Tuesday, December 11, 2018



I also saw theater and choreography inside the church. And the demons sang and danced together possessing the young.



The angel of the Lord took me to another church. I do not know if this church was inside or outside my country. I just know that when I entered that church I felt a strange sensation; it was not like the others I had entered. When I stepped there in that place I saw several demons, but they were not walking inside the church. They were incorporated in each member that was there.

The angel of the Lord allowed me to see devils attached to them inside their bodies. I looked at the shepherd who was on top of that pulpit. I saw his face transfigured in the face of a terrible demon.

I said to the angel, "No, no. This cannot be happening. I ministered in several churches and never saw it. What does that mean? Is this a church?"

The angel said, "These are Satanic infiltrators, Satanists, and sorcerers who open churches and pass themselves up as shepherds. They are agents of the demons."

And I asked, "These people cannot see anything?"

The angel said, "These blind people obey their doctrines without questioning; look at their faces."

When I looked at them, I saw they had no eyes; there were holes in place of their eyes.

The angel said, "The spirit of antichrist of those who are against the precepts of Christ already reign on earth. The purpose of these agents of Satan is to corrupt the other churches with their doctrines. They have goals. They have great knowledge of the word, have great theology and positions. All this benefits them to be called to go preach in any church through their status."

The angel said, "Marcus if there was a person in this church with eyes open, the Holy Spirit would be in that place. He would use that person to open the eyes of others. When you stepped on that spot, you perceived a strange sensation. That is the absence of the Holy Spirit in that place."

I asked the angel, "As Satan is bold, he is already placing his soldiers within our ministries."

The angel said, "Marcus, warn the churches not to get carried away by the fame and status of preachers and their diplomas of positions. Warn the church to watch. Do not open the doors for strangers to minister. It is better to give the opportunity to the little ones of the same church that the pastor already knows than to give the opportunity to an unknown preacher."

The angel said, "Look at these people's hands."

I looked and saw their hands were chained.

The angel said, "These people live in blind obedience, but if they know the truth they will come out of the deceit and receive the deliverance of these demons that are in their bodies. Tell the church to ask for the gift of discernment and of the vision."


The angel pointed to the pastor and said, "He has an exalted position in church but does nothing in the church; he burdens his sheep with heavy loads, only knows how to charge fees for pastoral services, but he is not a good example for them. Today's churches are run like worldly companies. The higher the position of the church worker, the more they are served by those in the lower ranks. Those of lower positions serve those who occupy the higher offices. Those who hold lower offices do more work in the harvest."

Luke 22:25 says, And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called masters.

"Marcus, among the people of the world this works in political and corporate governments, but in the body of Christ, things are not like that. The spiritual world of God is the inverse of the physical world. In Luke 22:26 and 27 it is written, "But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. For whether is greater, he that sitteth at table, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at table? but I am among you as he that serveth. "

"The greater the ministerial position the more he has to work. The more important the person is in his ministry, the more he has to serve than the less important. This will cause him to avoid pride and exaltation. This is the spirit of greatness as found in Philippians 2: 5-9 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: "

"Jesus emptied Himself of His glory to serve the earth and humble Himself in the death of the cross to be exalted today. Warn this church that those exalted by men will be humbled, but those who are humbled by men will be exalted by God. Tell the shepherd of this church to leave its comfort and to work in the harvest. Therefore, the only one that commands is Jesus. He is the head of the body."

Then a verse came to my mind. John 10:16, 17 "There are other sheep that are not of that fold, but I must lead them also. They will hear my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd; my Father loves me, because I give my life to take it back. "

I realized that pastors also have to go out evangelizing to win souls.



The demon brought a list of churches that are theirs. They say they work within them with deception. It shocked me in such a way that it was very difficult for me to choose a serious church to congregate.

The demon also had a small list. In this list, I saw some names of unknown people. Names of Christians who have no fame. But by living a holy life they posed a danger to the work of demons. I also saw a list of names of churches that have the mark of Jesus. Names of denominations that are dangerous. They held a meeting to divide and destroy these churches. I can say that holy churches to congregate in the world are few. Most denominations are down.



People planted their offerings in arid lands in churches that follow human precepts and have never seen a change in their ministry. People who went to these human ministries had no opportunity to grow spiritually and work the works of God. Their own pastor buried their gifts. These churches that move under the direction of the man do not have Jesus as their master. They are the same as Saul who left the direction of God and the Holy Spirit departed from him.

The brethren who preached against sin in these churches went through persecution and tribulation. These churches call on the Holy Spirit but He does not come to convict them of sin. There are churches that say Jesus is there, but He is not where the lie is preached.

We must walk in the truth and conquer with convicting power of the Holy Spirit.



Jesus showed me a 50-year-old church. At the beginning of this church, 95 percent of believers were saved. How did I know? Jesus showed me the spiritual garments of each Christian. They were as white as snow. Ten years have passed and the number of the saved has fallen to 90 percent of people in white robes. Twenty years after the founding of this church, the number of the saved fell to eighty percent. Thirty years later the ones saved are 65 percent, and the rest are already stained. Forty years later the saved was just 45 percent, less than half. The number of people in the dirty garments has already begun to increase. Fifty years later, today only 20 percent of the members kept their robes clean, most of the church was in their filthy robes. Fifty years ago, 95 percent of members had their names written in the book of life, now only 20 percent.

The weeds continue to rise amazingly as the wheat is dwindling. Jesus said modernity, vanity, and technology have contributed greatly to the fall of the faith of many. All of this has been a major problem for the true conversion of the church.

Jesus looked at that temple, I saw tears falling from His eyes. He felt a very strong pain lamenting the situation of this church. He said, "The old paths come back when they really loved Me and obeyed My word. How I miss you, My church when you felt the pleasure of praying and you are in My presence. I remember when the fire burned in their hearts as they praised and worshiped Me. What a beautiful time when there was fear in their hearts. They hated sin and made the devil tremble before you. The demons ran when they cried to Me, and fire came out of their mouths that frightened the legions. My bride fell prostrate only to Me. Today she prostrates herself to the devil and the things of this world. They do not praise Me with their hearts and their worship is a farce before My face. I no longer receive their praises that come out of their mouths, and their hearts are far from Me."

"Their preaching has no more power, nor effects to convert a soul. Their preaching is of the flesh and rehearsed beforehand. They write down their sermon notes of the Bible to speak; they no longer give place to My Holy Spirit to use them. They are no longer sincere as before and true, many plays with My word living a double life, being a believer and at the same time being ungodly."

"Look at your congregations; they are all divided by men as any other earthly institution. I am no longer the Lord of these churches. I am no longer the head of the body. They think that they can deceive Me, but they are deceiving themselves. They thought that they will save their souls when they gather in the church or occupy their positions in the church. They are deluded."

I said, "Lord, You must love this church so much for crying for it."

Jesus said, "My son, I am weeping for all the churches of the four corners of the world that are in the same way that you see. They need to go back to first love and stop being selfish. They do not love my sheep, all the money collected by the shepherds is serving to build stone temples. The offerings were to be used to supply the need of My people, not to build a house of prayer that will be destroyed at the end of time. How many of My servants are going hungry and needy? I taught how to love others when I was on earth. This church is far from the early church. If they do not change their lives, leave their selfishness and be born again, the sword of My righteousness will go down in the house of prayer. I will clean up all the dirt, I will take the tares and throw them into the fire."

Satan has asked many souls for Me. Satan thinks all souls are his, I say they are not all, because I know the future and know that some will come back to Me and worship in spirit and truth. While others will never surrender to Me by feeding themselves, I will deliver them to Satan. And some rebellious people who play with Me, I will test them in the fire, I will allow them to go through tribulation so that they will remember Me and return to My ways.



I have an exhortation to pass to the church.

Accept your brother as he is; do not despise him for being poor and humble. Strive for more union and love and stop dividing the church saying, "I do not like that brother because he is strange." Be in solidarity with one another.

Jesus is wanting from today's churches a spiritual plan such as time to pray and evangelism to stop self-indulgent souls are dying. You make as many material plans as studying, getting married and working, but what do you plan for Jesus? They never stopped to reflect that the works consist of awards and all that they do for man has no return, but for God, they will have rewards for all eternity.

Be valiant workers for God and your pastors. The opposers think they are justified in their reasoning and claim to be victims by saying they are being persecuted, but they do not look at their spiritual states. Repent or burn in hell.

Jesus said, "Those within the church do not want to do My will outside of it. I have increased the days of some rebels' lives, giving them more opportunity to be saved. If I turn to My back Satan will reap their lives."

I see stage performers in the pulpits inventing fashions to attract people with their jokes. They want to draw attention to jokes because they do not trust My Word that saves and frees.

"My altar needs no actors, but men who serve Me in spirit and truth."

Jesus told me to give a message to the shepherds.

He said, "Churches are changing, pastors protect holy doctrine. Do not take other churches as an example; ask for direction and I will answer what to do. If you obey Me your churches will have more anointing than theirs; do not let the worldly churches influence your ministry. Do not worry about offerings and tithing. Think about how much people care about the purity of their spiritual garment. They are My precious stones and I will charge every soul I have placed in their hands. They cost the price of My blood and I will charge the price of their blood if they make them lose themselves. Know the teachings that you are giving My sheep, examine the doctrines before offering to My people. I want to change your teachings so that changes in people's lives may happen. The church growth is in holiness, it needs to live with My applied doctrine in their lives."

Jesus sent me a message to the missionaries.

He said, "I put the right person in the right place in the mission field. Those who open their mouths to speak the truth without fear, God is with them. Announce that the time to salvation is short. Do not get tired of talking about Jesus. But for those who do not want to obey My mission, death will follow. Free the drug dealers, drunks and prostitutes. I will put you to do what you did not do in the mission that I gave you."



I went to visit a church and witnessed something terrible. They no longer felt the presence of God and they lost their spiritual sensitivity. They were spiritually dead. The Holy Spirit said, "It is a bride interested in blessings, it saddens Me. Others come to church not to love God but to come to looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend and a marriage partner."

I saw a young man who was talking at the time the worker was preaching. And others started to go to the bathroom and did not stop. The demons put restlessness in the people so as not to hear the Word and disrupt the service by taking attention away from the Word. Jesus said that this church does not want to adapt to the Word and live. They want the Word to adapt to their sinful styles by bringing the theater, dance, ballet, and cinema into the church. What is being planted in the hearts of this people is the root of the lie. I've seen the demons infecting people with their malignant grafts.

I asked Jesus what this means.

Jesus said, "It is the unclean Word and the contaminated teaching inside the church, all this generates spiritual corruption. The root of the lie in the midst of the people has to be torn away, even if it bears the mark of the wound and opens a hole in the heart."

"When the lie is torn from the heart and made a wound caused by the truth, it means that it experiences the destruction of sin by the power of the Word. I will close the wounds and heal them, but the truth has to be preached. Pastors must plant the seed of My Word, take care of the root, and watch it grow and turn a beautiful fruit tree."

"Tell the church people that they behave as a believer inside the house of prayer, but outside of it, they behave as ungodly. I do not want a believing church in appearance. Whoever proceeds in this way does not have their lives controlled by the Holy Spirit. They are far from Me, so they fall into depravity. When sin knocks at the door of their hearts, they do not close to evil and let in. They give place to the demons and let them approach and take control of their lives. These negative desires that sprout in the heart are the result that they are far from Me. "

"Servant, I walked close to those people who could not feel My presence, they do not realize when I'm near. My Holy Spirit passed close to 30 members and only 6 of them could feel His presence. Holiness attracts holiness, sin attracts sin. People in sin can feel the presence of demons, but not in My spirit. Sin leaves their spiritual lives dead. Most churches are like movie zombies. The plan of Satan is to leave all the churches zombies. Satan has created means to distance the people from Me by making them no longer feel the presence of the Holy Spirit."


"Technological inventions are corrupting the world. The church has to prepare spiritually because, in a few years, new inventions will appear. These new technologies will alienate My people by creating a zombie church. They will be affected by darts of spiritual paralysis and will be discouraged to seek Me out. These future technologies are being architected in hell at that time and will rise to earth soon. They will come with the great force of spiritual destruction."


Jesus showed me in the vision a group of brothers who were meeting every day in the church, but they did not know the meaning of it or why they came. They listened to the Word and never practiced it. They never shed any tears for their sins. Spiritually they looked like mechanical dolls. They did the work of God without showing feelings. Everything was automatic and mechanical. They did it by force of habit and customs until their prayers became perfunctory as well. In their prayers, they were disconnected and their minds were anxious about the things of tomorrow. They were in a suit and tie showing they were Christians. Their appearances are deceitful and false. Everything they did in church was not heartfelt. They wanted positions and made efforts to gain the pastor's favor; nothing was for God.

This is the religious system that entrapped everyone there. When the pastor decides what to do in his church without consulting the will of God, it is no longer the body of Christ, but the pharisaical system implanted. Churches that put their interests above those that Jesus planned no longer belongs to the Bridegroom. The church services are carnal with filthy praises and a rehearsed preaching. People enter empty and go away empty, the Holy Spirit no longer operates there. They are living walking dead - what is the difference between a valley of dry bones and such a church? They do evangelism and work inside and outside the church, but their works are dead.

Jesus said, "Stand before Me and live My life not to die spiritually. The appearances of titles and offices are respected in the church, but Satan is not intimidated by such things. He who lives full of My presence and does what I want, this scares the demons. Those who keep up appearances are dead, have not the Spirit that quickens, nor the blood of My grace that justifies salvation."


Jesus showed me in the vision a well-known church. I did not see the people inside the church, but it looked like a sheepfold. And suddenly black sheep entered the sheepfold. Jesus said that Satan is spreading his weeds in the church, infiltrating his sheep to cause division and destabilize the church.

Jesus showed me the identity of these men. They are Freemasons and came with the evil intention of destroying the church. I saw a huge wolf that surrounded this fold. The wolf howled and was eager to devour those sheep. Behind that wolf lay a pack of ferocious dogs. Where the wolf walked the dogs followed.


Jesus showed me in a vision, an angel carrying a scroll in his hand. And on this roll was a drawing of a house of gold.

The angel said, "This is the design of new spiritual houses that have the model of the heavenly houses, whose architect is the Holy Spirit. New lives will be built for the glory of God."

And the angel was flying toward a small wooden church. A light shone inside that little church and led people to that place. The pastor preached holiness and the simple people obeyed.

Jesus said, "That light that shines inside the church is My spirit present there, everyone is attracted to it. They are hungry and thirsty people. This humble pastor was consecrated by Me to open this little church. Before that little work was started, it was already part of My projects."

I saw in a vision, the plans of Jesus before that little church opened. The angels wrote in heaven the drawing of the church on a plant. Every part of that church had a standardized numbering. The angel came down with that plant in a place he chose to build that church. The angel with a string measures that ground before the wooden church was built. The angels built the same church and the glow of that work attracted attention. A hard-to-reach place for people to congregate, yet they found that church. People came from afar to attend these services. Something special was happening in that church. Its hidden location did not prevent the people from finding it.

Jesus said, "When I was born in that manger, humble place, no one knew where I was. The angels were in that humble place that shone with the glory of God. The glow of the stars guided the magicians to Me. Any place that has a church that is holy, My Holy Spirit will lead the people there."

My vision continued in the building of the church made by the angels in that poor place. The angel flew away and came to that humble shepherd. The angel with a flask in his hand poured a kind of heavenly oil on the head of the shepherd. Soon I saw a radiant light enter into that man who was empowered by God.

Jesus said, "He was anointed by Me to shepherd this holy work." The angel put a ring on that man's finger. Jesus said, "He has received authority, will rule My church, and make a sealed covenant between Me and him."

I had another view of a large church that was built in a beautiful city downtown. This church was far from the villages where the poor people live.

Jesus said, "This church was built to please men, not Me. Poor people do not go to this church because they stay far away. Only those who have money come to this church. The pastors of this church know that most of the people who go there are from the upper class. They ask for large sums of money because they know the rich can afford to give. This work is not Mine, it belongs to men. These shepherds get rich and do not care about the salvation of souls. These people who come in these churches invest their money in the work of men and My true work is not done. I did not promise riches, only what was necessary for survival. Accumulation of riches are vanities and should be shared with the poor so that there is no condemnation of their souls."


Today's church needs to guard against what is to come. The churches have lost the essence of the Holy Spirit so they have lost the spiritual awareness of what is good and what is evil, nor renew what they receive more.

Many churches lack heavenly resources to fight. The church is supposed to be a place where thirsty souls come and quench their thirst. The church is supposed to be a spiritual shelter that passes security to the spiritually weak. Many churches have already become contaminated with sin, error, and Satanism and have nothing of God to offer to souls.

A church that preaches the Gospel of truth can change a violent city and its prayers neutralize the demons. Violent cities improve because of the prayers of a holy church. Even earthquakes do not reach the city where there is a serious church. God blocks evil coming to a city when there are a holy people dwelling in it. The spiritual world influences our physical world. The planet earth is under the influence of the invisible. There are two forces that act on the earth which is good and evil. The Holy Church is like a key linking the earth to the spiritual. The church of truth can be linked to heaven and lead the flock to eternal life. Just as the false church is bound up with darkness and leads the flock to hell. A man used by God within a weak church can bring revival and prevent Satan from destroying the whole ministry, as long as they believe in the prophet.

The city of Nineveh was spared from judgment and destruction because they repented after hearing a prophet who preached against sin. A man of God is a powerful weapon against the forces of darkness. Without a prophet to warn, sin slowly enters without anyone noticing and freezing spiritual lives. When destruction comes, it comes fast. Sin erodes the believer's strength. If you want the anointing to come, remove sin.

And the stone of the heart has to be broken for the anointing to enter through the door. There will be a transformation that will bring you closer to God. Do not let this transformation be painful because of disobedience. One thing I say when God transforms the person, he is different from the others.

There are 2 types of Christians within the church. Those who are members and who are the light of the world. Those who serve the shepherd and those who serve God. One looks like the iron that rust has taken hold of and the other is refined gold. The more you sanctify yourself, the closer you come to the Holy Spirit. The closer to the Holy Spirit, the further the danger and the evil. When you approach the Holy Spirit, you will be like a strong rock.

John 15:7,8 If ye abide in Me, and My words in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. By this, My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so shall ye be My disciples.

If the bride joins the bridegroom Jesus, they will become one flesh, one body, one mind and the forces of evil have no power.


I went to church at night and a legion of demons surrounded the church. They threw darts of infirmities. I was at the pulpit and told the church to start praying against the attacking demons. We were in prayer campaign three months ago. That's why the legion of demons was furious.


After that day I had a vision of a church whose lights have gone out. And Mammon was sitting in the armchair behind the pulpit and preaching.



The angel took me to Mammon. He is a chief demon over 3 feet tall. The angel said, "Mammon, reveal the hidden things." And the angel pointed the sword and said, "It is Jesus' command to reveal everything to this servant."

Mammon showed me a small church inside a box. He said, "This is the modern church that is growing today."

I saw several flashing colored lights, dancing, DJ and theatrical arts. This church looked more like a nightclub, as the Pastors have desecrated the houses of prayer.

The angel said, "The theater is a lie, nothing is real, everything is staging. The theater is a farce that makes one believe what is not true. It was through the theater that came to the movies that happen on television. The church that works with theater makes people believe that the words of God are not true. If the Holy Spirit worked miracles and healings in these churches, the people will think they have been staged in the theater. Pastors have transformed young people into actors within the church. The theater is a profession that God abhors for spreading evil."

Mamom said, "These are our churches that grow on the earth. Every year many churches of this kind are opened. They still teach our Gospel, and the older churches that preached the truth are copying from these modern churches our Gospel to draw people."



The angel showed me the names of denominations involved in the ministry of salvation. Some churches managed 50 percent of souls saved, while others reached 40 percent and 30 percent. Churches that had no commitment 20 percent and 10 percent, while corrupt churches at 5 percent and 2 percent. The smaller and unknown churches reached a higher percentage of salvation. And the great churches reached a lower percentage of salvation.

The angel said, "The more people there are in the churches, the more they grow financially and the more fearful they become of preaching salvation."


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