Thursday, October 18, 2018



There was a person who kept vomiting. I looked closely and saw that small baby snakes were popping out of her mouth. This person had hated the Word of God. The Word is food for the spirit. Our spirits grow and change through the Word of God.



When Jesus and I arrived in hell, I was in the valley of Christians who used the Word of God not to edify but to kill the faith and pluck peoples out of serious churches.

They were Christians who argue about the Gospel, did not agree with anything, and spoke badly about other churches. Those who attack holy doctrine are also in hell.

They are in that place because of the language.they spoke things that did not please God.

Jesus said about the believers who scandalize His work by giving bad testimony.

Corrupt judges are also in hell.



The angel handed me a sword. When I took that sword I felt the weight and could not lift it. The angel said, "This is the weight of the Word that will carry you. You can not handle this sword today because you do not read the Word. But tomorrow you will have the ability to handle the Word and force enough to lift."



I also saw several shepherds with their swords at their waist. I asked the Lord what this means. The Lord answered me, “They are the ones who know the Word and do not practice it.”

I saw masters and doctors of theology with their hands imprisoned and the demons dragged them into the abyss. The Lord said to me, "All those who acquire the deep knowledge of the Scriptures and do not practice the Word are chained by the demons and dragged into the spiritual prisons of this world. I have given the sword of My Word to be handled. All who do My Word is managing the Word in his life. The demons cannot arrest a warrior who knows how to use My Word in his life. Knowledge without practices is dead works.

When the Lord said these words I remembered the theologian Dimy who asked me to pray. I was powerless to teach. When I laid my hands on his head, a demon manifested. He fell to the ground and twisted. I expelled the demon of his life.



"Those who study My Word will have discernment of their false doctrines, and have come out of these corrupt churches, not agreeing with their lies, because My Word will enlighten and illumine."

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path, Psalm 119: 105.

After Jesus had told me these things, I had a vision. I saw a black hand coming down with a loaf of bread and inside it had a yellow portion. And many ate of that bread and rejoiced. Immediately after this sight, I saw a school of fish devouring a plant on the seabed. Minutes later those fishes died and floated in the water.

I asked Jesus what that means, He replied, "The bread you saw is My Word, the yellow portion is the contamination of My Holy Word. The black hand you saw is the hand of Satan who sullied My pure doctrine. The yellow color of the portion means death, the fish that you saw in schools running to devour the plant, are the souls that go behind the false prophets hungry for My Word.

The death you saw of fish eating the plant is their spiritual deaths, and the poisonous plant means the false Gospel that does not save but persuades people to cling to the things of this world like material and money. This Gospel is poisonous plants that are useless, are evil seeds of the deception of Satan who was introduced into the hearts of many people to not bear good fruit.

This Gospel is attractive and seductive. It seeks the well-being of everything. It is not the Gospel of the cross and the renunciation that My disciples lived. This Gospel is unsuccessful in the spirit world. It is the modern Gospel of Satan who entered My church and left many sick spiritually.

Satan cast his evil seed into the hearts of many, causing them to enter into conflict with My Word. People with afflicted and oppressed hearts are their targets. Satan has cast his net, and all who do not watch in prayer, have fallen into the web of deceit. He has implanted the weeds within My church, which is the Gospel strange to My truth, to confound the people.

Their varieties of doctrines have entered the church along with the spirit of confusion controlling minds that have no Holy Spirit. There is only one truth that is My Word, the rest are quicksands that bind souls, sink and lead to hell. My soldiers stand still, they will not take My Word, while the army of false prophets is spreading their lies and conquering souls, gaining space in the cities."



Church, whether soldiers prepared for war against Satan, be protected with the armor of the heavens against the armies of darkness.

Each verse of the Bible is a powerful weapon against your enemy. If you put on the Word, the greater the application of the Word the more weapons you will have, the more prayer you have, the more clad in God's power you will be.

The Word of God will give you strategies to attack Satan and defend yourself from him. Be a person grounded in the rock that is Jesus, be indoctrinated by His Word and be built up and sanctified in faith. All this will give you strength to defeat the legions and the trials, you are small and have a great God to win your fights.

The spiritual armament of God will be given to those who seek it. In the spiritual world, we are all equal before God. The same ability and armor that I received are equally available to all who hears me in the spiritual world. God is no respecter of persons. Who determines the spiritual portion is you; it depends on the measure and willingness to give your time for prayer.



He said, "What is your real success in attracting so many people?"

I answered, "It's Jesus. I'm just His servant, and I try to make my life a preaching that I speak. People have to look at me and see the transformation God has made in me. I always speak to God, make me the embodiment of His Word, and may my life come to influence the weak so that they may follow His path."

Pastor Alejandro knows, I look at the Word and see the mouth of God saying do this. I do what the Bible says. He who does not accept to walk according to the Scriptures is confronting God. I am submissive to the Word of God, and I walk according to what it says.

I'm going to minister in dangerous places where no one goes. It's in those places where the missionaries do not go. It is there where the demons gain many souls. I find in these places much malignant resistance.

The demons build many fortresses and spiritual walls that have to be destroyed through Word and prayer. Faith is an unbeatable weapon when it is put into action, no barrier stands.



The day after the prayer campaign I had a vision of a white ball of light circling the churches. I asked Jesus what does that mean?

Jesus said, "My servant, it is My Word."

Church, that glorious vision, I saw when that ball healed diseases in the souls, closed great wounds and healed. When this ball of white light passed, seeds fell into people's hearts and their lives were fruitful.

The Lord said, "Those who accepted My Word brought forth fruit in the midst of the wilderness."

And the Christians who nourished themselves and prayed, heaven opened and rains of white lights fell on those Christians. Heaven provided authority and strength to those servants of God.

A voice said, "This Word is the source of living water that flows within the interiors of those who feed on it. They will not weaken, and wherever they go, they will carry these virtues with them; they will lay their hands on the captives and release them, and where they trample upon their feet they will leave blessings. Those who pray and strive will grow in such a way that they will not be shaken in difficult times. Your prayers will give you resistance against evil. These will pass over the trials and their spiritual levels will increase. These are the ones who got used to praying every day, exercising their bodies to this custom. Those who read My Word will renew their strength and a new creature will be born of My Word. Those who pray and feed on My Word will grow and be strengthened spiritually and will be relieved in the hour of trials; they will be regenerated and will stand firm in Me."

In the vision I saw this ball of light that is the Word entering the people and forming soldiers, building on the rock leaving them protected against false doctrine. When the Word entered them, it gave strength and the anointing began to sprout in their interiors attracting the essence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

I saw that ball of light transforming the life of a converted young woman. The ball of light warmed her heart and melted it as candle wax bringing repentance of her sins. The ball of light produced crystalline water that flowed in and flowed inside.

One voice said, "I am softening your sin-hardened heart and making a new transformation."

That ball of light adorned the woman with shiny stones, and her body glowed with spiritual adornments. That ball of light made water flow from the life of that woman's interior. A strong wind blew on her and brought revival. This strong spiritual wind penetrated inside her, and blew the little flame inside that woman, making the fire ignite. Her countenance changed completely.

The Lord said, "Look, servant the power of My Word when it is preached as it is, look at the result of the change."

I had a vision with people attached to the world, detaching themselves from it and giving their lives to Jesus completely. These people began to practice the Word and a light enveloped their bodies making them shine. These people began to read the Bible and the Word entered their hearts and black shadows came out from within them.

I had a vision of a clay doll that was being modeled by a giant hand.

A voice said, "I am a potter and I will transform all the lives that follow My Word, I will leave My image and likeness, I will leave their personalities equal to My Word."

And Lord Jesus was blowing on the doll and a wind was coming in. Jesus said, "This is the spirit of life that comes into the lives of those who love My Word. I will be resurrected in their spiritual lives.

That hard clay doll was being softened by the living water coming down from heaven.

The voice said, "This is the water of life that quenches the thirst of those who follow Me."

I saw the Word in the shape of a light penetrating inside the puppet and a giant hand corrected all the cracks of that puppet. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, Psalm 119: 105.

The Lord said, "I rebuild broken vessels and they will be valuable to Me, I will make vessels of honor for My glory, I redo the vessel into a new creature. They will be filled with My spirit that will overflow. These will be giants in the faith, but they must have reserves of oil in their lives when they are lacking."

I had a vision of the giant ball of light on top of a church and from that ball, a shower of bread fell into the church. And no one took those pieces of bread to feed.

Jesus said, "This is My pure Word being rejected in the churches. Many do not accept it as it is; they do not want to feed on My truth to have their lives transformed. I have raised simple men to prepare the church, they do not care for the riches of this land and do not take the offerings of the people for their pleasure. They teach the church to overcome sin by preparing the people for My meeting. These soldiers have freed souls from the dominion of darkness. They went through the sieve of the tests to be approved workers. They are more than church workers, they are the heavenly workers who are passing through this world. They are My angelic messengers who dwell on the earth, they are angels of war who defend My truth. All who preach My truth are My angels of the earth."

"Servant, to be My worker it is necessary to pass through the sieve where sin cannot pass. But today's people value false prophets who speak what they want to hear, tickling their ears. My servants whom I have set up for My work are being mistreated and rejected by this unbelieving people. His messages have no value to the church if the people knew that it is I who says those words. When they reject one of these little ones they reject Me. If they listened to one of these little ones their souls would be saved."

"My little angels only want their good and free their souls from eternal damnation. They rebuke sin, and because of this, the churches are against My servants. The evangelical leaders of various denominations are pursuing My servants. These shepherds who do not support the truth manipulate their churches not to believe My servants. Satan is laughing because he is covering the ears of these people who will not believe. All this is Satan's strategy not to let My Gospel free the people of the churches. The demons have used many Christians to pursue My watchmen and if they could, they would have killed them too. Their hearts are filled with anger and they are furious, they are possessed and are even capable of taking the true servants' lives. My servants are not applauded like false prophets, but rather are hated for My name's sake. My chosen ones go through the ordeal because of My Word. The people no longer support the truth and hate those who preach it; because of this the spirits of dumbness have possessed the tongues of the cowards who for fear of persecution no longer preach My holy Word."

When Jesus told me all this, tears flowed from His eyes because of the rebelliousness of the people. I told Jesus that no matter if they will reject my preaching, I will be faithful to death in teaching the Word.



I had another vision with two men in warrior armor. They said that they were liberators of the captives. I saw two swords descending from heaven - one for each. The first warrior upon receiving his sword went out cutting off the chains of the prisoners who were captive. These souls were set free. Satan was furious and attacked this brother. Satan came in the form of a dragon. That warrior fought a fight against Satan. And a strong light near that warrior would not let him lose. Jesus told me that this servant of His, on receiving the gift of His Word, was using it to free the souls. Satan was furious and attacked him with darts, persecution, and trials. But he who has the light in his life does not lose. The light and the presence of the Holy Spirit was his shield and rampart.

The second warrior upon receiving the sword used it against his brother. He wounded his neighbor and his warrior armor was taken from his body. His armor was taken leaving him naked showing the shame. The demons gave guffaws.

Jesus said, "All who use the Word to discuss or participate in debates, hurting people and attacking the Word instead of using it to win souls - from these, I will take away My gifts and My authority."

Jesus said, "All those who receive the gift of the Word, understanding and a deep knowledge, I will take away My gifts and take them hard if they use them to boast off their wisdom and if they do not use them to win souls. I will require every life who died without hearing My Word from the hands of those who had received the gift of speech and knowledge."

Jesus also spoke of the timid who have difficulty preaching the Word, do not have the courage to win souls, and are ashamed to share the Word. Your fear is a barrier that has to come out. Souls moan and call for help for someone to speak the Word to them. No coward shall enter into the kingdom of God.

Jesus showed me a very beautiful glass church with a great range of propaganda for healing and prosperity. Crowds of people were stepping inside her.

Jesus said, "This church is full because of the attractive advertisements that say I heal and prosper. No one is there for Me, but for what I can offer. The shepherds there are marketing Me. My Spirit is not in this place. This pastor was not anointed by Me. It was a man who consecrated him. I did not qualify them as apostles, but they took upon themselves to call themselves apostles and bought titles and offices for themselves."



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