Thursday, October 18, 2018



I saw Pastor Martin Luther King in Hell. This Baptist man is a Freemason. He was an activist of Freemasonry who fought for Masonic rights. What was revealed to me about his life in hell? This man fornicated with several women and became intoxicated with sex and power. His gospel was more philosophical than Christian. He was addicted to prostitution and never advocated the cause of the Gospel but he fought for the Masonic cause. The Freemasonry that he was involved with also defended the racist cause but this is to get support from the black population to take power. This Freemasonry wanted its members to come into power using the black population of the United States and to get their ideas popularized but they never cared about these people.

Martin Luther King was also deceived by the same Freemason Lodge that he worked for and was used by them to defend the blacks at the time. But Freemasonry itself ordered him killed so that this man did not discover that the Masons were only deceiving the black population about their rights. Most of these Freemasons congregated in the Baptist church where Martin was a pastor to watch his steps to see if he would reveal the secrets of the Masonic brotherhood or whatever was revealed in their secret meetings.

I saw a demon tormenting this man in hell and mocked him by saying, "It was I who used that man to take your life. I went into him and made him shoot you to death."

[Martin Luther King Jr., an American clergyman, and civil rights leader, was shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. King was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, and was pronounced dead at 7:05 p.m.]



The angels are in the earth keeping their eyes on those who put the souls in the wrong paths. The eyes of God are all over the earth watching the evil in churches and ministries, scandals in the work and doctrinal deviations that are causing the loss of souls to hell. The Lord God has sworn by His name that these transgressions will not go unpunished.

Those who injure the holiness of God are the impure, immoral, those who enrich with the work, the ambitious and who steal the place of God. For these, the punishment is more severe. And those who are servants of God and covet with these devouring wolves will have their names erased from the book of life.

The angel took me into a pit filled with fire and thorn. I saw a man chained inside the pit. He had taken the offerings and tithes from the church and made a pact of black magic with the devil. He offered all the money that the people offered with love of God and gave to Satan. Months later the angel of righteousness came down from heaven and struck that shepherd with his sword. And he went down to hell and is being plagued and tormented by various demons.

The angel said, "People who make deals with the devil are abominable. This shepherd touched the work of God when he gave the offerings of the people to the demons. Those who open churches against holy scripture will pay a high price, but those who open churches to spread salvation are welcome."

I saw pastors in hell who have abused people's faith to raise a lot of offerings. They have accumulated the offerings of the sheep for their own enjoyment and are now paying for their sins.

The angel said, "Those who harm the work of God and the neighbor will be slaughtered by His power."

I saw in hell pastors who set up unclean and profane cults in churches thus destroying the biblical standard for the service of God. They turned the sacred pulpits into a stage for theater and arts performances. They transformed the holy altar to masquerade parties and presents them as Halloween feasts to the people of the church. They did God's house gigs with Jay Jay and the entertainer singers. And the judgment of God came upon them, not giving them time to repent being too late.

The angel said, "One of the worst sins is the practice of deception inside the house of prayer. The church was to be the place where the name of God is worshiped, revered and exalted. When the flock enters the house of prayer, they believe that the pastor is of God. People believe they went to meet God in these places but when they get there they find the lie and embraced it with open arms. Many of these pastors are already here in hell."

And for those who are alive, hell is waiting for them and their punishment will be like a rain of fire that will fall on them in the place of the rain of grace. They stepped on the blood of grace by preferring deceit. God will judge all the willful sins that offended His holiness. His word is just and condemns the guilty ones but saves the righteous. His word will punish the shepherds who teach the wrong way.

The angel showed me a shepherdess in hell. She delivered prophecies that God did not command. She landed in hell for being a liar. She lied to get fame as a woman of God. She presented an image of false spirituality with prophecies of the flesh that came from her vain heart. She wanted to fulfill her desires of wanting to be used but God never used her because she did not want to give up sin. Because of this she put up a pretense of false spirituality and caused her flock to believe in her fabrications. This woman suffered the worst punishment. The demons with their swords pierced her throat, thrusting the swords into her mouth.

The angel showed me a bishop in hell. This man preached the doctrine of God but his heart was corrupted by money. He began to preach a strange gospel that does not save. He died and is sorry to have changed the doctrine.

I saw pastors who preached heresies and teachings that were non-Biblical. They taught that paradise is on earth and we have to live a life with an abundance of wealth and health. They put it in the minds of people not to accept sickness and poverty because they belong to Satan. They preached a gospel full of illusion, without a thorn, without renunciation and suffering. These shepherds are being severely punished by the fires of hell and the demons.

The angel said, "They were not empowered by God and had no competence to be shepherds."

I saw in hell four elders who altered holy doctrine, misrepresented the Word of God by creating strange doctrines in their books and magazines. These men are old, but hell has not forgiven their advanced ages. Their brains were taken from the skull by the demons. Their punishments were for using their minds to fabricate false doctrines.

The angel said, "They only thought of their own interests and did not think of the welfare of the flock. They are negligent in their lives and are not in accord with the Word. All the losses they have caused in the work of God, they are now paying with their eternal sufferings. Blessed are those who are punished on earth, for they can still repent."

The angel took me to a place where I saw a reverend of a traditional church. This reverend scandalized the ministries of the Saints. He tarnished the image of the servants of God who preach the truth. Words denigrating other ministers coming out of the mouth of this man shortened his own life on the earth. This reverend was placed on a cross upside down and is still tortured by demons.

And I saw other pastors suffering in hell for promoting scandals against God's servants on the Internet. And those who help spread the slanderous messages of these shepherds on the internet are in hell for being complicit with these abominations. I tell you not to share videos and messages that slander and badmouth God's servants. There is a difference between speaking of a false prophet exposing his evil works and speaking of a true servant of God who only wants the salvation of souls.

The angel said, "False slanders against the righteous have offended the servants of God, weakening those who are animated in the work. Anyone who tarnishes the reputation of one of these little ones will have his days abbreviated and will be punished in the fires of hell."

There are multitudes of shepherds who are in hell but the angel did not want to show me more and showed me the last shepherd. This pastor received a revelation from God. The Lord Jesus said, "Servant, no one should know this secret and it cannot be revealed. It is between Me and you. Seal this revelation for 5 years. The church cannot know it until five years have passed and the demons should not know it either. I have secretly revealed this secret within the spirits of the members. I've spoken through your mind so the demons do not know about it."

This pastor knew of the revelation and was very glad. He did not hold back and revealed the secret to the church ahead of time causing the people to be happy. His tongue had no curb and the demons learned and worked to prevent this revelation from being fulfilled in the lives of the members of the Church. The church and the pastor too went through fiery trials. He could not withstand the demonic provocations caused by his wilful disobedience. He fell into depression and committed suicide. Now he is agonizing in pain in hell.

The angel said, "Tell the church not to use their freedom to serve Jesus walking on profane lands, treading the path of sin, treading on tortuous paths and following strange roads. Your freedoms limit you to walking only within the holy limits. There is a circle in the spiritual world which you cannot overcome when you leave the path of truth. Any step that deflects your foot from the righteous path will cause you to enter paths of perdition."

I only visited the valley of pastors and politicians. Only these two valleys have been revealed to me. I saw that the spiritual dimension of hell is gigantic. There are several valleys of different sins but the angel wanted to show me only these two valleys and revealed more about the valley of the shepherds to me. The angel brought me out of hell and brought my soul into the church. I woke up on the church floor.



Then the angel took me to another place in hell. There I saw the shepherds suffering in the infernal flames. I saw a pastor being whipped by 937 demons. His back was off the leather and it was in the flesh showing the bones. I looked at that whip and saw that it is pure steel and full of iron thorns.

I asked, "Angel, why this man is suffering this terrible punishment?"

The angel said, "He is suffering for every soul that has been lost from his church. He did theology and opened a church without being prepared, did not preach salvation, only blessings. His church grew and 937 souls who died were lost, those 937 demons that punish him represent a soul that has been lost in his power."

Every blood of these people who have not entered heaven is being charged at that time, the Lord Jesus is demanding from the hands of this man. It is not a joking matter to open churches on earth and to play the role of pastor, for he who opens ministry and souls begins to congregate, he becomes responsible for each person. Woe to him if he does not preach the truth and the members lose their salvation. 

The angel showed me other shepherds and said, "These shepherds are here for making their workers sin, aiding in their corruptions." They induced the innocent workers to practice deception.

The angel showed me the pastors who open up churches to promote themselves and get rich.

The angel said, "These men did not set up their churches to gather souls to God, but to the kingdom of Satan."

I also saw the Christians who served two masters. They preached on the holy altar, but when they were not in the church they practiced abominable deeds. His illicit deeds before God stank in His nostrils.

I also saw pastors in hell for putting in strange people to preach at the altar. These ministers were not of God and did not belong to the harvest of Christ. They are deviant Christians who preached the word by making the flock deviate from the path of truth. They induced the church to commit sin. And the shepherds who let those ministers preach the Word harming the flock were held accountable for this sin. These shepherds were paying in hell for letting those preachers divert the flock from the truth.

The angel said, "Nothing shall be left unpunished on the earth, all the evil seeds that were sown shall be gathered up by him that sowed."

I saw pastors in hell for using their fame, influencing people to usurp the house of God, stealing everything and deceiving the innocent. These pastors benefited from the work of God through offerings and tithes. The punishments for these shepherds were worse than for the wicked. They were thrown into the hottest furnace of hell.

I saw pastors in hell for inventing strange activities in worshiping God. They modernized the services by putting things that the Bible does not authorize. They received greater punishment in hell than the wicked.

The angel said, "There of those who add the unclean to the sacred worship. They violated the scriptures, offering worship to the demons and not to God. There the souls who follow the blind shepherds. They undermine doctrine and stain people's souls and minds with false doctrines."

The angel showed me another shepherd in hell. He was selfish just thinking about himself. This pastor spent all the church money on his vanities. He traveled with his family with the offerings of the church. He luxuriated with the church money on the best hotels. And many souls of his church were in need, he did not think of the flock. This shepherd is in a pit full of fire larvae.

The angel said, "The work of God is being affected because of the lack of commitment of these shepherds. They open up legality in the world of darkness so that the demons work in the midst of the flock. Their churches are houses of demons, not of prayer. They are putting many innocent lives in the valley of doom. Then for these shepherds, the fire of hell will be hotter for them than for the other souls."

The angel said, "Worship outside the Bible norms is the worship of demons. Christians who obey the teachings of these churches but do not obey God will not enter the kingdom of heaven. If the souls of the churches are going to hell, it is these shepherds who are to blame. They will be held accountable for the deficient work that makes souls go wrong without knowing the truth. His sick and weak doctrines teach the way of this place. They are guilty and will be held accountable for every lost soul. The Lord God will charge millions of blood on their heads. Every soul lost because of his teachings God will require. All the evil caused in the work of God will be blamed."



I saw people in hell. I saw men and women. I saw pastors and evangelists in hell and they were crying. I saw a pastor from Togo that we know. His name is Morris. We approached him. The Lord told me to ask him why he is here but he could not answer me; he was crying too much.

In fact, demons were torturing him; they were piercing him, he was screaming. Jesus said, "It is finished for him. He cannot return to earth to repent."



While in this peak of sorrow, I saw a man making eight, whose identity I will be silent about as much as possible. I’m talking about an overseer of a church and an acclaimed “Minister of God”, who contributed much to the early missionary activities in Nigeria and in other African states. Before his death, he was the overseer of his church when the founder died in the early fifties. Up till today, whenever some of his church members speak with me, they still allude to his heroic effort in the Gospel, while on earth. Whereas, he’s suffering bitterly in hell. What a terrible scene is this? How managed? What happened? The servant of God in the abyss? All these questions ran through my heart. This is not unconnected with the miracles and healing wrought by this man which gave everybody a marked impression that he had gone to the bosom of the Father. But it’s a pity!

Gradually, as I saw him in the vision, he drew near the bank.

“Sir, what happened?" I reverently asked.

"Friend, from where? Do you know me?" he asked.

"It seems so sir! I think you were Reverend so and so," I replied with a heaviness of mind.

“Yes, you’re right," he confirmed. "I pity the tragic condition of this place, upon all the struggling for the preaching of those years," I continued.

"Dear, I never dreamt of coming to a place like here too. My waking thought was heaven while on earth, but, for a lesson learned too late my hope became a mirage. Friend, this is what happened. I preached for thirty-two years in the world. I preached salvation by grace; hellfire as a reality and the imminent coming of Christ called the rapture. Presently in heaven, are a good number of those who heard these good teachings from me. But, two years before death struck. I took part in the church money meant for the church building to conduct a wedding ceremony for my granddaughter. And this being unknown to anybody, I let it go. At the end of the year, I wrote the financial report revealing that the whole amount contributed was spent on the project. After a sermon one Sunday evening, I took ill which ended in my death. Before I got to the main gate I was basking in the joy that I had made it at last, not until I was diverted here. I doubted it until the book of record was opened which carried all my good Christian services. But underneath all the rendered services it is written: "Not to be remembered, because he took a holy thing”. The angel in charge further disclosed that the church money which I took was contributed out of sweat by the church members and that faithfulness demands for a just and true account. He added that my report was not in conformity with the Gospel standard of stewardship and that the act betrayed my office as a minister," he explained.

“But sir, did you plead for mercy?" I asked.

"I did, but the angel replied that forgiveness is possible only in the world, but reward or judgment is determined there at the gate," he answered.

In less than five minutes after his last utterance, the hell quaked terribly, the tide rose to a high crest in anger; the fire unleashed its flame again, and with gnashing of teeth this reverend fell backward and sank down. I shook my head and mourned for long.



Then I saw a man that was praying in hell. In his prayer, he said, “Lord, Remember how I worked for You, but I have sinned against Your Word. If I can found Favor in your sight, please have mercy on me, for your Word said You will have mercy on whom You will have mercy, please I need You.” And The Lord said, “You have worked for Me indeed, you care for souls more than your soul. You brought souls nearer to Me while you are far away from Me. Your sin and backsliding have brought you here. I am not your Lord, and My mercy is not available here.”

Hebrews 10:38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draws back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him. 

Then I saw the reason why the man ended up in hell fire, in a very big screen.

When the man was on earth, churches used to invite him for programs, but he would not take his wife along, because of the desire of his flesh. After his ministration, as he was going back to lodge in the hotel, he would carry a prostitute on the road, so that they would spend the night together. He continued in his immorality and refused to repent and make restitution with his wife until he died. People thought he is in heaven, but he is suffering in hellfire, for nothing unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 

The Lord did not give attention to him again and we left the place and went to another side.



The first department that the Lord showed me was a place where pastors who lost heaven were been tormented. I saw many pastors in hell. On their pits, there is something like a signboard; it contains the name of that pastor, the name of the church that pastor attended, plus the reason why that pastor is in hell. Each pastor had a demon tormenting them. They cried out for mercy, but Jesus wept and said "When I warned you, you refused to listen to Me and now you are in this place. I know you not!"

Proverb 1:24-31 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out My hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at naught all My counsel, and would none of My reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon Me, but I will not answer; they shall seek Me early, but they shall not find Me: For that, they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of My counsel: they despised all My reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.


I saw a man in hellfire, the demons were tormenting him with their weapons and devices. The man was begging for mercy and he cried bitterly. I asked the Lord, "Who is this man?" The Lord told me, "He is Reverend Oshoffa, the founder of Celestial Church of Christ, the White Garment Church." The Lord told me the mystery of this man, "He made a covenant with Satan to seduce the people with a doctrine of darkness, healing with candles, perfumes, and soaps. He would tell them to use these and to go bathe in the river, thus deceiving them with the power of a devil." The Lord added, "he introduced false doctrines just to be known as a powerful man of God."

Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.

The Lord said, "I warned him but he refused." He said to the man, "I KNOW YOU NOT"! Jesus was weeping like a baby. This man denied the cross of Christ just because of fame. Now he is in hell begging for mercy with the Lord denying him due to iniquity being found within him.

2 Timothy 2:12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:

2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

I want you to understand that no matter what– don’t be living in a way or teaching others things that "you cannot defend for yourself before God."

Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny Him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Jeremiah 23:24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.

Many people are in hellfire because of their doctrine.

Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.



I still walked with Jesus, and we noticed a servant of God. Then I asked the Lord Jesus, "God! Why is there a servant of God in hell?" The Lord Jesus said, "I chose him, but he never delivered My message." Then he saw the Lord Jesus and shouted, "Father, Father, please take me just for a minute out of this place, for I want to repent." Then the Lord Jesus said to him, "It’s too late now..."



I also saw pastors in Hell and they were also crying out.

(A Christian can turn away from God. See Revelation 21:7-8, Hebrews 3, Hebrews 10:25-31, Luke 16:13-15, Mark 9:42-50, Revelation 3:5, Matthew 13:1-23, John 15:1-7, 2 John, Ezekiel 33:13, Romans 8:13)

When I asked the angel guide why pastors were in Hell, the angel told me, "The pastors who were in Hell did not rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of God, when they were doing ministry on Earth. They were rather relying on occultic powers for their church and for their ministry. They were not genuine pastors. They did not use the power of God. They were using occultic powers in their ministry.”

I saw these pastors screaming and crying out loud in Hell. I saw many pastors in Hell. I will describe four groups of pastors I saw in Hell and what their exact sins were that brought them there. The angel of the Lord explained to me why the pastors were in Hell. There were several different groups of pastors in Hell.

The first group I saw was comprised of pastors who had slept with women from their churches. They had fornicated and committed adultery with women from their churches and when they died, they found themselves in Hell. Their screams and cries filled my ears.

The second group was made of pastors who did miracles, signs, and wonders. This was not by the power of the Holy Spirit, but by occultic power, the power of demons. They had chosen the power of the devil instead of the power of God to do so-called “miracles”. They had sold their soul to the devil and had turned away from God.

The third group was composed of pastors who were murderers. They were in Hell because they had killed people, shedding innocent blood.

The fourth group of pastors loved money. God did not call them into the ministry. They did not know God and that they were in the ministry to make money. And, they were using the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for material gain: they were lovers of money. Because money was their god, they are in Hell.

Beloved, I was very sad when the angel showed me all these pastors in Hell.



There were a lot of occultic pastors in hell. We saw a man in fire, a demon was stabbing him and torturing him. He had a snake in his neck. The 2 angels said, "Gracia, this man was a pastor." Then the angels projected this pastor’s life in a monitor. This pastor started his ministry very well in the beginning because he was really called by Jesus.

Then in that monitor, I saw him in the company of occultic pastors. He was complaining that his church was not full and that it was half empty, it should have been full by now. The Bible says that bad company corrupts good morals. As I was watching his movie in the monitor, I saw the pastor went to make a covenant with a demon. After he signed the agreement with the demon, his church became overcrowded with people. It became really full. He opened many branches as the church kept on expanding but the pastor failed to understand that the devil takes more than he gives. Then one day, the pastor got sick and was taken to the hospital. In that hospital, the doctor noticed that his sickness was incurable. They did what they could but there was no result. Knowing that his sickness was incurable instead of confessing his sin, this pastor died just like that without confessing that sin. He even failed to tell his church that he buried mystical stuff beneath his church.

Then the angel said to me, “Gracia, there are a lot of false prophets and false pastors. They are misleading good-hearted Christians and good-intentioned Christians. Many false prophets have led many Christians to hell and they are still leading many to hell. There are a lot of them that’s why you should stop running after miracles. You don’t know these men and the source of their power."

As far as Jesus is concerned, the priority is a life of holiness. Jesus said, “If you dwell in Me and My Word dwell in you, ask whatever you want. Stop following these false prophets and don’t give them your head and be careful with their oil. You should pray for your pastor instead of running after false pastors. Today, no one prays for men of God. People are looking for faults or sin in them."


There is a place in hell for pastors’ wives and there are a lot of them. Most of them have destroyed the works of God. These women always argue and quarrel with the pastors instead of taking time to pray for their husbands. A pastor’s wife must be a peacemaker, not someone who lights the fire at home. She should be a peacemaker as the Bible says that a wise woman builds her house but a foolish one brings it down. Pastors’ wives should seek peace in their house and pray for their husband and the church. We should also pray for pastors’ wives in case they have weakness instead of criticizing them.



I saw four pastors in Hell, who were there because they did not pay their tithes. One was called Albert and another was Daniel, a pastor of Church of Christ and this church does not believe in tithing. Daniel said he told his congregation not to pay tithes as it was no longer necessary. He was in Hell for basically two things: first of all, he was not paying tithes himself and secondly, because he also stopped others from paying it. For Albert, his church believed in paying tithe, but he thought it was meant for only the congregation and pastors were excluded from paying it. He wished he could come back to earth to start over again and pay his tithes. The other two pastors also did not pay, and one of them, thought simply he did not think he had to pay it even though he knew he should be paying it, and the other thought ministering before God is not working, so he thought there was no need to pay any tithes.



These women served the Lord while on earth, but they didn’t want to change and accept the doctrines of God. Rather, they preferred to serve God in their own ways. The torment I saw here was worse than the ones I saw before. I felt so much sorrow for these women of God in hell because they served the Lord, while on earth. 

The Lord told me, "I always spoke to them. I tried to correct them through some of My saints, but they didn’t want to understand the purpose." 

The Lord showed me one of these women sitting on a chair full of flames. A demon began pouring some flaming liquid on her head. As the demons were pouring the liquid, her neck fell sideways and her hair began to fall off. She stretched her hand for help. I couldn’t take this anymore and I tried to cover my face.

Suddenly the Lord started crying. I asked the Lord, "Why are you crying?" and He answered, "I suffered a lot for this soul in hell. She was my saint. I corrected her not to love the world nor the things in it."

The Lord actually corrected her to stop dying her hair. The Lord continued, "She was ashamed of the grey hair I gave her. She was trying to recreate herself." 

She had very long hair and was very beautiful, but she wanted to be more beautiful so she committed a terrible error. If God had given us grey hair, we have to accept it because it is from God. 

The Lord said, "Don’t be ashamed of what I have given you."

The demons continued tormenting her. She cried to the Lord for help, but the reply was, "It is too late." She started blaspheming.

I said, "Lord, I don’t know that dying hair is a sin. Lord have mercy on her." 

The Lord sent a Pastor to this woman while she was still on earth; she was an Evangelist while she was on earth. This woman was preaching and teaching. Like some, when they are preaching, they try to please the congregation so as to be accepted, so as to preach and teach what they want. This woman never wanted to understand God’s purpose. She eventually died and she is now in hell. This was a woman who served the Lord.

The Lord said, "Daughter, I am going to show you women that wear make-up on their faces." 

I said, "Lord, I use make-up also. I apply powder on my face for me to look more beautiful, to cover up the dark spots on my face." 

The Lord replied, "Those things do not please Me. I am only pleased with the natural look of My saints. A woman is to please Me and her husband, so she doesn’t need make-up to look beautiful to anyone."

At that moment, I saw a woman holding a mirror and demons were forcing her to paint her face. She applied an acid/liquid which peeled her face. Perhaps you are reading this message and you are saying, make-up is not a sin, I would tell you this now when God speaks, we all have to obey. That woman disobeyed while on earth, now she is in hell being forced to paint her face day and night. 

The Lord said further, "Those things do not please Me. Do you remember when I said, he who loves the world is an enemy of God?" We have to obey that verse of the Bible.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any men love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 

We will all be judged with this verse Word. All types of make-up you use here on earth, you will use it there in hell too. I was using wet-lips to make my lips shine and call the attention of others. I said Lord, "Forgive me because I was guilty of this."

The Lord said, "I am doing this because of the Love I have for your soul, to bring the fear of its gravity into you, for you to understand the gravity of the consequences so that you can tell the others to stop using makeup."

Women of God, don’t look at your neighbor, look at your own life today and ask the Lord, "Lord, what are the things that I am doing that do not please You?" Ask the Lord and He will answer you. God does answer prayers.


The Lord showed me a woman that was a pastor while she was on earth. She was sitting in a chair of flames. An artificial wig was being put on her head in hell. 

The Lord said, "She was my saint sometime ago. She was a pastor, a great woman of God whom I used mightily, but she disobeyed My Word." 

I said, "Lord, have mercy on her." 

She stretched forth her hands to the Lord. The story of this woman is rather pathetic. She was a woman that served the Lord but thought she had it all, so she distorted the doctrines of God. She exchanged the Lord for things of this world. She began to do displeasing things to the Lord. She always used vain words. All these were shown on the screen. 

The Lord said to her, "Daughter can you remember when I brought My Word to you through My saint Elma?"

My sister Elma spoke to the woman while on earth. 

The Lord continued, "That was your opportunity to mend your ways and return to Me, but you refused and this is your punishment. Can you remember when your daughter embraced you and said to you, 'Mother come back,' but you never listened." 

The Lord turned His back on her and she started blaspheming. As the Lord turned His back on her, He started weeping bitterly. I asked, "Lord, why are you crying?’ and He answered, "You can’t imagine how I feel seeing the souls that are in hell."



Satan was dancing with joy. "Today a big person came. He is the pastor who used to harass us." His whole spiritual body was tied up with rope and dragged there. Demons held up an arrow with a very sharp metal tip that was heated over the fire and began scarring him by stabbing him all over his body. "Ack... Please save me. Lord. Please save me, Lord. Ack..!" "It is useless now. You have become mine." Ack..!" 

"Lord why is this person here?"

The Lord answered, "He once led a mid-sized church. He especially received the grace of God and began leading a church. He preached about Heaven and Hell to many lives but later on, little by little became corrupt. He was a married man but he seduced one young woman from the congregation, dated her, and began to forget about me. Soon after, he began hitting his wife and ended up living with the other woman. He was then driven out of the church. Even when times grew hard, he did not seek me. He rejected my help even when I had tried to give him many chances and bring him back. I had wanted to lead many lives to the path of salvation through him but he turned everything away and chased after his own desires. That is how he ended up here."

Lord what type of suffering will he go through here? "Demons hate and despise most the pastors or anyone who once did My work, so they will inflict all kinds of pain. The demons will be happy and relieved that these people fell into their tricks.



I was curious and I asked, "Lord, is the name of Kenneth Copeland in the book of life?

Jesus looked at me and said, "No."

I said, "What about the name of John Hagee, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn?"

Jesus said, "No."

I said, "What about Joyce Meyer's name, Rick Warren?"

The Lord said, "My servant these names are not here. I do not know them as My servants. They are not My brides."

I said, "Lord why do they preach their Word to millions who go to their services?"

The Lord said, "My son, these men are lovers of money. They use My Word to trade. I never told the Church to sell My Gospel. I said to preach for free to the whole creature. It is written Matthew 19:23 and 24, Then said Jesus unto His disciples, “Verily I say unto you, that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.”

"They enjoy all their riches and do not remember the poor."

It is written in Matthew 19, 16 to 22, And behold, one came and said unto Him, “Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” And He said unto him, “Why callest thou Me good? There is none good but One, that is, God. But if thou wilt enter into Life, keep the commandments.” He said unto Him, “Which?” Jesus said, “‘Thou shalt do no murder; thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness; honor thy father and thy mother; and, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’” The young man said unto Him, “All these things have I kept from my youth up. What lack I yet?” Jesus said unto him, “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven; and come and follow Me.” But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

For it is written, For I hungered, and ye gave Me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took Me in; naked, and ye clothed Me; I was sick, and ye visited Me; I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.’ Then shall the righteous answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when saw we Thee hungering and fed Thee, or thirsty and gave Thee drink? When saw we Thee a stranger and took Thee in, or naked and clothed Thee? Or when saw we Thee sick, or in prison, and came unto Thee?’ And the King shall answer and say unto them, ‘Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.’ “Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I hungered, and ye gave Me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave Me no drink; I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in; naked, and ye clothed Me not; sick and in prison, and ye visited Me not.’ Then shall they also answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when saw we Thee hungering or athirst or a stranger, or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister unto Thee?’ Then shall He answer them, saying, ‘Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to Me.’ And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.” Matthew 25:35 to 46.

"Their god is Mammon. They have chosen to serve the rich and not to help the needy."

I said, "Lord and the books that they sell by spreading Your Word?"

Jesus said, "The use of My Gospel is pure and spiritual. These books are not spiritual, because My Spirit is not in it. Their books are based on human knowledge, hypotheses, vain philosophies. It is a damned Gospel that saves no one, for My Gospel exhorts to holiness. The biggest problem of being a pastor of a big church is corruption because of money. The larger your churches are, the more money you will get. For those who have enriched themselves by My work, there is still time to save their souls. As long as they are alive they will be able to repent and abandon their practices and I will forgive and if death is surprised them and they are given no time to repent they will go to hell."

Then the Lord Jesus said, "Go tell the revelations. Do not be silent. Woe to those who doubt, criticize, call you a liar. Woe to him that persecute you for the revelations."



Then I was transported to the valley of the false prophets. A great valley, its area is the size of a city.

I saw a false prophet who was the founder of a denomination in America. He said, “Get me out of here, I cannot take it anymore. I falsified the gospel and introduced lies into my books by modifying the holy Word.”

I looked over at him and saw another famous preacher who was also there for preaching the false Gospel. I went to the place where the false prophets of prosperity are.

I saw a man jumping in the midst of the flames, and his body burned like an ember. His name is Jack Coe. I also saw the prosperity pastor Jamie Buckingham. He said he was there for having enriched himself with the Gospel. Besides being tortured, this man suffered greatly in the fire. Their destructive heresies implanted on the earth condemned many to hell.



I was disgusted and for the first time, I tried alcohol. I drank too much that went beyond my limits. I mixed all kinds of drinks and started to feel bad in my room. With no one to help me, my heart sped too far to explode.

I died and minutes later I was in hell in the suicide valley. I had proved my death and all those who kill themselves go to that place. There they are forced to kill themselves again and live in this cycle of torment for all eternity. I saw several shepherds who were killed by depression. They regretted having taken their own lives. The flames of torment consumed these shepherds. The infernal fire punished them for taking their lives.

The valley is very huge, the size of a city.

I wanted to get out of there and did not find a way out. A demon captured me and his nails pierced my body. He arrested me near the suicide herders and was tortured. I saw an evangelical leader who killed himself for depression. The demon that caused depression in him tortured him personally.



Jesus took me to a place where the false prophets are. I saw Myles Munroe in hell. This famous pastor and author of several books charged large sums of money for his conferences, made his ministry a trade, and selling books to enrich himself.



Jesus showed me Kenneth Hagin in hell. This false prophet adulterated the Word of God, created his own doctrines, and writing books with destructive heresies. He created theological seminaries that apostate the true Word of God. This man is a disciple of Satan who infiltrated the midst of the church to destroy the sheep with false teachings. This Satanist of Freemasonry published evangelical books full of deceit and lies. His doctrine is false and is dressed up as good teachings; they are like a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing.

He also spoke of his rapture. He was never raptured by Jesus and he is a liar. This man interviewed a true servant of Jesus who was raptured. He after hearing this brother offered him money to publish his experience as his own. This Christian corrupted himself with that money and Kenneth used that man's rapture experience by passing it as his own. All this was to sell his books and get rich, in his attempt to prove to people that he is a spiritual man favored by God to have a rapture experience. All this to prove that he is the man of God. He did this to promote his ministry, to prove that his false doctrines bear the mark of Jesus' approval.

I bought many books from this man and attended his seminars. How many people are drinking from this man's dirty sources? Those who drink from these rotten and polluted waters of false teachings will be infected by illnesses in their spirits and souls. I was also deceived by the false Gospel. I became a false prophet and almost lost my salvation. If Jesus did not want to pull me out of hell, nothing could stop Him. My works were reproved by hellfire.



There were shepherds and bishops who had more than two marriages and were marrying for the third time, banalizing the holy marriage that God left. They were a scandal to the evangelical milieu. There were carnal believers who divorced to marry as many times as they want to. They died without asking forgiveness for their sins and were in hell. Mark 10:7-9, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.  What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. 


I saw a pastor living a holy life in hell. At that time Jesus came down to get me out. The pastor did not conform and said that he lived a holy life. Jesus said, "You have said well, but did not teach the people to sanctify themselves, by which they have lost their salvation" Ezekiel 34: 2, Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? 

He lived a holy life, but he did not speak of holiness and did not feed his flock in the truth. Because of this, he was prevented from entering heaven. Many souls went to hell because of that pastor's omission.



I saw a demon with a large blacklist with the names of famous preachers. I saw the names of Mike Murdock, Pat Robertson, and Jimmy Swaggart. They do not live what they preach and are in sin. Of these, I have quoted two of them preach prosperity to finance their evangelical enterprise. These known Christians are doomed when they die if they do
not repent.


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