Monday, December 17, 2018



Some people confused me with Muslims because of the dark spot on my forehead. Actually, I saw in heaven angels worshipping the Lord, and while they were worshipping, they were on their knees and their heads or foreheads were touching the ground.

I copied and developed the habit of worshipping the Lord on my knees and forehead touching the ground. As a result, this dark spot appeared on my forehead. I tried to erase it but it never worked. I went to see a dermatologist; there was no way to remove it.

One day I will teach about prayer. I got this teaching from Jesus Christ Himself because there are special hours of prayer in the 24 hours cycle.

I have seen many things but people are not ready to hear them but I will have to talk about them over time. Whatever the reaction of the people, they will have to make up their minds.



Hello brothers and sisters, I am here to present to you the teaching about prayer. Actually the Lord Jesus Christ Himself appeared to me and revealed to me what I am about to teach here.

If you are watching me, I would like you to follow me carefully and to put this into practice, because we are dealing with knowledge and it's only when you put it into practice that you will see results.

The way the Lord started His teaching is the way I am also starting with this preaching.

The Lord Jesus started with Proverbs 6:20-23, 'My son, observe the commandment of your father. And do not forsake the teaching of your mother. Bind them continually on your heart; Tie them around your neck. When you walk about, they will guide you; When you sleep, they will watch over you; And when you awake, they will talk to you.

Beloved, follow me well. Jesus said to me face to face, “My son, observe the commandment your father is giving you. Beloved Jesus is my Father as I have no Father except Him.

Then Jesus said to me, “My son Joshua, do not forsake your mother teaching.” Jesus was not referring to my physical mother but He was talking about the church, so the church is my mother, our mother.

And Jesus said to me, “What I am telling you, now bind them in your heart. Tie them around your neck because they will guide you, they will watch over you when you sleep. In fact, when you sleep, you will sleep in peace.”

They will talk to you when you wake up in the morning as you don't know what is coming your way in the day. These words will direct you, they will guide and they will warn you of bad things to come.”

These words are a lamp and these teachings are a light because you will understand things and your eyes will be opened.

Then Jesus gave me another passage in Proverbs 3:21-26, “My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight; preserve sound judgment and discretion. They will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way to safety, and your foot will not stumble.”

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked. For the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared.”

Here the Lord is insisting that this teaching must be right in front of my eyes. That is why you see me with the notebook. Actually, when the Lord Jesus appeared to me, I took this notebook and I wrote everything in it. Even if the notebook is old, I still keep it.

Because the word of God is life for our soul and the enemy is manipulating many souls out there. There are Christians who are even vulnerable to witches which are incredible just because they do not keep God's precepts.

Beloved, keeping God's word is equal to walking with assurance in your ways, even if you walk in the valley of death, there will be no fear; even when you sleep, you will never be bothered by witches and they will not dare to come in your dreams.

I remember recently after praying as usual in the night, when I finished praying I wanted to sleep when suddenly I saw a witch staring at me from the window. She came with her spiritual or astral body but still, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and I saw her.

Then I cursed her. As a result in the morning, she got sick and she was transported to the hospital and after many weeks of treatment, the doctor said that there is nothing they can do for her and that she will die. So they released her from hospital to die at home.

This witch knew that she was about to die so she came to me for forgiveness. She confessed and said, “I came to attack you in the night and as consequence I got sick.”

As I already knew that I was the one who cursed her, I gave her water to drink and when she did, she was healed on the spot.

OK, now let us start with the message about how to pray. As this message is broadcast on television, there are secrets that will not be revealed because they are heavy for some to bear but in churches, I do release them.

What I am trying to say is that in an intimate relationship with God, there are also secrets. Unbelievers and Christians who are babies might think we are occultists.

That's why there are things that Jesus told me when He appeared to me and I say them only in my church and it is difficult for babies.

We read in Luke 11:1 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

Here we see the disciples asking the Lord to teach them to pray because they saw how efficient Jesus' prayer was when He was dealing with problems. I was in a really tough situation and I wanted to see the hand of God so I also asked the Lord to show me how to pray.

Then, Jesus Christ, Himself showed up and He began to teach how to pray. Firstly according to the dictionary, prayer is the act of addressing a divinity to worship Him or to implore Him.

Beloved, let me tell you that the Lord wants us to pray. Prayer is one of the pillars of a Christian life and God wants us to pray ceaselessly as this world is corrupted and the devil has his grip on this planet.

And it is written, “Woe to the earth because the devil has come  down to you with great anger, knowing that he has a short time.” Beloved, in this world we see wars, spiritual infestations, witchcraft, false doctrine, immorality, spiritual wives and husbands.

All these things are the devices and works of the devil, the ruler of this world, and it is written in Luke 18:1 Then Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

Beloved, let me remind you that God wants you to pray and you must wake up and pray. Actually, there is a place in prayer where God is waiting for you.

As this world is corrupt and polluted, not praying means you are exposing yourself to the king of this world and his demons and witches, and by not praying you are putting yourself in danger and making yourself vulnerable to the arrows of the enemy and you may die spiritually and physically.

And there are people walking in the street but their death was already decided. Its only prayer that has the power to set their souls free; prayer can unblock situations. That's why God is looking for someone to stand as an intercessor and to pray so that He can deploy His hand.

Prayer is the core of Christian life and it changes circumstances and situations in life.

Isaiah 59: 15-16 And the truth are lacking, and whoever turns from evil makes himself a prey. And YAHWEH saw; and it was evil in His eyes, that there was no justice. And He saw that there was no man, and He was astonished that there was no intercessor. And His own arm saved for Him; and His righteousness sustained Him.

Beloved, prayer is vital and essential and God is looking for an intercessor.

We must understand that prayer is the will of God and whoever seeks to do the will of the Father will pray and intercede for another and whoever neglect prayer is out of the will of God. Just give yourself in prayer and you will see!

Beloved, I pray every single day in the night, from 2 am to 4 am. This is a discipline I adopted and let me tell you when its 2 am and I failed to wake by myself, an angel of the Lord will come to wake me up.

And in 1 Timothy 2:1-5 the Bible says, “First of all then, I exhort that petitions, prayers, supplications, and thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all the ones being in high position, that we may lead a tranquil and quiet existence in all purity and holiness. For this is good and acceptable before Elohim our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to a full knowledge of the truth. For YAHWEH is one (echad), also there is one Mediator of YAHWEH and of men, the Man Messiah Yahshua,

You cannot criticize pastors or politicians. Normally you should pray for them as recommended; you should also learn to pray for your enemy and those persecuting you and when you reach this level, it is guaranteed that your prayer will be favorable.

Beloved after this introduction, let us enter in the subject of how to pray. When Jesus appeared to me for the first time, He said there are rules and principles governing this world. When you keep these principles you are bound to see results.

He said prayer is one of these principles but many Christians do not know how to pray. That's why Jesus said to the apostles, “Up to now you have not asked anything. Ask and it shall be given to you so that your joy may be perfect.”

The first point the Lord gave me in this teaching about prayer is concentration.

And in Matthew 6:5-6 And when you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, for they love to pray to stand in the synagogues and in the corners of the open streets so that they may be seen of men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your room and shutting your door, pray to your Father in secret. And your Father seeing in secret will repay you in the open.

What Jesus meant when saying you should close your door and window is that you must be concentrated, you cannot be praying and having your thoughts traveling here and there.

Concentration is about gathering all your thoughts on one object. It's the application of intellectual effort on one object. You gonna have to focus all your thoughts on one thing. Jesus said to me, “Concentration is one of the foundation or pillar of prayer.

You must be concentrated; you can have eyes open but what matters is being concentrated. And you must picture God in front of you, not up there in heaven, because the Bible says where two or three are gathered in My Name, I am in their midst.

The moment you begin to pray, you must understand He is there because He said, “I will never leave you like an orphan, I will be with you every day. The God you pray to is always with you, so picture Him by your side, not in heaven.

And when you pray, behave like you are talking to someone around you, your Father is in front of you.

Beloved, I am so advanced in these things that when I am concentrated, even with my eyes opened, I am not there. You can pass around me, of course, my eyes will see but I am not there, and there will be no eye movement or contact.

Sometimes when I am in concentration sitting on a sofa, my wife will come and talk to me but she will just realize that I am not there. Then she would just leave and there are moments I just sit quietly and concentrated, even if she tries to push me she would know that I am gone.

She would not try to talk to me because she knows even if she does, I am not there because I am very concentrated, and then she would just leave.

And she also knows that I might be talking to Jesus. This is one of the reasons I was clever in school because I can concentrate and be attentive and follow every word of the teacher. So concentration is the foundation and the first step in prayer.

I would encourage you to practice concentration and learn to sit quietly in the presence of the Lord and contemplate His glory. Concentration allows us to enter the presence of God.

Let us read John 4:20-24 Yahshua said to her, Woman, believe Me, that an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for life is of the Jews. But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeks such, the ones worshiping Him. Elohim is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth.

Beloved, we will have to enter the spirit atmosphere or realm to establish contact with God who is spirit as a man is a spirit; he lives in a body and he has a soul.

For us to communicate with God, we will have to do it through our spirit communicating with Him because the flesh will not do.

We shall learn to concentrate and to contemplate God in our thoughts as written in 2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all with our face having been unveiled, see as in a mirror, the glory of YAHWEH, and we shall all be transformed into the same likeness, from one glory to another, just as the Spirit comes from YAHWEH.

So we must exercise and perfect the act of concentration to enter into contact with the Father because the moment your spirit is connected to God, His glory will be reflected upon you.

This happened when Jesus took the 3 disciples to the mountain and He prayed and after being connected, His face was illuminated by the glory of God.

Many occultists will understand easily what I am talking about. Actually, occultists have private rooms where no one enters, neither their wives nor their children. It's where they do concentration and prayer to enter the world of spirits.

And when occultists want to pray, they enter in serious concentration and meditation. Let me remind you again that every occultist has a secret room for concentration and meditation before doing magical prayer and conjuring.

And you read the Bible, you will notice that the apostles or the prophets in the Old Covenant had secret places for prayer where they spend time meditating and contemplating the glory of God in prayer and fasting.

Beloved, you will need a secret room of prayer, a high place of prayer and concentration to avoid contact with the exterior world by contemplating the glory of God.

I am insisting on concentration because Jesus was insisting to me when giving me this teaching. You must practice and perfect it.

The fact is when you start your prayer right from the beginning, if you fail to establish concentration, it also means that you have failed in your prayer. But if from the outset you manage to start your prayer with concentration, you will flow and you will not struggle to pray longer.

The more you are concentrated, the Holy Spirit will put words in your mouth as to what to say, and the longer you can stay in prayer without getting tired.


We have 4 directions of prayer which are the four corners of the earth or the four cardinal points. There is east west north south.

And we read in Isaiah 43:5-6 Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your seed from the east, and I will gather you from the west. I will say to the north, Give up! And to the south, Do not hold back! Bring My sons from afar, and bring My daughters from the ends of the earth;

The first direction is the east. This is the prayer done while contemplating the eastern direction or the sunrise because in the past the children of Israel wherever they were they were praying in the direction of Jerusalem.

2 Chron 6:34-35 When Your people shall go out to battle against its enemies in the way that You shall send them, and they shall pray to You toward this city that You have chosen, and the house that I have built for Your name; then You shall hear from Heaven their prayer and their supplication, and shall maintain their cause.

2 Chron 6:36 When they sin against You (for there is not a man who does not sin) and You shall be angry with them and shall give them up before an enemy, and their captors shall take them captive, to a land distant or near;

Actually, the temple was built in Israel and in this passage that we read, the temple was being dedicated to God. And the children of Israel were instructed that when they are praying they should look in the direction of Jerusalem and the temple even if they are in captivity abroad and in doing so, their prayer will be accepted by the Lord.

And in the book of Daniel, it is written that when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows were opened towards Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.

It is clear in this passage that Daniel was always praying in the direction of Jerusalem and the temple because the windows of his room were in the direction of the temple in Jerusalem.

Even Daniel was praying in the direction of Jerusalem and he was getting answers to his prayer. Actually, this practice can be found among Muslims and occultists but the children of God are ignorant of this mystical truth.

Everytime occultists do things, Christians think that it is necessarily evil but there are spiritual principles that they learned from their master the devil who had copied and learned all things from God. The occultists most of the time pray in the direction of the rising sun.

We can ask a lot of questions but as we read in the book of Chronicles, we should also understand that the morning star always rises in the east. Therefore we can pray in the direction of the sunrise.

And the Bible says in Revelation 22:16 I, Yahshua, sent My cherub to testify these things to you over the congregations. I am the Root and Offspring of David, the bright and Morning Star.

Beloved, every morning you should be praying in the direction of the sunrise as Jesus is the Morning Star. This is prefigurative because the rising of the sun brings forth life blessings and other good things for the day.

Actually in Matthew 2:1-2 And when Yahshua had been born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, magi arrived from the east to Jerusalem, saying, where is He born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.

The Bible is talking about these astrologers who saw Jesus' star in the east and came to worship Him. Actually the day you were born, your star also showed up in the east just like Jesus' star was seen in the east. And when occultists see a star rising in the east, they will try to wage war against it.

Because of your star, they will try to kill you in early age and get a hold of your star just like Herod tried to kill Jesus by killing babies. If they manage to kill you, they will use your star to enrich themselves but if they cannot kill you, they will try to steal your star and sell it in the spirit realm.

The second direction of prayer is the west, which is the place of sunset, while the east is for the sunrise. The west is a place of gathering, as we read in Isaiah, we do prayer in the western direction in order to destroy the works of darkness.

In fact, the west is equal to sunset or sundown. We are talking about the night and we know that in the night there are wicked, malicious and malevolent activities happening.

That's why you must wage war against these gatherings and destroy the works of darkness.

Therefore remember to look in the west while praying in order to destroy the works of darkness whether in the day or in the night.

I was praying in the night at a friend's place. He is a pastor. It was night, I was praying outside when Jesus appeared to me. He said to me that these 2 directions, the east and the west are also the origins of war and battle orchestrated by the forces of darkness against Christians. I was stunned.

Then Jesus began revealing to me about a group of men and women in the neighborhood. He talked to me about a group of women in 3 streets who are witches and they gather in the night to perpetrate sickness in the neighborhood.

They attacked infants and babies in order to kill them and eat their flesh and get a hold of their stars. Actually, when they kill babies the stars go to the devils and they eat the flesh and the blood of the victims, and after talking to me about these witches the Spirit of the Lord told me to take authority and I took authority in the neighborhood and I destroyed their activity.

As a result, they declared war on me. When I met some of them in the day they said to me, “You are the one destroying our activities. We will kill you if you continue.” They swore to kill me and they started to attack me and making threats.

There was a bloody conflict between me and them. As a result of their challenge against me, many of them died. I said to them publicly and openly, “How can you send sickness and cause death in the neighborhood and even infant death?”

I warned these witches in open day. I said, “You are blocking peoples' lives." No one in the neighborhood is emerging, people are stagnating but when I took authority they were in confusion.

Just bear in mind the west is a place of gathering of your enemy and you gonna have to fight. Jesus also said that the east is equally a place of war and conflict too.

In Exodus 10:12-14 And YAHWEH said to Moses, Stretch out your hand for the locusts over the land of Egypt so that they may go up on the land of Egypt and may eat every plant of the land, all that the hail left. And Moses stretched out his staff over the land of Egypt. And YAHWEH brought an east wind on the land all that day and all that night. And at morning the east wind lifted up the locusts. And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt and rested on all the territory of Egypt, exceedingly many. Never were there locusts like them before, and afterward, none will be like them.

In this passage, it is clear that the wind that came from the east brought sickness and then the Lord send a western wind in order to clean the country from the sickness that came from the east.

Actually, I was renting a place but opposite my place, there was a woman who was the leader of the witchcraft brotherhood operating in the neighborhood. This demonic gathering was causing infant mortality in the neighborhood and Jesus revealed to me their activity.

I asked Jesus what to do. He said, “Joshua, lift up your hands and take authority.”

And I began to pray towards the western direction. I said, "Lord, what this woman planned for the children, whether it is death or sickness, let it be her portion; let her experience it.” I said, “Lord if she plans sickness, let it be her portion. If she planned death, let it be her portion. In the Name of Jesus Christ."

Beloved, you don't wanna be more merciful than the Lord. I know people who say the Lord forgave. Nevertheless, He said they had to die. The Bible says that he who digs a hole will himself fall into it.

Beloved, when I prayed the leader of the witches got sick and 2 weeks later she died and after that, a father who was a member of the neighborhood witchcraft also died in the same way.

Beloved, we do a prayer that has an effect and we see the consequence of our prayer because we are in spiritual armed conflict and we cannot allow the enemy have his way, otherwise, we would have poverty, sickness, and death.

Therefore we must pray to counter-attack the enemy. In fact, Elijah said, “If I am the man of God let fire come down and consume you” and it happened the way he wanted. And the people who opposed Moses were swallowed by the earth.

And the Apostle Paul did strike a man with blindness. You only have to pray and the Lord will avenge you. There was a man who tried to defy me. When I prayed, he turned mad. He lost his mind. Later I pitied him. Then after some time, I prayed for him and he restored his senses.

So the third direction of prayer is the north. We know that in the noontime, the sun is in the middle of heaven. That's the direction of prayer to our great King Jesus, as David said in Psalm 121:1-2, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from where shall my help come? My help comes from YAHWEH, the Maker of the heavens and the earth.”

And if we read in John Joh 4:23-24 But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeks such, the ones worshiping Him. Elohim is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth.

It is clear that there is a change here. It is no longer in the direction of Jerusalem location like we saw in Daniel prayer and 2 Chronicles but the Bible says that we will worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.

This is about lifting our eyes in heaven no more in Jerusalem because that's where the throne of Jesus Christ is and also because there is a new city for Christians, which is the New Jerusalem in heaven.

Instead of praying in the direction of earthly Jerusalem but as we are in the New Covenant, we are praying in the direction of the New Jerusalem, which is heavenly. Therefore we should lift up our eyes to heaven when praying.

In Mark 6: 41 And taking the five loaves and the two fish, looking up to Heaven, He blessed, and broke the loaves, and giving out to His disciples, that they might set before them. And He divided the two fish to all.

Beloved, the Bible says a man can only receive what comes from heaven.

In Mark 7:33-35 And taking him away from the crowd privately, He put His fingers into his ears, and spitting, He touched his tongue, and looking up into Heaven, He groaned and said to him, Ephphatha! (which is, Be opened!) And instantly his ears were opened, and the bond of his tongue was loosened, and he spoke correctly.

In this instance, Jesus did lift His eyes to heaven. In fact, it was a custom for Him to do so, so we can follow Him.

The south is related to earth, the underground wealth, the water wealth. We must worship the Lord with our belonging because the offering is an act of worship.

When you pray, you can order the earth or the ground. It's biblical. I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, do not withhold; bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth.

In Isaiah 60:5, Then you shall fear and be bright; and your heart shall dread and swell. For the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you; the wealth of nations shall come to you.

Still, you gonna have to honor the Lord with your tithes and offerings in order to make that prayer powerful and efficient.


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