Wednesday, October 17, 2018



[...] The brother gives us a brief explanation of some of the names that parents give to their children. He explained that in that region, one gives the name Mouginga to children who are born in special circumstances, that is, wrapped in umbilical cord.

He continues: Mouginga means someone who is bound. When you look at the people who have such names, especially when the moon appears, you will see that they behave strangely. This should not only be confined to the name Mouginga, but there are also many others: Tchanda, Ngaloula, Toumba, Mouadi, Moukalayi, etc. You must be very careful with these names. Now try to know the meaning of the name you have because the name you have can be a door through which demons come into your life. Here I draw the attention of parents. Pay attention to the nicknames that you give to your children.

The brother gives a warning to mothers who have the bad habit of tying a rope around the waists of their children because these ropes can be a gateway for demons to come into the child's life. He said: Pay attention to all these ropes, be careful.



We will examine some signs that will allow us to discover witchcraft in the life of the little children if these children are being used unconsciously. These signs are the following: the child is very distracted, he has lapses of memory, the child forgets easily (you tell him something, after a few minutes, you ask him again what you have just said, and he no longer remembers, he has forgotten everything. For example, you ask a child to bring you a cup, but instead of a cup, he brings you a knife), the child's lack of intelligence, he is always fighting, he is rebellious (and about boisterousness, parents themselves play a large part in it through the insults they hurl at children). When you hurl insults at your child, if, for example, you insult him "dog", and it happens that a sorcerer passes by, he will cast a spirit or a demon of dog on the child, and the child will become rebellious, and from that moment, one will begin to use him in witchcraft.


Here again, I draw your attention. The cat is an animal that is highly used by sorcerers. When a sorcerer uses the cat, what can he do to get people involved in witchcraft? The cat can come where you are eating and while it scratches itself, its hairs fall. As soon as they fall into your food while you are eating, witchcraft starts.



My daughter and son had lots of toys in their rooms. I had a dream that every toy has a legion of demons inside and the children who buy these toys bring legions of little demons to their homes.
That's why I prayed for my children and my prayers had no effect on them because of these toys. When I threw away these toys my children got better, because the rebellious spirits that were in them went away, which are the same ones that were in the toys.

I was praying to God and Jesus said that all these toys are devoted to the little demons that children possess. When a child brings such a toy home, she brings legions of demons to her home. These demons will change the behavior, influence and even own the child. I threw all the toys in the trash and left them well hidden so no child would take this curse and bring them home.



Then Jesus took me to a place in hell where I saw a child, he was 8 years old. I noticed that in hell it is not just fire tormenting you. There are snakes biting you and there are scorpions and carnivorous bugs all over you and they have long and sharp teeth.

These creatures including demons were torturing the child, and when this child saw Jesus, he shouted strongly to Jesus to save him.

Jesus asked him, "What brought you here?"

He answered, "Cartoons, war movies, video games, and soap operas."

Jesus said to me, "Victoire, have you heard?" Then Jesus asked the child, "Can you recite a Bible verse for Me?" The child said, "I don't know any." Then Jesus asked him, "Tell me about the things you used to watch on television." The child began to talk about all the cartoon series, all the war movies, and soap operas.

The Lord said, "The child spent all the years of his life watching cartoons, war movies, even pornographic movies." The Lord said, "Tell parents to show the children My ways and to place My Word in them since childhood, otherwise when the trumpet would sound, many would remain."



In a moment of time, a girl reared her head yet in this same horror. I was shocked seeing such a teenager of about thirteen in hell. “What is her offense?" I asked myself. I beckoned her to come. She waded and waded until she came nearer.

“Young girl why are you here," I asked.

“Sir, please give me water, water is my dire need now. I’ve been thirsty since 1932 when I came in here. Please, just a small quantity. O-o-oh, o-o-oh”, she sobbed out her suffering.

I know God is ever faithful in His judgment, yet I was curious to know what offense had that young soul that warranted her sentence to that horrible place.

“Why are you here?" I asked again.

”It was my mother. She initiated me into witchcraft at six. But before I reached twelve and died, I had killed seven hundred and twenty people and had become a registered witch in the spirit world”, she explained.

“But a companion," she continued, “who has been here since 1620 told me that the punishment here is eternal and the condition is permanent. Is that true?" She asked.

I pitied her condition. I couldn’t answer yes or no than to say, “She must be right."

“R-i-i-i-ght?" She screamed. As she screamed thus, the flame was hard on her again and she began to sink down gradually. I looked and looked at her again until she vanished from my sight. I was sore afraid at this.



Sometimes I would find myself in a house where I saw a mother shouting at her child, "You worth nothing, one would not think that you come out of my womb!" Then we had the right to make use of these curses, and we reported these sentences to our master. From that day, this child is under the curse of his parent and belongs to us. Either this child will eventually become one of us, or we make of him an instrument of despair and frustration for life.



I was responsible for initiating children of my age into witchcraft. I was 6 years old at the time. I had to spread witchcraft among children. I used comics as a tool to initiate children into subconscious witchcraft.

I used cartoons like "Dragon ball z", like "Dora" or "Bubble Mermaid" and also "Bubulle Illite". These cartoons make children rebellious and stubborn to their parents. First, the children will begin to dream since the unconscious sorcery is manifested in clear dreams. But once these children move from subconscious sorcery to active sorcery, they must provide us with information about their families. So, when their parents get their wages, we worked to generate problems that will cause them to spend their money, and in the end, they do not do anything significant with that money.

I passed on witchcraft to other children through food. Once a child eats this food, it turns into human flesh and this mystical flesh activates extra sensory faculties in the child and opens his eyes and ears to the invisible world.



I saw a small boy of 13 years old, from his head to the feet, he was chained and the fire was extremely hurting him. He screamed, “Lord, help me, take me out, I seek You!

A voice spoke, “If you have found Me early, I would have saved you.” I was wondering who was talking, then the Lord Jesus Christ appeared with glorious light and the Angel went away.

The Lord Jesus Christ told the boy, “If you have searched for My salvation, you wouldn’t have come here. I sent your friends to you to tell you about Me, but you wanted to follow the ungodly foundation that your parents had laid for you. If you have accepted My salvation while on earth, I would have saved you.”

Proverbs 1:29-31 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. 

While the boy was on earth, as young as he is, his parents corrupted him. He had access to the Internet that enabled him to watch pornographic videos and pictures. He used to practice whatever he saw in the videos. He committed immorality with his young sister and usually practiced ungodly dance that he saw in the Television. The boy was very corrupted. When the boy was on earth, he usually said, “Salvation is not meant for children, for Jesus Christ loved children and He can’t punish their sins.” Now, he is feeling severe pain in hellfire, for he has been there for 5 years. One day, as he was coming from school, he wanted to cross the road, but a car was coming with speed unknowingly to him, the car hit him and he died. Parents need to take care of their children, do not provide anything to them that would make them rebel against their Maker.

Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 

Then we left the place and went to another side of hell, there I saw a man in a terrible pain.



I saw a little boy in hellfire, the demons were tormenting the boy with spears. When the boy saw us, he cried for help to take him out of the fire, but the Lord said, "I am not the God of the disobedient." This boy was very rude while he was on earth, he would always disturb his parents during the time of the pastor’s messages. Whenever his parents corrected him, he would shout at them. He became sick and died, now he is in hell forever. The Lord says, "No disobedient child will inherit the kingdom of God."

Ephesians 6:1-2 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise.)



I saw children in hell. I said to myself how come Jesus that claim to be love is allowing children in hell? The angel replied, “From the moment a child can distinguish good and evil he has to make a choice." Then I saw a child crying and saying, "I repent, I will not steal again." The angel said that this child is in hell because he stole a 25 pence peanut and her mother was not happy and she punished him but when his daddy came back he was not happy that the boy was punished. He took him in his car, they went out and had an accident. Both of them died and they ended up in hell. The angels said, “Children are coming to hell because of violent cartoons. Dragons and demons in these cartoons influenced them to be rebellious towards their parents.”

I don’t have words to describe hell, it is beyond imagination. People are asking for a second chance, but it is too late for them. In hell, people are abusing and insulting God for what they are going through.



We went to a place where there was what looked like black gels. I started seeing many children in hell. I asked the Lord, “Why are there children in hell?” But the Lord told me that they were not children, that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the children and you have to be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. “So, Lord what about these children?” I asked.

The Lord told me again, “Rodolfo, they are not children”, but He asked me to listen to the order that Satan was giving to them. When they turned around I saw that they were not children, but demons and they were playing with a game called Nintendo. I started seeing all kinds of Satanic programming and games making signals and movements with their hands, all with Satanic purposes. When the Lord ordered them to turn around, I could see their forms were grotesque, horrible and disgusting. Satan gave them the order, “my sons, go steal, kill and destroy.” He was right because the Bible says that Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus came to give life and give it more abundantly (John 10:10).

Meanwhile, these little demons entered the earth and the Lord told me that this is why the children on earth are killing themselves, in the meantime, scientists and children psychologists do not understand why children take up their lives by suicide. A few months ago, a twelve-year-old boy killed his mother with a knife, another hung himself and in the U.S.A, a seven-year-old boy killed his mother, his little brothers and himself with a pistol he found. Another boy threw himself from a second floor killing himself. The letters and notes left behind by these children say that life is worthless and many other things. This happens because demons enter into their bodies and possess their being and they lead them to kill themselves. Be careful fathers and mothers what your children are watching on television. What your children are watching on the internet and what your children are listening to on the radio matter. The demons infiltrate through television, radio, music, and Satanic comics. Glory to God, Hallelujah, for awakening us!

Then, the Lord told me that it is for this reason that so many marriages are destroyed because some parents blame the children and think that because of that child they must divorce. But the child is not the problem. The problem is the demonic attack against the union of the marriage and family. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ! Call the church! Ask for prayer so you can have a home free from demonic attacks!



One who experienced Hell. "Lord How old is this child?" The Lord answered, "This child is 9 years old and was an elementary school student." "Lord why is this child going through such suffering?" I really couldn't believe that there were children in Hell and it was truly dreadful.

The Lord said, "This child did the things that his parents told him not to do and Satan was using this child the whole time. He was foul-mouthed and already caught up in the sexual culture of adults even at such a young age. Therefore, his brain was already plagued with a disease to the point that even his parents could not help him."

There were bugs and insects crawling around the child and they were eating away at the fully naked child. "Lord, what should we do with young children? Wouldn't it be okay if they repent?" The Lord said, "If children can discern between good and evil, know about Heaven and Hell, and judge for themselves, yet become corrupt, fall into sin and regard sin as trivial, harm others, mock and slander others with no intention to repent, they will go to Hell. There are so many children like him in the world. If these children get into an accident or become ill and die without repenting, demons will drag them away and confine them to various prisons of Hell."



The monster took me in the tenth room. To my surprise, it only had children from 5 to 10 years old. The demons tormented all the children. I saw how from inside the head of these children it caught fire and smoked. The monster showed comics and manga story comics. The monster said, "The people of the land saw these comic books as harmless. But it is in these comic books that our doctrines are. We have won many children through comic books and drawings. All those who are tortured by demons have been deceived by magazines, books, and newspapers."

In this room, there are toys like dolls, plastic superheroes, and female dolls. Those toys made life, they looked like they were possessed, and they laughed. The monster said, "Here is the childish idolatry that we implant inside the homes. We have created the world's super-saving heroes to indoctrinate children. Their memories of the true savior of their souls disappear. They prefer comic heroes that do not exist instead of that Hero who gave up His life to save mankind. This is our lie we bring from the fictional world to every child."


The monster took me to the fourth room of hell. It has all the adult and children's games like chess, lady, deck, dominoes, machine games, and lottery houses. People who are tortured there are addicted to games. I saw kids addicted to games in that room. Demons cut off the hands of gambling addicts. The monster said, "Here are Christians addicted to our entertainment games. Some of them spent their money on bets."



I have seen cartoons, Batman comic books, Superman, Spiderman, and others. I have seen varieties of consecrated comics enter the minds of children in order to change their attitudes, make them disrespectful to parents, make them become lesbian, homosexual, violent by causing them to see child pornographic content. These cartoon comics and comic books were full of darts and little black pins that pierce the minds of those who read them.



I went to pray, and my spirit went until the meeting of Satan and his demons, they talked about the children.

Satan said, "Children are the future of tomorrow, we must contaminate their hearts and minds, through the movies, toys and TV shows. If we corrupt children and adolescents, in the future there will be no church, they will only be religious temples of people who do not live the gospel. The customs of the children of believers who grow up hearing the word and walk in the church will be corrupted, There will be denominations, but the holy people will be over.

Their parents see innocence in a childish desire, but they do not know what is hidden in the drawings and movies and the spiritual force acting behind. All of these are seeds planted in their hearts, this generation is being programmed through television and secular music.

Satan saw my spirit and said, "You can do nothing to stop me."

My spirit returned to my body, Jesus told me, "My servant, all of the bad things that My people see pollutes the eyes. And if the eyes are contaminated the whole body will be also, and the ears that listen to music of the world contaminates the mind and the heart."

In another vision, I saw the spirit of lesbianism, homosexual and transsexuals possessing children who watch television. These demons entered their bodies, from the eyes, getting inside their minds.



After I finished, I prayed for deliverance on behalf of the children, the Holy Spirit told me to do this. I began to pray and children of four, five, six and seven years old fell into demonic manifestations. I cast out those little demons. A mother brought me a six-month-old child to pray for. The baby cried and screamed out of the ordinary.

This child was being disturbed every night waking up crying according to his mother. I prayed and expelled that demon. The baby never cried again and went on to have quiet nights. At her mother's house, the television was on all day and the worldly music was being played all day. In a house that does not serve God, the devil plagues even the babies. The demons that are in these homes begin to devastate the life of the parents and pass them to the children.



The demon led me to a black throne. As I approached Satan I began to sound cold and a great fear invaded my soul. He looked at me and said, "There on earth you listened to my songs that were consecrated to me. All the posters of monsters that are in your room, they are pictures of my demons."

I was terrified and urinated in fear. As I stood near him my hair began to melt and fall to the ground because of the high negativity in his body.

Satan said, "My demons cannot be seen on earth and the only way they can be known is through television as in horror movies and monster drawings."

Satan said that his demons instructed the Satanists to make films and drawings with their faces.

I saw infantile demons like the Donald Duck, Sylvester the Cat, Long Legs and Woodpecker. I saw the demons Incredible Hulk, Batman, Spiderman, and Superman. I saw the movie demons like Fredy Krueger and Jason. It was not the writers who invented these movie characters. Before they went to television, they already existed. Only the demons inspired the writers to create their images in the movies. I saw the claws of Fredy Krueger in hell. The demons used to tear the souls apart.


I was a rocker and I really liked the rock music genre. My room was decorated with posters of skulls and plastic skeletons. My t-shirts were monsters and I watched a lot of horror movies. My house was decorated with monster dolls.

My life was disturbed. I could see shapes all over the house and I was suffering from insomnia. I was scared of these spirits. One of the plastic skeletons started walking and talking to me. The plastic dolls flew in front of me. Objects also flew away leaving me scared. My parents live in the house next door. I was alone seeing that natural phenomenon. The lights went out and went on and then a black smoke filled my room.

The next day I went to the Catholic church and prayed. I knelt near a saint asking for protection. I heard the saint laughing. I was scared and left the church. I was upset and told my parents everything that happened.

At night I heard someone call me in the backyard of my house. I went to see what it was. I saw a horrible creature in front of me. This demon had big eyes and looked like an alien. I just remember that a force pulled me at high speed. I was transported to another place, full of trees with no houses. That monster transported me to this place. I had no idea where that was.

I kept looking for my house stopping people on the street. I spent all night hungry and without money asking for information about my address. Until I found my house in the morning. My parents did not believe what I said.

That ET-like demon kidnapped me and left me in a place full of trees. People who say they've been abducted by UFOs are mocked. I speak to everyone who hears me. Some people who speak these things tell the truth. The problem is they think these creatures are from other planets.

Extraterrestrials are a class of demons that spread deceit on earth. They appear to people to strengthen ufologist doctrine about the existence of lives on other planets. And when someone goes through the experience that I have passed but has no spiritual discernment, they say that aliens are invading the earth making people believe in these stories.

People say they were abducted, but the term is not. They were transported to another place as I went. Satan appeared to Jesus in the wilderness and transported Him to the city then took Him to a very high hill. This is not an abduction. The demons in these ends of time are more daring and appearing for the people.

I was transported to another neighborhood away from home and could be taken to another country. I believe God did not allow them to take me to a place further.

My parents noticed that I was upset and called the pastor to pray for me. I wanted to be free from all trouble.

Before my deliverance, the demons used my dog to talk to me and possessed the decorating dolls. Even the plates and glasses of glass were moving. I was an 18-year-old who watched alien movies and drawings as well. I had extraterrestrial magazines. Everything I had was creating life. The pastor arrived at my house and I begged him to free me, I could not stand that traumatic life any longer.

The spirit of suicide was driving me to kill myself to end that suffering. The pastor prayed for me and my body did not resist and fell. He rebuked that legion that was in my body. When he cast out that evil spirit, the demon left my body and took my soul along.

This demon took me to hell, while my body was dead to the ground. I was dead, but my soul stayed in hell. Out of my eyes came tears because of the pain and suffering of that place. The pastor was surprised to see my dead body crying.

He said, "His soul is not in a good place that's why he cries." I was in hell with that demon that took me. He looked at me and laughed saying, "I have lived in you for many years. Today you have the opportunity to see me in person. I will introduce you to Satan."



Seeing this vision my spirit descended to hell. I came to a place where there are many children. I beheld a child being whipped in hell. The demon when he saw me showed the life of that child. She screamed at her parents when she was scolded. This child had a fit of fury and banged her head on the wall, kicking and punching her parents. An evil spirit possessed that 7-year-old child, staying inside her until her death. I noticed how much she suffered and caught up with demons like the adults. There are children ages 5 to 11 who are being tormented. They shout the names of their parents to get them out of that place.


The demon whipping those children said, "They were innocent until television, games stole their innocence. I made them corrupt, leaving their minds malicious, and some of them practiced early sexual acts."

Many people questioned me, saying that Jesus took a child and said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to them and to enter heaven, one must be equal to them. When Jesus took that child He knew of his purity. Jesus would not take an impure child to speak that he is of the kingdom of the heavens. The children who mocked the bald man of Elisha were rebellious and were devoured by a bear. These children who mocked Elisha are in prisons in hell. I did not know they were them. I realized that their souls are of an ancient time because of their robes although rebellious children in the time of the prophets were few.

Jesus was able to find a group of pure children. Children in the time of Jesus were pure for their innocence. It is now almost impossible to find an 8-year-old child with soul purity. Technology, media such as movies, novels, and serials introduce evil content into their innocent minds and pure hearts. Jesus looks at the children of today with much sorrow and would never speak that these belong to the kingdom of the heavens.

Adam and Eve were pure and innocent living in paradise. When they used their eyes to sin by coveting the forbidden fruit. they lost their innocence. The sin of the eyes is when the child looks at the television. This child will begin to covet what the actors and actresses do. Adam and Eve coveted and sinned, their destiny was the expulsion from paradise.

When I meditate on this Word and realize that every child, though born with the root of sin that is dead within, these children are destined for the kingdom of heaven. When they begin to watch television, all their innocence is lost equal to that of Adam and Eve. The root of the sin that is within themselves begins to wake up because of these things. The child loses the right of salvation in the same way that Adam and Eve lost the right to live in paradise after losing their innocence. Adam and Eve became so immoral that they hid from the presence of God. They were ashamed of their nudity.

That's what happened to those kids I saw in hell. They loved to see the electronic nudes, getting malicious like Adam and Eve. The Devil has always wanted to corrupt children's souls, the sooner this is done, the greater the number of children will be dragged to hell. In ancient times it was difficult for a child to go to hell, his level of purity was holy. These days, many Christians' children are going down to hell. The cause of these deaths are accidents, illnesses, suicides, and murders.

Listen to all of you who hear this testimony, if you love your child and do not wish them to go to hell, never let your child watch television, do not buy video game of violence and terror games. Occupy your children with the work of Jesus equal to the prophet Samuel and others who were delivered to the service of the house of God. You and your whole household must serve Jesus, starting with the example of the parents.

Television was the devil's greatest play, the greatest instrument of home-based corruption. If for adults it is forbidden to contaminate the mind, imagine the children who still do not know how to differentiate reality and lie. Television corrupts everyone, regardless of age, it is an evil work


Also, there are children in hell because of toys like female dolls and male dolls. The children who are in hell that I witnessed, idolized their toys and died to go to that place.

1 Corinthians 6: 9 says that idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of God, regardless of their age.

The demon that tormented the children said, "The toys are like a statue of a saint of plaster, clay or wood. We are hidden behind all kinds of images. Toys are also childlike pictures. Television also has images of the actors and actresses who are idolized through their images that are exposed in the media."

When the demon finished speaking, a verse came into my mind. Exodus 20: 4 will not worship any kind of image. Toys are images created to serve the children's audience. The demons are hidden through dolls and puppets waiting for a child to buy the toy for them to own. When parents bring these dolls into their homes they are bringing images of childish idolatry to their homes.

I saw an army of demons of possession ascending from hell to Earth. They infiltrated all the toy stores in the world. Through these infant statues, the demons had access to the body of the children changing their personality and behavior. I also saw demons ascending to Earth and possessing the mind of all the children who had their toys. Their personalities and their behaviors were changed through the demons that lived within their minds. These demons put thoughts of sexual desires into the hearts of the children.

The devil who torments the children in hell said, "A girl who plays mother to be with her doll, we will throw these feelings so that they have sexual intercourse before the age and come to have a premature pregnancy. We make 10-, 11-year-olds look for relationships earlier, we own their bodies making them look for grown men. It's not all the pedophiles' fault. The demon still said that the spirit of sensuality, which is in the cartoons and movies are possessing the children who watch. First, we corrupt their minds and hearts so that we may have their own small bodies."


Also, there are children in hell because of toys like female dolls and male dolls. The children who are in hell that I witnessed, idolized their toys and died to go to that place.

1 Corinthians 6: 9 says that idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of God, regardless of their age.

The demon that tormented the children said, "The toys are like a statue of a saint of plaster, clay or wood. We are hidden behind all kinds of images. Toys are also childlike pictures. Television also has images of the actors and actresses who are idolized through their images that are exposed in the media."

When the demon finished speaking, a verse came into my mind. Exodus 20: 4 will not worship any kind of image. Toys are images created to serve the children's audience. The demons are hidden through dolls and puppets waiting for a child to buy the toy for them to own. When parents bring these dolls into their homes they are bringing images of childish idolatry to their homes.

I saw an army of demons of possession ascending from hell to Earth. They infiltrated all the toy stores in the world. Through these infant statues, the demons had access to the body of the children changing their personality and behavior. I also saw demons ascending to Earth and possessing the mind of all the children who had their toys. Their personalities and their behaviors were changed through the demons that lived within their minds. These demons put thoughts of sexual desires into the hearts of the children.

The devil who torments the children in hell said, "A girl who plays mother to be with her doll, we will throw these feelings so that they have sexual intercourse before the age and come to have a premature pregnancy. We make 10-, 11-year-olds look for relationships earlier, we own their bodies making them look for grown men. It's not all the pedophiles' fault. The demon still said that the spirit of sensuality, which is in the cartoons and movies are possessing the children who watch. First, we corrupt their minds and hearts so that we may have their own small bodies."



We went to the division where there are many children. I asked what these children had done. The angel told me: Colossians 13:20 to 21, Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. 



I saw devil-like toys, like female dolls. There were a variety of dolls that they confide little demons inside them. These dolls bring tribulation to the homes leaving the children in a state of disturbance. I also saw male dolls that carried little demons. I went to a place where there were several rebellious teenagers who fought their parents and they were there because they were addicted to games. The demons had these children leaving them rebellious.



They are brainwashing children's minds at school. The government is investing millions in this project of family destruction through music, television programs. Millions of euros and dollars are being invested in the ideology of gender and pedophilia. They want to turn children into homosexuals before adolescence. They are encouraging child sex and pedophilia. Do not let your child listen to music that speaks of experimenting and indulging in sex. This project is to destroy morals and break the conservative values that the church left for the family.

All these ideologies come from hell to the governors. I've seen school books in hell that make defensive arguments to objections to teen sex and the ideology of genres. Satan has given too much power to the politicians in return for his evil plans to be executed. There are countries that will approve laws for gay men's marriages. Countries that do not yet have laws for the same-sex marriage of men and women will pass them in a matter of time. Many countries have already passed same-sex marriage legislation.


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