Tuesday, October 30, 2018



I saw people suffering in hell for the sin of undergoing plastic surgery like reduction of stomach, nose, face, ears, and others introduced silicones in their bodies. First Corinthians 3 verse 17, If any man destroys the temple of God, God shall destroy him; for the sanctuary of God is holy, which are ye.

I ran away terrified and saw women who had silicone implants in their bodies. Silicones took on a life and live within their bodies. They exploded like bladders inside the bodies of these women.
Other silicones created legs and came alive from inside those women. These silicones are demons like a living gelatin that lived within those women and when they died and fell into hell, they came out of their bodies to torment them. Silicon demons live inside the people who put silicone implants in their bodies.
You may even die and be buried with your silicone-filled body, but the demons are installed inside the soul because of the silicone and will only come out when you are inside hell.
For those who have converted to Jesus and have silicone in the body and been released from the world, the silicone demon has left, even if the plastic material is inside the person.
I took all the silicones out of my body after I came back from hell. I was terrified to know that it belongs to the demons.
I saw in hell the demons with silicone materials ready to bring them up to earth. The demons in hell call such people who put silicones in their body, "My plastic dolls."

I continued to walk and saw women who put silicones on their breasts, buttocks, arms and faces. The demons called them their dolls because they had put too much plastics inside their bodies. The demons saw them inject all that silicone inside their bodies. The demons said these silicones are ours and we are going to take them out of their bodies, our plastic women.

Women who did liposuction, stomach reduction, plastic surgery on the face - when they get to hell the demons open them and perform surgeries deforming all their bodies.

One voice said: that plastic surgery or any aesthetic procedure in the body deforms the image of God. They do not accept how He created them.



I saw models and actresses who did plastic surgeries having their faces deformed in hell. I saw women who put silicones. The demons ripped off their silicones and said, "That belongs to us. We invented them here in hell," and they laughed, "All fashions on Earth are the ones we put on."



Jesus said to me, "Plastic surgeries and decorations abhor Me no matter how beautiful the woman or the man in appearance. The beauty that pleases Me comes from the soul and from the spirit. I look at holiness. I do not consider physical beauty that attracts the world. He who practices the sin of vanity to be attractive becomes horrible to Me. His heart is stained with vanity, revealing his true interior. The vanity that are works invented from the hands of men. They take away My image and likeness. This sin deforms the home and the woman."


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