Friday, December 7, 2018



When I traveled to the world of waters, I saw the case of a man who was inflicted with epilepsy. The demon of epilepsy is a black and white bird. It is mostly in a cage. I saw how the marine spirits got it out of the cage and blew it to the mirror bearing that man's name. I saw this bird that is the spirit of epilepsy enters the head of this man who was the target. As a result, this man became epileptic on the earth. Epilepsy is a sign of demonic control and manipulation. In fact, I saw a lot of cages and mirrors in the underwater realm. There are people on earth with chronic diseases, heart disease, and kidney disease. I saw the hearts of people in cages. I saw the brains of people living on earth in cages. I saw the bodily organs of people in cages. These people suffer from chronic illness on earth because their organs are stolen or sacrificed, and put in cages in the water world.

Once the water world can locate you in their mirror, they have the power to affect you in one way or another, since they have free access. They can inject any kind of disease in your life, and any disease of mystical origin will never be cured by scientific medicine. The only prayer in the name of Jesus can put an end to these diseases.



Other Christians were hit by darts of infirmity for having abominations in their homes. Demons only live in their homes if it is lawful for them to destroy a family. So throw away objects or things that lure demons into your home. The stone that makes you stumble on this narrow path will get you out of your way. Live a holy life and Satan cannot steal your salvation if you are faithful to the end.



That shepherd walks in holiness for the Lord has revealed his life to me. The only problem was that he did not pray enough and he remained spiritually weak. And because of this, a demon threw a javelin of infirmity into his heart. He did not tell me that he had a problem in his heart but Jesus told me. When I talked to him about this problem, the shepherd wept. I prayed for him and saw a needle coming out from inside his chest.

Jesus said, "Tell My servant that he will not die for I have added another 20 years to his life."

And so I passed the revelations to the pastor and went home.



Diseases were thrown into space and innocent people without protection were affected. Modern medicine could not treat these mystical diseases. It's beyond science. While we were flying in hyperspace, the angel of death told me that it was time to work in the hospitals as stipulated in the Satanists' worldwide summit by the goddess Monica. The hospital is one of the places where demons are very active to kill and capture the souls of non-Christians and to drink their blood. While working in hospitals, I tried to sabotage and manipulate 15 surgical interventions.

I managed to disrupt seven surgeries and as a result, there were deaths. There was a young woman who was sick and was supposed to be operated upon. The doctor sent her brother to buy drugs in the pharmacy but since she did not have Jesus in her life, I went after her brother to the pharmacy. There, I exchanged the drugs he was supposed to buy by replacing it with a fake that was a poison from the mystical world. Then I pushed the pharmacist to sell the fake medicine to her brother. Later, the doctor transfused the fake medicine into the young woman who died as a result of this poison.

Another woman had a hernia problem. While she was having surgery, we managed to disrupt and disturb the doctor's mind. As a result, he cut a vein by mistake; the woman lost a lot of blood and died.

Another woman was supposed to have an operation related to fibroids. She did not have Jesus in her life. During the operation, we disturbed the doctor's mind who gave her an overdose of anesthesia, and she died.

Another day, I arrived at the hospital and there was a surgical operation going on. A girl was being operated upon. I was accompanied by my guardian angel, the angel of death. We tried to attack but we were unable to enter the operating room because it was surrounded by intense light. We tried to get around the windows but we could not get in because of the bright and fiery light. We were in direct connection with the mystical world, and we asked them to verify the spiritual identity of this girl because she was in a bright and dazzling light. Once the mystical world verified the girl's identity, they informed us that this girl was a born again Christian. Without Jesus, we are without security in this lost world. By serving Jesus, His grace is on your life, and nobody can harm you.

A few days later, a couple had to have their child operated upon. So they went to church and asked for prayers. After that, they went to the hospital for the operation, and they were fasting. During this surgical procedure, I came mystically with the angel of death to the place, but to my surprise, we saw the operation room surrounded by the energetic blood of Jesus.

As a former Satanist and ex-mystic, I certify that the blood of Jesus Christ is true and real. The blood of Jesus is filled with electricity and is full of strength so that no demon can come near. That day, the blood of Jesus protected this girl. There was nothing we could do against her.

You must understand that the mystical world exists. The satanic kingdom is real and works but Jesus Christ is Lord. One day there was a car accident and there was a woman pregnant with twins among the victims. She was transported to the hospital. But since she did not have Jesus Christ in her life, she was unprotected and exposed. As a result, the twins died and we handed over their bodies to the goddess Monica. Later, the woman also died. The years of her life were transferred to a satanist that had died long ago so that he would continue to serve in the underwater civilization.



My father Richard Peterson received a revelation from God.

The Lord said to him: “Many say that my servants cannot be poor, saying that poverty is Satan, and say that diseases belong to the devil and that they can not accept poverty and sicknesses. They forget that I left My throne and My wealth to be a simple carpenter; they forget that the prophet Elijah died sick and the apostle Paul carried his sickness to the end of his life. Many of my servants died sick and are with Me now in paradise. If poverty and sickness are all of the devils, who would inherit salvation if they were poor and sick? It is not all the infirmities that are sent from the evil one. Natural infirmities are part of the entrance of the sin of Adam to the world. Many say that My chosen ones cannot go through trials and afflictions for being of the devil. I went through afflictions, agony and I suffered drops of blood.”

“Servant, as there is day and night in the counting of man on earth, there is evil and good, you will be free when you snatch it for me.”



The Lord Jesus showed me a vision. I saw brothers full of illnesses and suffering great suffering.

I asked, "Lord, why are they sick?

Jesus told me, "It is because of disobedience. I have commanded them to speak of My word and to win souls, but they have resisted My voice. They have prayed and their prayers do not arrive in the heavenly courts, they do not want to make amends with Me, and their prayers will never move My Father's hands."

If they walk in My way and let Me be the Lord of their life, being My servants correcting their faults, I will work a great miracle in their lives.

Those who remain are being accused and mocked for following My doctrine. Many have been the stones and persecutions, Satan has used the weeds of the church to attack My chosen ones.

They say they serve Me, but they give room for Satan in their lives, wasting their precious time attacking mine. They do not use their tongues to take My word to the lost. There is no more time to pay lip-service to Me. There is no more time to discuss theological matters.

I'm coming back; the time is short, they need to fix their lives, to increase their chances of salvation, their works do not please Me and were reproved by My Father.

They live the illusion of the materialism of this world, all this is fleeting, they bow to the pleasures, have no determination in Me to follow and neither dominate their desires; they are decayed in their faith. Look not into them, to correct their faults, to reflect upon their works, and to repair their broken altars that have been offered to the Baalim gods.

I will help all who make the decision to be faithful to Me. I will make them progress in their spiritual growth. For those who keep My word, say to them to stand in My presence. Those who speak evil of My children, their words will not alter their spiritual lives.

I want to fill their lives with My anointing, making them grow every day, leaving their characters equal to Mine, those who lived faithfully and believed in what cannot be seen, but which is real.



The angel showed me several believers walking around town. They were in shorts and T-shirts. The demons were laughing at them and throwing darts of infirmities. Many of these brothers fell ill with malignant diseases, others became ill and died in the hospital. I saw a hospital far from the city and many sick believers dying and demons came to seek their souls.

I asked the angel, "Why are devils harming the believers with their darts of infirmities?"

The angel said to me, "They walk like the wicked in shorts and T-shirts. This is a sin before God. They do not understand that they are saints and need to keep their bodies holy."

I saw women believers in shorts walking down the street and also getting sick because of their dressing. The angel said, "They scandalize the word and still want to beat Satan."

The angel took me to seven shepherds' houses. I saw shirtless shepherds at home and walking in shorts, others were in tank tops. Their women who call themselves servants were in shorts and sleeveless shirts. They were at ease.

I saw a ball of fire moving away from the houses of these shepherds and a black cloud approaching. The angel said, "Many of them think they are saved but their actions deny the Holy word. The Holy Spirit departs from these homes because of sin.



  1. Replies
    1. Yes, as long as it has not a v- or u-neck ( those were designed to show the women breasts).
