Thursday, October 18, 2018



Jesus answered me, "This fireball is the revival that has not yet come to Latin America! The prophets preach about the revival that will come but it will not come. This fireball will continue to stand still until these people humble themselves and repent of their sins. This revival will not come without repentance and humility. With each passing day, their hearts harden and it became more and more difficult for the revival to come. Many say that Latin America as a whole will be sparked by having more Christians than any part of the world but they do not want to repent of their sins. I will pour forth my revival in some churches of the world, only in those who repent of their sins and humble themselves. The number of churches that humble themselves is few, most are small congregations. I will not pour out my revival into a whole country, not even every Latin American, just as everyone says. My revival will be poured into the lives of those who repent and are willing to humiliate themselves by renouncing the world for Me!"


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