Monday, October 29, 2018



The testimony below is an excerpt from the book entitled, `My early growth with Jesus` written by Mary Chu Siew Ket. In this book, she wrote how she was shown Heaven and hell by the Lord Jesus. Sister Mary is a born-again Christian. She lives in the state of Sabah, in Malaysia. It is my hope that you will all be inspired and blessed by this testimony.


Initially, I did not realize I was in heaven until I saw father Abraham. I asked him whether he is father Abraham and he answered, "Yes I am". I asked him whether I am his descendant and he told me not in the past, but since I have accepted Jesus Christ, I am now. Hearing that, I jumped with joy and was overcome with emotion. The Bible tells us that father Abraham is the father of many nations.

I was standing between father Abraham and Jesus and we were standing in front of a small stream filled with diamonds and gemstones. Father Abraham picked up a sizeable diamond and put it in my hand and said that this was for me. I was so touched and was speechless. After departing from the stream, Jesus showed me doves, then led me into a place full of fruit trees and greenery such as I have never seen before. Everything was so green, so peaceful. The trees were full of light greenish yellow fruits unknown in our world. Jesus asked me to taste it. It was really mouthwatering, the taste unbelievably refreshing.


Instantly, I felt great sorrow. I lost my second brother 13 years ago in a car accident and the first person I saw burning in hell was my beloved brother. The second person was my grandmother. They had not accepted Jesus Christ before they departed. I felt that God was testing me as I was crying uncontrollably but I told Jesus I understood why. I do not blame God for any of this. I understood that our life here on earth is just temporary and that our destiny as Christians is eternal life with God when we died. This is clearly stated in John 3:35-36, "The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in His hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life but whoever rejects the Son will not see life for God's wrath remain in him."

God showed me all these as a living witness to you that the road to heaven is through Jesus Christ. If you have not accepted Jesus maybe it is time for you to take a moment to ponder.

Have you ever thought about where you will be after you died?

I have only accepted Jesus as my Saviour for five years but I know that it is not about how long you have been a Christian, it is whether you want to have this personal relationship with God like I do. God is not a religion. He is REAL, ALIVE!


Then Jesus took my hand once again and we walked through clouds of darkness from which we soon emerged into another world. There I stood side by side with Jesus, looking at a world consumed by fire as far as the eye could see. There were burnt charred bodies everywhere. Jesus said to me, "This is the end of the world." The whole scene was so terrifying that had Jesus not been with me, I would have fled from the unbelievable carnage.

In Malachi 4:1 it is written, "Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble and that day that is coming will set them on fire says the Lord Almighty. Not a root or a branch will be left to them."

I am reminded of a time when God told me that He is going to end the world. He is very upset with the worldly people who had forgotten about Him, the creator of heaven and earth. This is so true because when we look around us we can see many people out there who are still living without the knowledge of our Father God's kingdom.


On Tuesday 19th February 2008, Jesus took my hand and He was jumping and shouting with joy on the beach. This is the first time I have seen Jesus filled with indescribable joy. I asked Him, "My Lord, why are You so happy?" Jesus answered, " My dear, today thousands of lost souls have been saved and they are back in My kingdom. I am so happy." Then Jesus went on to tell me that He also has emotions, just like all of us humans. Sometimes He is angry, happy, sad, disappointed. In short, Jesus also goes through the whole range of emotions that we all go through. This should not be a surprise to us as God created us in His own image. After all the Bible tells us so.


We were at the entrance of an open walkway covered in bright white light leading into a building shaped like an old church except that this building was made of glass. I saw many brothers and sisters dressed in white worshipping our Lord together, everyone dancing away. I felt myself physically moving my body and feeling the music too. Spiritually I was in heaven although physically I was still sitting on my bed. The atmosphere was full of joy, peace and laughter. Our mighty Father God is seated right in front of everybody.

Jesus is showing me that in heaven all these material things in life are worthless. In our world, we work day and night in order to satisfy our material needs such as money, luxury cars, properties, gemstones and a lot more. This will invariably distract us from focusing on the importance of gaining salvation and eternal life with God in heaven.

During one of my visits to heaven with Jesus, although I could not remember when that was exactly, we were at one part of the heavenly realm where we saw long lines of people standing with heads bowed, all dressed in dull-colored robes. Their faces like their robes were dull and sorrowful. I asked Jesus who these people were and why they looked so sad even though they were in heaven. Jesus answered that these people were all waiting on divine judgment. What have they done, I wanted to know. Jesus answered that these people thought they had accepted Jesus as their Savior, had abandoned their faith and turned to lives of crime committing murder, adultery and other sinful acts. They never repented of their sins even until the day they died though they had opportunities to do so. I do not think anyone of us wants to be in heaven wearing dull colored robes so we should all learn to serve God and obey Him wholeheartedly.


On the evening of Friday the 28th March 2008 and Saturday the 29th March 2008, Jesus showed me hell once again. He told me that I have to see it again as I will be writing it down in this book. Later on, He even wanted me to get an artist to draw a visual representation of hell. I felt that God wants us to understand how horrible a place hell is when compared to heaven and appreciating the stark contrast we will all make the wise decision to follow Jesus.

The first vision I saw of hell was one with a blazing fire on the wall and ceiling covered with burnt human faces sticking out, screaming, tortured and ugly. The other vision was of a river full of hot lava where all the human bodies were drowned inside.

The next one was shaped like a volcanic mountain, surrounded by heat and fire but I saw no human bodies inside. When I asked Jesus what this place was, Jesus told me this was also a part of hell. This place was for people from heaven who were waiting to be judged. In an earlier paragraph, I have mentioned those people who were wearing dull colored robes lining up row by row in heaven waiting to be judged. After Jesus told me what this place was, I saw people dropping one by one from heaven into the volcano.

Truly seeing this vision of hell is really terrifying and sad. You can choose not to believe it but I for one choose to believe it. What I saw was definitely not something conjured out of a movie because never in my wildest imagination could I have imagined something so horrifying. When I shared this experience with my prayer team in my office there were some who believed but others who expressed doubts. It is up to each and every one of us to make up our own minds.


  1. Слава Господу, благодарю за свидетельство

  2. Glory be to God 🙌🏾🙏🏽✝️
