Tuesday, December 11, 2018



As I progressed rapidly in magic, my superiors decided to send me to Italy, where I had to meet the grand master of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, whose name I’m withholding. There I had to bathe in blood to increase my powers. It was there that I met several political figures from several states of the world. At this meeting, I was given a pigeon named Nice, which was a demon in the form of a bird. Its job was to report to me everything that went on during my absence, and the content of their meetings. So, to avoid suspicion, I bought other ordinary pigeons, so that nobody could understand what I was doing with this devilish bird. Some people who practice occult arts have cats and birds such as parrots or pigeons.



I am an ex-Freemason who reached the penultimate degree of Freemasonry. Despite the material possessions I possessed, I could not get all the women I wanted. I wanted women from a wealthy family, but they did not care what I had. These women owned a lot of money. I did witchcraft rituals so they would like me. And all the women that I cast ritual spells on, they fell in love with me.

I lived in England, I participated in Scottish Freemasonry. I met important people like politicians, judges, doctors, lawyers, and businessmen. I was a Mason who performed satanic rituals. I even made a meeting inside the Masonic shop. I invoked Satan to pass information. An evil spirit possessed the person's body inside the Masonic Lodge and passed on a message from hell.

I was in the Masonic Lodge and a demon possessed a person. There were owners of newspapers in the store. The devil spoke in the mouth of that person saying, "Manipulate the news of the newspapers, leave the people uninformed about the reality of the world. Fool these people, tell lies, and form people's opinions. Convince them to believe the papers. Put crime reporting newspapers that speak of cruelty, deaths, and robberies."

Those who were in the Masonic shop are the owners of food factory companies. And the devil said, "Make food contaminated with toxic products to destroy vital organs. Make carcinogenic foods with Satanic markings and symbols. I have increased your wealth."

Pastors who make television shows are Freemasons. They were at that Masonic meeting. The devil asked these pastors to invent new supernatural movements, new theological teachings, and new seminars.

Pastors received millions of pounds sterling from the fellowship to fund satanic projects in churches. I was a friend of these pastors before my conversion. These pastors visited small churches and offered promises to make those local pastors famous and known. They promised to make their small churches into mega-churches. Those pastors of the meeting accepted the alliance. They signed a compromise agreement and received millions of pounds to build megachurches.

When their churches were ready and full of people, they had to raise millions of pounds to pay the Masonic shepherds. In fact, the money was borrowed from the shepherds. They would have to work with prosperity theology to raise, without this teaching, could never raise millions of pounds to pay their debts. This group of Masons is the backers of small churches. They offer evangelical books and magazines with their teachings for pastors to teach the people.

I mean the pastors of small churches, do not accept funding from Freemasonry since the light does not match with the darkness. If you make an alliance with these men, their part will be in the lake of fiery fire along with them.

When I was a Freemason I could not reveal our plans. I, as a former Freemason, say to all of us that we do not reveal what we are. We always say that we are Christians and we go into the churches by showing that we are going to help.

Obtaining titles of bishops, apostles, reverend, and shepherds is not a problem for Freemasons. They have theology schools and job title courses. When I was in Freemasonry our goal was to buy the pastors and put them to do radio programming. I helped many small churches; in return, they had to teach our theology. Our teachings do not speak against sin, nor does it encourage them to repent to renew the covenant with their God.

We fund large buildings for these small church pastors as long as they follow our guidelines. They could not pray such that their God did not reveal our strategies. I had a publisher and I published many evangelical books which were filled with heresies and theologies of prosperity. I paid the authors to sell their knowledge.

I opened a theology seminary to train false pastors and false Christians teaching unprincipled doctrines. I knew the true Gospel of the apostles, but I preferred to manipulate the Word. I did theology and master's degree in Christian philosophy, but I did not believe in God and considered the Bible as a mythological book. I would only believe in the Bible if I could see God but because I did not see Him I did not know Him. Already in the powers of darkness, I believed in seeing the devil.

In a sacrificial ritual, a black-cloaked being appeared to everyone in the Masonic Lodge, his face was covered with a black handkerchief. He approached them all, then walked some distance and disappeared. The security guards who stood at the door of the Masonic Lodge said they did not let any strangers enter our meeting. The security of our store is impenetrable, all the doors were closed. And that being got inside like something invisible. All the information that the demons passed on to us, everything was fulfilled.

The gift of prosperity arose within Freemasonry. There is no such doctrine in the Bible because this teaching arose in the Masonic Lodge. And some Masonic strategists passed themselves off as Christians and took these teachings to the churches. This theology came from hell to Freemasonry and the store was distributed to all churches. What makes me sad is the multiplication of this teaching in several churches, how these heresies have gained strength in Christian courses, colleges, and books.


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