Several churches were involved in the world of darkness. It was because of these churches that I did not believe that Christ was real and that the Spirit of God was real since I saw them nowhere in those places that were supposed to belong to them. All that the pastors of these false churches "guess" actually come from witchcraft and not from the Spirit of God. They are working with the spirits. The spirits stand behind them and say all they need to know about this or that person. Spirits are their informants. In witchcraft, we used the Bible. The fact of holding a Bible in the hands does not prove in any way that one is really of God.
After my mission in Angola, I returned to Congo and opened an occultic church. Thanks to my magical power the church was full in record time. People came with their problems and diseases, and I healed them and I worked miracles. I noticed that people are always attracted by healing and miracles. Although my miracles and prophecies were demonic, I was very much appreciated. A few months later I had to attend the meeting of all the Churches of Bouenza in the town of Dolisie. I was informed by the fallen angel Bombar that Lucifer was in the city and that he was going to attend the gathering of all the occultic churches of Bouenza.
On the second day of the campaign, I saw several angels by the side of the workers. They were sitting next to these brothers. When I came down from the altar and approached these angels I felt a false anointing emanating from these beings. A negative energy came out of these angels and entered the bodies of the brothers.
They whirled and laughed uncontrollably. That yellow energy seemed like the fire of the Holy Spirit circulating in the church. That energy emanated from the angels and tried to get into me but failed because I had the seal of the Holy Spirit that blocked it. Jesus allowed me to feel the sensation of that energy which is very much like the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This energy can deceive people into believing that it is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If you do not have the Holy Spirit you can be enveloped and dominated by that energy. If you are in sin and a force enters you, be careful. If you give way to this energy, do not be surprised if you end up jumping, whirling, and laughing uncontrollably. When this false anointing comes it can dominate the person causing him to lose control.
I always give advice to Christians who are in sin. Rebuke the strange fire which is trying to possess you and ask God not to let it happen. The Holy Spirit will not use you if you are living in sin anyway.
First He makes you repent and then you will undergo a deliverance, liberation and transformation process that I passed thru. The deeper you are in sin, the slower your release will be. If you are in sin and think that the Holy Spirit wants to use you, stop it. It is out of place. You can be in danger because it is a devil of deceit wanting to use you.
Those demons knew that I was going to conduct a campaign in the church so they came disguised as angels. They transfigured themselves into angels of light and managed to deceive me because I saw them as angels. They deceived my gift of vision by creating a false optical illusion. But my gift of discernment was able to differentiate the energy that came from their bodies. Those who have experienced the anointing of the Holy Spirit regularly know that it is unique and unequaled. Even if it comes to an imitation anointing, a discerning and experienced Christian will be able to tell the difference as he knows the original anointing of God which has an unequaled essence.
I am like a bride who has married God. I know my husband's touch and I feel it is different from other touches. I also know His presence, and I can distinguish His anointing from a false one because every day I pray and feel it.
Seeing those false angels beside the brothers I raised my hands toward them, not the people. I said, "It's no use if you disguise yourselves as God's angels." They did not resist the authority that God gave me. I saw that the outer shells began to fall off from the bodies of those false angels that camouflaged them and their true identities were revealed.
Those shells that fell from their bodies were their disguises. I could see that they were ugly looking like horror movie monsters. They were angry that their true appearances had been revealed. They did not want to be seen. As I have the gift of spiritual sight, the demons knew that they would be seen in the spirit world. And to deceive me they came disguised as angels of lights to hide their true selves from my visions. If it were not for my spiritual sight and discernment, I would never have known that these angels are really demons.
For a moment I was deceived by them. Thanks to the gift of discernment of spirits, I could know the source of that power. I cast out those 8 demons who tried to deceive me. They had been deceiving the people of that church for a long time. They are terrible, do not underestimate their strength, O church. That church had someone with the gift of discernment and they were favored at that time. That's what this gift is for.
In spiritual warfare, demons adopt cunning tactics and use their wiles to deceive even those who are highly spiritual and belong to God. They camouflage themselves in disguises to enter into Christian territories. The chosen are not free from deception. It is necessary to be full of the oil of the Holy Spirit and in the fiery spiritual temperature so that these deceiving demons would run from the house of prayer.
A church worker by the name of Agnes who is the most used vessel in this church also has the gift of spiritual vision. Below is her account.
I am a deaconess and I always saw those angels walking in the church and this made my heart happy. When I approached them they ended up smiling at me. One of these angels touched my breasts. I thought it was normal for a holy being to act that way. Because I did not have the gift of discernment I was deceived. I could not feel the anointing of these angels. I felt nothing. Everything was normal and even if I sensed their presence, I could not distinguish the false anointing from the true one. Now I understand that it is necessary to have spiritual sensitivity to know how to differentiate the origin of the source of the anointing.
Pastor Robert taught me in practice that the gift of vision without discernment does not free anyone from deception. I have the gift of vision, I see angels and demons, but when some evil spirit disguises himself as an angel, I cannot distinguish the false from the truth because I do not have the gift of the discernment of anointing. It is necessary to have the gift of discerning the spirits.
The Lord took me to another place in hellfire, I saw many demons they were holding a meeting. All of a sudden, they all scattered and became disguised appearing as pastors, evangelists, prophets, teachers, brothers, sisters, elders, and reverends. There the devil was giving them orders saying, “Go now to the earth, go and perform signs and wonders, go and perform miracles, go and teach them false doctrines; bring more souls to my kingdom." The demons obeyed him and ran to earth with great speed. When I saw them, I was very surprised as this reminded me of my first encounter with Jesus Christ. The Lord showed me something next to Satan’s throne, s a very large, deep hole. Inside of the hole was written the names of the churches on the earth that belong to Satan. Friend, please be aware of the church that you attend. If it does not stand on the whole counsel of God preaching of holiness, righteousness, second coming of Jesus Christ, godly dressing, preaching of hellfire, please stay away from such churches as they all belong to Satan.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Mark 13:5-6 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: For many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Luke 21:8 And He said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
Beware, for many demons are in the likeness of ministers of God and their end goal is to deceive believers into eternal destruction. The Lord clearly told me, “I am not their founder; I do not know those churches that are written of in that hole."
2 Timothy 3:4-7 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Jesus in His white robes like the snow that shone a white color appeared to me, approaching my bed. He dimmed the light so I could see Him. His serious face was not approving of my attitude.
He said, "I never gave you gifts. You were never My servant. You never did My will."
I said, "Lord, do not You remember that I prayed to the Lord and received the gift of tongues, then of prophecies and cures?"
Jesus answered, "It was not Me. A deceiving spirit possessed your mouth to speak in tongues and used you to deliver prophecies. The cures that you did were provided by the demons. And your revelations you received for every life are divination. The demons know the life of each person and used your mouth to prophesy to them. I never had you, My truth was not in your life. Your pastor prepared you in the lie, teaching you a false Gospel. You humbled yourself before Me. I heard your cry of humiliation for the first time. Your selfish prayers saying that I had an obligation to bless you were never heard or answered. I am not your servant to do your will, you have to do Mine."
I continued to walk through hell and saw three prophets in the valley of burning fire. A prophetess liked to deliver prophecies to the church. She promised what God did not promise and said, "God is going to give this and do that." Her prophecies even marked the year, month and day that God will keep His promises. Her false prophecies came from her own heart and people turned aside from the path of Jesus when those false promises were not fulfilled. The Word of God speaks in Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? What God promises He does, what man promises in the name of God, he cannot fulfill. God does not give unfulfilled prophecies. That false prophetess is in hell being mocked by demons.
A prophet is in hell for speaking forth false visions. A demon appeared to him in the form of an angel and said, "Speak to the pastor to make a healing campaign." The prophet told the pastor to make the healing campaign and a miracle was happening. Whatever that angel said to the prophet he did. This angel began to produce false visions for the prophet to pass to the church. He introduced the spirit of confusion within the church, and many members left. This prophet died and went to hell.
I also saw another prophet delivering revelations to the church. He was an adulterer, and he went out with another woman who had gathered in another ministry. This prophet began to pray to God and received a gift of strange tongues that was not from God, died in adultery and went to hell.
The demon that tormented him said, "I used you to deliver the revelations. I am the spirit of the divination that came into your life. I am the same spirit that uses the fortune tellers, palmists, and tarot card readers. I used your mouth to speak in tongues."
I was terrified to know that the gift that the prophet thought of being from God came from the darkness. If you are a Christian and let evil come into your heart, you will never receive the gifts of God. Close your heart to sin and receive the Holy Spirit portion.
The angel took me to a Reverend's church. He performed many miracles and behind him were many demons. The angel said, "He has no authority from God, light does not match with darkness. He does not have the Holy Spirit. God does not share His Holy Spirit with a filthy man. God would never give His gifts to these merchants to sell the Gospel. God does not give His credentials to a false minister for deception. The Holy Spirit will never make an alliance with deceit."
A Christian girl was inside that church, a light shone on her forehead and it was written by God. The Reverend approached her as he placed his hand on her head and the light on her forehead burned his hand. He walked away from the girl and continued preaching. From the Reverend's mouth came a black smoke like a black mist that circulated in the air. Those who did not have the mark of the Holy Spirit, the mist entered into them. People who were contaminated with the fog were possessed by demons. Those who had the seal of the Holy Spirit were not hit by the demons.
A pastor was in line and the angel searched for his name and did not find it. The pastor went into despair and said, "There is a mistake, I am a child of God, born again, I perform miracles if I were not a servant of God He would not have given me gifts." The angel showed his whole life in vision. This pastor was a man dedicated to the work of God, did everything in the direction of the Holy Spirit, a white dove landed on him. He prayed and asked for the gift of healing and prophecy and received them. He began to exalt himself by the growth of his ministry. Pride entered his heart and began to use the gifts of healing and prophecy in exchange for offerings.
In the vision, the white dove departed from him and withdrew the gift of healing and prophecy. The pastor spent a month without the gifts of healing and prophecy. His arrogant prayers demanded that God give His gifts to him. He did not want to repent and continued with his selfish prayers.
An evil spirit seized his heart and brought the gift of healing and prophecy. He kept using the gifts and asking for large amounts of money. In his thinking, he had reconciled and gotten the gifts back.
The indignant pastor said, "I was used by a demon to perform miracles."
The angel said, "God took away the Holy Spirit and His gifts from your life, just as He did from Saul. Samson, when he sinned, had the gifts withdrawn. When he repented, God gave his anointing back. You did not repent of your sins, you did not humble yourself, you died in your sins."
The shepherd begged on his knees, the angel tied his feet and arms and threw in the outer darkness. I did not enter the kingdom of heaven, I went to the heavenly gates.
After these revelations I glorified God, and the next day I was invited to minister in a church. As I approached the church, I had a vision. I saw a rain of the latter descending on the ceiling of that church. I marveled at that landscape.
The voice of the Holy Spirit said, "Because you are amazed, look well and observe."
I stared at those little balls of fire but could not see anything. When I forced my vision I noticed something strange in them, small red flames and black drizzle were underneath them.
They were well camouflaged, even with the gift of spiritual sight I was deceived. My spiritual eyes didn't perceive the deception. The power of manipulation of Satan is terrible, he does what is false to seem true. He transforms himself very well into an angel of light. In all, he makes his copies become true, creates imitations, like paths, doctrines and false churches. No wonder Jesus said that even the Elect shall be deceived.
Even the gifts of Holy Spirit the devil makes imitations; he is the master of disguises.
This Christian era does not sanctify, does not repent of its sins, does not love God anymore. It wants materialism and rains of blessings, cures, money, well being but do not want the conviction of sins, repentance, holiness and godly revival. All this contradicts the Gospel.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12.
I left the house of the missionary Murilo and rented another house.
The next day in the morning, a Christian knocked on my door speaking in tongues and then he interpreted the message in Portuguese.
He said to me, "Thus saith the Lord, go into the city of Juarez, and preach My word."
As he passed the prophecy, he left. I thought of the young man who was at my door and said that he took my cancer away, and delivered that prophecy. I believed the boy who prophesied, telling me to go to Juarez.
The next day I packed my bags to travel to the city. In the middle of the road, the voice of the Holy Spirit said, "Do not go to this city, there is death there." I returned home and realized that Satan had set a death trap, and he used that boy to deceive me.
I prayed to God and asked Him if I could go to Mexico City to minister.
The Holy Spirit said, "This city is infertile land for the Gospel, there is no harvest of souls in that place, there are many churches and the people do not hear the word."
After my rapture, I went to visit the United States to attend a conference of a revivalist. The preacher who preached is a man whom I believed to be used by the Holy Spirit. This man prayed with his hands on my head. He said that from that night my life would change for the better.
I received that false prophecy and felt my body catch fire. I returned to my house and my life began to worsen. The demons began to appear to me. They started breaking dishes, glasses, knocking on my bedroom door. I heard the noise of footprints and the evil spirits punched the wall of my house.
I rebuked thinking that I had received the authority of that Shepherd. I began to pray to God for mercy.
I went to the street to catch the bus to go back to the hotel I was staying.
Before taking the bus, a woman sent by God stopped me in the street and said that the anointing I had received at that conference is diabolical. Because of this, I am going through trials, but God has cut off from me the anointing of the false prophet and the demons will no longer disturb me.
What I discovered after being deceived by the false anointing, I studied the subject and found that one person cannot pass his anointing to another. This living and the ministerial anointing is like a plow that cannot be transferred from person to person. Passing the anointing is the same as passing the ministry and one ceases to be the prophet of God before putting another in his place.
What cannot exist is to divide the anointing that God gives so that somebody does its work. If the anointing is not granted by God and man can grant his anointing to another, then no one else needs to pray to receive. Just ask for some olive oil from those who have and do the work.
Whoever prays much and receives the anointing of the Holy Spirit, how can he pass his anointing to a person who does not like to pray? How can I pass my anointing to a believer who is in sin and still receive? This does not exist and is a doctrine of the fallen angels of light. They can pass their anointings, but not from the Holy Spirit, but from themselves. They give what they have and the church does not know from what source that anointing comes from.
The revivalists are liars and Satan has deceived many with strange fire. This is all a farce to exalt these false prophets in the media. If anyone wants the anointing, he must seek his own oil, and not run after the anointing of a false prophet. Only God is the one who pours the anointing. He has the power to do this.
Man cannot pass the anointing, he has no power for such a miracle. Wherever the false prophets go, they carry dirty waters to tarnish their white robes. They quench the hungry with iniquity and unclean bread. Malachi 1:7 Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar; and ye say, Wherein have we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of the LORD is contemptible.
I had a vision of millions of angels going to various churches. I rejoiced when I saw those celestial beings.
Jesus told me, "Why are you glad? This saddens Me, son - they are angels of light, deceitful spirits who imitate the works of the Holy Spirit. They have the false prophets to carry out their plans of destruction. These false prophets when they receive these demons no longer have a normal life. This is the false Holy Spirit that the false prophets are giving to the people. A pirate copy of it, a fake imitation. These deceiving spirits will take their mouths in prophecy and they will think it is My spirit."
In the vision I saw millions of spirits that produce warmth within the church, imitating the Holy Spirit. People prophesied, jumped, fell to the ground, shouted, danced and crawled dust from the heat. When the false prophets said to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I saw many people giving place to receive their evil portions. I saw a blackened oil pouring into the heads of these people. These people thought it was the work of the Holy Spirit and they laughed at the power they thought to be of the Holy Spirit. I saw the garments of these muddy people, there was no purity in their spiritual lives. Their biggest mistake is to think that they can receive the Holy Spirit without sanctification. I saw millions of light spirits who were not from God going to other churches. They have transfigured themselves into angels of deceit, resembling the heavenly.
Jesus said to me, "These same spirits are of the Kardecist spiritualism that they incorporate in the people saying that it is the person who died are inside profane churches. They also appear in witchcraft with other names, and now in the false churches, they pass off as the Holy Spirit. They are deceivers. And more people are submitting to them in deception thinking they are experiencing the warmth of the Holy Spirit."
One of the greatest religious decoys of our time is Kardecist spiritualism. The followers of Kardec believe that they live the authentic Christianity. Kardecism preaches mediumship, charity as a table of salvation, reincarnation as necessary to the evolution of spirits.
The false prophets said, "Thus saith the Lord, 'Today I will anoint you as kings of this land.' " And the Christians are called to the front and a demon poured the black oil on the heads of the believers who went there. The false prophets soon spilled anointed oils on the heads of those brothers and prophesied a false anointing. Those believers fell to the ground with their bodies all trembling. From that moment they were raised with the same authority of the false prophets to perform their false works. They received false gifts to perform miracles invested with the authority given by false prophets.
Jesus showed me the filthy waters coming out of the interior of these false prophets.
I saw a demon say, "I reign in this place, I am their God, they do my will, I will operate here until they receive their crowns of eternal life." The demon gave a terrible laugh. I saw the demon of sensuality masquerading as the Holy Spirit. He uses sensual women in prophecies.
I have gained many souls talking about my experiences. The retaliation of the demons came against me after I unmasked the false Holy Spirit of a church. People whirled and fell on the floor saying it was God. I prayed for all and the demons manifested. When the service ended a devilish Christian tried to scandalize me saying that I am his lover.
I was in Pastor Charles's campaigns. He had a new car. He had gotten a good life with the gain of his ministry. His gifts of signs increased. He was planning to put his programming on television since he had a radio program. He thought of making a leap and becoming known nationally. I had not been visiting in his ministry for a long time. He was the man who inspired me. I went there to get a response from God, from so much I prayed the Lord answered me, "Servant because you want the same gift of this shepherd? This gift I cannot give you."
I was saddened by God's response since for some time I had been praying for this gift from Pastor Charles. One day the Lord touched me to go to the service of Pastor Charles. When I got there I sat down to listen to one of his ministrations. Something started to happen at that moment. My spiritual vision opened and I could see a demon behind Pastor Charles. Everything the devil spoke the pastor repeated. I saw a mark of a number 666 on the forehead of that pastor. He was being controlled by that evil spirit. The demon exercised great mental control over his mind. That mark on the forehead made the shepherd preach what the devil wanted. When Pastor Charles raised his hands toward the people who were seated, I could see that in the palm of his hand inside the skin had an inverted metal star. I do not know what metal it was. I could see that from that star emerge laser beams that radiated all the people. Many were healed, demons went out.
I prayed to God in spirit, asking Him to reveal to me what was happening in this service.
The Lord said to me, "Servant, do you understand why I cannot give you the same gifts as this pastor? He did not make a covenant with Me. He made a covenant with another god to give him those gifts. He accepted Me, but he did not want to live a holy life. He prefer to live in luxury fulfilling the desires of the flesh. He did not want to pay the price in prayer for the gifts I could give him. He preferred the easy way to get these gifts and all the comfort he wanted. I'm giving him a chance to repent and return to the path of light. If he turns to Me, I'll give him My gifts to him and I will take away these gifts from deceit."
I said, "Lord, he cast out legions of demons."
The Lord said, "Servant, do not be deceived. Only he who has My Holy Spirit can drive out demons, for the light judges the darkness. Where darkness is the light comes and illuminates everything. A shepherd who has a demon cannot expel another. Remember the Word that I said when I was on the earth? Matthew 12:24-26 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. And Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
"Servant this shepherd cannot cast out devils. He has a pact with them. There is no kingdom divided among demons. All this is a farce, demons need to use someone to deceive. This shepherd is an instrument of demons; demons want people to trust in this shepherd of deceit to win the souls of a whole congregation. The demons make many signs so that this pastor never loses credit and continues to deceive with this false Gospel. That pastor is reverenced; many people trust in his ministry, believing that he is working with My Spirit. So when he gives orders to the demons, they go out so as not to tarnish his ministry and so the spirit of the lie continues to reign."
When the voice of the Lord spoke, I stared at the pastor Charles. He came down from the pulpit and placed his hand where that inverted star was and laid his hands on a woman's stomach. He revealed that that woman had cancer. He expelled the cancer. I saw that cancer came out like a ball and went into the shepherd's hand. It seemed that the star that was inserted into his hand had a magnet that he used to pull the cancer out. Then he placed his hand to pray for a man. That ball came out of his hand and it entered into that man while that woman was healed. The man got cancer from her. I realized that the devil did not heal. He just transferred the diseases to other bodies.
I was passing the street, and I saw a sign written: great revival, all are invited by the Pastor Ramiro pastor in the regional church of the saints.
I went to visit this church, people were called to testify about their healings on the second day of that campaign. They said they got jobs, others had their promotions and some had salary increases, people who opened companies were profiting.
They said that Pastor Ramiro released a prophetic word of Abraham's blessings. Pastor Ramiro went to minister and released a prophetic word of financial multiplication for all those who take their offerings at the altar. He asked for a large sum of money and released the anointing of Abraham's enrichment.
The people took their offerings to the altar. When he released the prophecies, I saw the demon of prosperity delivering a blessing to each person. This devil was horrible and in his body was full of gold, silver and bronze and notes of money, all this was stuck in his body.
He gave blessings to those people. He looked like Santa Claus, his body was adorned with riches. To win souls Satan gives out material gifts and presents to the people. The people acclaimed Ramiro as the prophetic mouth of God, and everything he speaks happens in a step of magic.
People have told me that prophecies that do not happen are from the devil, and the prophecies that are fulfilled are from God. This is the greatest deception that exists, not all the prophecy that is realized is of God. The devil also fulfills his promises, he gives blessings to whom he desires.
Ramiro prayed and people were healed and many vomited diseases. He had great authority and a terrible anointing. I saw words coming out of his mouth in the form of fireballs with a dark yellow color that impacted those people. I saw two demons accompanying him, one is the demon of prosperity and the other is the demon miracle worker.
The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that this man is a deceiver and merchant of the work of God. The Holy Spirit gave me a prophecy to pass to him saying, "Tell this man to convert from his wicked ways, this is the last chance of his life. If he does not give up his sinful works his soul will be delivered to Satan."
The service ended he was leaving the church. I approached him and said, "Can I invite you to preach in my church?"
He replied, "I charge 50 thousand. I live from the work. I cannot preach for free. I have a family to care for. God has blessed me. I have a company, a new car of the year, apartment, all because I do His work. I deliver many blessings to the people that many Christians do not - I heal, I reveal and my prophecies of blessings have been fulfilled. I deserve riches for my services. It was for me to be a millionaire for everything I've done for this people."
Ramiro gave me his contact and said, "My schedule is full this month. This is my contact to book a schedule for next month."
I told him that his ego is great. If he exalts himself for everything he does, it is not the work of the Holy Spirit, and I passed on the prophecy of God's warning to him.
He felt afraid; he knew he was wrong. He was confronted and unmasked. He left my presence in a hurry and ashamed, saying nothing else.
Satan operated greatly on that church, the level of deception exceeded all my expectations.
The news later reported the death of Pastor Ramiro in a car accident. Pastors mourned for his death and said that he was used by God, and was a loss to the churches that counted on his ministry. I knew if he did not leave his bad way, he would be dead, that was God's last chance.
I saw a couple who were there because of the lie. Their wife searched the life of each person through the social network and passed the information to her husband. He used this information to say it was God's revelation. He died practicing the lie.
I also saw a Bishop in hell because of the lie. He used his strategies to attract crowds of people to his church. The Bishop hired actors to play the roles of paralytics, blind and dead. These actors were getting up from the wheelchairs that the Bishop himself had bought.
The actor who made himself dead was brought on a stretcher to the altar of the church. The Bishop made a prayer and the actor resurrected rising from the litter, causing the people to go crazy!
While the people glorified God, the Bishop took advantage of the occasion to ask for a large sum of money. Everyone was moved by the miracle and opened their hearts to offer. The actor who received a lot of money went away to another country, hiding the farce. Crowds of people gave big sums of money hoping to get their miracles. This charlatan of the bishop died and went to hell.
I saw a reverend, he was married to a woman, but betrayed his wife with a homosexual man! He never left this evil homosexual practice and went to hell.
I saw an apostle in hell, he had no affair with a homosexual. He was a homosexual and married a woman to disguise and be raised as a church leader. This apostle desired the Christians to whom he presented and destroyed various marriages of his members. He put the Christians against their wives, thinking of getting an affair with the men of his church.
This apostle will pay a high amount of money to married Christians, make them betray their wives, he took advantage of the financial situation to buy and subordinate these believers. This apostle fell in love with a man who is not a Christian. This contributed to his divorce from his wife. He went on to run the church without his wife and kept a secret affair with this man. Unfortunately, he died in this sin and now he is in hell.
There were people who said, "In my church, we do not have to walk in the laws of God but we have signs and wonders."
I went to that church to visit. The Holy Spirit told me, "This person admire this church because it has miracles. This is not evidence of the true Gospel. In the house of sorcery, there are also cures and prophecies. I am not there."
"The same deceitful spirits who operate signs and healings in the house of witchcraft operate in these churches."
"Just as I operate anywhere without being prejudicial to different denominational names, these evil spirits make no difference between the center of spiritualism and a fallen church. Both do not live the Gospel and they serve other gods, not to Me. Those who do not serve Jesus and His Word do not know Me. If they knew, they would obey their king. Those who do not obey the king is because he is not part of his palace and belongs to another kingdom. They obey this Gospel without thorns that is not Jesus' Gospel. They belong to the other Lord. Each walks in the laws created by his masters."
"I do not work My wonders where there is no repentance, where there is no crying for humiliation and salvation. I do not know them. What worth is there in a paralytic and a blind being healed and still go to hell?"
"It is better not to be cured of your cancer. It is better to repent of your sins and to go to heaven than to be healthy and yet die with your sins and to go to hell. There in heaven, the paralytics walk, dumb speak and deaf hear. There all are restored."
After these revelations of Jesus, I went to my house thinking about the biggest problem of the churches. Pastors who do not care about the salvation of souls or theirs. For them, their reward is on Earth.
The angel led me to another giant principality. He said, "I am responsible for the false signs within many churches that flee from the Holy Scriptures. I command legions of demons that make signs. We have deceived many. You did not stop to think, why the impious churches have more revivals than those that are holy. The holy churches have sought revival and have failed. Because his God deals with sin first and purifies and at the right time He enlivens, not in the time of man, but in His time."
"In our churches, it is the shepherds who determine everything. They ask that fire from heaven fall and cause us to descend so it will be according to their words because we want to draw attention from many people to come and stay in our churches. We hate that people stay in churches of serious Shepherds who only speak the truth. And let's enjoy that in their churches nothing is happening and we will multiply the signs and the miracles to gain more souls to our flock. Even serious church workers are going to ours because they are seeing the results."
"You do not know why pastors who do not live the Gospel are more used than pastors who live in the truth. Our Pastors need not renounce the world to perform great signs of healing and effectuate an explosion of miracles. While in holy churches nothing happens because they do not pray. We are responsible for the success of many churches, we operate many signs to attract the greatest number of souls to these temples. The shepherds see the crowd of people in their churches."
"The crowds increase the greed in their hearts to enrich themselves. We feed their greed, and thus we will gain the souls of the Shepherds and their flock to hell. Our thrones are in the pulpit of every prostitute church and we are the heads of that body's leadership. We will do everything to empty the churches where Christ is the head, we are in great competition with these ministries. There is a great dispute between the churches of Christ and our churches. We will multiply the signs to win more members. People follow the signs, contradicting the Word that says the signs will follow those who believe. The signs have to follow the believers, not they go after the signs."
"If they followed their God by faith, not by miracles they would never be deceived. For the Word says that faith is the sure foundation of things hoped for, and the evidence of things that cannot be seen. The people have no faith in the invisible and want to see signs. Where the Holy Spirit does not operate, we operate. Where He is not, we make our abode and deceive many souls who do not have the gift of discernment of spirit."
All that principality has spoken is the truth. The people run after the miracles and the demons know this and work on that weakness. To believe in Jesus, people want to see the miracles first. They put miracles before faith, just like Thomas. The Bible says that Thomas did not believe in Jesus unless he sees the print of the nails, and put his finger into the print of the nails, and thrust his hand into His side. Jesus said, "Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." (John 20:29)
You who are induced by miracles become easy prey. Use more faith in the invisible and believe only that Jesus is powerful, even without working miracles in your church. The Pharisees asked for the sign from Jesus to prove that He is the Messiah. And Jesus proves that He is the Messiah by pointing out the sign in the passage of Jonah.
"Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign, but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah." (Matthew 16:4)
Jesus refused to give signs to the Pharisees. They had to believe by faith, not by miracles.
Even Satan said, " If you are the son of God turn that stone into bread." Jesus refused to perform that miracle and said that man will live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God, that is, man will live by faith, not by miracles.
I want to alert the church to the manifestations and deliverances. The fact that a demon manifests in a person does not mean that there has been liberation.
When I worked in witchcraft the demons manifested in people and left with my magic words. I would lock the demons in bottles or send them into their world and others would be held in the world of darkness for a while until they learned to behave and not to throw people to the ground.
These arrests were punishments for the misbehaving demons, and I believed that. I prayed to the gods to send the demons to go away or to calm them when they possessed the people. These demons left and always came back to possess these people; there was no real deliverance.
This happens in many churches when they manifest. They manipulate and remain hidden, which is why they are called misleading spirits. Churches that are not serious and play with the truth are deceived by these demonic tricks. They make many pastors who do not live the Gospel think they have authority over them. The demons deceive these poor men and make them think they are men of God, misleading these pastors.
This is what happens at the TB Joshua cults. A variety of demonic manifestations, where these evil spirits give live shows on the cameras on the television network. The demons want to appear in national network and become famous, while TB Joshua mocks at the demonized people. He sets the stage for his demons to come to the circus, where the clowns are those possessed by demons live on television. The demons put into the minds of various pastors who need not repent, pray, and sanctify their lives to cast out evil spirits. Demons say they are driven out through faith, no matter what conditions people live in life.
Can God approve a ministry of deliverance where he does not preach the truth? It is not just the anointing of a man of God or his prayer that makes demons manifest. When they preach an exhortation against sin or tell a supernatural witness, they also manifest when they will. Its manifestations are to take attention away from the Word and to mess up the cult. He turns the stage of his church into diversions of demons in the deliverance sessions.
The Lord showed me in a vision a bishop of a church. She put her hands on people's heads and they fell on the floor. The bishop expelled the demons, but those demons came out from inside the bodies of those people and were on the side of the people who had been released. Those demons laughed at the face of that bishop.
I noticed something very strange. That bishop wore earrings, makeup, painted lips and a tight dress on her body. Those demons deceived that woman. They pretended they were subjecting themselves to her authority. After the bishop made the chain of liberation and the worship ended those demons that were inside that church returned back into the bodies of those people. They returned to their endemic homes.
The Lord said: “Servant, Satan deceives many of them that way. He makes people think they have authority over them so that the person does not realize that he needs to be released from the world first in order to free the prisoners. A prisoner of Satan cannot free another prisoner. Both are in the same situation. Satan puts in the mind of those people who are freed and saved so that people can not free themselves from sin die and go to hell.”
“These people underestimate the powers of darkness. They think that it is only to invoke My name and put the demons under their feet. That's a mistake. Their sinful lives open spaces for devils to work. I give authority to My disciples who learn from My word and do what I say. I do not give authority to the rebels, but even so, they want to use My name to impose themselves on the demons.”
The Lord said: “Today I give you the authority to step on serpents and scorpions. This anointing that is coming upon you is true. The demons will obey you and when you expel them they will not deceive you as they deceived this shepherdess. Just live a life obeying My word. You will prepare women warriors who will be the prayer column of your ministry. Sin will start to enter the churches, but yours will remain holy if you pray without ceasing.”
The night I went to visit a church, I received the opportunity to lead in the praise when I began to sing a song of praise. Half the church started spinning. I could be happy with this manifestation, but something bothered me. The Holy Spirit told me to come down from the pulpit and pray for laying hands on their heads. And when I did that, those whirling people fell into demonic manifestations. Those people who looked like the most spiritual were demoniacs. I could see the demons hidden inside each of those people's minds.
Any minister who was in my place ministering that night would be convinced this spiritual phenomenon was from God. I cast out those devils from that false Pentecost, leaving the members and the shepherds scared. I went away thinking about the lack of discernment of the churches, falling into the deception of Satan.
This mission in Puebla was seeing many strange, false manifestations of the spirit moving into churches without compromise with the truth.
That boy who came to my house to deliver a false prophecy, everything in that town was false. Many people were deceived by the evil spirits operating false signs and wonders.
Whoever does not have the gift of discernment in that place would easily be deceived. It was a very difficult place for my mission. I had to double my attention, demanding a high level of vigilance.
I went to visit a church. When I entered that place, a few minutes, people fell to the ground, crawled like snakes and others jumped.
The man who ministered said, "Be filled with the Holy Spirit, give place to Him to use you."
I had an opportunity that night and said, "How can you give room for a spirit if you do not know if it is the Holy Spirit."
You must have the discernment to know what spirits these are. What is the proof and certainty that the Holy Spirit is working?
When I have a life of renunciation and intimacy with God, the Holy Spirit will help me discern deceptions.
Those who live a life connected with the world are not giving place to the Holy Spirit, what happened here was not the work of the Holy Spirit. What happened here was strange fire and strange manifestations.
I can prove it, everyone who has had this manifestation comes up here, I will pray for you. By my hands on those people, demons were manifested and were expelled. Yet another deception of Satan was unmasked.
I made a prayer of healing, the Holy Spirit did the work, people vomited works of witchcraft, out of their stomachs came a strange liquid.
One woman vomited a lump of cancer. It came out in the form of blood, several people were cured of various types of diseases.
God operated in that place. I have never seen so many supernatural things happening at the end of that service.
The pastor was amazed, and said that I am a man of God, and asked me to minister tomorrow in his church.
I said, "Pastor, I cannot, I'm on a mission, I can only go to the places by the direction of the Holy Spirit.
The angel and I went to another place in hell. Arriving there I saw Satan happy with the news of his agents. I saw that the devil was talking about the plan of the agents who had covenants. They were introducing several churches on earth to false gifts, false visions, false prophecies, false revelations etc.
The angel said, "The demons who are allied with Satanist pastors will want to imitate the same Holy Spirit happened in Pentecost, anointings to be shed that does not come from Christ. Satan's purpose is to destroy the churches that are still healthy through these churches of these agents. Many people have stopped congregating in the midst of a holy people to congregate with these false shepherds and many souls who begin to go to these churches will be deceived and will go to hell because they do not know the Scriptures. The Word is that saves and releases. The purpose of Satan is to defile the churches that keep the Word of truth and send the greatest number of souls to hell and through the churches of these wizards will be born other churches following the same Gospel. Warn the serious churches not to walk in the teachings of these ministries."
I looked into the face of the angel and saw sadness and concern.
He said, "Because of these new churches founded by these sorcerers who are pastors, many holy churches that keep the Word of truth will corrupt themselves with this false Gospel. Warn the churches that the Holy Spirit will only fill those who live a holy life. Already for those who live a life in sin and seek the Holy Spirit, He will not come as long as they do not repair the altar. Many brothers who have not given up iniquity are deceived by the devil. Demons are already pouring their anointing and making strange fire fall into the lives of many bewildered brothers and they believe that it is the Holy Spirit and give place to the strange fire entering them. They do not ask for discernment for God to show them the truth. They do not evaluate their lives first to have a notion if they are prepared to receive the Spirit of God. They do not pray and consecrate themselves to God to free themselves from sin, evil and the devil. Warn them that the Spirit of God is clean and pure; first, clean your house and then invite the Holy Spirit to live inside you. Those who do not obey the Word walk in disobedience. If a strange fire appears, then it is not the Holy Spirit. First He frees the person, then He cleans him and then anoints and uses him for service. Warn them to repent and consecrate their altars so that the fire of the Holy Spirit will fill them. In the next few years, many false churches will be founded and incited by Satan to spread a Gospel that is not of the kingdom. Pastors interested in money are founding these churches not to save souls, but to promote only for their own self-interests."
After this vision, I went to visit a church. I had a vision of rains of fire falling from the sky. The church was hit with that rain, but me.
I asked Jesus in my prayer because I felt nothing in the rain.
The Lord said, "You are clothed in My armor, these drizzles of darkness cannot penetrate your body."
I saw a Catholic church where a priest told people to give way to the Holy Spirit. When he said that, the people would fall to the ground and rest in the spirit. Those people fall into a spiritual slumber when they fall to the ground. I saw the demon of idolatry masquerading as the Holy Spirit and deceiving the priest.
I also saw an evangelical church and the pastor of that church made people sleep. They received a knockout and fell to the ground like dead and there was a demon responsible for the deceit.
I was invited to preach in a church and sat in the platform next to important preachers. I was surrounded by false prophets who will never agree with my teachings.
When I finished preaching, I began to pray for the ungodly people. God operated with healing and signs of wonders through me.
The false prophets were also healing and signs were happening. I had a vision of a black angel of wings operating these signs beside the false prophets. This demon did not want his servants to be ashamed and began to imitate me. It seemed that he was disputing with me who healed more.
Church, it is not easy to operate signs and wonders in the same place where the demons operate. This demon was behind these healers, I have the gift of sight to see what I saw in my discernment. When I did not have this gift, I did not judge because I did not see and for those who do not have the discernment of spirit it is better not to say anything until you know for sure. If you do not have the gift yet, pray for God to reveal the life of the prophet or the kind of spirit to avoid being deceived.
The Lord said, "Many come in My name and prophesy what I have not commanded. They deliver messages using My name and words I did not speak. They heal the sick in My name, but it is not I who use them. They drive out the demons without My legitimate authority. Pentecost and great revivals are happening in places where I am not present. All those who think that I will pour out My Spirit on those who do not want to give up their hidden and open sins are being deceived. My Spirit is not in the place where the mouth speaks deceit. These preachers are the precursors of these false revivals that do not have My mark which is the seal of the Holy Spirit. I do not know them."
Jesus showed me all this in that service.
In the book of Joel 2:28, it says, And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
The demons know this Word and are taking advantage of it and imitating the very works of the Holy Spirit in these end times. The Holy Spirit is poured into the lives of the saints to empower them, and Satan also pours out his deceiving spirits into the lives of those who walk in lies.
On the second day of church campaign I went. And after I preached a Pentecost happened in the church. Many people spoke in strange tongues and delivered prophecies, many were renewed.
The demons took advantage of this wonderful moment and used people to imitate those that were used. The flock was not mine and now the biggest challenge is to unmask these demons who also prophesied. I did not know the flock or their lives, but Jesus made me see their lives through visions.
I saw those who had light and those who had not. I saw the brothers who had no lights prophesying and speaking in tongues. I laid my hands on them and the demons manifested. And the Holy Spirit gave me a deep revelation about these demons. Those Christians who seemed to have received the renewal were possessed by the demons. These Christians had thoughts of suicide.
The deep revelation I received was 5 types of suicides.
At first sight, I saw a rope with a bow that one of them would hang himself.
On the second sight, I saw a car crashing into a wall. The driver would drive his car into the wall causing his death.
On the third sight, I saw an apartment and Jesus told me that someone was going to jump from the fourth floor.
On the fourth sight, I saw a lot of medicine cartons that someone would take to kill themselves.
On the fifth sight, I saw a box of rat poison that someone would take.
Jesus told me, "These Christians are not clad in my armor and have been hit by the devil's darts.
They would commit suicide."
I prayed and expelled those demons. Their depression disappeared to the glory of God. An Adventist Christian who did not believe in tongues doubted that renewal.
I called him to pray with me and I laid hands on him. I said, "Fall upon him, Holy Spirit."
He began to speak in tongues and the anointing was so strong that he was taken away. The anointing invaded the church greatly. He did not believe in rapture came back speaking everything he saw in hell. He left the heresies of his church to enter into the true Gospel.
I looked at the 50-year-old church, I realized that in the past they prophesied and still do today despite the sin having entered. I said, "Lord, they continue to exercise their gifts of prophecy despite their weaknesses."
Jesus said, "When they obeyed Me in the past, My spirit took pleasure in using their lips. Today there are 2 types of prophecies that are in this church. The swollen prophecies of their flesh, all come from the heart of the person who prophesies and is but a desire. They prophesy with faith, wanting their desires fulfilled by believing that their word has power. But My will is not their will. When I use Mine to prophesy, I see My words to be fulfilled. I am not a man that he should lie, neither a son of man that he should repent."
"The other prophecy that is also operating in this church is of the deceiving spirits. Those Christian groups that have already been possessed and think that it is My Holy Spirit using them. The flame they feel burning is not My Spirit."
"First, they have to analyze their lives and then judge what spirits are using them. If they see they have unconfessed and ongoing sins in their lives, they should know that evil spirits are using them; they should cast out those demons who deceived them and come back to Me."
Soon after I saw a horrible monster entering the church and transfigured into an angel of light. He appeared to a sister making her rejoice. That sister received a prophecy from that demon inside the church. She told the whole congregation that she saw the angel inside the church. The people began to glorify God.
She said, "That the angel brought him a prophecy to give to the people and told them everything." I knew it was a demon cheating on that sister.
I went home when the service ended and I went to pray until 3 in the morning.
An angel appeared to me and said, "Today I will take you to show you hell."
I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying, "Do not believe, it is not from God." I cast out that spirit of light that came to bring me a message.
The Holy Spirit said, "Those who have a covenant with Me, I will not let the demons deceive them."
He replied, "No, they always said that I am a man of God. I even received a prophecy that I was pleasing to God. I never foul-mouthed anyone in the church, as I am ashamed to do so."
I said, "That prophecy received that said that you were pleasing to God is a lie. The Holy Spirit would never speak that way to a demon-possessed person. The false spirit of prophecy said that you are pleasing to God, he already knew that you were possessed and also that you did not walk in the true Gospel. Far from the Lord, you walked, but today is the day to approach the true God. The demon that was in you did not manifest earlier to deceive you to think you have the Holy Spirit and walk in the truth. He did not want you to find out you were demon possessed because his purpose was to wait for you to die and bring your soul to hell. You in blindness would never know that you would need a deliverance. Satan told the demon to be concealed within you until your death. This demon would receive rewards if he could keep the disguise until your death. But when you stepped here, he could not stand the fire of Holy Spirit and began to scream. He was forced to reveal himself because the darkness when he comes into contact with the light cannot hide his plans in the dark, for the light illuminates the darkness."
I said, "Now you have truly converted. Five years ago your conversion was a lie and the Gospel you learned is a farce. Today is the day you met your God. Congregate with me, come and be part of Jesus' army. I will teach you to be brave and you will not be afraid to preach the truth. I will teach you the holy Gospel, forget everything you learned five years ago. These teachings are only letters and doctrines of men without the Holy Spirit. You will relearn everything again."
That young man asked to meet with me and I accepted the newest member.
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