Tuesday, December 11, 2018



Secondly: Photos, pictures, idols. Pictures of a false Jesus (with a red heart and ray lights); a picture of a false Mary; a cross with a dead Jesus. My beloved, who told you that Jesus is on the cross? He was on the cross, it's true. But He left the cross more than 2000 years ago. All these pictures are idols. Don't put them in your homes. This is idolatry! And God condemns idolatry. That is why God said in Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below." It is an abomination, and sorcerers cannot be afraid of you because there is a picture in your house. We must not put the Lord Jesus on the wall, but He must be in us. That is why Paul said in Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."



When you read the Psalm 75:6 the Bible says, "For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south." This means that exaltation comes only from the Lord. This is a revelation from God, why? Because in the East, Lucifer has already placed a demon called Baemon, in the West, there is a demon called Amaemon. So when you take the four cardinal points, there are the North, the South, the East, and the West. The North is the Septentrion, The South is the Midi, the East is the Orient and the West is the Occident. In the four corners of the world, Lucifer placed four demons whose mission is to strengthen the power of evil in the world. And these four demons enter in the life of a person by two means:

The first is the sign of the cross. It is a trap of Satan. There are many people who have already made this sign. People, in their ignorance, do not understand where the trap is. They believe that they are doing, "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." And because they are doing this quickly, they don't realize the trickery. But when you do it slowly, you see the trap of the devil. That is when you understand that in reality, you are doing the father, the son, the holy and the spirit separately. That means Maugua, Egime the great, Baemon, Amaemon. It is what one calls prayer of conjuration of kings. All the priests know that.

The second is the ash, which is put on the forehead of people on Ash Wednesday. What happens? The acolytes come with the ash that comes from branches of the same season that have been burned. It is mixed with olive oil. And you will see the priest do that sign when he comes. When he does that, on the left side of the sacristy, there is a white stone called Petras. From there, there are demons that enter with another special ash. It is an ash that one takes in the world of cemeteries after having burned human bones. They take the ash that the acolytes brought, and leave the ash that comes from the calcination of human bones from the world of cemeteries. And then the priest stands in front, and people line up, he starts making this sign of the cross on their faces while saying: you are dust, and to the dust, you shall return. That's what you hear, but in reality, this is not what is said by the priest. He says, "You are dead in our magic and you become a slave of death."

When you look carefully, the cross that they put on the face, is a cross with four corners. However, at these corners, there are Maugua, Egime the Great, Baemon, Amaemon. These spirits enter in the person. We know that man is tripartite, there is the body which is the envelope, the spirit that makes the body move and the soul which is the center of the will and decision. And there, the soul is captured and brought in the presidium which is the prison of Mary Margoue. That is the reason why, even if you tell the truth to a faithful Catholic, he will listen to you, but at the end, he will tell you, "Mary and I, only death will separate us." Do they easily accept to abandon Mary? It is because they are not masters of their will, they are bewitched. That is why we must pray for them.



Then the Lord took me to a woman called Christine. She had a long cross attached to her neck. She was a Catholic. She said to me, "I did not know. I thought the Catholic Church was fine." Jesus said to me, "Go tell Catholics I am no longer on the cross but they continue to crucify Me and I am not a statue."

Jesus said, "They are making images representing Me. Go tell them that they are all worshipping the antichrist. The person that is on the cross is not Me but the antichrist."



After the meeting, newly arrived initiates like myself were taken to another meeting room where we were to receive instructions, and in this room, there was a statue of Jesus Christ on the cross. In fact, this statue had a human body and fresh red blood oozed from this man on the cross. I do not know if it was a man or a demon. This man on the cross resembled the Jesus depicted on images of Catholic devotion. We have presented this man nailed to the cross as the leader of Christians, the son of God who is worshipped by the Christians. Our host could not mention the name of Jesus Christ, because it is forbidden to mention the name of Jesus in the world of Satan. Then he incited us to scourge the false Jesus who was on the cross; we were instructed to subject this man on the cross to abuse and insults, and we were urged to flog him, spit on him, and punch him. As a result of this treatment, this man on the cross began bleeding even more.

This symbolic act of the new initiates was a blasphemous act that concretized the rejection of Jesus Christ, but the bleeding man on the cross was a superior demon who had assumed the appearance of Jesus. And I understood that the image of the man on the cross in the Catholic church was not to remind believers of the death of Christ, but rather to make fun of Him.



When I arrived in the city, I went straight to the hotel where the devil resided. I was received by the fallen angel of the name of Nabam who is the associate and the secretary of Satan. Later, Lucifer received me in his room. He was a Caucasian skin man, but he can take on any appearance that he chooses. His face was exactly like that of the Jesus depicted in the devotional portraits of the Catholic church, and he was handsome. When I looked into his eyes, I fell to the ground because I could not withstand the vibrations that were coming out of his eyes. Then he put his hand on me and I got up. He asked me what I wanted.



  1. Help me Holy Spirit to get rid of these things from my House.

    1. Pray and fast, with complete will, praise and worship, be holiness, be pure holy
