Sunday, December 16, 2018



I went to my house and called my wife and two children to pray to God in preparation for my pastoral walk. At dawn, when my wife and my two children went to sleep, an angel appeared to me and said, "Jesus is pleased with you. He wants to reveal the hidden mysteries, I came to get you."

When I heard the angel I became paralyzed and I fell on my face to the ground.

He said, "You will worship only the true and living God."

The radiance coming out of the angel's body seemed fragments of the Sun. I stood before that glorious being and my body remained on the floor unconscious. The angel held my hands and in a matter of seconds we climbed at the speed of light. I was standing in front of the celestial gate that is narrow.

I beheld a line of Christians with more than 50 men and women who had died at that moment. Christians, when they die, do not go straight to hell like the wicked. They need to know if they have walked according to the teaching of the scriptures. The angel who guarded the gate of heaven looked on if those names were written in the book of life. And to my surprise, five Christians entered heaven singing praises and forty-five were cast into the darkness below. I was terrified and the angel who was with me perceived my concern. He made me approach the gate.

He opened the book of life and said, "His name is here, do not fear."

I was happy and looked at my name but did not understand those letters that are very different from the letters of the earth. They looked like little symbols.

The angel of the gate said, "Here in heaven you have another name. Here God gives a new name to those who are born again. The old man has the old name, already the new name is for the new creature. Nothing of the earth nor earthly names will enter heaven. The Father - Maker of all things changes the names of the children, registering with their true names. The names of the earth signify carnal names, but the spiritual names are those of the spiritually born."

The angel said, "These new names that you see in this book mean that they do not belong to the world, they are pilgrims in the land where their homeland is the heavenly land."

I asked the angel, "What is my heavenly name?"

The angel said, "I do not know your name, I was not allowed to decipher. And even if I knew it, it cannot be revealed, you have not died yet, you're only invited here in heaven. You will know of your new name when you are living in heaven. For now, we will call you by your earthly name."

The angel of the door showed me the birth registration book. In this book, I am 23 years old, but my age on earth is 43 years. I asked the angel what that means.

He answered me, "The counting in heaven is different from the counting on the earth. You were converted and baptized in the waters at the age of 20. You renounced the world and did not practice sin. From your new birth, your new age was counted. The 20 years that you lived in the world were not counted because you lived in sin and God has blotted out your iniquity."

The angel of the gate authorized my entrance. And the angel that was with me took me to the Master. When I saw Jesus my heart quickened and I was moved. His look of love consumed my being. I had no words to say. Jesus smiled and said, "The death of the saint is eternal life, behold, I will put a new ministry in your hands and take you to places in the world that you do not know."

Jesus said, "Take My servant to know the kingdom."

I saw many different animals. Birds that glitter when they fly through the air. I saw trees full of fruit, their leaves glistening. The fruits also shine everything is beautiful. I saw several fruits of various sizes.



Then Jesus said to me, "Come and follow Me." Jesus then took me to the gate of heaven and told me to observe. I stood in front of the gate of heaven and I saw people in a queue in front of the gate. I saw 3 angels standing in front of the gate of heaven.

Then I saw an angel with eyes all over his body. I saw people in the queue advancing one by one towards the angel whose eyes are everywhere on his body.

In case the person was worthy to enter the kingdom the angel would make a sign of approval by bending his head and the person would be admitted in the Kingdom of Heaven. But in case the person was unworthy the angel would make a refusal sign by shaking his head.

Once this angel made the sign of refusal there was a powerful whirlwind seizing and transporting the person away, and I could hear the cries of the person who was carried away by the whirlwind and his voice would be an echo, not to be heard anymore.

On that day only a woman made it to heaven but all people in the queue were transported by the whirlwind to the abode of the deads. Jesus said this is the life of this woman - she was always praying, she was at peace with everybody.

This woman loved everybody and she was full of tenderness. She was dressing with modesty, not exposing her body. And when this woman entered the gate of heaven, angels began to jubilate. They were full of joy and praising the Lord.

Then Jesus took me away from the gate of heaven.



But the Lord motioned me to get up and follow Him. We left those horrible places to go to another.

We arrived in a certain place of our journey. I felt drawn into a sort of invisible tunnel. There was a very large wall that extended until it was out of sight in both directions. This world was teeming with life. There were even people who stood above the wall, and they seemed happy.

I walked to the door with the intention of entering, but when I was coming, the man next to me said, "Do not go, because you cannot get out!"

Despite this wise advice, my curiosity led me to try to get anyway on my own, but without success. That is to say that every attempt as if reading my thoughts, my companion intervened aggressively to prevent me from doing so. He asked me to wait here, which I did. Before I realized what was happening, a woman appeared a few steps from us. A sad and poorly dressed woman walked without ardor toward us, crying and humming the melody as follows:

"While on this earth I have problems, these difficulties are only temporary, because in Jesus, my Savior, I'll be comfortable. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"

The big gate opened and a burly man came out of the fence. He gave fine clothes to this woman. She puts on this fine clothes and is properly dressed without stopping her song; the second stanza said: "Even if one rejects us on earth, this rejection is not everlasting, for the Lord Jesus loves me. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! "

During the time taken for the woman to get dressed, the door was ajar, which allowed me to see the atmosphere that prevailed inside. Several people, all happy and equipped with various musical instruments (maracas, synthesizers, harmonica.) expressed their joy by singing songs of praise dedicated to the Creator.

I could even remember some of these songs; I later found out who those singers were. But their performance was nowhere near what I heard! Here's an excerpt:

Our salvation, eh eh!
Emanates from the Most High, eh eh!
Our salvation, eh eh!
Emanates from the Most High, eh eh!

Beloved in the Lord, you only read the words, words, but I have experienced the scene and heard the song of praise to the Most Powerful! Ah! Praise him forever! Amen!


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