, I saw a man with blue eyes, blond hair in the pastor's house. And this man disappeared before my eyes. After that, I started believing Kenzo. And it was from that day that I began to gather in his church. We did 40 days of prayer on the mountain and then I went to school.

When I passed by the young people of the school they fell into demonic manifestations through the anointing that leaves my body. I just drove the demons out of the young and lifted them off the ground. When I got older I got to do a mission with him along with other brothers. It was a mission to Africa. I went with them, but I got sick and had to go back. I was not prepared to face that mission and I came back with some missionaries. I and the group of missionaries were bombarded with the darts of darkness.

The pastor's church was simple, the only difference being the supernatural signs and the wonders that were happening there. It had an active and supernatural ministry. It was there that I became steadfast in the way of Jesus.

When Pastor Kenzo died, I did not stand in the way of Jesus. I was hurt and humiliated by the new leadership. They took the position the pastor gave me because I did not agree with the innovations. The truth was exchanged for the money. I moved out of town and stopped congregating in that church.

Kenzo's son is gone and I did not see him anymore. I already had a college degree and I worked hard on my financial life. I got the job of my dreams. Emptiness took over my soul. The desire to do the mission was great, but the job made me arrive late at night in the church. I was always working during the times of church services. I got involved with things on earth and stopped going to church, and stopped evangelizing. Now I had a great salary and dedicated myself to the new profession.

The voice of the call was greater in my life. I quit my job, but my boss raised his salary to hold me back. I knew this was a devil's strategy not to let me do the mission. I rejected the salary and got fired. When I got home, I made a reconciliation with Jesus.

A demon appeared to me furiously and pointed his finger at me. And from his finger, a dark javelin hit my left breast. I was not clothed in the armor of God, for I had not prayed and sanctified for a long time. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and that demon laughed at me. The dart that hit me made my heart stop.

My eyes darkened. When I woke up I was already in hell. I had never been raptured before; it was my first rapture. I was confused because I found myself in hell, even though I have reconciled with God. My question was whether the Lord God had forgiven me. Until the angel of the Lord came to me for the relief of my soul. I thought I'd be lost forever.


The angel and I passed over the diabolical serpents to cross that horrible valley. I came to a valley that had only Christians. I knew many brothers in hell who had died 20 years ago. They were members of Pastor Kenzo's church.

Unbelievingly I asked the angel because there were so many people in a church indoctrinated by the holy word in that place. The angel said, "They did not practice sanctification."

When the Pastor taught, they even believed the word, but they paid little attention to it and did not walk in the truth. The angel showed me another group of people who also congregated with Pastor Kenzo. When they died, the church and the pastor went in his wakes. That was 30 years ago.

The whole church believed they were saved. I asked the angel with great amazement because they were in that place. The angel said, "They never believed in the doctrine of their Pastor and said that everything was an exaggeration. They called his doctrines of unbiblical. They never wanted to walk in holiness."

"If they had so much doubt, it is because they did not ask for an answer to God. If they had prayed to the Lord Jesus, He would reveal and confirm."

The angel showed me 3 young men in hell who also gathered with me. These young men stood up against the ministry of Pastor Kenzo after he had his first experience. They called him a crazy old man, radical and full of hallucinations and still said that this was the effect of the drugs he consumed. They rebelled against their own Shepherd and it did not take them a year to meet death.

The demons used these young men to persecute the pastor. They were mocking them and saying this, "It was we who used you." The young men were cruelly tormented.

I thought in a holy church, everyone was saved. But the angel proved to me that there are tares also inside the serious churches. They are the problem and cause division within the churches.

The angel said, "Look at how many souls are lost in a true church. Now look to your left."

I looked and saw millions of people descending upside down from a great cliff. The angel said, "These are all the Christians of the churches; they walked along the wide gates."

Notice that the number of those who are lost in churches without true teaching is greater. I was frightened by a large number of souls that are lost in these false churches. There are millions and millions of lost souls. It does not compare with souls lost in churches that teach the truth.

The number of people lost in churches of doctrine is few. Only those who did not want to live the gospel despite hearing the word of God preached to them did not make it. There are no excuses because they have heard the truth.

Churches without the doctrine of God send all souls to hell and there are millions of them.

I saw a multitude of people in hell who have heard or read of testimonies of hell and heaven. They were not considered innocent because they know the spiritual reality.

I asked the angel what that means. The angel said, "All those who are only in that part of hell, have heard testimonies of spirit-rapture."

One party believed, but did not try to approach God and death swallowed them. Most of them are incredulous and doubted their experiences. The angel showed me another crowd of people who had heard the testimony of Pastor Kenzo's rapture and still did not convert.

I saw people in hell by blaspheming the Spirit that used the shepherd Kenzo. They said that he was working miracles through demons, so they offended the Spirit of God that acted upon him.

The angel said, "The testimonies are not being enough to save the souls, the demons are putting the seeds of unbelief so that they do not believe and thus the seed was sown and taken from their lives."


I saw in hell a legion of armor demons. These demons are those of the spiritual warfare, whose function is to make war on the churches. And from hell, I saw a church that defied these demons. This whole congregation that challenged him, spiritually, was without God's armor for combat. The angel showed me they were naked and unclothed in the spiritual realm; they revealed their shame to the demons and had no spiritual condition for a confrontation against those creatures.

The angel showed me 3 churches that are pure in my city. The demons were around these churches wanting to destroy their gospel. Then I saw a small church and three demons wanted to get inside, but they could not find anything wrong with that church to gain legal entrance. One of these demons is that of prosperity and the other is that of vanity, along with the third that is of spiritual coldness. These demons could not infiltrate that little church.

The angel said, "Do you know who the pastor of this church is?"

I said, "I do not know, who is he?"

The angel said, "This church is of the shepherd Robert who is blocking the entry of these demons into the ministry, through the purity of the word, defending the holy gospel. If he allows one of these 3 demons to enter his ministry he will be destroyed."

Satan sent a famous preacher to his church, he was accompanied by the demon of spiritual coolness. This preacher said, "My fame will draw a large crowd of people to your church and your ministry will thrive." Any pastor who likes the number of people would accept this proposal, but Pastor Robert declined. Satan sent a rich Christian who is an expert on the theology of prosperity. Beside him was a demon of prosperity. This rich Christian promised to give his million-dollar tithe to him and pay all food expenses, and plane tickets for him to do missions anywhere. Any ambitious pastor would accept the proposal, but Robert did not accept the offer.

Satan sent a highly respected pastor to Robert. This man was well spoken of as a Man of God and of the priests. He would give people money, ask for no offerings, and make people believe that he is not one of the shepherds of prosperity. This man need not ask for money since Satan gave him everything in the covenant. He is an enemy of the sanctity of the body and was pleased to see the women of his church sample their bodies for him to covet. This man was accompanied by a demon of vanity. He wanted to preach in Robert's church to persuade people not to follow the doctrine of sanctification. Robert did not accept his invitation and the plan of Satan fell to the ground.

Satan sent several Christians to congregate in the church, people who were willing to do the work. Robert noticed the onslaught of Satan and did not accept those members. Those members were full of poisons of false doctrine wanting to congregate with him and trying to corrupt the sheep when the pastor was to travel in his missions. I saw how those Christians were possessed and disguised as sheep to destroy Robert's ministry.

At that moment the pastor was in a spiritual war and I was very much astonished at the great man of God. The church that his father left took advantage of his absence spreading rumors he had gone astray. He was already living in another country when Satan used the mouths of Christians to defame this servant of God.


The angel went up with me to heaven and showed me the book of life. And the name of Pastor Robert was written in that book in another language. It was his new name being booked when he arrived.

I asked the angel, "Where is my name?"

The angel said, "It was erased from this book on the day that you turned away from the way of life.

I begged the angel not to leave my name erased, for I had reconciled with the Lord Jesus Christ.

The angel said, "You have reconciled, but did not repent. Your words of repentance that went out of your mouth did not come from a sincere heart. Put your hands back in the plow."


The angel took me from that place, bringing my soul to my body. When I returned to my body I felt a hand entering my chest pulling a big thorn. I saw it coming out from inside my chest. And a white hand was healing me. When I looked up from my bed, I realized that it was the same angel that was with me in hell.

He said, "You were struck by an evil dart of infirmity."

I was spiritually weak when I was hit. That's what caused my death, but now I'm free. The angel disappeared and I went to sleep.

I was worried about the church that Pastor Kenzo left by his death. His church has lost communion with the truth. The remaining leaders failed to keep the same teachings. It is no good to be part of a church of doctrine if you do not live the holiness that is preached. Such a person will go to hell anyway because God does not want members, but practitioners of truth.

I began to pray and my fellowship with God became stronger.


Jesus showed me a group of people in white robes and their faces shone. I did not see Lord Jesus in the vision, but I heard His voice. He was just showing the visions to me.

I asked Jesus, "Lord, who are these people in white?"

The Lord said, "These are the prophets who have not bent their knees to Baal."

"They were prepared for spiritual warfare. These are people who have heard the testimonies of rapture and have changed their lives. Many of these did not know the people who were snatched away to be witnesses of hell and heaven, but when their testimonies reached their ears, their lives were transformed."

"These are the fruits that I will raise with great spiritual authority on earth. Look at the number of brave men and women who are preparing for spiritual battle."

I was worried about the corruption that went into Pastor Kenzo's church after his death.

Jesus said, "Do not worry about the church that My chosen one has left on the earth. There still remain My remnants that even without hearing My truth, they keep holy doctrine in their hearts. I will take many of mine from that church and make them pastors and missionaries of new churches. Do not worry, I'm in control of their lives. Worry about your ministry that I will launch with urgency. You will be a pastor of a new church that will arise. Be prepared that you will soon feed a flock."

Upon receiving this revelation, I was excited.

When Elijah went to heaven, God raised up Elisha. The Bible always shows clearly about the prophets who died and others were raised. The work of God cannot stop. And you who are praying may be the next prophet to be raised by God.

The Lord said, "I will send my servants to many Babylonians where sin reigns."

Jesus will confront the demonic principalities who dominate these cities. He will fight against sin and deliver my chosen ones who are suffering at the hands of Satan in these places.

In the vision, the Lord Jesus put a ring of authority on my finger.

Jesus said, "You will lead a people that I will put in your hands to prepare them to meet Me."


Jesus showed me a priest in priestly garments, very ancient in the time of Moses.

I asked Jesus, "What does that mean?"

Jesus said, "You do not understand the vision. I want My people in holy robes for 24 hours a day because you do not know the day that I will gather their souls. As the priests wore their holy garments to enter the tabernacle, I want My people to come in holy robes for my house. I do not want them to come in sexy clothes to worship Me. How many have committed sins with the eyes of lustful desires because of these unholy robes? The holy bodies are corrupted in these sensual garments, and My house is defiled with the sin of nakedness. These women have been stumbling blocks and cause carnal desires to create evil desires in their hearts."

Jesus said, "There are abominable things in My servants' homes."

Jesus showed me CDs, TV, pictures, and posters of singers who are not Christians. Others had the image of singers stamped on the shirt. The servants of God kept the clothing of the world as shorts, mini blouses and tight trousers. I also saw a sexy shop product inside the wardrobes.

Jesus said, "Tell them to take away all that attracts sin and throw away those abominations that are inside their homes bringing curses to their homes."

People of God, did Jesus paint Himself and put on earrings?

He said, "Be holy, even as I am holy."

The Lord Jesus Christ showed me spiritual warfare of the earthly legions against a group of people in white. The robes of those white people bothered the demons. It was not the legions of air that were attacking this time. It was the legions of the earth who kill, rob and destroy.

These groups of Christians walked towards a very beautiful city. The demons tried to prevent the church from arriving at their destination. They formed a great barrier in the way of the saints not to continue advancing. Groups of Christians began to speak verses of the word of God. And out of their mouths swords went forth and smote those demons. The demons were forced to let that person follow the path to that beautiful city.

But in this group, there was a young man in his dirty garments. This boy was grabbed by the demons. The demon said, "Thou shalt not enter into that city. The king will not accept you in this outfit as it is."

The boy said, "We have won over you in this war; we have the right to enter the king's city."

The demons said, "They have overcome our legion by the word that comes out of their mouths, except you for being disqualified. They won by changing their vests, taking away the dirty ones and wearing the clean ones. They obeyed the king's demand. You did not follow the laws of the kingdom. You did not change your clothes and did not obey the rules by breaking the order. Your garments are unfit to enter that city and be part of the king's banquet. The king's servants will not let you into the palace. You have not changed your robes from the world and will not enter. The king has left you in our hands."

I saw when the boy cried for not being able to enter the king's city, staying out of the party.

Jesus revealed to me the vision saying that many will be left out when He returns.


Jesus has told me about the wrong marriages of Christians with the wicked. Those who do not serve God are harming the people they serve. These drag the servants of God into darkness. Jesus has revealed to me, they have no patience and they marry the wicked to satisfy their desires of the flesh. They do not pray for the right spouse and do not expect God to answer that prayer and the result is divorce that is contrary to God's will.

Jesus showed me a woman in a wedding dress. This woman walked down a road and there were many barriers in her path. And behind this great stone barrier, a black wolf was hiding to devour her. That woman did not pass by the stone path and took a big turn. That woman knew that the fool was waiting in hiding to attack her.

In the revelation, Jesus told me that the church has to be vigilant not to fall into the clutches of Satan.


Jesus showed me the martyrs who are being killed in Muslim countries. Jesus told me, "The demons are wanting to paralyze the work using these men who hate My word. But the blood of these brothers was not shed in vain. Their deaths were not their defeats, they are in heaven. The places where their blood was shed made the earth sprout a tree that grew there and bore fruit. The seeds that these men deposited were nurtured by their blood."

The principality of that place fell, for the gospel entered there, and the prince of darkness that commanded that place weakened. The legions of demons that I saw in that place tried to set up barriers to keep the gospel from entering there. They used those bloodthirsty men who took away the lives of God's servants. They died, but the word that came out of their mouths was there. The word of God cannot die, for it is eternal and guarantees life.

Jesus showed me more martyrs will shed their blood and die in the great persecution.


Jesus told me that the wind will blow to test the foundations whether they are built on rock or in the sand, whether it is built on truth or in false doctrine. People of God, where do you base your roots? They have built up themselves in the gospel of money and do not accept the trials of the desert with their dryness. The wind will prove that these are not from Jesus revealing their frailties and cracks.

Jesus showed me many houses built. And a very strong hurricane passed through the houses and plucked its foundations, destroying everything and dragging the walls. Some houses resisted the wind and continued in the same place. The revival will happen in a small group of faithful remaining. They will pass through the furnace and cry, but they will be revived.


I want to bring an exhortation to the people of God.

The legions of the air are terrible and they drop the strange fire from heaven to earth. I do not commit blasphemy because I have the gift of discerning the spirits. He who does not have this gift can fall into blasphemy if Jesus does not reveal it to him.

Another means of discerning the spirits is through the life or teachings of the false prophets, the mouth speaks what is in the full in the heart. The tree is known by its fruits. These men appropriate God's offerings according to their ambitions.

Jesus showed me, three covetous men. These three men were called to appear before the presence of the king. As they entered a room they stood before the king. The king opened a written scroll and judged those 3 men. The king became annoyed with the three men and ordered the knights of the court to take them to the shed. The three men were beheaded.

Another young man arrived later to stand trial. This young man who had come to the trial was me. I was afraid of being condemned by death. The king looked at me and handed me a glass of wine. The knight said, "The king has found favor in thee, thou hast pleased the Lord."

In this vision of the wine glass, I understand that it is the wedding of the Lamb. I was delivered from condemnation in this vision, but the 3 false prophets were knocked out by the king.

After Jesus showed me these things, He said, "While the people of today are applauding the ministries of false prophets funding the corrupt and rotten religious system, My servants are suffering in My work. If these religious empires are standing, the blame lies with the people who finance these churches. False prophets build their paradises on the earth with offerings and tithing, while those who contribute need to survive times of poverty and want. Many Christians pay expensive tickets to see these evangelical celebrities. His doctrines of devils have even entered into the holy churches that keep the word. They have corrupted the world."

The Lord said, "I will take mine from within the false system of those pastors who preached in their churches contrary to My teachings."

Jesus told me that because of these men even the holy churches are becoming corrupted little by little. Jesus showed me in the vision the demons throwing a black powder into the eyes of all the shepherds and limbs. These men, being blinded, began to believe in the preaching of the false prophets. The shepherds who once served God began to believe in false preaching. The shepherds' understanding was blinded through that black powder.

What truths they believed before, they now ceased to believe. That which was sound doctrine and holiness was now viewed as legalism and religiosity. They began to despise the word of reparation and to renounce the world, making little of sin.

In this vision appeared two Christians who tried to open the eyes of those shepherds who fell. These shepherds once espoused sound doctrine. Now they no longer wanted to believe the word and still mocked the teaching of sanctification.

These Pastors said, "These teachings were preached in former times, the present time is different. This is a new generation and we are in modern time. The doctrines innovated and adapted to this generation."

The 2 Christians who tried to alert them about the danger were sad. It was the Holy Spirit that was grieved within them. The two Christians withdrew from the presence of these shepherds.

Jesus told me, "It is of no use, their minds were darkened by deceit. They are blind and need to be cured of their blindness."


Jesus showed me their judgment. Idolatry for money, houses, apartments, cars, or any property will be a great obstacle to salvation. The church that adores materialism is doomed to destruction. There are many unbelievers who are inside the church.

In the vision, a sword descended from the heavens against these men. Jesus told me because of the hearts that are in love with money and material things, there will be an increase in earthquakes to destroy the material gods that many people cling to. The church that is in sin and does not want to convert will fall into the clutches of Satan. And the chosen ones will flee from these temples and gather to worship God in other places.

Jesus has told me that He will send earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes because of false prophets. Their iniquities have already reached God. Many innocents will die because of physical disasters. And this will happen because of the false prophets. God will cleanse the churches that used to obey Him but now are filled with disobedient and false prophets in the pulpit.

Jesus showed me in vision the earthquakes and tsunamis killing many false prophets along with millions of innocents. The houses and apartments of the false prophets were destroyed by the earthquakes. They were condemned because of their corruptions. God will point His finger to the four corners of the world; each country would suffer the consequences because of sin. Earthquakes, disease, famine, and death will multiply to ravage the world.

Jesus has told me that He is already preparing His bride and the last blessings will be poured out for the faithful while punishment will fall onto the lives of the rebels.

Jesus showed me a giant hand measuring the globe with a string. There will be a new construction of a new heaven and new earth, but the planet will be destroyed. The day of judgment of the judges, lawyers, politicians the false prophets will arrive, for they supported injustice on earth.


Jesus showed me publishers of evangelical books. These publishers marketed the word of God, enriching the publishers. They sell the word of God and all the money is not to help the needy. The owners of evangelical publishers grew richer every day.


Jesus showed me a monster with several heads that came up from the depths of the earth. That monster went to Italy and sat on the throne of the Vatican. And then that terrible creature was transfigured into a pope. He united all religions through a new ecumenical law. The churches that did not accept and refused this agreement were persecuted, because the decree gave powers to the Vatican.

After this vision, Lord Jesus told me to return to my body. I returned to the earth and was in my house. I prayed to God and said, "Lord, what do these visions of the Vatican mean?"

Jesus told me that the church will not rise before the signs are fulfilled. I want to tell the church that the servants of God will see the antichrist. This is going to be the biggest sign of Jesus' return. And many upon seeing the antichrist will awaken in their prayers and the last revival will come upon those chosen who will be raptured. The church will go through the tribulation.

Jesus answered me, "Son, after so many revelations about the church, you still have doubts. I talked to you so much and you still did not understand." After this message, I meditated on the word of God.


After these revelations, I prayed to Jesus to see if there would be a secret rapture.

Jesus showed me a vision of a green fig tree. He said, "The fruits are not ripe. If I came to get the church ahead of time, I will have no harvest. Many will be unaware and will not be saved. I have to prepare the people through the signs and prophecies of the end times."

Church of God, I received this revelation. When the church is taken away there will be no second chance. Do you hear of a second chance for those sleepy virgins who had no oil? Have you ever hear of a second chance after the flood. When the doors of the ark were closed they opened no more to anyone.

If there will be no salvation after the rapture, then who are the martyrs? The martyrs who will die are not the people after the rapture. They will die before the rapture.


I want to make it clear about number 3.

In the garden of Eden appear 3 creatures; Adam, Eve and the devil.

Noah had 3 sons who settled the land after the flood.

Abraham was visited by three angels.

Joseph of Egypt had 3 dreams.

In Egypt, there were three days of darkness.

Daniel prayed 3 times a day.

The temple of Solomon was divided into three parts.

The prophet Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale.

Matthew saw 3 people at the time of the transfiguration that was Jesus, Moses, and Elijah.

Jesus was resurrected on the third day after His death. Three were the wise men who brought gifts to Jesus when He was born. Peter denied Christ 3 times.

Apocalypse speaks of 3 unclean spirits coming out of the mouths of 3 characters that are the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.

The holy city has 3 doors on each side.

The human being has body, soul, and spirit.

And God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The temple of the Holy Spirit that is our body is divided into 3 parts: head, trunk, and limbs.

There are only 3 spiritual times on earth. The Patriarch Period which was the first, God the Father is manifested to man. The second Period came to the law and the third period is grace, Jesus rises to heaven and the Holy Spirit descends to enable the church. And after this third and last period, there will be no other equally; many say that after the rapture there will be another.

God the Father acted in the first period, God the Son acted in the second period and God the Holy Spirit is acting in the third period that is this.

If you have the fourth period after the rapture, who will act this time, the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit worked in each period of time. And if you have the fourth period, one of the 3 will have to work harder than the other. I say there will be no fourth period.

What they teach today is that there will be a secret rapture, before the consummation of grace. And that the Holy Spirit will be taken from the earth and many died for not denying Jesus. It does not exist. It's absurd.

If the Holy Spirit is taken from the earth, there will be no salvation. If it is He who convicts of sin and of judgment, who would convince the people if He did not stay on the earth? Although the Holy Spirit is on earth, the people do not open their hearts to Him to enter and continue to harden their hearts.

Imagine if the Comforter is taken off the ground? How will the hard hearts be converted? Church of Christ there will be no fourth period of grace, after the rapture. Grace is the third and last time of all. And if the door closes, it will not open. Most churches do not accept this and are attached to the traditions of their churches. The apostle Paul also clung to the religious teachings of his time of Judaism until he had an encounter with Jesus and the scales of his eyes fell. Church of God the letter kills and does not let us see the spiritual reality of things. The church will experience great tribulation, but this is no reason to be discouraged. Jesus can call you today, tomorrow, the next week or next month. And we have to be prepared for the time He asks for our soul.


After my rapture experience, Jesus gave me the gift of spiritual discernment. I can perceive through spiritual perception.

When a preacher preached in the church where I am congregating, I did not feel well. I do not have the gift of vision like Pastor Robert, but I have the gift of discernment. I went to God to have this gift. I said, "Lord, I want to discern what comes from You and what comes from the Devil."

When it comes from the Lord, I want to feel joy and well-being every time I have a spiritual manifestation in the church. When I have a false revival, I want to feel sadness and a bad feeling. My gift of discernment is through spiritual sensitivity.

Every time I approach close to a person, I have a sensitivity that gives me the discernment of the Spirit that is acting in the person's life. I have cast out demons from believers who are said to be used by the Holy Spirit. My sensitivity makes me feel bad about people with demons.

When you are a man of God my sensitivity works like a thermometer that alerts me. This is the gift of discernment given to me, the gift of feeling whether the spirit is negative or positive. I have the discernment to feel the spirits if it is an angel or demon. I have this spiritual perception. And when the anointing leaves the body of the person I can see if it is from God or from the devil.

I have not opened my ministry yet. I await the promise of God. May God bless the church that is hearing this testimony amen.

[Source: Evangelist Josivan, Mission of Nations Church,]


  1. Such a blessing and an inspiration to read this testimony.God bless

  2. Inspired by this testimony

  3. Michael Watson my name is James Kimanthi from Kenya.I am a new convert in Christ Jesus. I want to look for a good foundation to build my house into. Plz i want you to be my spiritual father; i don't know who to trust anymore. There are alot of false prophets everywhere. Plz kindly accept me as you spiritual son and we can make arrangements on how we shall meet.


  5. How do I start my ministry? Any suggestions Chong Joshua?

    1. This question is beyond my capacity to answer. You will have to consult the Lord of the Harvest.

  6. I thank God for this website and Chong Joshua.

  7. I am Evangelist Johnson from Nigeria. I have read several testimonies on Pastor Kenzo but no one ever mentioned the name of his church and ministry. No information on Google sites about him also.
    So I do I locate the place?

    1. The original source of this testimony was translated from a Portuguese website
      I have written to the admin of this website for details too but did not receive any reply. His church and whereabouts are still shrouded in mystery, leading some to speculate that these testimonies are a work of fiction. Despite this, these testimonies are retained here for its value of edification and depth of Christian sanctification. Best regards.

    2. Ты живой брат Чонг Джошуа?
