Being a servant of Satan, I even worked in churches. The Church represents the visible part of the army of Jesus Christ, so we had to do everything within our power to render the church harmless. Satan gave us assignments in the Church:
The first assignment was to make Christians ignorant of the Word of God! Lucifer had told us, "Once Christians are ignorant of the Word, their faith will be weak. The Bible tells us in Romans 10:17, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Lucifer had told us, "If Children of God abides in the Word, they will easily avoid my traps." If you do not abide in the Word of God, it will be difficult for you to avoid the traps of Lucifer; so the Bible tells us in Psalm 119:105 "The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path." And the second commandment of Lucifer says: do not allow Christians to read the Bible but let them read newspapers, novels, as well as religious books.
There are people who don't have a Bible, but when you visit their home you find loads of books, "awake", "watch tower". Do you know where these books come from? If you have books such as "watch tower", "awake" of Jehovah Witness, bring them to the church so that we pray for you and burn them. It is Satanic! This sect of Jehovah Witnesses is not a church of Jesus Christ. The first sign to recognize a church of Satan is this: any church that denies the divinity of Jesus is from Satan. Even the devil himself knows that Jesus is God! Whether the Jehovah Witnesses like it or not, Jesus is God and He will remain, God! Amen!
The second assignment is to create dullness during offerings and tithes. This is also related to the third and fourth commandments of Satan. The third commandment of Lucifer says, "Tell Christians that God, their Father, doesn't need tithes and offerings, but that it is their pastors who steal from them." The fourth commandment, "Keep Christians in poverty by telling them not to give tithes and offerings." So, even the devil knows the secret of blessing. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 3:9-10 "Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing ..."
The third assignment is to block the projects of the Church by infiltrating witches among the leaders. Be very careful when choosing leaders, it has to be done according to the will of God.
The fourth assignment was to disorientate praise and worship and direct them towards Lucifer. To succeed in doing that we easily manipulated people who play keyboard and instruments and choristers. There are people who sing, but who don't have any life of prayer, it is very dangerous. There are people who sing to be admired, and who don't have any life of sanctification. I will tell you how we proceeded in churches. The devil is able to exploit any opportunity that arises to do evil. Listen to me carefully, you will understand that it is really necessary and even essential that our God strike all our enemies with blindness when they come to attack us, so that they are unable to see us, to see our homes, our projects, our children, and all that belongs to us.
He also told us that we had to work seriously in churches and that we should do everything to let Christians sink into a spiritual sleep. And for that he made a seven points plan of action:
- Fight or deny the manifestation of the Holy Spirit,
- Do everything within our power to strengthen the power of evil,
- Make every effort to introduce homosexuality in the world on the horizontal and vertical plan,
- Do everything possible to turn the Bible in the wrong way,
- Influence the business world,
- Do everything to stop offering and the daily sacrifice,
- Make every effort to introduce competition as well as fashion in the church.
Lucifer told us, "Christians became powerful because of their firm faith in this Man, so we must do everything to weaken them, because once their faith is weak, they cannot please their God anymore"; according to what is written in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith no one can please the Lord. He gave us his ten commandments.
When we are children of God and are in a good relationship or a perfect communion with God, He gives us His own weapons, the spiritual weapons. With these weapons, we are able to go down even in the world of Satan, to overthrow the prisons of Lucifer and retrieve everything that Lucifer has hidden in that world. But to carry out a good spiritual warfare, we must get rid of all carnal weapons. There are people who like to fight witches through insults. It is not because of insults that witches will be afraid of you, it is not for your social status that witches will be afraid of you, witches will be afraid of you only if you get rid of all carnal weapons and take the spiritual weapons, the weapons that the Holy Spirit gives us.
When I was a sorcerer, the devil was sending us in the Church, it is the visible part of the army of Jesus Christ. So we had to do everything possible to make the church harmless. We had many tasks:
First task: When we entered the Church, the first task was to make the Children of God ignorant of the Word of God. At this level, I draw the attention of the preachers of the Word. If you see that you do not walk in the fear of God and that you do not have a life of sanctification, do not preach, because if you preach, you will do the Church a great disservice. When we entered the church, we also mixed with the crowd and began to squeeze the finger in a certain manner, and while we were doing that, nobody noticed it, nobody took interest in what we were doing. By doing this incantation, we were tying up the tongue of the preacher, and he automatically forgot all the message he had prepared and began to tell the people of God stories that do not edify.
The devil told us that we must do that so that Christians be weak, because if they do not listen to the Word of God, they will be weakened in faith, according to what is said in Romans 10:17 "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ." So when we succeeded in diverting the tongue of the preacher, he began to talk nonsense such as: "I was in the south, I did this, I did that." Okay, if you were in the south if you did this or that, how can that edify us? It does not concern us if you were in the south, it is your problem, if you did this or that, it is your problem. You rather need to preach the Word of God, for it is the Word that delivers, saves and heals. That is the reason why Jesus told us in John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." And this truth is the Word of God.
The second task: We had to keep the Children of God in poverty, and push them to be under the curse. As for poverty, it was necessary to create dullness at the time of offerings. There are some people, when offering time comes, they begin to feel dull, it is the devil! Sorcerers are the ones causing that. To avoid falling into the trap of Satan, one must know how to give to God, because the Bible says in Genesis 49:25 "Because of your father’s God, who helps you, because of the Almighty, who blesses you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings of the deep that lies below, blessings of the breast and womb." All this is the work of the Lord who blesses.
The devil told us: If the children of God give their offerings, not only will they break poverty, but they will also recover all that I have already blocked. The offering is efficient. And to push people to be under the curse, the devil told us to make people give offerings that do not honor God. The Bible says in Malachi 1:14 "Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord." You have for example 5000 francs in your pocket, at the offering time, you give 200 to God. When you give the offering, the problem is not to stand up and go towards the offering basket; the problem is to know what you put in the basket.
The third task: We had to block the projects of the Church. We had powerful sorcerers who were asked to infiltrate the group of the leaders. So when you see people in the church who fight for a title in the church, know that you are dealing with sorcerers. Exaltation comes from God, since it is the Church of God, wait until God Himself appoints you to a position in the church. But when you see people who are fighting for a higher position, know that you are dealing with sorcerers. These agents of Satan, once they hold these strategic positions, they are allowed to take part in all important meetings during which one debates all the projects of the Church. And at night, they joined us in order to give us the report of everything that has been planned as projects, and from that, we would send demons to push people not to give. Because the Church, in order to function, needs money, beloved. That is what we were doing, we prevented people from giving, and for that reason, all projects were failing.
To recognize sorcerers in churches, all you have to do is observe the case of restless people, people who do not want to be calm, and only want to go back and forth, if you know such people, know that you are dealing with sorcerers. When we arrived in churches, you know that before the service, one starts with intercession, and there is an intense heat, we could not get in with fetishes. So we would let them outside, and stay in the church, and at some point, we would go out to take the fetishes and start to operate in the church. When you see people who like to go back and forth without any good reason, know that you are dealing with sorcerers. So what did we do again? If the man of God who preached, was powerful, if he was walking in the fear of God, we would not be able to tie up his tongue. Since it was impossible to tie up his tongue, we could either send the spirits of drowsiness in the crowd (that is why you see some people start to doze just at the time of the preaching), or we would start to do mystical injections orbits on children (that is why you see children cry anyhow in the hall), all that in order to create distraction. And when there is a distraction, people cannot listen to the word that is being preached. That is what we were doing in churches and that is what sorcerers continue to do in churches today.
Beloved, when you want to fight an enemy, it is really indispensable to know him as well as his tricks and strategies. And when you discover them, you can use suitable weapons. You can attack from the right, while your enemy is on the left, and in this case, it is difficult to hit him. For this reason, you have to know about the devil and his organization.
The fourth commandment says: Keep Christians in poverty by telling them not to give tithes and offerings.
The fifth commandment says: Go and spread hatred among Christians and divisions in churches. There are things that we see. You will see people of the same church, of the same community, who do not talk to each other but call themselves Christians. Jesus said in Matthew 5:23-24 "So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." If you do not do that, you are wasting your time. John 15:12 says: "Love one another as I have loved you." Romans 13:8 says: "Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." The devil likes it when there is hatred among Christians. That is the ministry of the snake. And here, the devil uses many women in slander and malicious gossip. When a snake wants to go from one point to another, it never follows a straight path. Even if the point is in front of him, he will make a broken line.
That is how the devil works. There are people, especially women, who go from house to house to cause slander, and through their backbiting, they create many confrontations and serious problems between the people who listened to them. There are women who are specialists in that field: That is the work of the devil. As for divisions, it is a principle of the devil, divide and rule. Know that whatever the problem you have, there is always a solution before God.
The sixth commandment says: Do not allow Christians to preach, teach and testify the glory of God. Regarding preaching and teaching, it is related to what is said in Romans 10:17 "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." Thus, the devil does not want the Children of God to be taught. He does not want anyone to teach the Children of God, because if they are taught if they receive the preaching, their faith will be strengthened. And once one has faith, automatically, one can easily resist the devil and be pleasant to God. That is why he was sending us Satanists to churches so that we disturb their teachings as well as preaching. And I explained to you how we succeeded in tying up the tongue of the preachers.
When I testify, I am grateful for what Jesus has done in my life, the deliverance that Jesus has given me, He gave it to me free of charge. I did not pay anything, but it is by grace and I must testify to show my gratitude.
The seventh commandment says: Go and spread polygamy and I will have several souls. Nowadays, there are some churches that support polygamy, and there are some pastors who even promote polygamy. Know that it is a commandment of the devil. When we read Genesis 2:24 the Bible says: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife ...", here it says clearly, he shall hold fast to his wife and not to his wives. Know that the will of God is that every man has only one wife if he is married, polygamy and cohabitation are sins before God. The second aspect of this commandment says: "I will have many souls." It simply means that children, who will be born in these concocted marriages, are souls that are already at the disposal of Lucifer.
Such marriages that are not in the will of God our sins and that sin has serious repercussions on the children who will be born through this marriage because they are born already under the curse. You who descend from a polygamous marriage, you did not ask your parents to father you in such a marriage. What you can do, is to ask God for forgiveness for this sin of your parents and beg the Lord Jesus to sanctify you with His blood, and to wipe away that sin. And in that way, the blood of Jesus will set you free and the devil will no longer have power over your life.
The eighth commandment says Subject Christians to the worship of images and idols. You will see some Christians who have images of a false Jesus with a red heart and images of Mary in their houses. The Bible says that cursed be on the man who suppresses the truth. I know the truth about Catholicism and if I do not tell it to you, I shall be cursed. I will talk about the holy magic in details because I have been initiated into that magic by a Spanish Catholic priest. I know that talking about Catholicism is provoking a war because Catholicism is a whole government. Many Satanists hide in the Catholic church and they will try to fight me. I am not afraid! I know one thing, as long as the mission that Jesus gave me is not complete, I will not die no matter what is done against me! I know it and I have faith. The Bible says: If God is for me, who can be against me? They will fight against me but will never overcome me, never.
Know that a child of God cannot fear death, because for him, death is just asleep, and when the trumpet will sound, he will rise to meet the Lord in the air. If a child of God is still afraid of death, it is at least a proof that there is still sin in his life. And even if he is afraid of death, is eternal? Then what? It is better to die for Jesus because even if you hide, even if you have the most efficient doctors of the world, know that death will not ask anyone's opinion when it will come to take you. You'd better be reconciled with the living God before it is too late.
Many people believe that if they die today, it is the end. No, I am bound to tell you the truth, if you die in sin, know that it is the beginning of suffering. Abandon the life of sin because it is sin that gives access to the devil in your life. The devil finds his strength in the sin. Even the Bible tells us that the sting of death is the sin.
The ninth commandment has two parts:
The worship of the ancestors
The first part says Subject Christians or all humankind to the worship of the ancestors. Speaking of the worship of the ancestors, I can give you a down-to-earth example. There are people who, inadvertently, drop some food on the floor while they eat and tell themselves: It is for the ancestors. And a few minutes later, you notice that the food is still there, and sometimes, there are even ants which come and settle on it. My beloved, it is really absurd! It is the devil who torments you like that! Did your ancestors become ants?
I will give you another example of the practice of the worship of ancestors. It is about tribalism. Lucifer himself told us that tribalism in the Church is the cult of the ancestors. There are some churches where tribalism is in full swing, one appoints people according to their tribes. As Children of God, we have the same Father, God. So if you see churches where there is tribalism, know that it is the devil that reigns there.
Still speaking of the worship of ancestors, in some religions, one will tell you that it is difficult to reach God, but that there are still some people who really aimed at perfection during their earthly life, and those people are called saints. So they will tell you that we must first pray to the saints, and in turn, they will pass the prayer on to Mary, who in turn will pass it on to her Son Jesus and Jesus, in turn, will pass it on to His Father. Beloved, why all these long gymnastics? The Bible says in 1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." It is in the name of Jesus alone that we must pray. Jesus Himself said: "And I will do whatever you ask in My name." So why these long gymnastics? Salvation is found in no other name than the name of Jesus
The second part of the ninth commandment says Subject Christians to television so that they will not be able to resist temptation. You just need to look at young people today. They are destroyed because of television. They try to be stars because they want to do like this or that musician. They try to dress in a filthy way because they want to imitate the stars that they saw on TV ... Please note that we must not watch anything.
Beloved, we are Children of God, we are in the world but not of the world. Today, there are sisters who do not know how to dress because of television. There are Christians who do not even know two passages of the Bible. But when you talk to them about this or that movie, they are able to explain to you all the sequences of the movie. They know all episodes by heart and they would explain them to you as if they were there during the making of this movie. They would even explain to you what has not been said. They would tell you for example: At this level, they should have done this rather than that. But do not ask them to give you a single passage of the Bible, they will not know it. It is this type of Christians who fill the churches today.
Know that everything will pass away, but the Word of God endures forever. Yet you attach importance to short-lived things, and you neglect the Word that gives life, heals, saves, blesses, and delivers. You neglect the most important thing. But when it is about the TV-show '24', you are number one, when it is about "prison break", you know everything, you even explain the episodes which are still in process and which have not yet been produced.
Beloved, beware! There are also so-called Christian movies such as Karachika. Many people believe that this movie is a Christian movie. Know that those who made it are not Christians. Who has already given his life to the Lord Jesus only because he watched the movie Karachika? We had watched these movies already in the world of Satan before they arrived in this world in 1999-2000. We had already watched it in 1994 in the department of prince Talus. Prince Talus is the demon that exerts a negative influence on all those who bear the name Guillain.
Studying humankind, Lucifer told us: Man in his nature is more attracted by evil than by good. So when you watch this film, at first, they show you mystical things, it is only toward the end that they show you a short sequence of a servant of God who triumphs. But when you watch this movie, you only remember what is negative. It is bewitchment spell. Avoid horror, zombies, vampires, etc. movies. Avoid watching these movies. Because they create fear, and when you are afraid, you cannot fight the devil. There are some people who cannot even go out at night because they saw a horror movie. Can you chase demons away when you are trembling? To chase a demon away, you should take authority on it, but if you are afraid, how can you chase it away? Know that it is the devil who urges people to make all these horror, vampire, zombie ... movies. And the majority of those who make horror films are Satanists. In the coming days, I am going to give you the names of some actors Satanists like the man who made the movie "Blade", Wesley Snipes, he is a ready-made Satanist.
Still, regarding the second part of the ninth commandment, there are pornographic movies. There are even Christians who have such movies in their houses. What are you looking for when you watch this kind of movies? There are even young people who go on the Internet to watch pornographic movies. What are you looking for? Beloved, we must fear God.
The tenth commandment says: Never mention the name of the so-called Creator and His Only Begotten Son. Why? Because the Bible tells us in Romans 10:13 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." In short, those are all the commandments of Satan. Now, if you find yourself in one of these commandments that I have just mentioned, know that the devil has a grip on you. You must repent and cast away the evil spirits which are in you.
Beloved, if God allows it, I will talk about the spiritual sleep or apostasy. There is a man on this earth who does not have a human father. His mother is Jewish and his father is Lucifer. This man is captain Samannelli. He is a multi-billionaire, and for the moment, he is in the Vatican because the papacy is the shadow of the antichrist. Thus, it is in him that the spirit of the antichrist will become incarnate. He is already on earth; he is in the Vatican and finances many NGOs. Beware of NGOs; beware of the donations and gifts that one gives to you. When you receive those things, you must pray on them before using them. They are poisoned gifts.
I will give you the characteristics of the churches of Satan, I will not really have time to mention the names of the churches, but from the characteristics, you will know how to recognize the churches of Satan, yourselves. I will give you even the plan of action of Lucifer in order to create the spiritual sleep in the Church. That is the apostasy, which is nothing else but the abandonment of faith. Know that homosexuality, marriage between gays and lesbians, is the will of Lucifer. It is among the points which are on his plan of action.
In this world, my beloved, there are two armies in opposition. There is, on the one hand, the army of Satan, and on the other hand the army of Jesus. For the army of Satan, the commander in chief is Lucifer himself. As for the army of God, the Commander in Chief is Jesus, the King of kings. These two armies each have two parts. The invisible part of the army of Satan is the devil, the fallen angels, and the demons. The visible part, are sorcerers, magicians, wrestlers, Rosicrucians, all human beings who work for the devil. For the army of Jesus, the part that is invisible is Jesus and the angels who remained faithful to God, and the visible part is the Church. Not just any church, but the one where the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is accepted.
Beloved, when I became an agent of the kingdom of waters, I was instructed to attack the revival churches in my country Congo, because there was an intense awakening in the Congo during this period and the kingdom of darkness was in disarray. I was instructed to perpetuate the invisible war on churches and to coordinate systematic attacks on local assemblies. But first, I had to sleep with the princess named Jacqueline who was supposed to transport me under the sea in the world of darkness.
As my third mission was against the Church of Jesus Christ, I was given the mission to destroy a woman who was a Christian. The mermaid told me that this woman was full of grace and divine abilities, which is why she was identified as a potential target to be destroyed.
The mermaid said to me, "We will kill her and we will eat her flesh."
"How will I execute this mission?" I asked the mermaid.
She said to me, "Do not be afraid because we have allocated 450 demons to help you destroy this Christian, they will work with you and accompany you everywhere."
My first strategy against the sister was, therefore, to create confusion in her church through dreams caused by demons we deployed. Later, I visited this sister's family just to flatter them. I talked to her mother who loved me very much because she hoped I would marry her daughter. But in reality, I was trying to destroy her. I was accompanied by 450 demons including the mermaid. After talking to her family, I booked a room at the hotel where I had to destroy her through sex. She loved me sincerely because she did not know that I was a fake brother. Many people come to church not to pray. Some of them are agents of the enemy. So I booked the hotel, I knew she was not going to say no, she trusted me.
When the day arrived, together we went to the hotel. The mermaid was hiding in the bathroom. She was in her half-fish hybrid form. The sister was unaware of the presence of the mermaid. The sister was in a loincloth, and I noticed that her attitude changed, she was a little sad. I think she had guilt. Then she asked me to read a Bible verse. It meant nothing to me, it was just a book. So I quickly went to the bathroom where the mermaid was hiding to ask her opinion. She said to me, "Do not be afraid, let her read if she wants, there will be nothing, there are more than 400 demons here, whether she reads the Bible or not, she will die."
So this sister opened the Bible in the book of Isaiah. I do not know why God wanted me to hear the words of this verse. This woman did not know she was minutes away from her death. She was unaware of the presence of a mermaid in the toilet and hundreds of demons around the hotel. So she opened her Bible that says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all." Isaiah 41:10-12.
This sister did not know why the Holy Spirit made her read this verse. Beloved, when the Holy Spirit prompts you to read the Bible do it right away. As soon as this Christian lady read this Bible verse, I heard the mermaid scream. She said to me, "Joseph, we must flee, run!" It was a cry of distress. So I saw the mermaid run away at the speed of lightning. I did not know why she would run. It was only when I raised my eyes to the sky that I realized why the mermaid had escaped that way.
In fact, I saw myriads and myriads of angelic soldiers come down to answer the reading of the Bible verses by this lady. They had their sword lifted. The mermaid and the 450 demons fled and I was left there with the sister. I thought 400 demons were a lot, but when I saw these legions of the angelic army come down, I got out of the hotel room and escaped. The people working at the reception were surprised to see me in my pair of shorts with my clothes in my hands. The woman could not see all this and did not understand the reason for my escape. She did not know that a whole angelic legion had been deployed by the Lord for her. Many things happen when we pray, even if we do not see them. I left the sister in this hotel room never to return, while the mermaid and the 450 demons were already far from this place.
The mermaid then asked me to summon my mother so that she could appear in the magic mirror. So I started to call my mother's name insistently. But something happened. Fire came out of the mirror, and I noticed that the fire was chasing the mermaid and the two newts. I heard them screaming and crying out in anguish and terror. I did not know that my mother was a born again Christian. So we were attacked by this flame of fire, but God spared me, it is these spirits of the waters that underwent the attack. Sorcerers and occultists can watch Christians in magic mirrors, but they cannot touch them. They use the strategy of offending Christian as a means to gain access to an open door to reach the Christian.
We also entered into several churches where we would identify the true workers of God. Since we could not reach them directly because of the Spirit of God, we would identify weak people in their group. For example, if there is somebody in their prayer group living in sin, usually sexual sins (those who have sexual intercourse out of marriage are many in the churches), we would act through the one who is totally accessible because of sin, until as the days went by the group and communities would break out through disputes and quarrels. We constantly looked for a fault to bring down the sons of God. We would send money to pastors, gifts after an inquiry about what they like. Once the pastor accepts one of our gifts, he automatically becomes someone else, he loses his anointing. We could also act through his wife if the pastor had refused. And if his wife refused the gifts, we could enter through their children. We were constantly looking for doors through the weak to reach and bring down the stronger.
Apart from our actions as human agents, I saw demons going in churches that do not have the fire of God and sit on the shoulders of the faithful in order to provoke drowsiness, laziness as regards listening. When there are children in the church, they would excite them so that they make noise. He who preaches is no longer heard.
One day we went to the house of a Christian who prayed a lot. She would disturb our world very much, she would set trouble in our activities when I rose up at dawn to fly away. That person prayed at the very time when we were to go out. Perhaps, she was disturbing without knowing it, hundreds and thousands of wizards who were about to go out spiritually. One day we went to her house to attack her. At 10 pm, she was already praying. We were not able to do anything in her house. Then we went to the cemetery to attack from a distance, we could not do anything there either. The devil is really powerless in front of people like her, that is, true Christians. The devil cannot even touch the coffin of the one who died being a true Christian because God protects his corpse. There can be no spiritual activity on this corpse as it is the case with other corpses where, as soon as the person is buried, begin very dense activities on a single corpse.
Later, my master Bomber called me to tell me that there was a Church in Germany that prayed a lot, and this Church disturbed our programmes and disrupted our activities in the invisible world. So he entrusted me with the task of extinguishing the fire of their prayers, knowing that I was victorious in all my missions. I took my flying carpet and traveled to Germany, where the Church was to see things for myself. Once there, the power that emanated from this Church did not even allow me to approach it. I then realized that I was powerless against these believers; I was ashamed of myself. This defeat and this failure were enlightening. I could not understand the kind of power these believers had. I went to report this to my master, the fallen angel. He told me that he too had tried to attack this Church, but without success. I was surprised; even my master the fallen angel was helpless before these believers; but the devil is tireless, he will always try to come back again and again.
Sometime later, in my destructive work, Satan personally entrusted me with the mission to destroy the spiritual life of a man of God who came to Brazzaville for an evangelistic campaign. It was in August 1992. This Christian crusade was to be held in the Stadium of the Revolution, which is the current Massamba-Debate stadium. A large crowd had gathered singing praises to God. Then they raised their voices to pray. I wanted to stop them by blocking their prayers with my astral hand that I had placed over their hands, but it was a failure because their prayers gave off extraordinary firepower. Later I saw a protocol member heading towards me. I thought he had seen what I had done, so I immediately knocked him down by the power of my invisible kick, just like the wrestlers do. To avoid suspicion, I made myself invisible, then I went to stand on the platform where the Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke was. I stood in front of him to hit him and destroy him. So I sent magic rays to him to hypnotize him and kill him.
I saw the man of God speechless for a few minutes, and when he resumed his speech he asked the assembly to pray for him because he said Satan was in the crusade. And when Christians raised their hands to address prayers to God for this man of God, I felt on my body something like fire devouring me and a strong power thrust me out of the presence of the man of God. And finally, not knowing what to do, I was there dumb, immersed in the most total confusion and breathing in me hatred against the Evangelist. It was the second defeat for me in the destruction of the churches. If only Christians knew these things they would not be careless about prayer and the Word that keeps them from the devil's maneuvers.
After this incident, I had to meet my master Bombar to report to him what had happened. He advised me to persevere. The next day at the same time, I went to the crusade to sow disorder and distraction in the midst of the crowd, and it succeeded perfectly because people were distracted, they could not focus on the Word that was preached. That day, there were only two cases of healing. Despite my inability to touch the man of God because he was surrounded by flames of fire, I still managed to cause disorder in this campaign, because I influenced the crowd who wanted at all costs to touch the man of God and this caused disorder. Knowing that I had failed in my mission to kill the man of God, I decided to capture some weak spirits and sacrifice them to Satan in compensation, and I managed to catch 50 of them that I sacrificed to Satan. On this subject, I would like to advise Children of God to always be spiritually prepared when they go to this kind of gathering. You must always confess your sins and ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit; for not, all those who participate in these crusades are children of God, there are also agents of the devils. During this crusade, I remained in Brazzaville in Meridian Hotel where I lodged, but I could not know where the man of God lodged because he was protected by God.
Seeing that I did not succeed in killing him, I went looking for those who were acting as security officers in this crusade. I managed to catch three of those brothers who were weak. That same night, I went to Mambo Palace Hotel where Lucifer lodged to report on my work. He told me that among the people acting as the protocol of the man of God, there was a woman who belonged to a secret society; she was a member of Hydro-Congo at the time. The devil told me that he was going to entrust this woman with the task of killing the man of God. Dear brothers and sisters, the devil has taken steps to introduce his agents into the assemblies known as revival assemblies, and they have the mission to restrain the churches, to stir up trouble and divisions in the churches, while preventing true servants from progressing spiritually. The devil’s agents tend to work in the Church leadership commission and want to be elevated to Church leadership. They tend to impose their will on pastors. In most cases, these men and women have always been great corporate executives, and thanks to their financial means they are able to buy the conscience of the men of God blinded by material gain.
After this rally with the powers of the universe, Lucifer sent a letter to Satanists and principalities reminding them of the obligation to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ. I have the content of this Lucifer’s letter which is as follows:
To all Satanists, representatives, agents, principalities, I write to you because Christians do us more and more harm. If we are not careful, we could be dominated, crushed and defeated. I wanted to draw your attention to the resolution we made at the last meeting in November 1991 at midnight. We succeeded in keeping the content of this meeting secret from Christians. As a result, we were able to suppress and bewitch them. That's why I take this opportunity to congratulate you all. But things have changed. We must improve and modernize our tactics and our strategic control of the universe because Christians are pressuring us with fervent prayers and their strong faith. The solution is to use the biblical principle the wrong way.
We will turn the Bible upside down. We must continue to apply the technique and tactics agreed for this decade. Do not allow them to read the Bible, let them take an interest in reading publications and books that have nothing to do with their spiritual lives such as fun stories, magazines, and novels. Therefore, when the temptation comes, they will have no support and they will fall. Do not give them time to pray; push them to feel lazy in prayers, otherwise, the Spirit of God will reveal our plans to them, and they will take counter-measures and crush us. You should never allow them to fast because they will become spiritually strong and they will conquer us. We must not let them give offerings and tithes so that they are in poverty, because God loves those who give with joy. Do not allow them to love one another with sincere love. Their love should be only in words, not in acts.
You have to push them to criticize and slander each other. You must give them freedom and wisdom in lies telling so that it becomes a bondage and a way of life, so that they do not enter the kingdom of God, but end up in Hell, the city of fire. You can let them preach on the return of Jesus Christ and the Rapture, but you have to make them think that it will happen in 10 or 20 years time because the reality is that He can come back now. You must not allow them to evangelize or testify. Make sure they are in front of the television for hours and hours to prevent them from reading the Bible and praying. Make sure they are in conflict and division. Create misunderstanding in their midst so that they are not united. I wanted to write to you on more tactics, but for the moment you have to apply this recommendation according to my directive. If you have a problem, you can call me on this number which is a direct line and you will reach me. You must keep this letter secret. Christians must not be allowed to lay their hands on it; otherwise, we will be in pain and defeat. This is our plan for this decade. I wish you much luck for this decade from 1991 to 1999. Take care to attend our weekly meeting in our headquarter in the pandemonium.
So Lucifer entrusted me with the mission to fight the pastor of a Church in my country Congo-Brazza. When I arrived in the city of Pointe Noire where the Church was, I began by investigating the pastor. After this investigation, I finally discovered his strength. I discovered that he was a man who feared God and who was powerful in prayer. The implication of all this was disturbing. In fact, it prevented our movements and activities in the city. In his church, there was an intercession group that prayed every day and every night. Beloved, you must understand that the devil does not attack hypocritical Christians because they belong to him. Only those who walk in holiness and the fear of the Lord draw the attention of the devil.
This pastor was a member of a community of many churches, but he was the one who feared God. That's why the devil designated him as a potential target. My strategy against this pastor was to extinguish the fire that shone and burned in him. My tactic was to get him to break the law so that I could have access to his life. I was also supposed to stop his evangelical journey to Europe. Whenever he went to the administrative offices for the visa, I deployed demons in those offices to oppose him, but the main purpose was to make sure that this pastor could break the law. I had 800 warrior demons working against this pastor. Failure in the kingdom of darkness is unacceptable. So we worked hard. But despite our determination, this pastor was constant and intense in prayer. So, I summoned the chief sorcerer of this neighborhood and his brotherhood so that he could go to this pastor and complain about the noises caused by the intercessors in their prayers. In fact, in all quarters of the world, a chief or secretary general of sorcerers has been established.
I told the chief sorcerer, "Gather all the sorcerers in this area and go to the pastor, you must pretend that the intercessors make noises with their prayers at night and people cannot sleep." So in the morning, the sorcerers went to see the pastor to complain. They approached this pastor with abusive and shocking language to make him feel offended. It is a powerful strategy that succeeded because the pastor reacted with pride. As a result, the door of his life was opened and the sorcerers managed to send a demon into the life of this pastor through the door of pride. He was spiritually weak and his attempt to travel to Europe failed. You must understand that the devil will seek an open door to access your life. Anger and offense are the two great main doors used by sorcerers against Children of God. The Bible says: Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. Ephesians 4:26. I managed to extinguish the fire of this man of God.
A few days later, the devil sent me to Namibia to destroy a man of God who was troubling us. After a few days, I went to the capital of Namibia. When I arrived, I transformed into a beautiful woman. I had reached a level where I could take the form I wanted. Then, the intelligence service of the kingdom of Lucifer that works 24 hours a day informed me of the location of the targeted pastor. I was informed that he had gone to visit a church member, but was on his way back. I approached the road where he had to go, in the shape of a woman hitchhiking. He was driving on the same road and when he saw me in the form of a beautiful woman, he stopped his car. He was already captivated by my beauty and he wanted me. When I got into his car, I seized the opportunity. As he desired me, I threw 30 demons in his mouth. They are demons of sexual immorality, fornication, and covetousness. They immediately took hold of him and began to influence him.
After a while, he stopped his car around his house. He was supposed to take money so we could go to a hotel. When he entered his house, I noticed an old lady sitting by the door, she was his mother. When the pastor took money from his room, I approached his mother and gave her the face of a girl. And when the pastor came out of the house, he saw the beautiful young woman sitting exactly where his mother was sitting. I manipulated the pastor's vision to show him the things I wanted. The pastor did not realize that the beautiful girl was his own mother, and since he could no longer control his sexual behavior because of the demons of fornication inside him, he ended up sleeping with the pretty lady who was his own mother, because his vision was manipulated and they were both bewitched. The pastor, according to him, thought that he took the money, took me, and went to a hotel where we had sex; but I had manipulated his vision, it never happened. He just slept with his own mother. I was there in the car; I simply implanted a false vision in his mind.
While the pastor was sleeping with his mother, I took the form of a rich young man, I went to sleep with his wife and daughters, and I managed to put the spirit of fornication in the house of this pastor. When he committed incest with his mother, he received even more demons of fornication who began to influence him. Later, he went to visit one of the elders of his church. When he saw that he was not present, he coveted his wife who was alone. He seduced his wife and they had sex. And while they were in action, the elder came back and caught them in the act. He got angry and told the Church what had happened. This situation was unbearable for people in the Church. As a result, this church was divided and ended up dislocating. This mission in Namibia was a success. I was rewarded in the devil's kingdom with gifts and promotions. In the kingdom of the enemy, if you cause the fall of a man of God there are many rewards for you. Men of God must understand that not all women who come near them are necessarily ordinary women. Some are mermaids and demons; others are Satanists in female form.
After completing this mission, I traveled home to Congo where I went to see the devil in a hotel where he resided. He had the form of a rich young man. He received me and congratulated me. He gave me three more missions, with great promises and great rewards. He asked me to attack the Church in Germany where I had already failed. He asked me to fight the revival churches in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I knew in advance that it was an impossible mission because the devil himself with his angels had tried to fight this Church in Germany but without success. The devil knew I had a sign of God on my forehead, so he sent me to destroy the churches in the hope that God would reject me forever.
One day when I was walking in the city, I saw a woman passing by and she was carrying a child. I noticed that the child had a light shining on his forehead. I knew it was a sign of God. I tried to destroy this child by grabbing his spirit with my astral hand, but I realized that the more I tried to take the child's soul, the more I became powerless and weaker. It was strange, I felt humiliated. After this experience, the devil appeared at my place and he was furious. He said, "Why did you try to kill that child without my permission?" He said to me, "You have to relocate to a different house." I ended up leaving my home and moved to a new neighborhood, but I encountered another problem. I had a neighbor who was a Christian and his prayers blocked me. I decided to send him a power of seduction, fornication, and spiritual weakness, in order to extinguish his fire which was hurting and blocking me. Later he became an alcoholic and began sleeping with men. I became comfortable as his power diminished.
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