Wednesday, October 17, 2018



The angel led me to a man who burned in the flames.

He said, "He is called Jacques Dembele of Cameroon. He was also snatched up to hell. But he sold his testimony and marketed the revelations. He exalted himself and became known. He charged high sums of money. He thought he was special and that God would not send him to hell after He revealed hell to him. Some who still live on the earth and have been raptured are taking the great risk of coming here. They thought they have the security of guaranteed salvation. From the moment that eternity is revealed, the demons know that that person has discovered the hidden supernatural secrets, the whole hell will rise against their lives."


The angel took me to the third person. This man also lost his salvation after he was raptured. The angel said, "His name is Harold Berthold, and he was a pastor of churches. He was caught up in heaven and the great revelations concerning holiness were passed on to him to be communicated to the church."

When he returned to earth he spoke of the beautiful things of heaven to the church but hid the revelations that spoke of holiness. Because of his testimony, the church began to fill. Pastor Harold was very apprehensive of losing the souls he gained so he hid the parts that speak of renunciation.

The messages revealed were harsh. He only reported the beauty of heaven to the joy of his congregation. This pastor cut down the visions by speaking only half.

Revelation 22 verse 19, if any man takes away any prophecy from this book, God shall take away his portion from the tree of life, and from the holy city which is set forth in that book.

This man kept the revelations to him, leading him to his grave. Many souls went to hell because he had hidden the revelations. No coward will enter the kingdom of heaven, Revelation 21 verse 8, the timid will not inherit the kingdom of the heavens.

This pastor had the pleasure of seeing the heavenly paradise but did not enter it when he died. I remembered the passage that Moses saw the promised land, but he could not enter because of his sin. Moses spoke to God and had many experiences, but did not enter Canaan.


The angel took me to another man, he is in great torment. The angel said, "This man had an opportunity to be saved. God in His infinite mercy took this man out of hell. He had died without Jesus and by a miracle was resurrected in the hospital. He witnessed his passage through hell and won many souls. This man is called Oscar Rodrigues."

Mark 8:36, For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Many people who have heard his testimony died saved and are in heaven. Oscar after the rapture went through a great test. The whole hell rose against him. His family and his wife abandoned him. His wife went to court and took sole possession of their home. He was so depressed that he stopped praying that God abandoned him. Because of these thoughts, Satan had access to his mind. He walked away from the church and his spiritual life weakened. A demon possessed his body and turned him into an alcoholic. He died addicted to alcohol and is now in hell.

Luke 9:62, And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

The spiritual battle for the rapture is waged, where our souls are at stake. After my rapture, I discovered that I have two goals on earth. Win the souls and not lose mine that is saved.

He said, "Some people come up with testimonials to make themselves famous and sell books."


The angel said, "Jane Curia's testimony is false. She was never taken away and everything she said was a fantasy in her mind. She wanted to be promoted and become known. This woman never left her vanities and did not want to renounce the world. When a Christian is raptured, he is corrected and exhorted to let go of sin. All who are raptured have their lives transformed. This woman said she was raptured and yet she is still not born again."

Another woman who lied about her rapture is Gloria Polo. She is from the Catholic church and said she saw purgatory where people die in sin and go there. And after their sins are purified in purgatory, they go to heaven. This woman has spread her lies. How did she go to purgatory if it does not exist?


The angel showed me a Christian woman who is suffering a lot in hell.

The angel showed me her life on a screen. She was sick in a hospital bed. Even the patient was in makeup, wearing necklaces and earrings. On the day of her death, she was happy and comforted her husband and family. She had the conviction that she would go up to heaven, she had the faith and certainty that she was saved. When she died, a demon appeared on the hour and carried her soul to the bedrooms of death in hell. She did not believe this was happening. She thought she was safe and was cheated. She would not listen when Christians told her to leave the sin of vanity.


This woman's husband suffered greatly from her death. His life was empty of God despite being a Christian. Depression entered his life. He could not live without his wife and he said, "I'm going to kill myself and end all this suffering. I will never exist again and everything will end. My life is hell, it all ends now."

That man took his life thinking he would not exist anymore and now he's in hell. He committed suicide with a rope around his neck. He is in hell and said, "I thought this place did not exist, now my suffering is worse." When he was on earth he did not suffer so much. He said he would rather go back to earth and live his depressed life than it is there.

The angel said, "It is too late for him and he will be in this state of torment forever until the final judgment, where he will be cast into the lake of fire that is much worse than this place."



I prayed fervently to God and felt a great force pulling me out of my body. An angel came to meet me and led me to hell. He said, "This is where people lived a sweet life on earth practicing sin. Now they live a bitter life in hell. All the sweet taste of the world becomes sour when it comes to hell. What I am going to show you is not the wicked who did not believe in Jesus. I am going to take in the valley of Christians who are in hell."

I saw many there for various kinds of sin. Christians who did not bear witness to a holy life. They have done the will of his flesh.

They knew the Word and did not use it to win souls but to cause strife. I saw Christians who have used their tongues to get people to divert and leave the church. They used their tongues to divide the church and overthrow ministries. Their tongues looked like knives that hurt many people. I saw Christians who had immoral tongues and spoke pornographic subjects.

I saw Christians in hell who spoke corrupt words and used their tongues to curse their family. Christians who used their tongues to curse their children. As children grew up, they became murderers, drunks, and drug addicts because of their parents' words. I saw a mother in hell for cursing your son. She died of heart disease and suffered a lot. I saw a Christian in hell for having died of grief for the children who gave him problems. He cursed all his children and never repented.

I saw in hell many pastors who cursed their members who came out of their ministry. They told the members if they leave his church they will be struck down by God. Jehovah will injure them with the diseases of death and their lives will no longer be the same. When they leave here they will be under a curse, they will not succeed. These pastors uttered, "I cursed you."

These shepherds are burning in hell for having a slanderous tongue. Christians who use their tongues to distill poisons and kill many spiritually. In hell, the demons pulled their tongues and cut them. They split their tongues into two like the tongues of a snake and caused them to crawl like snakes. The demons opened their mouths and threw embers of the fire to burn the tongues of these Christians. 

The angel said, "The tongue of the servants of God is holy, speak of the Word of Jesus."

From the mouth of a saint, there must be words that build and exhort. They have to convey the truth, not the immorality, curses, and words of corruption.

After these scenes of terror, I will subject my tongue to the Lord and keep my mouth shut, I will not complain.

The angel took me to the other side of the valley of the Christians. And many are there for insignificant things for not agreeing their opinions and arguing about the apocalypse. It seemed like political discussion each defended its ideology. They began to hate each other by becoming enemies.

I saw Christians in hell who have been arguing about their denominations, each defending the name of his ministry, looking like two fanatical supporters defending their heart clubs. These two Christians who came out punching and attacking each other are now in hell. Christians who like to debate the Word and make a war, turn the wind into a storm and the spark made the fire spread.

Bible critics who said the Gospel exegesis have errors. Those who considered themselves the owners of opinions and advice. They did not like being contradicted in their ideologies by getting angry. They do not accept personal choices and forced people to follow their concepts. All these modern Pharisees are in hell for their arrogance and conceit. Men swollen in the letter and spiritually dead.

I saw in hell a Christian woman who humiliated her husband because he is unemployed and only she worked. She died in a car accident.

I saw a Christian in hell for not accepting the wise counsel of the men of God. He said, "His words are no good to me, I do not accept his advice, my head is formed enough not to accept. I can give advice, but I do not want to receive." This Christian died with his pride and went to hell. God used vessels to alert him about his sin but he rejected it. Proverbs 16 verse 18, Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

I saw Christians in hell for not being able to overcome their trials and blamed God for their failures. I saw young Christians in hell because of prostitution. They prayed to God for a wife and did not have the patience to wait and fell into sin.

The deviants who left the church and said, "I will not stay in the church because of that brother, I am never part of the church, I can be saved without a congregation, Jesus did not call His people to stay in temples, all this is religion." These brothers without churches thought that they would save themselves without being connected in churches and went to hell. Those who have no fellowship with the body of Christ and live in disunity with the holy people will go to hell. God's people have to be united to meet Jesus.


The angel said, "I will show you the valley of the hypocrites."

He took me to this place, these brothers said that they left the church because of other brothers. But the truth they left because of their sins, they wanted to sin congregating in the church, but they could not be serving two masters. They left the church and returned to the world and told lies that it was because of some brothers that they left the church. They hid the true motives, hiding the sinful desires from their hearts.

And even in hell they did not admit their sins and blame others for their damnation. They felt love for the world and not in serving Jesus. In hell, they were never sincere in admitting that their flesh was weak and continued to blame someone else for their mistakes.

I saw a Christian woman who did not accept correction. She felt perfect and untouchable. When her pastor rebuked her, she said she was being persecuted, becoming a victim, not seeing her sins and seeing the sins of others for accusing her. This woman is in hell for not wanting to live the Gospel, and yet she considered herself perfect.

The angel said, "These Christians who are here have been forgotten by God and are separated from His presence forever. Speak to those who still live to repent of their sins to be justified. Their sins will be erased from the book of judgment."

The angel commanded the demon that is in hell to bring me back to earth. The demon took me out of hell and put my spirit in the body. He said that I did not belong to him and left.



Since the departure of the angel that brought me, thousands of people had entered throughout the same and trotted down into hell, but the place remained as spacious as ever. While I was yet trapped down by this awful scene, I discovered that one of the hell inmates was drawing a lit bit closer to the bank. She crawled like a fly near the bound set between hell bank and the land.

"A-ll-en, A-ll-en," shouted the lady.

I was shocked to the root to hear my name in hell. I didn’t recognize on the time who the person was, because the face was marred and disfigured by the fire; the skin was blackened by the flame and littered by sores.

“Who? Who? Who are you?" I asked with great inquisitiveness.

She shouted again: “A-ll-en Bamgbose, I am Rita; your hostel mate in the Grammar school. O-o-oh I’m hungry, p-l-e-a-s-e help m-e-e…"

I was flabbergasted at seeing Rita in hell. Rita in hell? No! It must be a dream. But Rita died a good Christian! I soliloquized all these questions right on the same spot. To cut a long story short, human feelings gripped me and I thought I could help her out of that predicament. Thus, I took a step to move to her, but my legs were too heavy for me to lift.

I looked around for my friendly angel again, he was nowhere to be found.

“Rita, why are you here? You are a child of God, why did you miss heaven? We organized concerts, carols and quiz competitions in our school fellowship and you didn’t disappoint God. You were very good at sword drill and impromptu speech. “Why?" “How?" I sobbed out these statements.

“Yes, I did all that in the Grammar school, Allen," she replied “but later in life and two months to my graduation in the university, I yielded to a sinful affair with a boy at home during a short break. I thought of repenting in the campus chapel when the school resumed. But on returning from home, I had a motor accident. The next thing I discovered was that I found myself in the gate over there and an angel asked me to go to the left road which ends in this place," she revealed.

"O-o-oh Rita, why did you allow this, after all the evangelism in the boarding house, choruses and prayer meetings? What were you doing till your flesh inflicted this temptation on you and conquered?" I asked with lament.

While I was lamenting over this tragic scene, the fire as red as it was erupted like a volcano around the place she was, immediately, she sank. I was afraid of God right there. I didn’t see Rita again throughout my vision. For over thirty minutes, I was recapitulating the exploit we did in our secondary school days. I considered the heroic effort of Rita Udoh in the school Christian programmes. This was an exceptionally talented sister in song and an extraordinarily gifted lady in leadership and organization. The concert-goers of those days used to comment that Rita’s voice made our concerts rent in accelerando and rallentando like a cherub choir's in Heaven. She could motivate a lot. I reflected on her exercised influence both to soften the hearts of the hardened students and polish the character of the immature ones. When I considered the incalculable mass of suffering from her parents and persecution from our teachers she independently went through, I cried. It loomed large on me, that the race is not to the swift.



When I had spent about eight minutes beside the horrible place called hell, I couldn’t cry again. I became so weak that I was seeking for release from my bondage of immobility. Suddenly, I sighted a horrible scene in a distance of some meters away. A young man of about thirty years of age was struggling with an angel of torment. The angel kept on torturing him while he cried and screamed. He was stricken whenever he wept, received a blow if he sobbed. His tears despised, his supplication vain. At last, he waded to a closer range where he could hear my voice.

“Mr man who are you and why are you tormented more than others?" I asked.

“I’m Ossai Michael. Some years ago, a book told the story of hell with indelible precision and substantiated reality. But my feeble mind doubted it, my frailty called it foolishness…”.

“But by your name, I guess you were born into a Christian home," I interrupted.

“Yes, I was," he answered.

"Weren’t you told in your church about hell," I asked.

“I heard about it once or twice in the church sermons, but our pastor didn’t disclose that little sins will be taken seriously here, not until I had a fire accident in my third year in the university in the U.S. And my name was found in the book of judgment at the gate of examination," he replied.

“Ossai, how unfortunate to have doubted the reality of hell," I lamented.

“I thought I was okay because of my Church activities. I thus struggled with the angels at the gate and called all the suits filed against me as false accusations. Later, a book was opened and everything I ever did was found written there. My evil of stealing a walkie-talkie belonging to the porters in the hall of residence in my university campus is there. The evil of putting sleeping drug inside the drink given to a guest at one birthday party, which he unknowingly drank and slept off and I went away with his bag and money is recorded there. In the book my lies are noted; cheating of varying degrees recorded and gambling games read to my hearing, which I had once thought to be little sins. Since I got here I have no minute to rest day and night," he explained regretfully.

Before I could say a single word again, another rumbling eruption emerged from the depth of hell and the valley was stirred once again. Michael gnashed his teeth and sank down.



I tell you, I saw the eight souls whom God brought up from hell. I wasn't in hell, so please don't add to this and say that I was in hell. I was on the edge of hell. I saw eight souls that were lifted out from hell. These souls explained to me why they were in hell. I can tell you about four of them, but I cannot tell you about the other four. The Lord will show me the depths of hell. After this, I can tell you about the other four souls.


I was standing there crying. It is my nature to have a cold personality, but there I was crying. When I heard these voices in hell, I felt great pain. The first soul I saw come up from hell was a young brother. I knew him personally in Russia. He was 25 years old when he died in a car accident. After he died, there were people who had a vision or prophecy that he was going to heaven, but he didn't. He was in hell instead. He started to tell me about how and why he went to hell.

I think this will be a big encouragement to the young brothers. I want to warn all you young people. If you promise something to each other you have to keep it. If you promise and don't do it, you will be guilty; then the Lord will require it from your hands the same as He required it from this brother. He was young and preached in Siberia. He traveled and built three Churches in Siberia. He was very strong in the faith.

One time when he came back to Ukraine from Siberia, he started working with the youth there. He was traveling and had an evangelistic outreach. During this time he had a desire to get married. He wanted to find a (Christian) sister for his wife, so he went to a city and found a sister. He started getting acquainted with her. He told me from hell that they sinned together. This sister conceived a baby and, for some reason, they didn't have a wedding ceremony. She started to show. When the (Church) elders noticed it, they started to investigate. They tried to find out who the father was. The sister told them that it was this brother. Everyone was shocked and wouldn't believe it, because they thought he was a strong believer. He denied it and said she was lying about him and that it wasn't true. When they prayed about it, there was a prophecy or revelation given which said that she was lying and that it wasn't true about this brother.

So they excommunicated this sister, but he could still be a preacher. He traveled and sang. Now he witnessed to me in hell that, at the time, he knew he was in sin. However, he didn't want to shame his father, because his father was a pastor, an elder. He said that what he did bothered him and made him miserable.

"The Lord called me to repent and go back to this sister and receive her. Because I had sinned with her, I had promised her before that I would marry her. However, I didn't fulfill this. I didn't want to be ashamed before others. After this, a short time passed, and the tears of this sister cut off my life."

He went to hell because he didn't repent. This is the first person I saw. He was 25 years old. You know, he spoke with lots of fear and said, "I think God will take me from here. Then I will go and preach and say the truth and be a good man. I'll find this sister..." He spoke like this. People in hell are full of false hope. He knew my name, but he called me "soul", and said, "why did you come here? You've had more chances to repent than I. Why did you come here?"

In hell, there are no hypocrites. They don't speak to tickle people's ears. They speak the exact truth. That was the first person I saw there.


The second person that I saw was a sister. You knew this sister (the Church she is now speaking to) personally before in Russia. She was a prophet. She was a sister in Christ, but I saw her in hell. I'll explain why she went to hell. I don't know how prophecy and revelations operate here, but if you're a chosen vessel with gifts and you've heard the voice of the Lord before, if the Lord speaks one word, don't add and speak two words. I beg of you brothers and sisters: be careful when you say "Thus saith the Lord," for you will answer to God for this, like this sister lost her eternal life with God. She was chosen by God to be a prophet and she heard the voice of God, but she started to want more from God, so she started to add to God's words.

For example, the Lord spoke to her about and for someone else. However, she would add something. The Lord spoke to her about this and said, "Soul, you can't do this. For you to continue doing this is a sin. This is not My will." However, she wouldn't obey.

One time later, she wanted to have the gift of casting out demons or raising the dead back to life and healing. However, God told her, "I gave you a gift to work with my people and you are not to add words." However, she wouldn't listen to this. She wanted more glory for herself and kept adding words. She loved it when people praised her. She loved it when there were miracles through her, therefore, people would say, "This is a great sister." She was popular. She was over 50 years old and I remember when I was at a meeting in her house in Ukraine. I came with everyone to her house for a meeting and we found her dead. No one could understand why, but now I saw her in hell. She explained to me why.

Brothers and sisters, I knew this sister! When she explained this to me, she was so regretful. She said, "Soul, I'll come back to earth. I believe the Lord will return me back to earth. Then I will say the truth and witness. I will never add something. I knew God. Why did I do this?!"

These were in the fire, not in the smoke like I was. They were in the fire! She was crying so much. I felt so sorry for her. I thought my heart would never make it. She witnessed to me why she went to hell. She heard the voice that had warned her many times not to add words, but she didn't obey. That's why she went to hell.

When she started asking for more manifestations, God said, "Just pray." However, she didn't obey this. The time before she died, she was kneeling in her house before the meeting was to start. She kneeled and said, "Lord, I think Satan has more power than you." She said, "because Satan gives everything to his servants right away: power and manifestations, but You have less power than Satan."

The Holy Spirit said, "Take Me away from this soul". So God took His Holy Spirit from her, suddenly. Satan immediately killed her body and took her soul. She could only stand up, lay on her bed and die. Brothers and sisters: don't speak against God. This sister spoke against God only once, and she went to hell. I tell you again, vessels of God when the Lord speaks through you, and He says one word, don't say two.


The third person that came from hell was a sister too. She did many good deeds in her life. This is what she explained to me. When she was alive, she always gave up everything that she had, even if it was her last possession. Even if she had to go hungry for three days, she would give and not regret it and this pleased God. I saw a list of all her good deeds. She was full of good deeds, but on this page, I saw that all her good deeds were crossed out. I couldn't understand why, but she explained why they were.

When she did her good deeds, she would go and tell other people, witnessing about all her good deeds. She wanted people to praise her. When she shared them with others, the Lord crossed the deed out. She came before God as unfruitful. She wasn't in adultery nor did she have any big sins. She was only unfruitful; without fruit. When she came before God as unfruitful, she knew she was going to hell. The Lord had warned her not to do this. He told her to, "Make sure your right hand doesn't know what your left is doing. Also that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing." She knew she was wrong. She heard God's voice, but she didn't obey. She was pleased when others spoke well of her. All her good deeds were for nothing. I tell you she had no other sins. She just came unfruitful. I call you my friends to go work to bear fruit. It's very important because even if you're a good Christian and you don't do any evil, but you just sit in the background as unfruitful, you need to know that your end is hell. In heaven, there are no unfruitful people.


The fourth person I saw was a brother. He had been an elder (pastor) at the time a car hit and killed him. He was 38 years old. I don't know what you believe, but I don't care. I will relate to you what this soul explained to me when I saw him. I want to pass it on to you. It's your business how you receive it.

This elder was an elder of a Church that the Lord loved. It wasn't a big Church. The Lord sent a prophet to them and said to this elder, "I want this Church to be fulfilled in teaching." This elder didn't understand what it meant and the Lord sent this prophet again and said, "I want you to have communion in the right way." I have never been in a Church before where people washed feet and I never thought it was important, but when the Lord revealed this to me, I felt sorry about my past.

This elder didn't do foot washing in his Church. He was against it because his father had taught him that it wasn't important. When his father died and he became the elder, he didn't think it was important. However, the Lord sent His prophet who said, "You have to do this because it's a commandment." However, this elder started to argue with the prophet. The prophet said, "Brother, the Lord said this." Many times the prophet came to this elder and warned him. The elder told him, "In my Church, I'm the ruler." The prophet said, "Brother, don't talk that way. The Lord said this." However, the elder said, "I'll tell you again: I'm the ruler in my Church," and defended himself.

The Lord sent this prophet once more to warn this man, but this man was very stubborn and said, "This is how my father taught me and I understand the same way." He had started to lose his love for this prophet, but the Lord had given him a chance to repent, but he refused. One day he was walking along the street. As he was crossing the street, a car hit and killed him. He went to hell because he said "This is My Church. I'm the ruler."

Brothers and sisters: pay attention to the voice of God; to what He speaks to your heart. It's not my business to teach you, but I tell you that this soul is in hell, because he said he was the ruler. When the Lord tells you to do something once, go and do it. If you don't do what He asks, He will require it from your hand.


All of these souls (in hell) told me that they were given three opportunities to repent. As their voices were fading away, I heard them from far away saying, "No. We had more than three chances to repent."


I saw false prophets, false teachers and false shepherds. The demons thrust a great iron into their mouths until they pierced their throats. They are tormented in the mouth because they refused to preach the true Gospel. They did not want to preach the truth and used fables of the Old Testament, preaching riches. I saw a young man who had strayed from Jesus' path for not being able to find a wife.
I saw a girl who was walking in the way of Jesus. When she met an impious boy, she started dating him. The boy took her out of the way of Jesus and the demon of death took possession of him. This young man took the life of this girl and she is in hell.
I saw a Christian who went astray for not getting a job to work for, he suffered a lot in hell.
I saw a pastor who was left behind by his wife and children. He did not stand the test and went astray, died and is in hell.
I saw a missionary in hell. She liked her job and when she was fired she turned away from Jesus. This woman was in hell suffering mortal agony.
I saw a Christian couple in hell, both were evangelists. The boy did the work of God and won many souls. The girl was also dedicated to the work. When the two married their faith became cold. They failed to win souls and despite going to church, they had renounced their calls. They were anointed by God to do the work of taking the Gospel and they stopped proclaiming it. One day they went to a place to enjoy life. They went by car and that day the demons shot them with an arrow of death. The car hit a wall and the two died and are now in hell.

In hell I watched crowds of evangelicals, I've never seen so many Christians. The first class of evangelicals the angel showed me is of Christians who did not have self-control. They had no rules of life and seduced married women. These Christians were malicious and seduced the women of the church. This is the first class. They were debauched, immoral, scatters their own reputation and were stumbling blocks to the faith of genuine Christians.

We went to the second class of Christians. These were aggressive, they did not accept correction for their mistakes, they treated their shepherds badly and they became enemies of those who did not agree with their ways of life.

The angel took me to the third class of Christians. They were impure, had malicious thoughts and their hearts were filled with sensuality.

The fourth class, where the angel took me were filled with the defilers who have corrupted what is sacred. They blended what is holy with the profanations of the world. They stained the purity of the cults with heresies and placed abominations within the house of God, desecrated the altar, defiled the sanctity of the liturgy.

I was taken to the fifth class of Christians. These were ambitious with material goods to satisfy their desires. They were capable of anything to achieve everything they wanted even to the extent of hurting the others to stay in their place. They made up lies to steal jobs. They said slander to be benefited or promoted. These were selfish who have an excessive love for themselves. They did not care about anyone, they just thought of themselves.

We went to the sixth class, where are the Christians who made their churches a war zone, caused dissension, did not agree with the teaching of the shepherd's holiness. These created factions to attack the church and they enjoyed the ensuing conflicts. They lived apart from the holy brothers who obey the Word of God.

We went to the seventh class, where the Christians were competing for church positions, even wanting to harm the other. Some of them are envious of the pastor and wanted to take his place. Others hoped for some to leave the church to take up their duties.

We went to the eighth class, where the cheating Christians are. They cheated on documents, misled people in business, and took advantage. They sold fragile goods to deceive. They were greedy with their headquarters to have everything, even if they did not need the money they wanted to accumulate.

We went to the ninth class, where the church leaders are thieves. They stole hidden money and diverted large amounts of money into their accounts. The founding pastor entrusted the position to his pastor friend. He stole money from the church and his pastor did not know. When he died he was honored as a celebrity by the pastor who trusted him and never knew of the misappropriation of his friend's money from the church.

People of God, do not be part of one of these groups. Do not go to one of these valleys by repenting of your sins. Do not go to hell. Do everything you can to avoid falling into this dark place and stay there forever. Walk the way of Jesus. Do not play as a Christian, nor fall into the wrong way of serving God.

I saw many Christians in hell who have followed the worldly gospel of prosperity of being a Christian who is in church with hands clinging to the world, serving two masters at the same time.



I saw another lady, her name is Christiannah, and I never heard her name before. She was a fornicator. The demons were tormenting her with great fury and saying, “Do you think you are wise? You are a choir mistress! You speak hocus-pocus speaking false tongues so that people might say you have received the Comforter, yet you are mad and a fool!" Those demons used fire to burn her yet she never died. They used a very big object to knock against her head, and then her head would break into pieces, only to come back to normal position. This lady was also still physically alive on earth.

1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.


I saw some groups of people, they were chained down. These are the brothers and sisters in the church committing masturbation, lesbianism, and homosexuality the gays. Being in a great pain spiritually, demons poured acid on their bodies and they used spears to torment them. Some demons used their tails to beat them.

Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. 

The Lord told me, “They are in the pit of corruption! Tell them to repent as I will judge every secret of men."

Romans 2:16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel. 

Hebrews 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. 



I saw a sister in hellfire, she was screaming for help, for maggots and scorpions were crawling on her body. She tried to remove one and many would just come back.

She cried, “Lord, I am sorry for lying in Your name. I am sorry for pretending to be what I was not. I pretended to be your daughter but I committed fornication in the secret. I have aborted many pregnancies. I am sorry, please forgive me and take me out of this place, mercy Lord!”

And The Lord said to her “Not every one that calls Me Lord shall inherit My kingdom, but only those who do the will of My Father. Truly you sing and give glory to My name, but your praise was rejected, for it is full of filthiness and is not to My glory but for the glory of Satan your father. I don’t know you, too late to be My daughter. You are a vessel unto dishonor.”

2 Timothy 2:21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work. 

When she was on earth, she lived in secret immorality, but still pretended to be stainless and pure. Everybody knew her as a devoted Christian, but she was a pretender, now she is in hellfire. A demon packed scorpions and all kinds of dangerous things into her stomach and the demon told her to give birth there. She cried greatly but it was too late for her to escape. Then The Lord Jesus Christ took me back to the earth, and the true vision became over.



There was a great torment for those who turned away from the Lord, the demon cut their tongue, cut their body and beat them with sharp weapons. They cried bitterly, they started blaming themselves saying, "Oh, why did I turn back? He warned me but I hearkened not!" And the demon told them to "Shut up, He gave you grace but you made it useless. You will never get out, we shall torment you till the judgment is set!"…..and they continued tormenting them.

Ezekiel 18:24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

The demon will tell them, "You are mine forever." Please do not go back to the world, all you who are Christians, for there is a great danger in turning away from the Lord.

2 Peter 2:20-22 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog has turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.



The Lord said, "These people have not even once given their heart to Me, and only looked upon Me as their neighbor. They did not love Me. They called on Me only because they had to. They never cried for Me but only cried for themselves."

Modern people are so caught up in distractions and have developed their own philosophy up to the point that even if they are told that there is a Creator who created human beings and that spiritual world exists, they neither have time to think of that world nor show any interest. Unfortunately, they don’t know the realities of the spiritual world.

The Lord said, "Is it still your purpose of life to eat and live well in this world? Is it still your wish to only live comfortably in this world?" Realize this instant that the result of such a life will lead you straight to Hell. Those who lived in this world having nothing to do with Me, when they die, they will also go to a place where it has nothing to do with Me."



Then I went to another part of hell. There were only members of churches, Jesus said, “These are members of churches, not My followers. They call themselves believers, but they are not practitioners. They have not given up sin and were without the Holy Spirit. You cannot keep a spiritual life alive in a world of darkness where Satan controls.”


Others are in hell for dividing the house of the Lord, forming groups of intrigues, "Whoever is not with me is against me and whoever does not gather with me spreads" Luke 11:23.



Jesus took my hands and lifted me up. Jesus led me to hell and showed me believing people just by considering themselves people who were in the church for the temporal interests and not for eternal things.

Hell was full of believers who bore the title of Christian, but none of those I saw in hell were real Christians. These believers did not live the Gospel. There were men and women who carried the title of a pastor but never was.


The Lord Jesus showed me in hell Christians who did not know how to live with others. They did not accept the different personalities, they wanted everyone to be the same. These brothers had no harmony with the others and lived on the warpath. Because of the disunity, they were in hell.


The Lord showed me a group of Christians in hell for being ungrateful. These brothers were like that when their ministries were being helped by other brothers. They did not see the good side of each brother. When the brothers stopped helping their ministries, they began to see flaws and defects and began to criticize them.


Other brothers are in hell for being proud of having helped the work of God. They compared themselves to other Christians and said in their hearts that they were better than them. They say to themselves that they do the work of God and the others do not, so they pride themselves that they deserve the biggest rewards.

People of God, do not compare yourself with the other brothers. Do not feel bigger for doing more things in the field. Do not feel smaller because you cannot do more. The work of God is done according to the capacity of each one.

For God, we are equal, after all, we will live in the same place. Nothing in me makes me better or worse than any other. We are a body of Christ alone.



Other groups of Christians who are in hell for never confessing their mistakes. They were victims and they said that the world is against them, they never repented of their sins for wanting to be perfect. Other classes of Christians are in hell because they cause pain in people, they hurt with offensive words. I have seen Christians who were pleased to make many suffer and still feel good for doing so. I have seen Christians in hell who grieve over the happiness of others. Seeing someone happy troubled them, their hearts were evil.

They were in a panic and wanted to escape from that place, to find a door to the earth. The demons did not touch me because of the prayer of the missionary who interceded for me on earth.



Jesus showed me Christians in hell in various types of prisons, that means they were not freed.
They have forgotten to sanctify their lives by looking at the faults of others. They said, "The shepherd's wife does not sanctify, so we do not need to sanctify ourselves." They knew it was a sin and yet they wanted to mirror their leaders.

When they were alive they said among themselves; I saw the pastor walking in shorts and a sleeveless shirt, if it was a sin he would not walk like that until his daughter goes to the beach in a bikini.

The other group did not sanctify their lives and lived accusing and judging the wicked saying that they go to hell.

I saw a woman in hell who did not convert to Jesus for seeing defects in all the churches. She walked in a very liberal church and felt ashamed, for she said that the people did not convert because they were equal to those in the world. Then she went to a rigid church and could not stand the doctrine. She said it was man's doctrine and did not need all that. She died without making a commitment to salvation. Time has passed, death has come and she is in hell.

Jesus showed me Christians in hell that instead of helping the deviants to return, they condemned them by making them move further from the path of Jesus. When the deviants left the church, these Christians spoke ill of them and criticized them. The hurt deviants never returned to the path of Jesus and promised never to step on their feet in any church.

Those Christians who did this are in hell.



The angel that led Leslie came back to me and took me to other places in hell. I saw believers in hell for causing confusion within their congregations. They liked to see the church like a circus on fire. I saw believers in hell for being ungrateful to the people who helped them. I saw believers in hell for being more friends of the world than of God. They loved the pleasures of sin instead of holiness. They gave more place to the flesh than the Spirit. I saw believers in hell because they were traitors to God. They exchanged Jesus for the pleasures of the flesh. They gave up being soul-winners to live a life of general prostitution.

I saw believers in hell who loved themselves more than God. Their lives were more important than anything they thought of their selfish lives. Work. Study and have material things, forgetting the work of God. I have seen timid believers who have failed to preach the Word of God because of their shame. They failed to gain many souls because of cowardice. All the timid were in hell.

I saw abominable believers in hell. They practiced all sorts of sins. I saw defiling believers in hell. They stained the holy altar of God with lies, idolatry, apostasy, and heresy. They profaned all that was holy in uncleanness. I saw believers in hell speaking empty words. They talked about movies, football, amusements. They talked about the life of others, but they did not talk about Jesus to the people. They were wasting time talking about empty things while souls were dying.

These believers were all in hell. I saw believers in hell for speaking awkward words. They only spoke profanities and sexual immoralities. These believers were in hell because they spoke filth by the mouth.

I have seen believers in hell for being slanderers. They slandered innocent people for something they did not do. They accused people with no proof whatsoever. I saw believers in hell because they were lacking in self-restraint. They had no brakes in their tongues. They exaggerated to people in everything they were going to do. They went from the measure when they spoke. They talked too much.

I saw believers in hell because of gluttony. They were addicted to eating more of what was needed. They spent money to the point of being in debt because of the food and wasted all the rest and leftover food throwing in the trash.

I saw believers in hell because of laziness. The first believer left his son starving of milk because he did not like to work and his wife suffered from lack of food. The second believer was a church worker and was lazy to win souls, preach the Word of God and evangelize. He did not help in the work. These two lazy believers were in hell.

I saw believers in hell for practicing cheeky jokes inside the congregations. They made the pulpits of clown boxes. They made the altar of the church of comedy. They disrespected the holy cult. They joked in the worship services. They preached the Word with mockery. Making funny in the pulpit, people paid no attention to the Word but to their jokes. All believers who make jokes are in hell because the Word of God is no joke. It is serious. They are dealing with the salvation of souls.

I saw in hell stupid believers. They had no intelligence in the Word. They believed in the heresies and lies of the false prophets; because of their foolishness in practicing the heresies of the false teachers, they went to hell. They were not clever. They had no knowledge of the truth. They were believers deprived of the instruction of that which is of God.

I saw believers who are in hell because of lust. They liked sexy women and having sex with prostitutes.

I saw in hell the believing dogs. They lived an impure life. They returned to the practices of sin even after they became Christians. These are called dogs and are chained in hell like animals.

I saw believers in hell for being cheaters. They were doing business to take financial advantage by deceiving the next.



The next morning I saw the sorcerer Mulumba in the street and I approached him. I already knew who he was because of the vision, but he had no idea that I knew of his identity.

He looked at me and said, "The Holy Spirit dwells in you, not all Christians have the light like you. Many Christians do not have the Holy Spirit. They do not know how important it is to have God in their lives. They do not live the Gospel of their God and believe that they will overcome the powers of darkness from evil. They deceive themselves and believe that they are saved. I know everything that happens in the spiritual world. The evil spirits tell me of the Christians who walk in the truth. With these, we must be careful that they do not overcome us and win our souls."

"The evil spirits also speak of the false Christians who do not live what they preach, of whom we are not afraid. The demons have already asked for the souls of these false Christians. I have already killed several of these in black magic. I know the spiritual world."

"When I was raptured to hell, I saw the false shepherds whom I killed in magic. They were burned, mocked and ridiculed and clowned by the demons."



The angel and I passed over the diabolical serpents to cross that horrible valley. I came to a valley that had only Christians. I knew many brothers in hell who had died 20 years ago. They were members of Pastor Kenzo's church.

Unbelievingly I asked the angel because there were so many people in a church indoctrinated by the holy Word in that place. The angel said, "They did not practice sanctification."

When the Pastor taught, they even believed the Word, but they paid little attention to it and did not walk in the truth. The angel showed me another group of people who also congregated with Pastor Kenzo. When they died the church and the pastor went in their wakes. That was 30 years ago.

The whole church believed they were saved. I asked the angel with great amazement because they were in that place. The angel said, "They never believed in the doctrine of their Pastor and said that everything was an exaggeration. They called his doctrines unbiblical. They never wanted to walk in holiness."

"If they had so much doubt, it is because they did not ask for an answer to God. If they had prayed to the Lord Jesus, He would reveal and confirm."

The angel showed me 3 young men in hell who also gathered with me. These young men stood up against the ministry of Pastor Kenzo after he had his first experience. They called him a crazy old man, radical and full of hallucinations and still said that this was the effect of the drugs he consumed. They rebelled against their own Shepherd and it did not take them a year to meet death.

The demons used these young men to persecute the pastor. They were mocking them and saying this, "It was we who used you." The young men were cruelly tormented.

I thought in a holy church, everyone was saved. But the angel proved to me that there are tares also inside the serious churches. They are the problem and cause division within the churches.

The angel said, "Look at how many souls are lost in a true church. Now look to your left."

I looked and saw millions of people descending upside down from a great cliff. The angel said, "These are all the Christians of the churches; they walked along the wide gates."

Notice that the number of those who are lost in churches without true teaching is greater. I was frightened by a large number of souls that are lost in these false churches. There are millions and millions of lost souls. It does not compare with souls lost in churches that teach the truth.

The number of people lost in churches of true doctrine is few. Only those who did not want to live the Gospel despite hearing the Word of God preached to them did not make it. There are no excuses because they have heard the truth.

Churches without the doctrine of God send all souls to hell and there are millions of them.

I saw a multitude of people in hell who have heard or read of testimonies of hell and heaven. They were not considered innocent because they know the spiritual reality.

I asked the angel what that means. The angel said, "All those who are only in that part of hell, have heard testimonies of spirit-rapture."

One party believed, but did not try to approach God and death swallowed them. Most of them are incredulous and doubted the experiences. The angel showed me another crowd of people who had heard the testimony of Pastor Kenzo's rapture and still did not convert.

I saw people in hell by blaspheming the Spirit that used the shepherd Kenzo. They said that he was working miracles through demons, so they offended the Spirit of God that acted upon him.

The angel said, "The testimonies are not being enough to save the souls, the demons are putting the seeds of unbelief so that they do not believe and thus the seed was sown and taken from their lives."



I continued to walk and passed by a group of people being whipped by the demons. One voice said, "The ones you see are the deviants and backsliders. They are suffering the same lashes that Jesus suffered." When I passed through that place and continued to walk, I saw millions of souls falling from above. They caught fire before reaching the ground of hell. The screams I heard in that place are chilling.



I saw foolish Christians who died deceived by the false shepherds, thought to be walking in the truth, perished in the way of the lie and went to the hell.



The angel and I continued walking. I saw Christians in hell for causing divisions in churches and putting an end to the brothers' union because of their disruptive and discordant language. Instead of uniting the Christians, they disarmed all the members, leaving one against the other, the church was destabilized, and now they are paid in hell.



The angel took me to a place in the hell of the believers who made promises to God and they did not fulfill. They vowed and they did not pay. They promised that they would minister in other churches and they did not ask for pardon to the shepherd whom they promised.


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