Thursday, October 18, 2018



I said to the angel, “I want to see Jesus.”

The angel said, "The Lord wants to talk to you too."

The angel disappeared and soon the Lord Jesus appeared to me. His body is glorious, His look of love, His smile was opened by my presence there. The greatest pleasure of Jesus is to see us by His side. The place of the church is there with Him, not elsewhere.

The Lord Jesus said, “Welcome beloved servant, I have been pleased with your works; I will reveal to you, what is hidden from human eyes.”

We came to a place, my eyes beheld a giant table in length, lined with fine linen with cutlery, plates, bowls, and pitchers of gold. There were chairs without end and were embroidered with cedar, gold, and purple.

Jesus said, “These are the places of the saints, of My children, of those who were born of My Church. Your place is there prepared for the great supper, for you who have gone out of the ways to serve the Lord. Your chair will always be waiting for you. Come back, do not leave your place for another seat; there are chairs for everyone. Even if the whole world would come, there would be enough chairs for all to sit. All chosen different people, no matter the church that congregates, they will all be there, of various churches, nations, languages, but only the saints will sit in these chairs. All will be there united in one love. I tell you to reconcile with your brother and together they will be there at that table.”

I could not enter that city where there are twelve doors. I could see from outside. I came near the gate, I could not enter there.

Jesus said, “Everything is prepared but the church is not prepared. What is seen here was prepared with love. The angels did all the work, even the fine linen embroidery of the table was done by the angels that weaved. Tell My church that I love her very much, even our incorruptible heavenly robes were made by the angels who made with fine linen, holy garments. Tell them My love is unconditional. They do not understand the dimension of this love. If they understood they would have converted their hearts more and more.”

After that night we went home, and as I bent my knee the Lord showed me a vision on the wall of my room. I saw ten virgin women, five women were in the room on the left, and the other five women were on the right side. These rooms had doors. I saw when the man in white looking like a prince opened the bedroom door on the right side by surprise, those five girls were with the lamps on. That prince led them and took them away. The same prince opened the door on the left side by surprise, but this room was dark because there was no light. He did not see those five girls who were in the dark. He simply ignored them and left.


The angel and I came out of the abyss and came up to meet Jesus. We float in the air. He took me to heaven. Jesus sent an angel to bring my dress. The angel has brought my wedding dress, it is white and resplendent. Jesus said, "I will dress you in this dress your spiritual life when you return to Earth. Servant after you have this dress, do not commit sins of my daughter to keep from getting dirty."


After my preaching, Jesus showed me in the vision, a bottle of olive oil, a lamp, an olive, a burned-out lamp, a burnished lamp, and a piece of electric wire.

I asked Jesus, "What is that?"

He answered, "The church is the light and the bottle you saw is the anointing. The lamp is every person and the light that shines within it is the Holy Spirit that shines within each of them. The electric wire that gives energy to each lamp to light is My anointing."

"The servant who does not have My oil will be put out. I am like the electric energy that I offer light to the lamps. Tell the lamps that are extinguished to shine in the darkness. It is time for them to ascend, the end is near. Tell the bulbs that are going out that they have to have enough olive oil in their reserves. By the time the oil runs out they have will more oil in their reserves to burn. The world is in darkness, be lit and make a difference."

"Only these lamps will attract the Bridegroom at the time of the separation of the tares and the wheat. The lights on them you saw are My seal in their lives, the mark of the Holy Spirit. Tell the church to fill with My oil that is My strength within them and that will make them shine."

"I have a very strong bond with My Bride on earth, that is why the demons did not destroy the earth. The Bridegroom wants the Bride by His side and will prepare her to bring near to Me, and make her heiress. It will not be long, the Bridegroom will appear to free her whom He loves from this world of darkness. I have already demonstrated My love on the cross of Calvary, making a high price, rescuing, washing, purifying and sanctifying."


On hearing these words, I heard the sound of trotting horses.

The voice said, "It is the cavalry of hell invading the earth, all the torment of hell has risen to the earth. The earth will now be the hell of suffering, the prince of darkness has taken over the government."

He said, "Let's reign, it'll be hell on earth.

People began to look for Christians to pursue. The Christians were frightened away; they fled so as not to die in this great persecution and genocide. The world and the government were against us. The era of the martyrs began; they will be human sacrifices for Jesus' sake. They would offer their blood to eternal life, shedding their blood for Jesus' sake, as Christ did on the cross of Calvary. That was the form of retribution they made for Jesus.

Many Christians were killed by persecution. When they were alive they could not stand. The Christians groaned in pain. They could not stand it any longer, and they cried a lot.

The trumpet rang and the remnants disappeared. I saw in a vision the lights rising to the sky and disappearing. The world was filled with darkness when these lights disappeared. When these lights disappeared, the world grew darker, totally filled with darkness. I saw a black hole that opened on the floor, black shadows were coming out from inside. The sky turned red, nature was inverted. It felt like it was turning against us.

A voice said, "The heaven is disconnected from the earth, there is no connection with humans anymore."

All were abandoned, the Holy Spirit was taken away, the bond with the earth was cut off. What made the heaven to be connected with the earth, was the church while still on earth, Jesus took His own. People sought out Christians who had disappeared and despaired of not finding them. These people were dull lamps that stayed on the ground. Jesus broke the bond with them, the connection was broken, the mediator Holy Spirit was taken away.

Grace has ended. There was no more covenant with the rebels. The Bride has been taken away, the covenant of salvation is over. Now the judgment of the lake of fire is approaching.

After these visions and revelations, I went to the church saying, "I mean for all the brothers who are living torches of God, keep them lighted so they do not go out. You are live coals from the altar of the Most High and are in this world to shine. When the Bridegroom has come, He will take those who are alight in His presence."

Jesus showed me in the vision, many torches fading. I saw many dim lamps covered by darkness because of sin. And where there is no light on, the darkness prevails. The Lord will not take the ones who are blotted out by darkness. Many are called and few are chosen. The separation will leave the tares and carry the wheat. Only the lighted lamps that will be taken from the earth, for their brightness will attract the Master to His meeting. These are the stars that shine in the darkness of the night and embellish the dark sky.



We returned home and I had a vision of the Holy Spirit. This time He was in the form of a man and adorned a woman in a white dress. The Holy Spirit adorned the bride not with the jewels of the world, but with the spiritual adornments. The bride was adorned with perseverance, virtue, forgiveness, lightness, love, faithfulness, gratitude, docility, hope, harmony, happiness, union, tranquility, piety, peace, tenderness, perfection, wisdom, purity, softness, grace, renunciation, patience and solidarity. This woman looked like a bride ready to marry.

Jesus told me, "My Spirit is preparing My bride to meet Me."


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