Sunday, December 9, 2018



When I enter the market, I feel uncomfortable, because markets are real dumping grounds for demons. To each market whatever its extent, Lucifer has already allocated six legions of demons. And a legion of demons is made up of 13000 demons. So to know the total number of the demons that one finds in a market, you have to make six times 13000 which gives 78000. When you go to the market, beloved, pray at home to be under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that the Holy Spirit leads you to buy products that are not contaminated. There are horrible and dirty things that people buy and eat. And when people eat them, Lucifer pursues two objectives:

The first objective is to harden pagans so that they do not give their lives to Jesus.

The second objective is to make Christians decrease in their faith. You will realize that between the way you were serving God before and the way you serve Him now, there's a big difference. And then the devil lures you into a curse because the Bible says in Jeremiah 48:10 "A curse on anyone who is lax in doing the Lord’s work! ..." and Jesus adds in Revelation 2:4-5 "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place." Amen.



In the third position, we have the executioners. They are the one who is in charge of killing. At this point, I would like to draw your attention to one thing. When sorcerers want to kill a person, they first begin by casting a spell on him or on her, then they steal his shadow and death follows not long after. When the person dies, his family normally takes his body, goes to bury him at the cemetery and come back home. And at night, all the sorcerers who hatched the plot of murder gather together at the cemetery. It is what I was doing. When we got there, we came together around the grave of the victim, and with the "whip call", we hit the grave three times. And when they hit the grave, the person that you have buried would come out and they would give him his shadow back. The person becomes conscious and is able to recognize all the sorcerers who surround him. The person will know that: This person is my uncle, this one is our neighbor and this one again is the father of so-and-so etc.

At that moment, even if the person shouts, "Jesus, Jesus! Come and help me!" I assure you that Jesus will not come because the Lord Jesus is not the God of the dead but of the living. So while you are still alive, it is time to give your life to Jesus and give up all the bad things that you are doing: lies, sexual immoralities, gossip etc., because if you die without abandoning them, Jesus will not come to help you.

After all these ceremonies, we took an egg and crushed it on the head of the victim. Then, we proposed five names of animals, and we drew lots. While we draw lots, if it fell on a goat, the person would be transformed into a goat and executioners would come to dismember him. And when they finished doing the cutting up, if we wanted to create demonic possession, we took this dismembered "meat" and gave it to women of cemetery and women witches who, in turn, would go and sell it at the market in the world of the human. And when they are selling that, there is a hand on their stalls, this hand is the "calling hand". It is invisible to normal eyes. This hand is there on the counter and wave to call people who come to the market. So when you get to the market, this hand calls you. You get there, buy dirty things, take them home and eat them. We also took the fingers of corpses, turned them into cigarettes and sold them. That is why many people find it very difficult to quit smoking because they have already smoked human fingers without knowing it. We also turned fingers into big fries. We also took the goat feces and turned them into a peanut. We took human blood and turned it into palm oil, and all these things were sold on the market. Take what I am telling you very seriously because it is the truth.

Now that these things are in our markets, what are we going to eat? The Bible says in 1Corinthians 10:25-26 "Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it." What does that mean? If you are a child of God, a true Christian, you are a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. When you enter the market with the Holy Spirit in your body, this call hand cannot attract the Holy Spirit, no! The Holy Spirit will lead you only where there are healthy things. And when you buy them, you eat them, and they have no negative effect on you. The only way to be shielded from all these stains is to have Jesus Christ, and make sure that you really have Him. For the Lord alone can lead you towards pure things.

When we were sorcerers, we used to eat human flesh with fufu, but in that world, I had never seen a single cornfield, there was not even a mill. Therefore, where did witches use to find flour to prepare fufu? At the entrance of every market, sorcerers have already placed their nets. When you buy for instance two buckets of flour, when you arrived at the level of the net that you cannot see with normal eyes, they divide your flour in half and keep back a part of it. When you come back home, you look and see that you still have your two buckets of flour. But when you cook them, you eat everything, but without being full. It is because a part of it remained in the nets. And at night, sorcerers come to collect everything they have drawn in order to cook their fufu. From now on, when you go to the market, you should pray before leaving your home, send fire on the nets of the sorcerers so that these nets do not hold your flour, and that their nets be burnt by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

It may happen that at a certain point, someone tells you: I saw Mr. or Ms so-and-so. And you reply by saying: No! The person you are talking about is already dead and has even been buried. But the other person tells you: No! I saw him. What does that mean? That means that sorcerers have already sacrificed him, but have not eaten him yet. They would give the victim back to the person who had sacrificed him and he or she shall use him: either for fishing, or in the fields, or for hunting and during that time, one can still see the victim. And it is when the victim gets tired that they want to finish him off and eat his body. But if there are sorcerers that they want to promote, they will not turn the victim into a beast, they will leave him the way he is. There, there are large pots with boiling water inside. And these pots are put on a wood fire. Then they take the victim and throw him in the pot. The person will eventually die from the pain he will feel in the pot. And after that, they will remove him from there and will start dismembering his body, and sorcerers who want to be promoted will eat the human flesh at his normal state, at the human state.



After that, the girl took me to a place that looked like a farm. I saw many animals like pigs, oxen, and poultry. I questioned this lady about these animals and their use. She said to me, "Unless I explain it to you, you will not be able to understand." As the girl was still talking, I knew in my heart that these animals and livestock on the farm were human victims of human sacrifice. This lady told me that 70% of the food and meat we consume on the surface of the earth comes from the submarine kingdom. She also stated that the many businessmen I saw in the waiting room and received by the Coast lady, are their associates. Much of what they sell comes from the marine world and they mix them with other stocks from Europe and other parts of the world. Brothers and sisters, we must understand that most of the meats we consume on the surface of the earth are human meats, mixed with those from cattle. This kind of food causes all kinds of health problems and even diseases that become incurable. Pray before eating!

Beloved, I would like to emphasize that we must always thank the Lord before eating because of the nature of the food of this world. Many businessmen in the markets are agents of the devil. So when you go to the market and you see the crowd surrounding a particular vendor, you should avoid that person! Many chickens sold on the market are babies. After my visit to the sea kingdom, I returned to the surface of the earth with many gifts from the queen of the coast.



At this meeting, we focused on drugs. The devil recommended the creation of many drug outlets and drug stores around the world. He recommended more distributors, dealers, and agents in all sectors of the world. "We need agents in the police, in the local authorities, in the customs of the different ports and borders of many countries of the world. We also need agents in international structures to enforce our decisions in the customs, the police, and the government." Later, the devil incited scientists to design fake drugs for diseases such as malaria, so that people do not recover after taking these drugs.



Food that leaves the man and woman sterile. I saw chemicals being injected into the food that affects the hormones leaving the reproductive organs sterile.



The angel took me to a chemical laboratory where engineers poisoned the seeds before planting. They manipulated the genetic alterations of seeds by manipulating the creation of God. Those fruits would be born faster and larger than their natural size. And their crops would be faster than normal because of the modifications made in the seeds.

The angel said, "Man wants to change what God created to make money faster." The angel showed me many chemicals in the plants. All of this is poisons injected into our feeds that we think are natural. This is leading to varieties of disease because of these chemicals.

Products that come canned, packaged meats full of preservatives. The market offers lots of chemical feed that are not natural. Cancer, diabetes and problems of clogged vessels, poor blood circulation, migraines, and heart problems are fruits of poor diet. We have to pray for our food before it has consumed. I saw in the vision the demons poisoning all the food of the earth.


The angel took me to a place on earth, where I saw a chief demon talking to his subordinates about the chemical networks that distribute medicine to pharmacies.

I asked the angel what they are up to. The angel said, "All the drug networks made in the laboratories were not designed to heal people but to control their illnesses. This medicine only controls diseases. All of this is a plan by Satan to enslave people by letting them depend on these drugs by drugging their bodies. People will spend their money on these remedies for life and will never be cured. These remedies will cause other problems for those who are dependent."

God created the medicinal plants to heal the body. The cure of diseases is not in the chemical laboratories, everything is in the forest. The solution of healing is in nature and Satan has created his artificial means of deception.



The water from the taps has been treated with fluoride and other chemical components that cause mental illness. People lose their intelligence and their ability to think, doped with these waters from taps that are not natural. The excuse was to say that water has many microbes that need killing. Microorganisms in water can be easily killed by high-temperature treatments. Water would come out healthier than treatment with chemicals. Gideon's soldiers drank the waters of rivers full of microbes and lived untouched. I am not saying that we should drink dirty water, but I can say that the waters containing chemicals are worse than those of the rivers. Chemically treated waters kill your vital organs, causing future illnesses as you get older. All these things I saw in the hell is the plan to destroy mankind.


Ox meat and chicken are full of chemicals. The hormones applied in these meats for the animals to develop fast will harm consumers. They do not wait for God's appointed time for the animals to grow. They want to accelerate the growth of the animals because of their profit ambitions. The injected chemicals in the body of animals enter our bodies at the time of consumption. Jesus created nature for our food. Everything that is drawn from nature is healthy. All food that is not natural or even if they are natural but chemically treated will cause illnesses and generate cancer. How many people get obese by consuming these fast food chemical foods. How many people die from heart failure because of these foods. My mother had high blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart problems. Today, her health has improved after cutting off those unhealthy meat diets and eating natural products from what God has created and does no harm to anyone. She gives preferences to what is natural. All feeds created by men do evil. Meat from butcher shops is red not because they are fresh. When the animal is killed it loses all blood and the redness of the flesh diminishes. They apply a red chemistry to color the flesh giving the appearance of fresh meat. This will attract the looks of consumers.


Chewing gum and candy spoil children's teeth. As time goes by the children go to the dentist and they lose their teeth. They play chemical things that harden on the teeth, but over time it is falling into the saliva and down to the stomach. This is the beginning of the destruction of the health of children who will have heart problems, cholesterol, and pressure that will manifest themselves in their later age.

Milk powder is industrially made with calcium and other chemical components that mimic breast milk. It is not natural and will gradually destroy the child's organism. Know that adults no longer need milk. The Bible says that even children when they reached a certain age were weaned and they began to eat food. The apostle Paul speaks in his letters to the church that the child needs milk, but the adult can consume stronger food than milk. When the adult is a milk consumer, he begins to have stomach problems and has lactose intolerance because they are past the age of consuming milk. Older people who need bone calcium may find this in fruits and vegetables without having to drink milk.

All this diabolical plan I saw in hell. The devil's job is to kill, steal and destroy. And end up with people's health by stealing their vital energies that are part of their plan. It destroys health and kills people through food. The world is under the power of the evil one.

1 John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness [NKJV: under the sway of the wicked one].


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