Monday, December 17, 2018



There are people who believe that the devil stays on earth or underground. No, not even in the submarine space. He comes on this earth, but he stays in the air. It is only the day when the Lord Jesus comes that He will dislodge the devil because the Bible says that all the powers of the air shall be shaken. This place in the air where Lucifer is is called the world of Tartarus, the second Heaven. If you stand outside and look up, you will see the sky, which is the first Heaven. After that, comes the second. It is there where Lucifer stays with his demons, the rebellious angels. After that Heaven comes to the third Heaven, the Heaven of God. Even when you read the second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, he wrote, "I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third Heaven." 2 Cor.12:2.

And at this place, Lucifer and his angels formed an army called the mysteries of the air. It is what you read in Ephesians 2:1-2 "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient." Lucifer is called the prince of the power of the air. And from there when the Bible says: Woe to the earth and the sea, it is because Lucifer stands between humans and God, he is in the middle. He knows that he has little time left and is trying to divert the children of God so that they no longer do the will of God, and that, like him, they will be lost too. At that place, he has created a barrier called the cosmic force. This barrier aims to block all the inefficient prayers. What is an inefficient prayer? It is a prayer that is made by a person who lives in sin. Isaiah 59:1-2 tells us, "Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear."

And through this barrier, the devil is able to block even an angel of God. Remember the 21-day prayer that Daniel did. Let us read Daniel 10:12-13 "Then he continued, Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me because I was detained there with the king of Persia." God sent Michael because Daniel was living in the fear of God. You too, you can pray, but if you do not live in sanctification, you will pray, but your prayer will never be answered. The devil will block your prayer.



I will briefly explain to you how the devil used me in traffic accidents.

One day we left Likasi, we were on a bus with a friend, with passengers. While we were on the bus, my friend and I wanted to cause an accident to kill ten people. From Likasi, we had just passed Luiza. And after some time, there was a pastor who began to preach on the bus. While he was preaching, we looked at him with mystic eyes and saw him without clothes. But he was preaching anyway. You know, today there are some pastors who are just like signposts. They tell the others: "There is heaven, heaven is that way", but here they are, preaching, but are not living according to what they preach to others. And nowadays, there are so many pastors who live like that. While this pastor was preaching on the bus, there was a sister, I didn't know her, who was touched by the Word, and who suddenly began to speak in tongues. And while she was speaking in tongues, my friend and I had been thrown out of the bus and found ourselves in the bush in Boulouwo. Let me remind you that my friend and I were both Satanists. The incident occurred just after we passed Luiza.

We were there in the bush physically, I don't know how we got out of the bus because the bus’ windows were not broken. When we were in the bush in Boulouwo, we got angry. So I told my friend: "Everything that happened to us, it is because of this pastor who was preaching because if he had not preached, this sister would not have started speaking in tongues. So we must do everything to kill this pastor. "We turned into a sparrowhawk, and we flew away. This pastor got off in Kibombo. It was there that we captured him and killed him. He is no longer of this world. Be careful with the work of God, God cannot be mocked. What a man sows, he reaps it sooner or later.



The secret to being pleasant to our God is to praise and worship Him because He dwells in the praises and worships of His people. When we worship our God, He opens Heaven and all the good things that we are looking for comes down into our lives. Know that all the good things you are looking for are in the hand of God. You just have to worship Him properly and He will give you the desires of your heart. But because the devil knows that, he has already redirected the worship. The devil has directed to himself the worship which should normally go to God, by urging the humans to do things that do not reflect the glory of God. The Bible says that we should give God the glory in every circumstance. But if you examine your life very well, you will realize that what you do, how you live, how you behave does not reflect the glory of God. And know that when you do such things, you are worshiping the devil without knowing it. Know that there are demons that urge you to do all those things, and through this testimony, the Lord is opening your eyes. The devil will no longer have worship. It is our God alone who will be worshiped from now on.



The tenth commandment says: Never mention the name of the so-called Creator and His Only Begotten Son. Why? Because the Bible tells us in Romans 10:13 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." In short, those are all the commandments of Satan. Now, if you find yourself in one of these commandments that I have just mentioned, know that the devil has a grip on you. You must repent and cast away the evil spirits which are in you.



I too had fallen in the faith, for the fall of this girl was no lesson to me. I was involved with my girlfriend and I started having sex with her. My pastor did not know I was fornicating. He gave me the opportunity to preach the Word. I partook of the holy supper without any concern, thinking that everything was normal.

Until in a prayer service, the pastor encouraged everyone to seek the presence of the Holy Spirit. I prayed to God for the presence of the Holy Spirit. I began to feel a strong spiritual presence and I spoke in tongues. When I looked at my side, I saw a blackbird looking like a crow. It was not the dove but a blackbird that made me feel that presence.

I came home very scared of what happened to me. A demon appeared in my room at night. He mocked me and said, "How did it feel to have felt my presence in that service?"

I shuddered and tried to drive that demon out but I had no authority. That demon called me a fornicator and tormented me all night. I spent the night in mental anguish and when the day dawned I called my pastor and said that a demon tormented me.

I wanted an answer from God and I was confused since I was just a new convert. The Holy Spirit used the mouth of my shepherd and said, "Thus saith the Lord, that night which thou spoke in tongues, it was not I but it was a devil that used him. That presence you felt? It was not Mine."

I was worried and began to repent after I was rebuked by the Holy Spirit.

He said, "You live with this woman and have sex with her. This girl is responsible for your spiritual failure. She was used by the demons to overthrow your ministry. The demons possessed her life to reach you through your sentimental life. Satan chose a beautiful girl to destroy you. He always comes with something wonderful and seductive and his proposals are hard to resist.
Even the gifts I gave you, I have taken from you, for there is no holiness in your life to use you. My presence has moved away from you."

That message of rebuke that I received from God was true. I was no longer used in the gifts I had received. Although my shepherd was used by the Holy Spirit, he did not know that I was in sin. The Holy Spirit had never spoken to him earlier but that day God revealed to him about me. That day I took an attitude of changing my life and getting out of fornication.



I have prayed in strange tongues for the demons not to understand what my plans are. The only one who knows what I'm talking about is my wife. She received the gift of language interpretation. I tell her not to interpret strange tongues when I am praying so that the demons will not understand.

When I am walking along the street, I cannot pray as many people were walking. I make a silent prayer in thought speaking to God, through the heart. I am spiritually connected with the Holy Spirit and the demons watch, wanting to know what I am talking to God. I pray from the depths of the soul that comes out from within me and the demons do not know what I'm saying. They try to probe my inner man, but they cannot because they had no spiritual sight into my inner man. I had a spiritual veil looking like a curtain covering my innermost. The demons cannot see inside of me to probe.

A Man soon passed through me, whose presence emanated anointing and power, which I was not worthy to turn around to see His face. A voice said, "If you look, you will be blinded, for He is in its full splendor." This man is the Holy Spirit of God and probed within me.

I saw wheels to the words that came out of my heart and talked to me without opening His mouth. I also did not open my mouth, but I talked to Him through the spirit in silent communication.

I realized that all the supernatural things that happened in my ministry were due to the grace of the Spirit of God. Without Him, no wonder would happen. It would be like Samson who lost his strength when the Spirit of God moved away. I recognize that I am dust and gray before this work.

I pray in heavenly tongues in the church so that the devil does not understand, but I ask for interpretation in my language, but I do not tell the church so the demons do not understand, and start working to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled.

One day a young man in the church bewildered with his life received the gift of tongues. I told him if that gift was from the Holy Spirit, He would give him the interpretation too. This young man when he spoke in tongues received no interpretation of them.

And a voice said, "I only give an interpretation in the gift that I give Myself. If the gift that was not from Me, he cannot interpret."

This young man told me that he heard that voice saying that. I told him that it was the voice of the Holy Spirit saying that it was not Him, but the gift is false.

When it is God's own interpretation, then the gift of tongues is genuine. But the demons only know how to imitate the strange language and not give the interpretation because they do not know what they are saying or the meaning of the language.

One day this young man spoke in tongues in the church and interpreted everything he was saying. I heard all his interpretation and this boy came to me saying now he is able to interpret his tongues, it means that the gift that he received this time is of the Holy Spirit. I told him the interpretation does not match the strange tongues that he spoke. I know very well what was said in the strange tongues, but the interpretation was false.

This language has just been copied by a demon who has no idea what he is talking about. That language is a mystery of the heavens that is not revealed to anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit. The demon used his mouth and managed to imitate the speaking of this mystery, but failed to interpret it because it is a mystery. The tongue was spoken in a mystery which the devil does not know.

The heavenly letters are also in mysteries, which no one understands neither the demons, but only those who have the Holy Spirit will understand them. In Daniel 5 verse 8, the mysterious hand wrote on the wall of King Belshazzar's palace. He called the magicians, the soothsayers, and the astrologers to interpret those letters. No demon was able to bring the interpretation through them, you know why? The letters were written in mysteries, something is hidden that no one knows but the one who has the Holy Spirit. Daniel was able to interpret this mystery for the king.

In the same way, a language which is spoken in mysteries also no one knows what is being said, nor the demons know. The prayers spoken in celestial tongues confuse the demons, they do not understand and when the prayers rise to the sky in the form of balls, even if the demons can hold for some time, they cannot decipher the letters that are in mysteries in forms of a code. The demons cannot hold these prayers for long in the air because they are the strongest. Demons are furious at praying in mysteries.

I told the young man that he was once deceived by this terrible demon. I laid my hands on that boy and cast out that demon.

I went to visit a sorcerer, this man said, "All Christians treat me as their enemy, why do you come to me? I am your enemy."

I told him my fight is not against the flesh, but against the infernal legions.

That sorcerer was possessed and began to speak in strange tongues imitating what I had spoken in the church.

I said, "A demon is copying a language I spoke to in the church, you can give utterance to all the heavenly languages, but you do not know what you're talking about."

For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. (1 Corinthians 14: 2).

"This word says that man speaks in divine mysteries and only God understands and no one else. The devil does not know what he is saying, for whoever speaks in mystery is speaking in a spiritual code. The very word mystery has already said that they are hidden things not yet revealed."

"You devil is imitating every word I said in the church that night, now tell me what I said. Unravel this mystery, no use lying or speaking a false interpretation, for I know the meaning of this mystery and I was given to the hidden revelation of these things. I know very well the message of this mystery and you do not know. Do not try to interpret what God did not reveal for you."

The devil went out of the body of the sorcerer much anger. I prayed for that sorcerer and expelled that demon and the sorcerer fell to the ground.

The angel who helps me has taken his spirit to heaven. I saw when the angel came up with it at high speed reaching the clouds.



What I understand in the spirit world is that we are warriors of battle and we are in a war being waged against us by the hordes of hell. Warriors who soften their swords will blunt their blades. I tell you if they stop praying their gifts are buried, their authorities weakened and everything becomes rusty when warfare is not practiced. How many have lost their authority and their gifts have weakened by abandoning their lives of communion with God.

We are not alone in this battle and we receive help from the angels. It is important that we grow in grace to be structured spiritually. Pray to God and look more and more to overcome your wars. A Christian warrior is constantly evolving from strength to strength in the spirit world. What I am saying is that a Christian grows spiritually in levels when he is in the war. He who qualifies the Christian as a warrior is the Holy Spirit insofar as the warrior seeks God. The more prayer you pray, the better it will be for your spiritual growth.

Read the Word as a complement to this spiritual structuring. You can be extremely used by God. Everything is possible when you believe. If you believe you can be a vessel used by God, then persist.


Last month I and the church prayed for various names of people who did not convert. The church and I prayed at dawn. I had a vision of 78 evil works being nullified, including death squads, works of black magic for destruction and ties of deceit to death. I saw in the vision 48 death pits being closed by the angels. Those who dug these pits were the demons. These souls were counting their days to die. Jesus repealed the law of death and one more chance has been given to these lives to convert. This is the prayer power of the righteous who are persecuted by the very people they intercede for.

The demons behind the 78 evil works and 43 death sentences were angry with me and the church. The demons raised up a great persecution against us. Four large, well-known churches persecuted our ministry. It's amazing how the demons controlled these lukewarm churches. These religious institutions without the Holy Spirit became fleshly. But we cried out to God.

I had a vision of our united ministry looking like a strong current. Our prayers in the form of fireballs came together and rose to the sky. Minutes later, war angels descended and fought against the legion used by the four churches. The Angels beat the demons by making them flee. And every angel that came down delivered a blessing to every brother who cried to God. After this victory, we continued to pray. Our prayers went up into heaven and were transformed into blessings that descended to earth.

Our prayers accumulated and formed a gigantic ball of fire that rose to the sky. The Holy Spirit strolled in our midst. The angels came down in answers to our prayers. All people received a blessing. One brother said that his son was converted. The other said he was gifted a house from a person who did not know him. This brother did not have a home and lived in the family home. One woman said her husband was released from drug addiction. Others received gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I already received a visit from a businessman from another country. He donated 1 million euros to me. The money was given to me, not to the church. It was a chance for me to become a rich person. I accepted the money and shared it with the church and the other part of the money is saved to help poor people in other countries and the homeless. I do not need all that money to survive. I just need what is essential to survive. Too much money imprisons man's heart in luxury by making him be self-centered and self-indulgent, spending on the pleasures of life without caring for those in need. I gave the money to the church account and I was left with little money for my use.

I could understand that the prayer of a holy and united church becomes one. The prayer of the Saints together is stronger than the prayer of one person. That is why Satan makes a division within the church to destroy that union which is by the force of prayer. Saints, the more you pray, the more you become intimate with Jesus. You will perceive this intimacy growing over the years.

I had a vision of pastors, elders, deacons, and missionaries of a great church. They did not sanctify themselves and their prayers were not answered. Their prayers did not come to heaven because they were not pure. Prayers of immoral lips and lying tongues are impure prayers that do not enter the holy place where the throne of God in heaven is.

Before these prayers arrive they are held in the air. The demons grab these stained prayers and swallow them by feeding them. I had a vision of a profane church. Its teachings were not that of the Bible and the ways of the members' lives do not fit the Word of God. This church with other profane churches was connected with the demons of the air through a black cord resembling a thread. These demons made fire fall from the sky and deceived these people. Such churches are frequently deceived by seducing spirits when they preach lying doctrines and offer strange fires of worship to the presence of God.


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