Sunday, December 16, 2018



[...] At this point the brother describes the contents of the package he received from his master. The package contained among other things two white candles and a red candle. He placed them in such a way that the three candles formed an equilateral triangle.

He continues: That is a triangle whose three sides are equal. It represents "the diabolic Hindu trinity" and in the same package, there was a small bell like the one that the acolytes use in the Catholic church during the transubstantiation, it is the moment they turn bread into the body of Christ and wine into the blood of Christ. This small bell that the acolytes use when they are on their knees, is Satanic. They use it to open the door to demons. There is a white stone, which is at the right side of the sacristy; it is through that way that demons enter the Catholic church during the mass.

Catholicism is not a religion of Jesus, it's just Satanism hiding behind a Christian facade. I was initiated by a Spanish priest. So when I arranged all these things, I uttered incantations, and after the three candles were lit automatically, and I started to utter incantations while following the instructions that my master gave me. After the incantations, I took my small bell and rang three times. But to my great surprise, nothing happened. So I told myself that I had made a mistake while I was reciting the incantations. You know with the devil when you utter incantations, if you make any spelling error, for example instead of "e" you put "a" the whole incantation is automatically canceled.

But this is not the same with God. With God, when you pray, even if you mispronounce a word, God answers. For our God knows our intentions. And while I was doing that, I resumed the incantations, and this time, I repeated them correctly and in the end, I took the bell, and I rang. When I rang, there was a violent wind that began to blow in the cemetery, it was like a hurricane. And it was already past midnight, and I was alone in the cemetery, I was still too young, I was still in the secondary school at the time.

[...] Here the brother described what had happened at the cemetery. It is after all this ceremony that he saw a man appear before him.

He continues: A man appeared before me. He wore a black toga, but his feet did not touch the ground. It was a white; he presented himself under the name of Hindu Sankara. He gave me a small chain of 108 balls called mangalsutra. It corresponds to the rosary in India (in Hinduism), the rosary among Catholics and tasbih among Muslims, all this is Satanic. And after that, he told me not to forget my first sacrifice, and he disappeared.



Friday: The one who is in charge is Beke. He works from 11 pm to midnight. His assignment is to divert people from the work of God and subject them to the wealth as well as to the authority of this world. If you analyze your life very well, you will notice that there is a difference between the way you used to serve God and the way you are serving Him now. You will see that you have regressed significantly. It is this demon who is responsible for that. He drives you straight to the curse. For the Bible tells us in Jeremiah 48:10: "A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord’s work! ..." And Jesus Himself said in Revelation 2:4-5 "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. ..." But Béké does not work alone. He works with a demon called Panchard. It is the demon who coordinates the spirits of dead people. That is why in the Catholic sect, there is a requiem mass on Friday.

Here I want to digress a bit. In the requiem mass, if a believer of this Satanic sect is dead, you will see, people will carry the coffin, and put it in front of the door. They will close all the doors, and you will see these so-called priests come there with an acolyte. The acolyte will hold a vase where there is some water called holy water. In this vase, there is something called sprinkler. The priest will take it and begin to sprinkle the coffin with strength. And it is only after that, that one will open the door, and people will go in, even the coffin, and the mass will begin. At one moment, you will hear the priest say: "It is great the mystery of faith." Sometimes, one sings it. The priest will then take the censer, will start to walk around the coffin, and you will notice that the coffin will be surrounded by smoke. When he says: "It is great the mystery of faith", from that moment, there is a white stone which is on the left side of the sacristy, that stone opens itself and there are four legions of demons who enter. When they enter, they walk on the heads of people who attend that mass. Then they will enter the smoke that surrounds the coffin. And then you will notice a smell of incense. When you inhale this smell, the demons enter in you. And here, I appeal to God who delivered me as a witness. If what I am telling you is not the truth, let my God strike me even now. What I am telling you is the truth and all priests know it.

Free advice: Never enter this Satanic church. If, for example, someone dies in your neighborhood, if the person is a member of this Satanic sect if you choose to go to his funeral, as soon as they arrive in front of their temple, stay outside until they finish their nonsense. When they come out, you can accompany them to the cemetery, that's all. When I was a Satanist, I had mystical books. I had the Bible TOB, the Jerusalem Bible. I will explain to you how one uses the Deuterocanonical books and the Apocrypha, how one converts them into mystical prayers. The true Bible has 66 books. The books that one adds, Sirach, Greek Esther, Greek Daniel, Maccabees, all those books are books added by the devil.

I had the 6th and 7th book of Moses. But in the Bible, the Pentateuch has five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. But in Satanism, there is the 6th and 7th book of Moses. I had a book on which was written "incantations." I even had grimoires (a grimoire is a book of magic spells). I had the grimoire pentacle of St. Peter, grimoire pentacle of St. John the Baptist, grimoires of Solomonic magic, Satanic pentagram of Pope Pius XII. And when you read the grimoires, toward the end it is written: "Every priest is a magician." I tell you the truth, every priest is a magician.

Do you want the proof? When you go to the cemetery, you see a magician, he arrives on a grave, in the grave, there are bones. The magician takes two candles, put them there and starts uttering incantations. You also go to a Catholic church, there in front, on the altar, when the priest leaves the sacristy, he comes with his acolytes and other servants, they arrive in front at the level of the platform. Everyone kneels down and the priest will go up alone. He arrives there and has to kiss the altar. Give me a passage in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, where it is said that a priest, to say mass, must kiss the altar.

What happens beloved? There are two stones, it is what is called the concept of purgatory. Those two stones were cut in Jerusalem. Where there was the sepulcher of Jesus, at the entrance there was a stone, and inside, there was another stone where the body of the Lord was laid. Those people went to Jerusalem, from the stone that is at the entrance, they cut a part and from the stone that is inside, they cut a second part. The part cut from the entrance stone is called Petras, and the one cut from the inside stone is called Petros. They took the two stones and brought them to the world, Armstrong. And there, through mystical ceremonies, they enlarged those stones. Wherever they want to build a temple that will house this religion, they must go into the world Armstrong to cut pieces from those two stones.

The first stone, Petras, is the one that one puts at the foundation's pipe, on the left side of the sacristy while one builds the temple. With these two stones, when a Satanist wants to go to the world of darkness, he reads an incantation which is in the book called missal (it is a prayer book). They read words that I cannot mention here. And after that, when they go to a place where there is a building that houses this religion, they can only turn three times, and automatically, the stone of the sacristy will be visible (they do it at night) and as soon as they touch it, they enter through it and go to the world of Satan.

The second stone is the one called the altar stone. One puts that stone there. One gives these lessons even to young people who are in the ministry of acolyte in the liturgy. And in the liturgy, they are told that this place is called "altar cavity or altar tomb". Look for yourself, a tomb in the Church of God! Beloved, there are things that are really clear. How can one find a tomb in a Church? And so when one gets there, near that stone, there are relics. Sometimes they are bones. If the church bears the name of a saint, one will put the relics of that saint. And when the priest arrives, when he kisses the altar, he automatically becomes half-man, half-animal, his tongue becomes the tongue of the serpent. And he begins to read the mass. That creates contact with the world of darkness.

But what is the difference between a priest who does that and a magician that one finds at the cemetery? The two candles represent the two pillars of the cabalistic tree of life. The candle on the right is called the pillar of mercy, the candle on the left is called the pillar of rigor. And it allows the coming down of solar divinities. And now, when one takes the censer, pours the incense in, smoke rises. That is to reach the ninth emanation, which is the emanation of Lucifer, in order to bring down the influence of Lucifer in the church. Be very careful, all that I am telling you is the truth.



When a person dies, one normally washes his body, puts him in the coffin and takes him to the cemetery to bury him. On the way to the cemetery, the tearful family mourns, whines, saying: we have lost our relative so-and-so... Let me tell you one thing: Know that what is in the coffin is just the body, but the person himself is above the coffin and is crying more than you do. That is the reason why the priest, before letting the coffin come into the church, begins by spraying it, in order to bring the spirit that is above the coffin under control. While you are taking the coffin to the cemetery, the person himself, the inner man is above the coffin and is crying more than you do. The person even leaves the top of the coffin to cling to his family's members, but the person passes through because his body has become immaterial. At that moment, the person cries and even tries to look for Evangelists to preach to him the Word of God so that he can believe, but it is too late.

The Word that you neglect now, there will be a time when you will look for it and will not find it. The dead person is above the coffin, in tears. And at that moment, even if he shouts: "Jesus, Jesus, come and help me, come and help me," Jesus will not come, because Jesus is not the God of the dead, but He is the God of the living. While you are still alive, change your way of living. While you are still alive, you still have the opportunity to be reconciled with God. Now that you know it, seize this last opportunity and abandon sexual immoralities, lying, malicious gossip, swindle, witchcraft, abandon all the bad things that you are doing, abandon them now. God, in His great love for you, once again, gives you the opportunity to repent. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19 "... I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." Beloved, to choose life means to accept the Lord Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour because He is the way, the truth, and the life. Give your life to Jesus today. If you choose Jesus, you will not go to the Hades or to the astral world after your death, but you will go to the resting place, because the Bible says: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on, they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them. All those who die in Jesus have nothing to fear, for the crown of life awaits them in Heaven.



When we were in this secret room, both doors were closed and it was my master who held the two keys. In that room, there was no window, there was just a small hole which was used as ventilation. I could not even get my hand through that little hole. I saw horrible things when I entered there. There were cassocks, chasubles, and stoles in different colors. When the priest gets dressed, he first wears the cassock, then the chasuble and finally the stole that one wears around the neck, and these stoles are in different colors. To each color corresponds a special ceremony and all that is Satanic. I also saw images: The image of a false Jesus with a red heart that emits radiance. There was the image of "Mary Margoue." I know that many of us, before being Pentecostals, were Catholics, and there are those among us, who can even say: "I, since my birth, I have never set foot in a Catholic church." Even if you have never been in a Catholic church, however, know that you have already revered "Marie Margoue" without knowing it. Anyone who went through class 5 of the primary school has already worshiped "Mary Margoue" through the recitation of a Satanist from Guinea (Conakry), Camara Laye. It is a text that was given in the form of recitation. People even sang it very often: "Black woman, woman of Africa" (original in French, "Femme noir, femme africaine.") Many people believed that Camara Laye wrote this poem to honor his mother. No! It was not for his mother, it was for Lucifer, it was for Marie Margoue. Camara Laye was a Satanist.

There were also rosaries in all colours (we did not have time to talk about the holy magic), a calabash filled with human blood, with a red fabric on top, five skeletons and four Bibles: The Bible TOB, the Jerusalem Bible, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and the Bible Verbum XXL caïn.



I advise you never to allow Catholics to hold a death service for a member of your family. In fact, during this mass, the priest sprinkles holy water on the coffin to capture the soul of the deceased. And the holy water thus sprinkled turns into a massive river in which the soul of the dead person is stuck.


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