Thursday, October 18, 2018



Fourthly: When you're in a house, you should never go to sleep if you have conflicts. Before sleeping, make the effort to settle your dispute, if not, it will open various doors to Satan to harm you. So when we were having fun in such houses, we would put nets all around them when we were leaving, in order to prevent people from waking up in the morning and go to church for the morning intercession or to weaken them in their morning prayer. Because we knew very well that if those people wake up in the morning and go to Church for prayer, everything we did during the night will be null and void. Because the Church of Christ is a place where one enters with problems and comes out with the solution.


I would like to tell you that there are many sorcerers in the Church. I ask them to abandon their witchcraft. I will explain to you how sorcerers destroy marriages. Nobody here can say that he has never asked for drinking water from someone else. If a sorcerer wants to destroy your marriage, the drinking water that you ask him will be used as an open door to reach you. Before giving you water, he would first spit in the cup. As soon as you drink this tainted water, you are infected, and you start to behave insolently and disrespectfully towards your partner. The saliva that he puts in the water is a support where demons will land. When you drink this water, these demons come in you, and they are the ones that urge you to change your behavior. You begin to bicker and the result is divorce. If you purify this water in the name of Jesus before drinking it, you will cancel these incantations. It is for that reason that you should always purify everything in the name of Jesus.

I will give you another example. We are here in Africa. People often go to each others house to get some fire. If your neighbor comes to look for a fire at your place, will you throw her out? Certainly not! Yet when you are dealing with a witch, as soon as she arrives at your place, she holds in her hand a powder called "powder aspergillum", and this powder is invisible to normal eyes. While the witch takes the fire, she would open her hand, this powder would remain on your brazier and serve as a gateway to demons in your home. And these demons are the ones that are going to urge you to bicker, to the point of getting divorced. So you must pray every time to cover your house with the fire of God.



The seventh commandment says: Go and spread polygamy and I will have several souls. Nowadays, there are some churches that support polygamy, and there are some pastors who even promote polygamy. Know that it is a commandment of the devil. When we read Genesis 2:24 the Bible says: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife ...", here it says clearly, he shall hold fast to his wife and not to his wives. Know that the will of God is that every man has only one wife if he is married, polygamy and cohabitation are sins before God. The second aspect of this commandment says: "I will have many souls." It simply means that children, who will be born in these concocted marriages, are souls that are already at the disposal of Lucifer.

Such marriages that are not in the will of God our sins and that sin has serious repercussions on the children who will be born through this marriage because they are born already under the curse. You who descend from a polygamous marriage, you did not ask your parents to father you in such a marriage. What you can do, is to ask God for forgiveness for this sin of your parents and beg the Lord Jesus to sanctify you with His blood, and to wipe away that sin. And in that way, the blood of Jesus will set you free and the devil will no longer have power over your life.



My pastor approved the women of the church to put on makeup and dye their hairs. When I stopped using the makeup my husband started to say that I was ugly and tried to convince me to go back to use makeup. I looked at him and said, "You like me or the makeup I wear? If you prefer makeup more than me, then you can have it. I am this person without makeup that you live together. I was born unpainted and you have to like me just the way I am." My husband was offended and left the house.

My husband stayed and slept in his parents' house. I wanted to formalize our marriage before the law. I was willing to live a holy life before God. I prayed to God to convince my husband to marry me legally. He as a carnal believer understood nothing and needed deliverance. Weeks later he came home and said I was right. And God began to work in his life, from that moment on. I was different after the rapture. My husband could not stand in the way of God because of his lust for women. Even though he was married to me, his soul wanted other women. He confessed that he had betrayed me and prayed for God to kill the lust of his flesh and to free himself from these evil desires. It was a war, but he won in Jesus and today is a man of God. He was taken up into heaven and found that his name was not written in the book of life because he was not married to me. After he returned from his rapture, we were married by law.



Then I saw a crowd of people in a room shaped like an auditorium of the university. It was actually a meeting of sorcerers and this meeting was animated and led by a hybrid demon. He was teaching mystical and esoteric knowledge to the assembly. I was curious and so I looked what was happening from the window of this auditorium when suddenly the hybrid demon that was dispensing mysterious knowledge appeared behind me in the blink of an eye. He invited me to join the crowd inside the auditorium because I was curious. So I sat in this meeting room. This demon taught the mystery of witchcraft and how to become a husband or a wife at night. I was surprised because I thought that night wives and husbands were just the incubus and succubus demons. But the participants of this meeting were taught by the demon to function and operate as night wives and husbands. So even human beings who are sorcerers can sexually molest people in dreams. Not only demons, but there are also normal men who come to molest and rape people in dreams.

In this phenomenon of night wives and husbands, we are dealing with demons, but especially human sorcerers who unite with men and women in marital alliances without their consent, to molest them and abuse them sexually. When you are spiritually married to a spirit of the waters or a sorcerer, he considers you as his legal spouse and will make sure that you are not physically married. You will, therefore, remain single in the physical world since you are already married in the invisible world. Your spiritual partner will therefore regularly use your body through sexual practices, and will even drop odors into your body so that when physical men come to you they are repulsed. There are men and women who have odor problems, although they are clean. It should be noted that night wives and husbands work with the spirit of celibacy, and even if you have managed to get married know that your night husband will not give up. In reality, getting married physically is considered by your invisible partner to be a provocation.

Beloved, there are men and women who come into marriage having night wives and husbands as partners. This is a very dangerous problem since their invisible partners who are their night husband and wife will fight these marriages. This is the reason why many churches recommend that men and women go through deliverance sessions before marriage blessing. If by imprudence you marry a woman who has a night husband, you must understand that the battle between you and her night husband has just begun. What I am telling you is what I learned in the school of witchcraft in the world of waters. So be careful! If you are married to a woman who has a night husband, your wife's spiritual partner will have as a priority the destruction your marriage, since he considers that you are married to his wife. It will start by attacking the source of your income; I mean your job, to cause financial hardship in your home. If you are working and married to a woman who has a night husband, know that your wife's invisible husband will attack your job, so that you are not able to take care of your wife whom he considers his, and also to get the woman leave you because of these financial difficulties.

Just after your wedding, financial difficulties will begin, and he knows that your wife will not tolerate poverty for a long time. Many people enter marriage while having spiritual partners. The night husband will not tolerate your husband; the night wife will hate your wife and influence her to rebellion, with the ultimate goal of divorce. After attacking the job or income of your husband, the night husband will attack the sexual organ of your husband so that he no longer satisfies you in bed. The night wife will make your wife cold in bed and will attack her organs of conception, and as a result, there will be complications. There are women who are virgins, who have never known men, yet they look like women who live with men because night husbands come to molest them and play with their bodies every night. The night husband will cause your husband to be weak in bed; he will suffer from sexual impotence. The night husband will ensure that your husband suffers from premature ejaculation and has odor problems in order to keep you away from your partner.



If the marine agent sees in the mirror that you are beautiful and will have a good marriage, he will put an age-mask on your face. You can be a beautiful woman physically, but spiritually you are already old because of the age mask, and no man will come for marriage. The fact that your face appears in the magic mirror means that the water world has power and control of your life; they can inflict you with any kind of misfortune.

Many people fail because they are under surveillance in the realm of darkness. They will start one thing but they will not get to the end, because they are in the magic mirrors of the water world. Through these mirrors, we can also choose a husband or a wife for somebody. We can also send you a night husband or a night wife. As a result, you will not enjoy married life.

One of the things we do to people in the mirror is that we put seals, signs, and marks on people's foreheads. These marks will be visible to occultists and witches, but the ordinary man will not see them.

You could be marked on your forehead as a single for life, and wherever you go in the world, sorcerers and Satanists would work to keep you in this unmarried state, as it is written on your forehead. They will fight you every time you try to get married because it says "single for life" on your forehead. Many people have seals, marks written on their foreheads.



Jesus said, "When a man chases his wife in his heart, the man should not come to ask Me to validate his choice because it is his own choice. In this situation do not come to Me because you have already made your choice. You could have come first to Me to choose but once you have made your choice, it's yours."

Jesus said, "Marriage choice is taking many to hell. Many call Me personal Lord and Savior but they will go on to marry an unbeliever." Jesus said, "A couple of a Christian and an unbeliever is not My will." He said, "When I joined a couple I make sure both the man and woman are born again."

Then I saw a woman in hell who got married to a man who was an unbeliever. Her choice caused her to end up in hell. People are making this fundamental decision of marriage without consulting Jesus, failing to realize the eternal consequences.

Then the Lord talked to me about churches where people are in fornication, churches where leaders have married 2 wives. Jesus said they should stay with the first wife, He does not recognize the second wife and their children.

Jesus said, "There are people that are engaged but they are having sex. I would not come close to them." Jesus said, "Those who are already married but they had sex before marriage, they should return to confess before their pastors. They should not overlook that."

The Lord said, "Marriages that are all about quarreling and conflict won't see My face. They will miss the rapture. They must learn to forgive each other, say sorry to each other after these quarreling."

The Lord said, "If you have been quarreling with your wife, you gonna have to forgive one another because My coming is imminent. I have no more time left."



Every human being living on this earth without Jesus is exposed to many demonic manipulations and even several diseases. So I was sent to destroy all that is beautiful and attractive in the physical world. I had to make old and ugly all that was beautiful and resplendent. I stole the beauty of women and left them with old age. As a result, while others are getting married, they will be stuck in the neighborhood. Nobody will be interested in them because of the exchange and manipulation that has occurred in their appearance. I applied this exchange even in families.

I managed to dislodge 84 couples. Women lost their beauty and charm even in marriage. Once a married woman received our mystical visits and manipulations, she spiritually got an ugly and repulsive face. As a result, her husband saw her old, ugly and unattractive, and could not stand her anymore.


The division of a family is also an open door. In the mystical realm, when two people do not get along, the kingdom of darkness takes advantage of this situation of conflict and division to reach them.



Jesus also showed me broken alliances. I asked Jesus for the meaning of this vision. Jesus told me, "It's the covenant of the pastor and his wife. They argue and swear. Every clumsy word they speak opens up legality for the demons to enter their homes. These words bring a curse on their marital lives; because of this, the demons are already working within their marriage. The church needs to get in touch with Me. This is not a just one example in this place. The leaders of this church need to make amends urgently before the devil rob them of their souls."



Then suddenly, I saw two people inside the fire. I can’t really say if both of them are male or female because the fire has seriously burned them. Maggots whose teeth were like that of a lion were crawling on their bodies and tearing their bodies like meat.

Mark 9:44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 

Both of them were blaspheming against each other because they were chained in the same place. A demon was tormenting them badly and the fire would cover them like a river. They wept and hate each other, but they can’t escape from where they have chosen as their destiny. I asked the Angel, “Who are these, suffering in this fire and blaspheming against each other?” The Angel said, “Both of them are husband and wife.” Immediately the Angel said that a big screen appeared and I could watch it with my own eyes, what the Angel was explaining.

The Angel continued, “All of their life on earth, they lived in the pleasure of sin, both of them hated each other, although they went to parties regularly. One day, as they were going to a party, both of them were abusing each other, then the husband lost focus while driving and a trailer hits them. They both died instantly!”

I saw in the screen how their souls left their bodies after they have died. Both of them were looking at their dead bodies on the ground. Suddenly, a power took them up with a force as if something magnetized them.

Hebrews 9:27 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 

Both of them stood before an Angel that was in charge of the Book of Life. Before it got to their turn to be judged, both of them were begging forgiveness of each other for how they have hurt each other while on earth and were asking for mercy that Jesus Christ should be their Lord and Saviour, but they didn’t know that there is no repentance after death.

Then it got to the turn of the husband but his name was not found in the Book of Life. A loud, powerful voice spoke, “DEPART FROM ME!” and a mighty storm carried him away. He was screaming until his voice was not heard anymore.

When the wife got there for her name to be checked, she remembered how she always defended her children whenever they are doing evil. She wept bitterly as she was waiting for the report of the Angel. Then the Angel told her that her name was not found in the Book of Life with sadness. Then the mighty voice spoke again, “DEPART FROM ME!” and a great, terrible storm carried her away. She screamed until her voice was not heard anymore.

Then the screen that I was watching disappeared.

Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. 

The husband and wife were going through unbearable pain in hellfire. They regretted ever coming to earth and they were calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy and for salvation but it was too late for them.



With His powerful hands, He made a large screen appear. I saw the earth through that screen. I saw the marriages being destroyed, a great disharmony between couples who are wild.

Jesus said, "Teach couples to warn against everything and learn to endure. If they continue with these crude natures they will go to hell."

Jesus said, "Return to earth. I will give you the ability to teach couples." When He said this my spirit returned to the body.



Jesus has told me about the wrong marriages of Christians with the wicked. Those who do not serve God are harming the people they serve. These drag the servants of God into darkness. Jesus has revealed to me, they have no patience and they marry the wicked to satisfy their desires of the flesh. They do not pray for the right spouse and do not expect God to answer that prayer and the result is divorce that is contrary to God's will.

Jesus showed me a woman in a wedding dress. This woman walked down a road and there were many barriers in her path. And behind this great stone barrier, a black wolf was hiding to devour her. That woman did not pass by the stone path and took a big turn. That woman knew that the fool was waiting in hiding to attack her.

In the revelation, Jesus told me that the church has to be vigilant not to fall into the clutches of Satan.



My future husband went to visit my denomination. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that he is the person whom God has prepared for me. His name is Dimitrios Kotsaris, a God-fearing man. We began to talk and have a life of prayer without physical contact until our marriage. There were seven months praying for God to prepare us. And everything that Jesus said was fulfilled, I detached myself from my denomination and Dimitrios disconnected from his. God put us in a blessed church. Our coming to that ministry was from God that our presence drew souls to congregate with us. Our ministry has grown in a wonderful way.

My husband and I have an effective communication and great tranquility in the tests. We do not spend our money on technology much, all this is vanity, we are always saving for a rainy day. My husband expresses his feelings clearly, this makes it much easier in a relationship. A rude Christian who mistreats his wife wears out a relationship. Avoid arguments that increase the tone of the voice. Do not speak destructive words or negative words. Exercise empathy, dialogue, and support each other's projects and dreams. The couple who do not believe in each other's project spoils the relationship. The husband cannot force the other to do anything out of obligation.

Sex is mutual respect between the couple. If you go into abstinence, stay for a period that will not be long and Satan will not tempt you. Husband and wife have to do things together, there can be no individuality between them each doing a different thing. Individualism destroys the power of marriage. When they go to sleep they go together, no one to lie down first and leave the other in the kitchen or in the living room. When you go out together everywhere go hand in hand, always forgive the failures of the other. If you have any conflict resolve sitting in the dialogue. Understand that nothing is perfect and defects have to be corrected.

In the morning when you wake up you have to give one good morning to the other and a strong hug without reason. When you are at work, send a message saying that everything is okay at home. Tell your wife that you love her every day. Repeat that word, just as Jesus loved the church. The love that Jesus has for the church is beyond comprehension. It reaches the point of Him dying for her to rescue her from the darkness. A strong marital relationship is built over time by maintaining that discipline. It all starts with love and good management of good habits that develop every day. It does not allow married time to begin to arise in the absence of attention that is detrimental to a marriage. The solution is always to innovate good things with which to come to unite the marriage more.

Do not complain about your wife. The woman should not complain about her husband. Stop talking badly about each other and still justify yourself being right. Do not let Satan destroy your marriage. A marriage is like a garden that one must cultivate over time. I am warning you this because Jesus told me about many marriages being destroyed because the couple did not understand each other. Many Christians divorce over futile and trivial matters. When my husband and I disagree, we share our faults with each other, asking forgiveness for each other, that's the maturity we have. We are avoiding making the same mistakes in our marriage and we are improving every day. We are growing in our married life. We had a flaw in wanting to overdo each other's attention to the point of suffocating each other. This was putting an end to our married life, the excessive control that forbade the other to talk to the people of the church. We are leaders of groups and jealousy was disturbing the work. The basis of everything is trust and jealousy does not justify distrust. This wears and oppresses anyone. The lie is the only one that ruins the marriage. My husband and I get adjusted to many things. God has given me a wonderful and understanding husband who always helps me in prayer. We always pray together at night.


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