Saturday, November 24, 2018



For several months, day after day, the teacher taught me my new role. During the day, I followed the theoretical part and, at midnight, we went to the cemetery to complete my training, to restore me and entertain me.

Indeed, from the moment I signed the pact, I got the respect due to my rank as a graduate. Among other things, I had the right to occupy a place in the "restaurant" in the cemetery every night. (See below the description of the world of the cemetery).

The teacher brought me other catalogs to document myself more. My new occupation was to "bind" the talismans. These talismans were sent to us by customers for us to put powers in them. Most orders reached us from different European countries, including France, Romania, Poland, and especially Italy. In Africa, we received orders from Cameroon, Gabon, Mauritania, Senegal, and Zaire. In Zaire, we had the cities of Kisangani and Kinshasa.

With help from the teacher, I opened an identical house to that which exists in Kinshasa, called "Lion House Gilbert." Ours was called "White House Fair Kisangani." My office was there. Using servant spirits, I received orders and sent the talismans to clients after treatment. The difference between our house and the Kinshasa is that ours was Indian, while the other was Egyptian. But the two houses were working for the same goal: win the most possible number of souls to Satan.

Each talisman was to be "bound" over a grave, by an appropriate prayer. In other words, the operation was to transfer power, which we refer to here by the word "link", was to take place over a grave. It was for the talisman to be effective, said the professor. He told me the correspondence between the various cases raised by the requests and prayers appropriate to each case. The teacher defined for me what a planet, a horoscope, and an "Omitama," were in the field of magic.

Our customers were located worldwide. When a customer wrote to us for the first time, we sent him our newsletter so that he may provide all the information we might need later. We demanded that the new follower provide the following information: name of parents, siblings, wife and any children, place, and date of birth, etc.

When we had all the data in our possession, the customer could then buy their own jewelry and send them to us so we can "ganged" or we could send our own jewelry already worked according to his application. From these data, especially the date and place of birth of the customer, we determine his astrological sign, which allowed us to find the world of the individual. Comparing the customer order letter with its planet, we could see its deficiencies. It was these deficiencies, or "Omitama," that we engraved on the jewelry, then we could "bind" over a grave, with an appropriate prayer to form a clean talisman for shipment. The power of a talisman was renewable and was limited to a well-defined area. Finally, the construction of a talisman varied from one individual to another. It depended on the astrological sign of the planet, customer needs, and deficiencies. That's when a talisman had more power than necessary to renew it. And at what price? We shall see later, about the prayer of the occultist.

So every night, I went to the cemetery to work. If the mail was plentiful, I worked overtime in the evening in any cemetery, and I finished the remaining work at night at the regular cemetery. There were two ways to send the mail: the normal way, that is to say, by regular mail, or by occult or secret way, using stray or servants spirits. In my work, not to confuse the means used in the delivery of mail, I noted above the envelope, the nature of the means used to return the correspondence. After tasting the dishes prepared at the cemetery, it was impossible to enjoy our ordinary food in this world. No dish prepared in our world could rival that of the kitchen of the cemetery on the taste and plan. It was yet the same ingredients as those we find in our markets. The difference came from the recipe. The kitchen of the cemetery was exquisite, compared to ours.

During the seven years I worked as a graduate, I consumed food prepared in the cemetery. Besides, this is where I liked best. I had girlfriends who were spirits of deceased women in the cemeteries. Such were my occupations in the field of Indian magic until I begged the Almighty to save me from the bonds of the devil.


This is following the events I'll tell you in this chapter that doubt has taken hold of me. There was indeed a contradiction between the statements of the teacher and everyday reality. For example, the teacher used to tell me that our power was the pinnacle of all the powers since it was divine.

To better understand the thinking of the teacher, I give you the progressive ranking of grades within the sect to which I belonged. In ascending order, we have the student, graduate, teacher, doctor and finally god or goddess.

From the degree of doctor to that of god or goddess, physical death does not exist. If the subject wants to leave this world to go to other dimensions, they induce sleep using some magical ointments. The heart and breathing stop. His body was quickly transported to the cemetery. Here he comes to life and continues to exist to "rescue" the followers who call on him, that is to say, those who invoke him worldwide. To move from one grade to another, there are standards to perform tests, trials and sometimes time to spend. Since our house was patronized by a goddess, our power was far superior to that of other houses.

Following the failures, as you will read in this chapter, I began to think seriously about my life and my future. I experienced several failures in my magical practices, caused by the power that lies in the name of Jesus, and the protection that benefits all those who believe in His Name, Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, my personal Savior. I will tell you five of those failures.


There were times when I traveled to prayer meetings. I went there not to pray, but for entertainment or for fun. Often I went to admire the beautiful girls. There was no doubt in my mind - God did not exist - it was a certainty. According to the professor, all those who pray will die poor! Based on my own experience I agreed with the teacher.

I thought I got everything I needed without recourse to God or deploying efforts. But the Bible states: It is the sweat of your brow you earn your bread (Gen 3:19 In the sweat of your face shall you eat bread, till you return to the ground; for out of it were you taken: for dust you are, and to dust shall you return.). He who does not work does not eat (2 Thess 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.).

But at that time, I did not know God's Word, the Holy Bible. One Sunday, I went to attend a Protestant church; there were many faithful members and the offerings were brought forth plentifully. The idea to steal money from the offering took root in my mind. Before the offerings were counted, the "magic pipe" I was having revealed to me the total, which came up to 100,000 zaïres. I thought it was worth taking the shot to steal that money, and I became very covetous of it.

I put the money in the "magic pipe" in order not to lose sight. An object placed under the control of the magic pipe can never be lost sight of, whatever the routes are taken by the person who owns it.

I planned to get hold of this money for an occultic purpose. I left the church to concentrate better, and to trigger the process for me to get the money. After drawing the magic circle, as instructed by my teacher, I began to recite some appropriate incantations.

After doing all this with appropriate precision and finesse, I charged the money to come in my bag. It is a way of speaking because, in reality, it is rather the servants' spirits I had given the order to bring me money. After a brief look in the bag, I saw that it contained no money. I thought, "To err is human". I had perhaps mistaken, I forgot to pronounce some important phrases. I had to start all over again. I repeated the same operation 21 times, but without success. It was such a surprise to me to see such a thing, for the first time in my life! A crazy anxiety gripped me. In my heart, I told myself that maybe I had done something wrong somewhere, and it was why the spirits did not obey me.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, my anxiety was justified, because, in this kind of things, failure is not tolerable, especially since our house hosted a goddess. To get to the bottom of this failure, I thought it was good to inform the teacher.

I called hastily to the teacher and made him aware of the whole situation. While I expected a reprimand from the teacher, the latter, as if he did not express his idea thoroughly, advised me not to continue the operation, and he insisted. In reality, this prohibition pleased me but did not calm my curiosity so far. I wanted to know why the teacher forbade me to continue the operation when I had tried 21 times without success.

In response, the teacher said to me, "This money will never come because it is blessed." He continued, "However, if you need money, you can try this method with banks and stores, but not in churches."

Beloved in the Lord Jesus, our Lord commands us not to lay up treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. Rather, it advises us to raise our treasures in heaven (Matt. 6: 19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust do corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust does corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:).

This response of Professor awoke in me a fear and a big doubt. I wanted to ask him several questions, including:

Why blessed money could not respond to our call?

Why forbid me to continue the operation?

Was he afraid also of someone or something?

The teacher was not aware of my fear when I asked him any of these questions. Nevertheless, this incident made me very ill at heart. I felt frustrated that there is a power above ours. It was this power that had kept the money from obeying my command (Isa. 8:10 Take counsel together, and it shall come to nothing; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us.). I wondered what was this power since this was divine.


After my second trip to the country of the Maharashathie goddess, I was given the powers to "bind" the talismans. One day, orders had reached us from everywhere. There was plenty of work. I could not handle all these talismans at night, given the short time I had. I made friends with some during the day in the cemetery not far from the city. Sometimes I would go to the cemetery during the day to work, but only after I made myself invisible, and wearing slippers so as not to make noise on my way.

I was accompanied by two friends. To avoid attracting the attention of curious people, we worked in silence. Usually, when we were doing this kind of activity, we were illuminated by a light. This light did not come from any visible light source. But not far away, there was a group of young people who had gathered for prayer. I had not suspected the presence of this group, since they were a little far away, in a house.

At some point of their prayer, a young boy had raised his voice and said, “I take authority over any influence of Satan in these places. I break all the chains of the devil, and I proclaim deliverance in place in Jesus' Name!”

Just after these words, the light that lit us disappeared. I made no connection between the disappearance of our light and the statement of the boy. A few minutes later, about five minutes, the light reappeared.

I forgot this incident, and I dove back into my job. Nevertheless, as a precaution, with the magic tube, I explored the area in order to discover a possible impostor. That inspection proved fruitless because, apart from the group of children who were praying, the magic tube discovered nothing else. A few moments later, pushed by I do not know what force, the same boy raised his voice for the second time and said, “You, satanic works, you, spirits of darkness, I order you to leave this place and go away into the abyss reserved for you from the beginning of time, in the name of JESUS CHRIST!”

Like the first time, our light had gone out, this time for good. After a long wait, I thought it best to neutralize this group of young people in prayer, and it was perhaps that they were responsible for the disappearances of our light. For a second review by the magical tube had revealed that this group being around was messing up with our activity.

I note that before deciding to master these boys in prayer, I fumbled with the magic tube to check each participant of that prayer group in order to detect any force or power. But my examination proved fruitless. It was only a matter of prudence that I wanted to master these young people. I only wanted them to sleep and not cause them harm. After all, they were just children. Armed with my magic tube, I approached the group. There was a bench that was lying there. I sat myself to concentrate to start praying the magical hypnosis. The friends with whom I worked had noticed my prolonged absence and had been looking for me. They found me collapsed on the bench, legs apart on the ground while the magic pipe was lying on the ground not far from my right hand. I was sound asleep, snoring. My friend woke me and explained to me the state in which they found me.

The story of my friends encouraged me to serious thinking. The question that tormented me most was to know how powerful these small children were to put me to sleep. I intended them no harm, except to sedate them so that I would have the time to quietly finish my work. How had they found my intentions and acted so quickly, and I cannot defend myself? So they had to have more power, more efficient than ours.

If someone had stabbed me while I was lying unconscious, I would be dead as anyone of ordinary mortals. Me, Lisungi Mbula servant of the goddess Maharashathie, the graduate of high Indian magic, custodian of the divine power of the great Ashanti, lying on a bench without knowledge! The words of the teacher came to me, "You will be protected against all enemies both visible and invisible."

The group of young people had finished their prayers and were long gone to where they came from. There was no way to reach them to ask them some questions. It was at that time only that I realized that it was following the prayer of the boy that our lights had disappeared. Doubt that arose in my mind materialized gradually. Despite claims by the teacher, our power was not the greatest. Above it, there was another greater power possessed by the group of young people, who had put me to shame. What does the Bible say about this?

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4: 4).

And even:

For the lips of children and those at the breast, you have ordained praise to confound your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger (Psalm 8: 3).



Another day, three students from the University of Kisangani (UNIKIS) waiting to present themselves for an exam session had the idea to use some basics of magic. They bought cigarettes "Zaire Lightweight" dipped in the perfume "Sudan" and withered in the sun for smoking at midnight. At the appointed hour, they stood at the crossroads to meet spirits.

It was past midnight. I went to the cemetery as usual for restoration and entertainment. Usually, those who practice such things go invisible. Often during the day, when I went to the cemetery, I went unseen, but at night, I really do not see the need to do so. Only if there were people at the entrance, I "should disappear," and I waited patiently until they left and I entered (see below "the world of the cemetery").

That day, I met the three students at the fork. The sight of these young people at this hour and in such a place made me smile. I approached them and asked them, jokingly, if they were not afraid to walk at such a late hour of the night. Those young people, being uncooperative, gave me this answer, “If it is really about being afraid, it is you who should in principle be more afraid than we are since you're alone. We, we are three!”

I could not tell them I was not alone, and there was with me a legion of spirits servants to protect me. So I continued walking down the road to the cemetery, wishing them good luck in their business.

A little further, in my path, I met three unclean beings, three perfectly ugly monsters. Words fail me to describe the shape or appearance that these spirits had. I cannot compare to any creature of our world, there is no comparison. The sight of these vile beings gives nausea.

At the sight of these spirits, a fear came over me and I wanted to flee. Yes! I wanted to run away, because, despite all the time that I had going on in magic, I had never seen spirits as ugly and repulsive. But, remember that I was the holder of the protection of the divine Ashanti, I changed dimension: I used my ability acquired by spiritualist practices, that of becoming a superior mind.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I remind you that I had gone beyond the ordinary magic. My initiator considered me his son and had thus taught me a lot of knowledge that he had. This knowledge, in principle, required human sacrifices. But in my case, I received them free of charge from my teacher. Thus, after the usual magic, I graduated in occultism, spiritualism, and finally the high magic. I was the only graduate at the service of the goddess for the entire region of eastern Zaire.

After changing dimension, I became able to impose my will on inferior minds such as those that were in my presence. I approached them and asked them why they were passing that way. I wanted to know who they were and where they were going because their presence had not been reported to me. As a graduate for the entire Eastern Region, it was my right that we are kept informed of all the comings and goings of strangers in my administrative court.

The evil spirits gave me this answer, “We are Felbuss, the family of Prince Beelzebub. Historically, this area we live in is the neighborhood Rwapo here in Kisangani. We start to answer the invitation of friends.”

They could not lie to me because I dominated their will. But the area in which they claimed did not exist in Kisangani. Seeing my bewilderment, they became impatient and also wanted to know who I was. I revealed to them in the turn of my identity: My name is Lisungi Mbula. I am Diploma, serving the goddess Maharashathie India.

To my announcement of the name of the goddess, the climate of mistrust that already existed among us dissipated and they entrusted to me in confidence, "We're in a hurry. We are waiting, and time passes. We are also at the service of the goddess. If you want more information about us, phone us tomorrow at midnight to this number: 0001-Chao!”

I broke my spell. In other words, I won and they departed. Shortly after they left, I remembered the three students who seemed to be expecting a visit from some spirits. I established a relationship between these three students and the unclean spirits. I decided to see if my hunch was right. Besides, I had nothing to lose. I was right. Indeed, Felbuss were heading in the direction where three students were.

When these spirits came within sight of the three students, they did not have the courage to face the Felbuss and fled. I do not condemn them for fleeing as in any case, Felbuss was despicable and ugly. No one can bear to look at them or approach them without feeling a big fright. Besides, it's like they spread terror in their path. The evidence was that myself if I had not had supernatural abilities, I would have been like them.

One of the students who was fleeing stumbled and fell. Knowing he was lost, he prayed, “Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I have sinned against You. Forgive my sin, Thou the Merciful! Save me, be my light and my strength!”

After this short prayer, something extraordinary happened. The Felbuss, coming from one direction, fled every man for himself, in three different directions. I did not understand why these foul beings fled. I shouted to them to tell them not to be afraid of these children. I shouted to them, "These are just kids!". But none of them heard me and would not listen to me. So I continued to scream while running behind them, "These are just kids; they are nothing, they are harmless!"

They heard my words very well, but none of them stopped. Their flight aroused my curiosity even more. For the second time, I changed dimension and managed to neutralize one of the three fugitives of Felbuss. I forced him to explain the reason for their sudden and hasty departure. He tried unsuccessfully to flee several times and told me this, against his heartfelt desire:

“We had to respond to the invocation of these three students that you saw. When they saw us, they fled. So we were angry because they bothered us for nothing. We were prepared to punish them, when one of them, the fallen, called Someone for help. That Someone then does not like His proteges to be touched or harmed. Because the other had called on Him, He was to come. And, coming, He would have caught and would have put us in a bottomless pit. How could we live there? That's the reason for our hasty flight. On one hand, it's our fault. We should have known if they were collaborating with each other. But we're still coming, and now here's the result. Anyway, had we known they were working with Him, we would not come!”

When the young student said his prayer, I notice I had not heard it since I was a little kid. I questioned the third Felbuss about who was the only one whose name, pronounced that night by a student, had driven these Felbuss which I myself was scared.

What is the name of this "someone?"


His name?


The Felbuss looked very uncomfortable and very tired by speaking the name of Jesus. He wanted to flee as quickly from where we were. I released him and he went away unhappy. Any doubt was no longer possible for me. The power of Jesus surpassed any other power. How else to explain a name pronounced late in the night by a layman could put fleeing monsters whose only fear was so thought-provoking? Two of the three students went mad, they did not even present themselves in the exams.

God's Word does say: everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Acts 2:21).

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