Friday, October 12, 2018



Jesus showed me a group of people in white robes and their faces shone. I did not see Lord Jesus in the vision, but I heard His voice. He was just showing the visions to me.

I asked Jesus, "Lord, who are these people in white?"

The Lord said, "These are the prophets who have not bent their knees to Baal."

"They were prepared for spiritual warfare. These are people who have heard the testimonies of rapture and have changed their lives. Many of these did not know the people who were snatched away to be witnesses of hell and heaven, but when their testimonies reached their ears, their lives were transformed."

"These are the fruits that I will raise with great spiritual authority on earth. Look at the number of brave men and women who are preparing for spiritual battle."

I was worried about the corruption that went into Pastor Kenzo's church after his death.

Jesus said, "Do not worry about the church that My chosen one has left on the earth. There still remain My remnants that even without hearing My truth, they keep holy doctrine in their hearts. I will take many of mine from that church and make them pastors and missionaries of new churches. Do not worry, I'm in control of their lives. Worry about your ministry that I will launch with urgency. You will be a pastor of a new church that will arise. Be prepared that you will soon feed a flock."

Upon receiving this revelation I was excited.

When Elijah went to heaven, God raised up Elisha. The Bible always shows clearly about the prophets who died and others were raised. The work of God cannot stop. And you who are praying may be the next prophet to be raised by God.

The Lord said, "I will send My servants to many Babylonians where sin reigns."

Jesus will confront the demonic principalities who dominate these cities. He will fight against sin and deliver My chosen ones who are suffering at the hands of Satan in these places.

In the vision, Lord Jesus put a ring of authority on my finger.

Jesus said, "You will lead a people that I will put in your hands to prepare them to meet Me."


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