Monday, December 17, 2018



Many weeks later I was in prayer. I was praying for long hours and begging the Lord to improve my living condition. Then suddenly the sparkling and shining angels of the Lord landed in my room. They said, “Joshua, we have come to take you for the Father is calling you; He wants to see you.” These 2 angels were black. Like I said before in the mystery concerning angels, they are of all colors and all races.

When we landed in the eternal kingdom heaven, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ sitting on His throne. He said to me, “Joshua My son come.” He made me sit on His thigh as a father would do to his son. He wiped away my tears. Most of the time I visited in heaven I saw only the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ the creator of heaven and the earth. Jesus Christ is God Himself. In fact, when the angel came to take me they said, “The Father wants to see you.” Therefore Jesus Christ is the Father.



One day I visited a family that I knew. When I arrived, I saw the whole family around a man. He was seducing this family and the moment I saw him, the Holy Spirit said, “This man is not mine.” When I entered the compound, this man started to shout.

He said to the family, “Get that man out because he foiled my operation. My spirits have left because of him.

I said, “You are a false prophet. You are using juju and seducing the family. From now you will be powerless.”

He pressured the family to get me out of the compound. I left him and he was complaining that his spirits have left him.

One day I went to visit my family. As we were talking in the family, Jehovah's Witnesses came. They started to preach to the family that Jesus is a powerful God but not the Almighty. They said He is just the son but not GOD. The family kind of accepted their false teaching. But I protested. Yet I had no arguments. I gave them some Bible verses but the debate with them went for long and we could not agree. Therefore I arranged an appointment with them. These people were prepared to defend their doctrines.

And when it was the night I was praying and I raised this subject with God in prayer. I said, “Lord, Jehovah's Witnesses are coming tomorrow. I have no solid argument to convince them although I know that they are wrong.”

As I was praying the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me in a split second. He transported me to a place where there were many people. After dropping me there the Lord disappeared. In this place, I notice that it was like the beginning of sundown. The sky was orange. Then in a split second, the face of Jesus Christ appeared right where the sun was in the sky and it lightened the whole place.

Suddenly I saw thousands of angels coming down from heaven. They were of all races and all colors. I noticed that an angel had a microphone. He was asking people questions concerning Jesus Christ. The Lord was also in the middle of this crowd. I noticed that the Lord was holding a sheet of paper but this time around He was black. It was the first time for me to see the Lord Jesus Christ as a black person. Usually, He comes to me as a Semitic person. Jesus is not a static being; He changes appearances all the time. Although He appeared here as a black person He still had the same face that I knew. Jesus is God. He changed appearance all the time but He was born as a Semite to save humanity.

Then I saw angels with microphone and cameras filming people. They were asking the people questions one by one. They asked a man in the crowds. “Who is Jesus Christ for you brother?” He answered, “Jesus is a prophet.” They say good. Then they asked a mother. “Who is Jesus Christ for you?” She said, “He is the Son of God.” They said, “Good.” They asked another man, “Who is Jesus Christ?” He said, “He is the Savior.” They said, “Good.”

Then Jesus said to the angels, “Stop!” He pointed to me and said to the angel. “Ask this man.” When suddenly I was surrounded by angels with their cameras and microphones, they asked me, “Brother Joshua, Who is Jesus Christ for you?” Its like I had no answer. I was not sure. I said, “Can I think about it?” They said, “Yes take your time.”

Then I closed my eyes. While my eyes were closed I heard a powerful voice saying. “Joshua! tell them that Jesus Christ is God.” Then I opened my eyes and I said, “Jesus Christ is God.” They said, “You spoke well.” Then the angel asked me again. They said, “Joshua, give us a proof that Jesus Christ is God.”

I felt like I was stuck again. Then I closed my eyes like to pray. Then I heard a powerful voice again that said to me, “Joshua give them Isaiah 35 verses 4 to 6 which say to those with an anxious heart. "Take courage. Fear not. Behold your God will come with vengeance. The recompense of God will come. But He will save you. Then the eyes of the blind will be opened. And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. Then the lame will leap like a deer. And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy.” Then I opened my eyes again and I quoted Isaiah 35 verses 4 to 6.

Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. Isa 35:4-6

Jesus also gave me Luke 7:22 and other verses too.

Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. Luke 7:22

Then Jesus lifted His hand. As a result, people started to clap for me. Then Jesus signaled them to stop. Then the Lord Jesus wrote on the blank sheet of paper in great character. JESUS CHRIST IS GOD. Then He gave it to me. The moment He gave me that paper and my spirit reintegrated into my body I realized that I was praying.

The following day, the Jehovah's Witnesses came and I gave them these verses. They had no answer and they left us in peace after that.



Pastor Alejandro said, "Missionary you are so spiritual you seem to be crazy. I know Jesus just in theory, through the Bible and the studies that I do. I want to know Jesus personally, just like you. I'm tired of reading so much about Jesus. I want to feel the supernatural power of Jesus. I want to experience all this in practice."

I replied, "When Jesus tore the veil of separation, there is no more limit for a man to approach God. From the physical world to the spiritual world, they are only a few steps away, to penetrate into the spiritual world of God. Begin to produce desired effects on the lives of the brethren, be an example of faith. When God's power is in our lives, we draw them to Jesus without having to force them."



I was praying to God and began to see angels around me. But one thing puzzled me. I could not see the Holy Spirit, but I could feel His presence strongly. One day I felt His hand touch my chest and a warmth entered my heart. I began to pray to God asking Him to show me the Holy Spirit since I saw Jesus Himself. He looks like a simple man and not that Jesus that artists paint with green eyes. But in this simple man what He has is very wonderful; He has a body full of glory that enchants anyone who approaches Him.

Every time I see Jesus, a supernatural love springs from my chest, a sensation I felt when I married my wife, but this feeling I feel for Jesus is even stronger. It's so strong that you give up everything for Him. If He tells you to leave your family for Him you end up doing it to the point of dying for Jesus and for His sake. You're wondering why you do not feel like sacrificing yourself for Him like I am saying. I did not even have the courage to preach His Word, but from the moment I met Jesus personally, it was love at first sight.

Jesus is much more than you think. He is so polite His voice is soft when He talks to you His love envelops you in full. The feeling is very wonderful and the thrill of seeing Him is extraordinary. I grew up listening to my father talks about Jesus. He was already in love, but I only heard Bible stories about Him. But when you face your king, it is totally different. One thing is for you to hear how much Jesus is glorious and another thing is to see Him in front of you. The warmth of His glory has enveloped me since the first day and I have never been the same again. You will no longer think like a natural man, but you will think like Jesus. From the eyes of Jesus emanated love that enveloped my soul. The love I feel for Jesus explains the same feeling the church will have when we meet Jesus at the wedding feast. When you meet Jesus, you will let go of all sin for Him, and the dimension of your love grows every moment.



Jesus showed me a circle and inside it were several people walking. This circle is planet earth and crowds of people walked through the city.

The Lord said, "Son, these people do not know the way that walks, they look like lost children, orphans without parents. I love them all they are My creations. Look at these people with My eyes and feel how I feel about them."

Jesus touched me, I began to look at those people with a look of love. It was something so strong that it came out of the heart and sprouted from the soul, I felt the love of Jesus inside Him for every person on earth. All the love gathered together that parents feel for their children will still not exceed the love of Jesus. Even if you gather all the love of the whole world, it would still be minimal and cannot be compared to the love of Jesus.

Jesus said, "Take care of My flock with love and discipline for your good."

Jesus disappeared. I have a small message to the people of God. Church of Christ, try to put some things into practices. Take a day to give alms to a poor or homeless person. Take a day to clean the house of an impious person. Take a day to visit a sick person at the hospital. Take a day to thank God in your prayers and you will feel better. This is a testimony of overcoming that God has given me.


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