Thursday, December 27, 2018



On the day of my deliverance, the Lord also asked me to give a message to all His churches. After a tour of the Churches of Eseka and Makak to give my testimony and to bring this message that the Lord had given me, I received a letter from a man of God who had not yet listened to my testimony. He was in the ministry of spiritual adviser in Cameroon.

He had attached to his letter a treatise which he had himself drawn up. The message contained in this treaty was given to him by the Lord Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. It was the same message that was given to me by that same Lord Jesus! This man had received this message in 1987, while I was still in the darkness.

I have thus been able to realize that for years the Lord has reproached the misbehavior of the faithful and the leaders of His Church who are dominated by the devil.

When the Lord Jesus began to give me the message that He addressed to all who wanted to hear His voice, I saw on the screen the following verse:

"Those who say to me, Lord, Lord, shall not all enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied by Thy name? Have we not cast out demons by Your name? And have we not done many miracles by Your name? Then I will openly say to them, "I never knew you, depart from me, you who commit iniquity." (Matthew 7: 21-23)

The Lord said to me with a voice of thunder:

"They will not enter first. I never knew them, they never really came to Me, according to My own conditions, in true repentance and true conversion. (No, I tell you, but if you do not repent, you will all also perish. Luke 13:10). They say they came to Me, but I do not know them. They came with sins in their words, in their deeds, and in their thoughts. They abandoned some sins, but they kept others."

"By doing so, they have deceived themselves. As they did not care about My Word, I, the fountain of life, I let them have what they wanted. I let the enemy take power in their house and deceive them, so that they may have a false assurance of salvation, as long as they remain in sin, and on that road which they have voluntarily followed. I send them a power of error, that they may believe more and more in the lies of the enemy ( And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, 2 Thessalonians 2:11). They look for gifts, but they receive those from the enemy and demons, from tongues, from interpretations, and from prophecies."

"Since they do not want to wash their inner being to receive genuine gifts from the Holy Spirit, and since they will not listen to My Word, they will constantly receive the gifts of the enemy. Since they did not want to separate from sin, I let them follow their own ways. They will continue on these paths, and My anger will not be delayed too long. ("The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who unjustly hold back the truth." Romans 1:18). If they had wanted Me, in all truth and purity, they would have forsaken all their sins, as well as all unclean thoughts and all unclean words. "

"But their problem was not their incapacity. They simply did not want Me with all their hearts. They fast for themselves or to please others. They fast in impurity, in murmuring, in hatred, in selfishness, in a robbery, in quarrels, in threats, in pride, in fornication, and in adultery in all its forms. ("Behold, on the day of your fast, you give yourself up to your inclinations ... You do not fast as this day requires." Isaiah 58: 3-4). You do not fast as I wish."

"You destroy your bodies for nothing. What is the use of mortifying your souls if you do not obey My commandments? What is the use of fasting if I am not with you? I want the will of My Father to be fulfilled."

"That is all that matters: the will of My Father, not many songs and prayers coming out of hearts drowned in the filth of the world, drowned in evil thoughts full of hypocrisy. When you sing, I turn My face away."

"You teach what you should not teach for reasons of interest. You fill My house with unbelievers filled with immorality, who are now more worthy of the lake of fire than they were before. You bar the door to others and yourselves you do not want to enter. Repent and do the will of my Father. "

"He who wants to sing, pray or fast must have a pure heart. These are pure hearts that I want as dwellings, and not large buildings or places of meeting that you call "houses of God." I do not live in houses made of men's hands, but only in pure hearts. If you do not do the will of My Father, your songs are against Me, your prayer is against Me, your fast is against Me."

"Only those who do the will of My Father are pleasing to Me. Their prayers ascend through the channels of the Holy Spirit and come to My nostrils like a fragrance of good odor. Yes, when they sing, they are accompanied by the angels of heaven. When they fast, I listen attentively to their grievances. They are like a garden watered, like a spring whose waters do not dry up. "

"Do the will of my Father, and you will be pleasing to Him. Yes, go back, on My true foundation, which is the primitive Church. My Church is composed of those who really want to follow Me, those who can die for others, those who are not there for their bellies, those who think of orphans, widows and poor people. Do not love the world, of those who are truly My callers. I have never used one who loves the world more than Me. They came to Me to strip My house. I have never called those who are capable of forming followers who, by their hypocrisy and deceit, are more worthy of the lake of fire than they were before. "

"Repent!" And forsake your sins! Because of your sins, My house is full of demons! You are unworthy to be called children of God! You are filled with demons! You can never eat at the Lord's table and at the table of demons (1 Corinthians 10:21, Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.) Yes, if you die with demons in your body, you will be welcomed by the devil, the leader of the demons. And I will throw you all into the burning lake of fire and brimstone. Confess all your sins and even the sins of the abomination of your parents."

"Let all who are in Me go forward and look nowhere else. Let them never act without the assurance that they are at the very center of My will. Seek My will with every second, every minute, every hour, every day, all your earthly life. Do not forget that you are travelers on this earth. ("Beloved, I exhort you, as strangers and travelers on earth, to abstain from the fleshly lusts that make war upon the soul." 1 Peter 2:11).

Let him that is willing to be Mine be Mine. "He who acts unjustly, let him act unjustly still. He who is filthy, let him be filthy still. He who is righteous, let him do righteousness still. He who is holy, let him be holy still. Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with Me, to repay to each man according to his work. " (Revelation 22:11-22)

The Lord Jesus said to me again, "Go and testify all these things that you have seen and heard from My mouth, among those who want to listen. In each Church, testify to what I have done for you. Abide firm upon My truth which thou hast received, and upon My righteousness. All this will be revealed to you by My power, the Holy Spirit who is now in you, in place of the demon that was in you. It is this Holy Spirit who will reveal to you all that you have heard and all that you have seen today."

"Thou shalt neither enter nor sleep in any house, except in a hut made of straw or mats, and thou shalt testify only when I command thee to do it."

Praise and all sorts of melodies reached my ears, without my knowing the origin. What a beautiful and glorious heavenly homeland! What a marvel of wonders! Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords and the Holy of Holies! I was amazed. I knew the kingdom of Satan, but I had never seen anything like it. The kingdom of God is a million times more wonderful than all the luxury you can imagine in this world.

The Lord touched me again, and said to me, "Go and do My will! I replied, "I will do it, O Lord!"

I found myself in my Pongo neighborhood in Edea, while I was alighted 12 km away at the foot of the tree! I was 300 meters from my house, having neither disease nor broken rib! I was in good shape and healthy! Jesus Christ is the greatest of all the doctors in the world! Hallelujah! Amen! Thank you, Lord Jesus!

When I returned to myself, I found myself unconscious, I did not even know that I was already in town, I was like in a dream. It was already 8:30.

I had spent a day with my Lord! Glory be to Thee, O Lord Jesus!

I went to high school. I was like a daze, walking like someone who did not have all his head. The power of Jesus had transformed my memory. A little boy spoke to me. He came regularly to me and he knew I was seriously ill. His appeal made me resume my spirits. This boy was surprised to see me on foot and walk down the street when he had seen me the day before dying on a bed. He called me insistently, "Uncle! But what are you doing here?" It was at this moment that my spirit and knowledge came back to me. At that very moment, the Spirit of God began to remind me of all that I had seen in this wonderful kingdom. I no longer felt any pain at the rib that had been broken, nor at my chest which was heating me. The only thing I had left was my skeletal condition. I was very thin.

As the Lord Jesus had forbidden me to enter or sleep in a house except in a straw hut or mats, it was impossible for me to go home. I was obliged to ask the young lad to go and fetch my fiancee from the house. He went to fetch my fiancée and my mother-in-law, who was looking for me on the road to CELLUCAM, for already 21 hours have gone past. It was not until about ten o'clock that they came back in tears, not knowing what had happened to me. They had seen a sick man leave at six o'clock in the morning and did not come back again, and they wondered if I had not died in the bush.

When they found me sitting on a trunk of the palm tree by the side of the road, they were astonished to see me there joyfully. I asked them to give me a juice, which surprised my mother-in-law even more, for I did not eat or take anything. My fiancée asked me what was happening to me. I answered her immediately: "Jesus has delivered me! I am cured!" I told them all these events, which made everybody tremble. Then we had to look for a hut in mats. But it was impossible to find it in the city. So I had to spend my first night under the stars, for I was a new man created by God. There was not a single demon in me, and my inner man had already been put to death by Jesus Christ.

So I spent my first night outside, under a tree, with my fiancee, who did not want to leave me alone. The next day, my mother contacted the uncle of one of her friends, who worked at the Edea town hall. This man had a little cabin behind his house. An old tarpaulin was installed there, which served as a roof for me and my fiancee, and we spent three days behind the gentleman's house. But he was a follower of Christian Science, a pernicious sect. On the third day, he told my mother-in-law that he did not want me anymore, because he feared I would kill him if I touched him!

My mother-in-law gave me the news, which made me mad with joy, and I went back under the tree that was in front of our house. I spent the whole day there, even when it was raining, for I had to respect the word of the Most High God. The rain both wet us, my fiancée and me. She put a towel on my head, and she sat in the rain with me, refusing to leave me alone. When the rain was over, she brought me dry clothes to replace my wet clothes. I ate my meals outside and spent the nights under the tree. My mother-in-law spent her nights in the drawing-room, the door open, to see from time to time if anything did not bother us.

Because Jesus Christ was watching over us, people spent the night on the road, right beside us, without seeing us. Even the locals did not notice us on our berth. Jesus is doing wonders!

In the second month following my deliverance, an angel of God came to see me one night at about two in the morning, to announce that I could get up and start spending my nights inside the house.

He gave me this biblical verse: "When you have made a vow to God, do not delay doing it, for he does not love fools: fulfill the vow which you have made." (Ecclesiastes 5: 3). My fiancée, who was sleeping next to me, woke up at once and began to pray. After praying, we read this verse with praise.

Then we returned to the house for the first time since the day of my deliverance. It was three-thirty in the morning.

The Bible was my only food. The Holy Spirit revealed to me all the words the Lord had given me in my deliverance. All this teaching was recalled to me by the Holy Spirit. All these revelations came to my memory like an overflowing wave.

I wrote all these revelations day and night. The promise of Jesus was realized, yes, the same promise He had given to the apostles, in Luke 24: 48-49: "You are witnesses of these things. And behold, I will send upon you what My Father has promised; But ye remain in the city until you are clothed with power from on high "(the Holy Ghost).

Yes, it is this same power which revealed all these things to me, only a few days after my deliverance.

Jesus gave me spiritual eyes and spiritual ears, filling me with that power. He knew what the task was waiting for me. All the events of my life of darkness that the devil wanted me to forget were revealed to me by the Lord, by the Holy Spirit.

I then had to look for a church to be baptized there, waiting for the order of Jesus Christ, to stand up and testify in the churches. It was in the third month after my deliverance that one of my in-laws' friends, who persevered in the true Church of Edea, invited me to accompany him to worship with my fiancee. It was the first time I had entered a Church of the Assemblies of God in my natural flesh created by God. As the Lord had not yet authorized me to testify, I remained silent. No one in this Church knew who I was. The spiritual ears that had been given me by the Lord allowed me to hear demons blaspheme the name of the Lord through the mouth of a sister who spoke in tongues.

The brother who interpreted it also gave a false interpretation, encouraging the Church, saying that the Lord encouraged the Church and that He was really among them. This was done in a moment of adoration, and the whole assembly began to pray.

My heart was boiling in my chest. The Lord showed me some really alarming things in this Church, but He did not allow me to speak. I was not yet allowed to speak and testify. If I had, no one would have believed the revelations the Lord had given me. The leaders, whom most of these revelations concerned, would have trampled on these revelations, and said that they came from a new convert, as is the custom in all churches.

Two weeks later, I was taken by the same brother to one of the pastors of this Church. This pastor, who did not know who I was, received me at his house the next day.

I had but a brief conversation with him, for I could not relate my deliverance in detail because of the banning of my testimony without having received the order from Jesus. This pastor led me in turn to the pastor in charge of the Church. The next day he invited my mother, my mother-in-law and my fiancee to get some information about my life with my fiancee.

A month later, this pastor went to Europe, and I still had not been baptized. Before I left, I put the first part of my testimony in his office so that it could be typed. At the beginning of July, the Lord appeared to me in a vision overnight and gave me permission to stand up and testify in church.

The next day, without consulting anyone, I started my first trip outside the city of Edea.

Our first stop was a small annex church in the village of Manjap. It was the first time I was in a church to witness to it for my true Master, Jesus Christ.

After this first step, and according to God's plan, more than 26 Churches received my testimony, even before I gave it to the city where I had been delivered. Jealousy entered the hearts of some of those who called themselves men of God. Others even tried to stifle my voice, saying that I was still a spiritual baby and that I still had to be trained. Others even sought to sabotage my ministry, invoking carnal pretexts, and saying that I must first deliver my house before I begin to testify.

To all of them, I ask the following question, "Are you more spiritual than He who said to me, "Arise! Testify and tell what I did for you!? Know ye, brethren, that He that hath begun this good work in me, namely, Jesus Christ, will make it perfect, and that ye cannot fight against God."

Today I was only ten months in the faith, and I declare to you that the word that was spoken in this book and in the churches is not of man. It comes from Christ. He formed His slave on the day of my deliverance for a whole day, and He continues to do so until now by His Holy Spirit.

Whether you like it or not, the Lord had already chosen me, while I was still in my mother's womb.

It is not your words or your jealousy that will make Him change His mind. It was by His grace that He made His choice of me. Many people know, in fact, what my conduct was before my deliverance. They know who I was in the kingdom of Satan, and how I was even more advanced in this kingdom than all the Cameroonians.

Indeed, before my deliverance, no other Cameroonians were in the central government of Satan. I am not referring to the little sorcerers, the magicians and the followers of the sects, but to the central administration of Satan.

But when it pleased Him who had chosen me from my mother's womb to deliver me and to ask me to testify of what He had done for me, I began to exhort the Christians and to explain to them how to come out of the clutches of the evil one, in which they had been held prisoners for years without knowing it.

It is the Lord who sent me, who exercises His ministry.

In the great majority of the churches where I have passed, it is Christians that He delivers. In some churches, 90 percent of Christians is entirely dominated by demons.

I announce the gospel of Jesus as He Himself taught me. I was not taught by a man. The Apostle Paul said, "I know someone who was taken up to the third heaven" (2 Corinthians 12: 2). If I am now counted among those who have received this unique grace of its kind, I will not boast of it, since it does not come from me. It is the choice of God.

Whether you are happy or not, it will not change the choice of the Most High God. If He has delivered me, He can deliver all who belong to Him. If He delivered me, I who was a demon, and if He taught me His Word in one day, He will also deal with everything that concerns me in the same way. He has begun this work Himself, and He will make it perfect.

I do not count on men. The apostle Paul, after his baptism, did not consult with flesh and blood to carry out his mission. Read his story in Galatians 1: 11-24, 2: 1-10. Forgive me, brothers and sisters, who are against me, if I tell you the truth, but I say this truth in the name of Jesus. Those who love truth also love me. But those who do not like the truth, who work for themselves and for their pockets, do not like to hear about me. It does not change anything. The solid foundation laid by Jesus Christ cannot be shaken by a man.

Yes, by His omnipotence, God protects His children. "Put on all the weapons of God, that you may stand firm against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11)

The power of God resting on His children is very real. When I was in the darkness, I experienced some experiences that prove to me today that God protects His children second by second.

When I was immersed in this satanic world while I lived in Edea, a situation took place at that time that surpassed my understanding. One day, a 38-year-old man arrived in my laboratory, which was located opposite the Party House. He told me that he needed a magic ring to exercise his domination at his place of work. It was necessary to pay a small sum, and I sent for the article of the temple of India the next day, together with a great quantity of other magical objects.

My table was loaded with these objects: powders, rings, chains, watches, and magic hats.

The next day the man returned to fetch his article. He was accompanied by another person, who happened to be his cousin. This cousin was a true child of God. This man had the power of God in him.

Even before he entered my laboratory, I saw him surrounded by a dazzling light.

As soon as this man had merely set foot in this laboratory of the devil, the power which was in him annihilated the power which was attached to all these articles which came from India and from the submarine temple. Pots broke, bottles broke. This man did not even know that he had such a power, and I myself did not understand what was exactly going on.

I was obliged to give my client his article, but he had lost all power, and I had to send the others back to India. I knew that this article would be of no use to him. But before the cousin left my lab, the power and light that was upon him had disappeared, and a number of demons had attached themselves to him. Yes, it happened because he had voluntarily entered the enemy's camp. If he had come to me to preach the good Word of God, no devil could have touched him, or even come near him. But because he had come to accompany someone who came to look for an occult object, he had participated in the sin of that person.

Therefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. (2 Cor 6:17)

In Romans 1:32 the Lord condemns this: "Though they know the judgment of God, declaring those who commit such things worthy of death, not only do they do, but they approve those who do them." If this brother who has received these demons does not confess his sin before witnesses, he cannot break the point of attachment where the devils cling, nor be delivered from this demonic grip. It is, therefore, necessary to confess your sins of occultism or spiritism, of drug use, of voluntary abortion, whether it be the woman who voluntarily aborts or the man who has participated in a voluntary abortion, adultery, fornication and sexual vagrancy.

These sins must be detailed one by one because each sin opens the door to its particular demons. If one confesses adultery or fornication in a general way, for example, it will never solve the problem, and one will remain stuck in a mass of demons. These sins were committed one by one, they must also be confessed one by one. Immediately after the confession, one must also chase the corresponding demons.

The best deliverance, therefore, corresponds to the best confession of sins. He who claims to be able to deliver a Christian without confessing his sins is a liar! The power of Jesus' blood can never be manifested when sins are not confessed.

Since sin allows the demon to touch us, to build a bridge or open a door to enter, the demon can come out and come back immediately if the bridge is not cut or the door is closed, that is, if the confession of sins is not made before witnesses

Acts 19: 18-19 Many also of those who had believed came, confessing, and declaring their deeds. Many of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. They counted the price of them and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.

In 1990, while I was still in this dark world, in Edea, I lived in the Bisseke district, and crowds of men and women came to see me for their health problems or other problems in their lives. In this world, many people think that Satan heals. No, brothers and sisters, Satan can never heal. The demon who is responsible for following someone simply does this: he simply replaces the demon that disturbs you by another demon that will show up a little later, and so people never end up running to healers. Satan wants to keep them prisoners until the end of their days. Only Jesus Christ heals. He is the Almighty.

One day, then, after finishing all my operations of the night, I took the motorcycle of one of my patients.

As I was driving along the road from Bisseke to the market town of Edea, I was chatting with some demons who were in charge of "putting order" in a church that was on this road, The Social Welfare Fund. The demons were "putting order" in this church as the Christians in this church disturbed them by raising their voices to pray.

Just in front of the Church, as I was rushing at speed and talking to these devils in spirit, I was thrown against the bicycle of an old man coming in the opposite direction by a power like a hurricane.

This old man was also a great sorcerer. In this terrible collision, he had a fractured nose, and I recovered with various wounds. This church was also that of my aunt's aunt. When she came out of the service, she came to find me there in that accident. The old man's bicycle was broken into several pieces, but my bike had not had a serious shock. After the police report, I went home to try to see clearly what had happened. But my understanding was limited. I was even blinded by the devil, and I absolutely could not understand that it had been the power of God that had struck me.

I would like to quote the third event, always concerning the power of God. It was at the time my fiancee and I were staying at the Hilton hotel in Yaounde. We had already scheduled our wedding. My fiancee had resolved to go down to Douala to announce her marriage to her aunts, who are fervent servants of God. I also had to go to Douala for a mission concerning this society that the devil wanted to create in my country.

My fiancee went ahead to meet her aunts and find common ground with them, for they were energetically opposed to this marriage. Being children of God, they could not accept that their niece would marry a demon, for that is how they called me.

They knew I was a magician, but I was much more than that. Magic is the art of invoking demons. As for me, I no longer invoked them, but I lived with them since I was their leader.

My fiancee was so sorry for her conversations with my aunts, because they did not want to hear about her marriage with me, and they even rejected the idea of marriage. My fiancee came to meet me at the Douala airport, where I arrived by an afternoon flight. She also wanted to inform me of the final result of her meeting. When she told me that the idea of her marriage with me had been rejected by her aunts, I was angry with these women. I swore inwardly to kill the two main opponents. One of them was a high school teacher, and the other was an office clerk at SOTUC. They lived in Bonamoussadi.

This was the first time I had taken such a resolution against members of my fiance's family. Her aunts had asked her to leave me and stay permanently in Douala, but she had refused.

As soon as I returned to Yaounde, I resolved to execute these two women. To this end, I went to Douala in an occult way at about two o'clock in the morning. They both lived in Bonamoussadi. I chose the one that was to be my first victim. Arriving at the scene, I saw that her apartment was situated in the middle of the falls of a great river. Normally, there is no river at this point. I could not even approach this fall because of a power that manifested itself there.

It was an inexplicable situation for me. I was obliged to wait in the morning to see if I had not been mistaken.

That morning my other aunt, who was working at SOTUC, came out of her house to go to worship, for it was a Sunday. I was right in front of her, but she could not see me. After her departure, the demon Billz who was in me told me that her house could not be found, whereas this house was clearly visible with carnal eyes. So I had to wait until she returned from the church to settle her account once and for all. She returned in the afternoon with a man who was probably her fiance. They walked in front of me at a distance of about 200 meters. So I began to send demons of death against her. But the spells I threw were deviated by some unseen power and the distance that separated me from her only increased.

In the occult world where I was, I tried to move as fast as possible to get closer to the couple, but the road became like the elastic of a sling that is stretched. After a few minutes, an abyss was formed between me and them.

The two missions failed completely.

These two women were saved thanks to Jesus Christ. They continue to serve the Lord, one in the "Witnesses of Christ" Assembly in Deido, and the other in the Missionary Center of the CIC City. Jesus can also protect you in the same way, if you accept Him as your Savior. The Lord Jesus is the strongest, the most powerful, the God of heaven, the Creator, and the God of Satan. The devil will have to confess the name of Jesus, even when he is in the lake of fire, where you will join him if you do not truly accept the Lord Jesus.

I would like to give a fourth example of the power of God. My Indian master often came to see me in my laboratory at Edea, occultly, for the various works of the kingdom of darkness. But this man had special hours to enter Cameroon, because of the power of God that reigned in this country at the time Christians were praying. Christians should know that the devil's activities are turned upside down when they pray. That is why the Word of God commands us to pray without ceasing.

At that time, when Cameroon was experiencing dead-city operations [a "dead-city" occurs when the population chooses to stay home as a form of protest], almost all Christians prayed tirelessly. Whenever this great Satanist planned a trip to Cameroon, he was always lost in the atmosphere. But when these operations of dead cities ceased, the Christians also lowered their ardor to prayer, and this demon who had come into the flesh could penetrate without difficulty at certain hours of the day.

On a certain Friday afternoon, this man arrived at around 3 pm to talk about our various problems.

After examining them thoroughly, he prepared to leave at about 7 pm. To our surprise, the demons of the guard who accompanied him took off one after the other. Our laboratory was so shaken that I was propelled from left to right. I saw my master take all sorts of human, animal and vegetable forms.

There was in my laboratory a vase of earth of a size not found in this world. This vase contained water, which was a representation of the ocean in the occult world. When we turned into a frog and plunged into this vase of water, we immediately reappeared in one of Satan's underwater laboratories. My master, who could no longer bear the power that made us shudder, tried to plunge into the vase. But it was impossible for him to do so, for the vessel was filled with sand.

Strangely enough, direct communications with underwater and underground temples were blurred. It was impossible for us to express thoughts by telepathy.

It was not until 9 pm that my master succeeded in leaving my laboratory because from 9 pm many Christians stop praying or stop the various meetings throughout the country.

There are hours that are called "dark hours" in the world of darkness. These are the hours when Christians pray. Only certain particular demons can then go out to fight and destroy those who pray. With us, these dark hours are from 5 to 6 in the morning, and from 17 to 21 hours. In our country, Cameroon, it is difficult for small inexperienced demons to work as they do in other non-Christianized countries. That is why this country is displayed on the blackboard of the devil, even though there are still many pagans and Christians in our country who do not do the will of Christ.

A single demon in the body of a Christian is enough to plunge him into the darkness. However, we must distinguish the case of one who lives in the disobedience from the case of the one who is in ignorance.

After visiting a large number of churches, I realize today in what depraved state are some Churches, whether Pentecostal or not. In the churches where the Lord allows me to practice the ministry of deliverance, after giving my testimony, the record is rather alarming. All these churches are plunged into darkness. 90 percent of Christians are inhabited by the most violent demons. They are zealous Christians who are sometimes more than 20 years old in the faith, who pray, prophesy, and speak very well in tongues.

But these are only gifts inspired by demons.

In some churches where I practiced deliverance in the name of Jesus, I saw some people waiting for their turn for deliverance, and "bursting forth" in tongues. Others even gave prophecies before their deliverance. The Lord knows the tricks Satan uses to deceive Christians. Therefore He has commanded me to give my testimony only in the churches.

In some churches the pastors do not even mention deliverance, for their concern is to fill their Church with unconverted and demon-possessed people. They call the Church "my Church", and exercise their ministry only to fill their pockets, build their villa, and ride in large cars.

They care more about tithing than about the spiritual health of their faithful. They preach prosperity to faithful who live in a depraved state and in sins. People are told that if they give money, they will be blessed by God, and God will multiply their possessions. What a blasphemous lie!

Who is this God who could bless those who voluntarily live in sin, knowing the truth?

A Church that has no team to deal with deliverance is a spiritually dead Church. Deliverance is very important in the life of a Christian and an entire Christian community. It is the burden of pastors and elders. Pastors and leaders of churches, you have no right to question the salvation of souls, to serve your own interests. You have been instructed to make these souls penetrate into the total salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ at the Cross of Calvary.

By the grace of Jesus, for only 10 months that I have been His, I have helped many brothers and sisters in Christ who had all kinds of problems to advance in the truth that Jesus Christ taught me.

I did not do it out of personal interest. All these have finally entered into the true salvation of Christ, without keeping a single demon in them. The ties fell, the prisons opened, and many people opened their hearts to Jesus for good.

Since I began to testify in the churches, at the Lord's command, I have seen many people being held in bonds, and I can truly say that all who approach the Lord with a sincere heart are always delivered. The Lord Jesus said, "I have given you the power to walk on the serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy. And nothing can hurt you." (Luke 10:19)

This promise is meant for every Christian who really wants the peace of Jesus Christ to reign in his heart.

Because they have not confessed their sins of abomination before witnesses, many Christians keep demons in them, without knowing it. These sins of abomination are in particular those described in
Deuteronomy 16: 21,22 You shall not plant for yourselves an Asherah of any kind of tree beside the altar of Yahweh your God, which you shall make for yourselves. Neither shall you set yourself up a pillar; which Yahweh your God hates.

Deuteronomy 17: 2-7 If there be found in the midst of you, within any of your gates which Yahweh your God gives you, man or woman, who does that which is evil in the sight of Yahweh your God, in transgressing His covenant, and has gone and served other gods, and worshiped them, or the sun, or the moon, or any of the army of the sky, which I have not commanded; and it be told you, and you have heard of it, then you shall inquire diligently; and behold, if it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is done in Israel, then you shall bring forth that man or that woman, who has done this evil thing, to your gates, even the man or the woman; and you shall stone them to death with stones. At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he who is to die to be put to death; at the mouth of one witness, he shall not be put to death. The hand of the witnesses shall be first on him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. So you shall put away the evil from the midst of you.

And Deuteronomy 18: 9-14 When you are come into the land which Yahweh your God gives you, you shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found with you anyone who makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices sorcery, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a consulter with a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh: and because of these abominations Yahweh your God does drive them out from before you. You shall be perfect with Yahweh your God. For these nations, that you shall dispossess, listen to those who practice sorcery, and to diviners; but as for you, Yahweh your God has not allowed you so to do.

When these sins of abomination, committed consciously or unconsciously, have not been brought to light during conversion, the devil retains his rights in the lives of these Christians, and he continues to accuse them before God.

Revelation 12:10 I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now is come the salvation, the power, and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ; for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them before our God day and night.

Idolatry opens wide doors to demons. The Apostle Paul says, "The Spirit expressly says that in the last days some will abandon faith to attach themselves to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons" (1 Timothy 4: 1). Our life is based on Jesus Christ and not on His mother Mary. Jesus said, "He that has seen Me has seen the Father," and again, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Jesus never mentioned His mother in His prayers and His preaching. There is no other mediator, between God and men, the man Jesus Christ crucified.

It is not an image of Jesus that can save, but Jesus must dwell in your heart. Jesus wants to live in a clean and pure heart. It cannot be hung on the wall of a house. The Word of God says: "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?" (1 Cor 6:19)

If you keep this image of Jesus, or that of Mary, or these statues and representations of things from above, it is an idolatry that opens the door to devils in your life. The Word of God says, "Thou shalt not make thee a graven image, nor any representation of the things that are above in the heavens (God, Jesus, and all others), that are below on the earth (the creatures), and who are in the waters lower than the earth (Satan). Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, neither shalt thou serve them; For I Jehovah thy God I am a jealous God, who punishes the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third generation, and to the fourth generation of them that hate Me "(Deuteronomy 5: 8-9).

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