Thursday, October 18, 2018



In a vision at night, the Lord showed me an army of Eastern soldiers. I asked the Lord what this means. The Lord answered me, "I will prepare a great missionary army in that country in the future. Satan has built many fortresses through religions, demons have prevented the gospel from penetrating Asia. There are many persecutions in that country, many religions operate in this place. The demons have built spiritual strongholds of hindrances so that the Gospel does not enter. Asia has been their nest, where the Gospel does not grow and spread. I will raise My army to destroy fortresses.

I said, "Why Japan? What is special about this country?"

The Lord said, "Japan is a strategic country and open to My Word. This country is the door that will open to evangelize Asia. I will raise this nation to win the East. I have lost many souls from the East for not having entered the Gospel. This Asian continent is the part where Satan wins the most souls. I will dethrone the principalities of that place."

The night I went to a church service pastor Katsumo saw me and he liked me. He gave me a chance to preach and minister. As I ascended the pulpit I saw angels measuring people with their cords. The Holy Spirit told me that the angels are taking measurements to reform these vessels. New temples of flesh will be built in this place for Me to dwell in.

Upon receiving this revelation, I went back to the church saying that the Lord is going to rebuild vessels, arranging for His use. God's power will operate in that place. The church people rejoiced.

The pastor scheduled a day for me to go to minister. He said that I am anointed of God. He said when I stepped my feet there, he felt the power of God in my words and when he touched my hands he felt an electric current flow through his body.

I was called to minister in another church. When I arrived there, before I ministered, I prayed that the Holy Spirit would direct me in the preaching. I always do this before ministering.


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