Sunday, December 9, 2018



The angel took me out of hell and led me into the flower garden in the sky. The angel brought a canvas and made me see what was inside of me.

I saw a river of sin flow within me. The waters of this river were filthy and imprisoned my soul. On the screen my soul stopped near that river that looked like a sewer, I drank from its waters. I knelt to drink from those stinking waters full of insects and dead animals.

The angel said, "Until now you have killed your thirst with the things of the world. You have prostrated yourself to the pleasures of your flesh. Your interior is filthy and needs to get the dirty water into you."

The angel offered me a bottle of crystal clear water from heaven. When I drank from the water of life, it pushed all the dirty water from inside me out. I vomited all the dirty water. My mouth felt like a tap spouting all that dirty water. I stayed clean and felt the crystal clear water flowing inside me. It was like a stream running through me. The water circulated freely inside my body, I felt great refreshment. From my heart that water flowed. The angel said, "You are clean, from today the Holy Spirit will be part of your life."

The angel touched my lips and said, "The filth has gone out of your tongue and you will have the courage to speak the Word of life. Now go back to earth and witness everything you have seen."

When I began to speak of my testimony my spiritual battle increased. An entrepreneur offered me millions of dollars to report my testimony in a football stadium to crowds of people. He tried to corrupt me with the money, I said, "No, as I learned from my experience, Lucifer had everything in heaven, corrupted himself and was expelled. Being caught up to heaven and hell and seeing the spiritual mysteries is no guarantee of salvation. If we do not watch, we can lose eternal life and have our name scratched from the book of life. Lucifer had everything in heaven and lost because of his pride." Revelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Satan has lost his crown and is now the greatest thief of crowns.



A few weeks later I was praying intensely when suddenly Jesus Christ appeared to me in a twinkling of an eye. He held my right hand and said, “Joshua I want to take you somewhere.” Then suddenly we found ourselves in a desert. I saw a river around this desert. While I was watching the river, I noticed a man dressed in animal clothes at a distance of 500 meters. He was of the Semitic race.

Actually, we were around the street and we were leaving the street and entering the desert. Then Jesus asked me, “Do you know that man?? I said, “No I don't know him.” The Lord said, “Wait.” We then got closer or five meter around him. Then Jesus asked me again, “Do you know this man?“ I said, “Lord I don't know him.” This man was not an old man; he was still young. Then Jesus said to me, “This is John the Baptist.” I was surprised. Then I hugged him. I was really happy to meet him and he was really kind. Then Jesus said, “This is John the Baptist that I sent to prepare My first coming in the world. In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying. “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near. This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah. A voice of one calling in the wilderness. ‘Prepare the way for the Lord. Make straight paths for Him.”

Then Jesus said to me, “I am also sending you to the world with the same mission which is to prepare My people for My coming. They are also many of your brothers in the world that I gave the commision of preparing My people for My return is imminent. I am coming back soon you must prepare the church for the rapture.”

Many of your brothers that I sent to the world to prepare My people have deviated from their mission of preparing My people. They have abandoned their assignment and commission. And they are preaching something else instead of preparing My people. “Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who remains awake and clothed so that he will not go naked and let his shame be exposed. Blessed are those servants whom the Master finds on watch when He returns.”

Beloved, I am not John the Baptist. Because Jesus said He has assigned many of His fellow servants to prepare His church for the rapture as He is coming soon but they have deviated.

After traveling in the past to visit John the Baptist, Jesus said, “Let us go back.” He held my hand again then my spirit reintegrated my body. Before disappearing the Lord Jesus Christ asked me some questions. He said, “Joshua, what was the message preached by John the Baptist?” I said, “John was preaching repentance.” He asked me again, “What did I preach when I was on the earth?” I said, “Lord, you used to say, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Then Jesus asked me again, “What did the apostles preach in the Acts of the Apostles?” I said, “They preached repentance.”

I understood that to prepare the church for the rapture and the coming of the Messiah I had to preach the message of repentance. I can preach about all subjects but repentance is the core and the cornerstone of my ministry.



"I have made hell for the devil and his angels but the enemy of men, Satan is at work to cause humans to go to hell," Jesus warned leaders of the Assembly of God to repent because they are in a secret cult.



A group of us formed a prayer group that did not depend on any other existing community, except on Jesus Christ Himself. We met for worship, the meditation on the Word of God, intercessory prayer and worship.

As I have said before, the Lord had given us the gift of healing. One day seven patients were ministered to, and God saved them through our prayers. But despite our prayers, none of the patients were restored! As if this was a spiritual drought in our group, we decreed a time of fasting for seven days, in order to revive the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. This fast was to end with a prayer vigil that coincided with the date of January 1, 1986.

An event happened then during the night. Indeed, we were 32 in number in a room on a piece of land located at 39, rue Mangobo. Rongo district, Matete area, in the city of Kisangani. We exalted God through songs of praise, and everyone was sweating! All of a sudden, a fireball went down and stopped in the middle of the four singers brothers!

Driven by the power of the Holy Spirit, the brothers confessed, in turn, their misdeeds aloud, while in tears! This confession left us speechless because we could not imagine for one moment that we have within our choir thieves, swindlers, lewd men, and murderers! But taking part in their sincerity, we also sat down to cry, imploring for them the forgiveness of the Almighty. How wonderful to receive forgiveness from the Lord, being washed of all sins, and live our years in the love of Christ!

In this fireball that everyone saw in our midst, I noticed that Ezekiel had seen and written the second verse of his book! A White Being of Light approached me and wiped my tears away! Then, unable to control my emotion, I exploded with joy and cried aloud, "My brothers, the Lord Jesus Christ has wiped my tears, the Lord is here, He is in our midst! "

Indeed, my brothers saw that my cheeks were wet indeed become dry. But they saw the fireball, not the Lord.

My beloved, Small wonder that those who accompanied Saul on the road to Damascus, had they not seen the light without the voice?

After that, the Being became the fireball that He rose to the sky pulling me in its path, as described in Ezekiel 8: 3 (And he put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looks toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provokes to jealousy.). While, for the brothers who prayed with me, I collapsed lifeless on the ground!



  1. Terima kasih, sungguh memberkati. Biarlah setiap orang yang membaca juga diberkati oleh kesaksian tersebut
