Wednesday, October 17, 2018



Then the Lord transported me to a place to see Michael Jackson. He was still dancing in hell. The Lord said that he was an agent of Satan. Every time he stopped dancing demons were torturing him with fire. Michael said, "Tell people to stop playing my song. I am suffering here."

The Lord said to tell those who are still listening to his music to stop; tell those who still dance his song to stop and those who have his CDs in their room to get rid of them.


Then the Lord took me to see another popular man. I saw Bob Marley in hell. He was weeping. "Oh, I never thought that Jesus existed. Many Rastamen were telling me that I was god and that I have come to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus."

"Go tell them to cut this hair and believe in Jesus so that they would not come here. People were saying that my word will come to pass; they are prophecy but here I am, lost forever."

Then Jesus said to me, "All those who celebrate the 11th of May, the anniversary of the death of Bob Marley, all those who worship and honor Bob Marley effigy - when they die, this is where they are coming. "

The Lord said, "Go tell them that I am who I am, I am sovereign, I do what I please."



I saw Noriyuki Pat Morita being plagued by demons and also the actor James Avery who suffered torment. The demons crushed them, plucked their skins.

I saw actor Patrick Sweis also in great torment. The fire consumed him and the demons tortured him.

I also saw rock singers. Bassist Paul Gray played and his fingers popped. The flesh of his body fell as he played continuously.

The same thing happened with guitarist Gary Moore who goes through the same sufferings. What a terrible situation these singers and players are.

I saw the singer Joey Ramone singing until his vocal cords burst. He no longer had a voice just a whistle coming out of his mouth. This process will be so forever.



I saw a man in hellfire, he was already a skeleton, but yet he could feel the horror of the fire. A fire was even inside his eyes and all over his body. He stood on a thorny red-hot iron; he was breaking on it (breakdance), as if Michael Jackson is performing his break dance.

He has tried to stop but a power kept him dancing. Then I called on him, "Why are you here?" Then he said, “I am here because of ungodly music. While I was on earth, I was Michael Jackson fan; I loved his songs and listened to them. I used to follow his break dance and I too do the same, now I am doing the same thing here and I can’t stop it, mercy!”

As he was talking with me, he was doing break dance. He was screaming, but it was too late for him to repent, for he had been there even before the death of Michael Jackson and now he is looking for the salvation that he rejected on earth. He screamed, “Lord save me for I am sorry,” but the Lord Jesus Christ wept and didn’t say anything, for he was looking for mercy when mercy is far away; he was calling on the Lord Jesus when the Lord Jesus was far away.

Seek the Lord Jesus Christ while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near.

Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: 

Any music that never glorifies God leads to hell, for all ungodly music leads to hell. Repent now and be saved. Please after reading this true divine Revelation about the agonies of eternal burning hell, share it with your friends, neighbors, Pastor, and family, for Jesus Christ is so loving and doesn’t want anyone to perish. Whenever I remember the issue of the people we are reading in this true divine revelation, I can’t stop crying inside my heart.

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: 


Then I saw a man with a bottle in his hand and with a long cigarette, inside the bottle was acid, and he would drink it and screamed, and his body would just burst like a bomb, and the pieces of the body would come back to normal position.

Then he took the cigarette and smoke it, and his body would just burst like an egg and would be fixed back instantly.

The man was going through pain, and screamed, “Mercy Lord, mercy!” Then I asked him, “Who are you?” Then he said, “My name is Sam Loco Efe, I am a Nigerian actor (Nollywood). I used my entire life taking alcohol and smoking."

I rejected the free offer of salvation. I regret my life, for misusing the grace I was given severally on earth to be saved. I lived in worldliness and pleasure of sin. I do not have the fear of God. Please, can you give me water? Can you take me out? Can you plead with the Lord Jesus Christ on my behalf? I am in severe pain here!”

The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Didn’t I warned you to come to Me, for your popularity cannot take you out of this place. I created you for My glory but you misused the glory and you lived for the glory of your father Lucifer on earth. It is too late for you, for the friend of the world cannot be My disciple, except he comes out from the world and be separated, and joined My holiness. It is late to be saved.”

1 John 2:15-17 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 

And we went away from that side to another place.



Later, we went to the department of superstars where I saw Michael Jackson. What I noticed about these stars is that they all had the mark of the beast 666 on their forehead because they were in covenant with Lucifer before they died. They were begging that people should not listen to their songs on earth. There, I saw demons were playing football. there were 2 teams with goalkeepers, defenders, forwards. The demons were actually using a human as a ball. He was a star on earth. He was screaming in pain, "I don’t want people to listen to my music." Among superstars undergoing that treatment was Michael Jackson. The angel said, “Gracia, look carefully.” When I looked, I saw Michael Jackson amongst these superstars. If you watch MJ’s concerts, you will notice that people were in extreme emotions and many were dying as a consequence. The angels said that when he was alive, he entered into a covenant with the angel of death. Over here he is begging people not to sing his songs and every time people are singing his songs on earth, he is punished and tormented here. The angels said that a lot of his songs led many people to hell. Many are in hell because of Michael Jackson’s songs. If you watched his concerts, you will notice that people are passing out as a result of emotions and many died in his concerts and went to hell. The angel said that while Michael was alive on earth, he signed a covenant with the angel of death who provided him with all the things he wanted. This explained that every time he is on a tour, people die. These superstars entered in a covenant with demons. They sold their souls to the devil. If you have their CDs, please get rid of them.



Suddenly we saw a woman with her feet being crushed by knives that even reached to her knees and at the same time, this woman was being punished by many demons. I looked and saw that this woman was Celia Cruz! The Lord showed me a video of Celia Cruz doing Satanic pacts in Hollywood with blood and I saw her doing many Satanic things. The Lord said, “She was a Satanist. She was an idolater. She was a witch having Satanic pacts with blood. So her music got a hit of success, same as her group of musicians.” And the Lord let me hear one of her songs called ‘Yemaya’, which is a very popular song in the Spanish world. But when you sing that song and repeating that name what it means is this: ‘King Satan, come and reign over me!’ And the Lord told me, “Judgment has been set for Celia Cruz.

Celia Cruz was a Cuban-American and was one of the most successful salsa performers of the 20th century, having earned twenty-three gold albums. She was renowned internationally as the "Queen of Salsa" as well as "La Guarachera de Cuba.."



I also saw Princess Diana, and she was there for witchcraft and in Hell, she looks a bit deformed. She had a protective ring from India, but this obviously failed to save her on that fateful night.

One of the people I also saw as part of a group of musicians was Michael Jackson. He had an Indian magic ring on his hand which made him call on high powers of Satan. He said, “I went for a ring from the devil, he gave me fame and riches and voice like that of an angel, and now I am in Hell suffering forever without Christ.” It was this ring from India that gave him the high celebrity ranking and obtained power to sing amazingly. He is also among those who used charms during their lifetime on earth.



I will speak some names of famous people that the Lord Jesus allowed me. I saw actor Leslie Nielsen in hell in great torment! I saw the actor Bubba Smith in the flames of hell suffering a lot in that place. Actor Clacke Duncan is with them. That place is all Hollywood celebrities. The sufferings are so terrible that everyone goes crazy with so much pain. I also saw the actor Robin Williams there moaning and crying in pain.

The demons laughed at them and said, "Welcome to the valley of the darkness of fame. That valley of rich and famous people and the valley of horror." Their riches did not deliver their souls from the fire of hell. Their values lie in what they are to God, not in what they possess. The devil does not want us to know that earthly riches are without any eternal value. What matters to the devil are the souls. That is why he offers money and fame in exchange for them.

Seeing those men in hell I could see that world fame and wealth are illusions. Everything is fleeting and takes nothing to the other side, only the works that accompany it.



A hole appeared on the hospital floor. It looked like an open volcano, and we entered through that entrance to hell. In hell, I beheld 3 famous people. I saw the singer Layne Staley suffering in hell, he sang in hell and his vocal cords exploded. I saw the actress Britney Murphy being tortured by the demons that forced her to drink poison. I saw actor Bernie Mac who suffered so much that he was agonizing with pain. These three stars were in a subhuman state of degradation. This place is the home of the famous who once lived in luxury houses and apartments. Today their housing conditions are deplorable.



And then Jesus took me to another place in hell. A giant metal plate was written like this: WELCOME CELEBRITIES AND HAVE A GREAT RECEPTION. As I passed the metal plate door, I saw singers, actors, and many celebrities there. I saw a famous band signs in that place. I only recognized 2 rockers and an actress. I saw rocker Bill Haley jumping frenetically because of the flames that consumed him. Guitarist Jimmy Hendrix was crying in pain, he felt very thirsty and hungry in that place. The demons made him play the guitar of fire until his fingers fell. Many Satanist rockers who had made covenants are now being tormented by the demons. I saw the actress Thuy Trang who participated in the Power Ranger series. When she saw Jesus, she cried out to take her away.

All these celebrities are in hell because of fame and money. The covenants they made with the devil brought them to this place. It's sad to see many actors, actresses, and filmmakers in that place. Many of these celebrities I did not know. The path of all who desire recognition and money is hell. They are dead on earth and forgotten, but alive in hell. They suffer various kinds of sufferings. It's sad to see the scary scenes on their faces. There is nothing on earth as terrifying as this place. The scenes of the mutilations of souls are a horror. I witnessed with my eyes a real horror movie.



Jesus took me in the place of celebrities where I could see three people that I was a fan. The first person was Aaliyah Haughton. When she saw me she begged me for my help. She was in the fire that consumed her skin. Who could imagine that one day this actress would humiliate herself begging for help? The second person was the actor Alexander Godunov who reached out to me to take him out of the fire. The man who was my idol was now bowing down to a poor woman like me. The third person was the actor Chris Farley who screamed a lot of pain. On Earth, none of these actors would see me. They would never get close to me. Now in hell, they are the same as trash. Despite all their money and fame on Earth, they are poor and miserable in hell.



The monster took me to the eleventh room. There are all martial artists, no matter the mode of fighting. An octagon, perhaps a tatami or ring. I do not know the name, but it's a fighter's place. The demons played the fighters in that ring and said: let's fight. The demons punched them flying upwards. The demons tortured the samurai fighters. They were cut down by demons using swords. I watched as they cut off the heads, legs, arms and other pieces that were scattered around the room. Fire poured from the floor of the room and burned the bodies.


The monster took me out of the house of terror and we started walking through hell. The monster said: I will show you an old idol who you loved so much. He took me to a place where I saw the fighter, Bruce Lee. He was my favorite actor. One of the greatest martial arts instructors of his time. Before my conversion, I watched his films. I liked him very much and if I were alive I wanted to meet him. When he died I was 1 year old. I knew I could never meet him because he's dead.

But in my rapture, I met Bruce Lee. I saw him in a state of deep sadness. He's been in that place of torment for years. I told the monster because he is not in the torture room of the fighters. The monster said he was very famous and could not stay anywhere. So he was thrown into a celebrity place. I approached him and came close. Bruce was asking me for help so he could get out of that place because he could not bear to suffer anymore.

Some demons came and began to torture him. The demons mocked him saying: Show your blows if you can defeat us, you are the king of the fight. One of those demons said, "I owned you not to lose the fights and you thought you were invincible. Without me, you would not be able to do all that kungfu moves. I made you jump high."

That demon started punching Bruce Lee and threw him into the air until this demon broke his bones with several kicks. Bruce lay on the floor groaning in pain and the flames left the floor and burned his body. Before my conversion I liked him. Here in Asia, it is normal to have Bruce Lee as an idol. Martial arts are part of our culture. The monster said, "Everyone who practices martial arts is ours."



I was where the actress Marilyn Monroe is, this woman was used by the satanic elite to promote fashion, addictions, and sensuality on the movie screens. This woman is being tormented by the demons. I saw how much they appreciated her body, piercing her and throwing her into the fire.


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