Sunday, December 9, 2018



When you look at my arm at this level, there is a scar. It was not caused by a human being, but by Lucifer himself. He wounded me and my blood flowed into a chalice. When the chalice was full, Lucifer drank my blood in my presence. He gave me 406 demons that had to be at my service.

I would like to make an important digression. I had 406 demons at my service. But when I met Jesus, all the 406 demons fled, and I'm free now and today my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You too, if you call upon Jesus, the demons that are bothering you will flee and leave you alone.

After he did that to me, my right arm became the seat of my power. I could carry Lucifer in my body, and he could incarnate in me. When I was walking, people would see me, but in reality, it was Lucifer that they were seeing. Lucifer is a big whoremonger. When he was in my body, he was leading me straight towards hotels and young ladies. And even if it was me that the girls were seeing, it was in fact with Lucifer that they were sleeping without knowing it. There are girls who have already slept with Lucifer without knowing it. Because I was not the only Satanist in whom Lucifer could incarnate. Be careful of sexual immorality! Giant demons enter into the life of a person through sexual intercourse.



I said I was looking at the mermaid washing in the bathroom that had turned into a river. As she knew I was looking at her, she had become very angry. So, I closed the door. When it was 6 o’clock, I told her that I would go out a bit and that I am going to a local nightclub. She told me, "Joseph, let's go together, but your mother has destroyed me." I replied, "You are a mermaid, you have power and authority; how can my mother destroy you?" She said to me, "Joseph, I am an underwater spirit, but this human body has been offered to me, so I am incarnated in this physical body to become your wife and live with you on the surface of the earth.



At the age of 20, I had found work in a nightclub in the city center. But all this was arranged in the realm of Satan who watched my life and controlled me. Indeed, since the day my mother visited the witch doctor, she had opened the door to the world of Satan who controlled the lives of her children. During all these years, my life was monitored in the underwater kingdom through a magic mirror. They had already decided that I would be their servant. Because of my mother's visit to the witch doctor, they had the legal right over my life.

One day while I was working in this nightclub, I was watching the door as usual and I saw a very beautiful woman. She had a lot of hair and had the size of a model. I was delighted, captivated and dazzled by her beauty.

I said to her, "Miss, you're not supposed to come to this kind of place, what are you doing here? This place does not suit you."

To my amazement, the beautiful woman said to me, "Darling, I came here especially for you."

I could not believe what I heard; it was too good for me. Beloved, this beautiful woman was a mermaid sent by the world of darkness precisely for me. I could not realize it. We agreed to find a place to live together. So we started living together. Whenever we went out, people were amazed by her beauty, and I was proud of myself; but I was bewitched without knowing it.



She said to me, "Here is your first mission: There will be money under your cushion that we will put at your disposal every day; you will have to use this money. You will sleep with 10 to 15 women each day. After having slept with these women, before washing your body I must first lick your body, including your genitals, to recover the odors of all the women who slept with you."

The mermaid had to lick my body, including my genital organ to capture the odors of all the women who had slept with me. Let me tell you that the practice of licking the genital organ of the man or the woman comes from the world of darkness. It was imported to earth by Satanists through pornography. This practice has just arrived on earth, but it has always been practiced in the world of pandemonium. Men who are in occultism tend to sleep with many women and are in strange sexual practices. Every night, after sleeping with several women, at midnight the mermaid would lick my body and would capture the odors of every woman who had slept with me. After capturing these odors, she blew those odors that were in the form of vapor into a capsule. The siren knew the names and identities of every woman who had slept with me through these odors in the form of vapor. After capturing these odors, at 3 am she would travel to the underwater realm and carry all these female odors or vapors into the world of darkness under the sea. After landing in the marine world, she would blow each vapor-like odor in several mirrors respectively, designed specifically for each of these women.

Whenever she blew a woman's vapor or odor in a mirror, she called her name in the mirror. Therefore, the images and the life of this woman appeared in the mirror. The life of the victim was projected on the screen of the magic mirror. As soon as the mermaid blows your odor or vapor on the mirror and calls your name, you will appear live in the mirror; whether you are sleeping or working or studying, your images will be projected in the mirror screen. And next to your images, there is data and information about your future, your star, your hopes and your destiny that will be displayed in the mystic mirror. Once your image is projected on the mirror, the information and especially what God has given you are projected in the mirror designed for you and having your identity. Your star and your destiny will be displayed. Therefore, your life will be controlled and manipulated by the world of Lucifer.

The mermaid knew the future of these women thanks to fornication and thanks to this mirror. She could read data about their future, their luck, and their star. Although the mermaid could know these details, she did not know how God would fulfill the destiny of these people. The devil may know that your star will shine like Joseph's, but he does not know how God will do that. The devil can know your destination, but he does not know how you will get there. On the basis of the data and information displayed in the magic mirror, the water creature and the devil will seek to block and bar the way to the fulfillment of God's destiny in your life. Many people walk on the street, but they are controlled and monitored, they are not free. Sex outside marriage is very dangerous.

In the first aspect of my mission, I slept with 10 to 15 women a day and the mermaid captured the destinies of these women thanks to their odors. The mermaid captured these smells and carried them into the underwater world and blew those odors inside a mystical mirror from which she controlled the lives of those women.

In the second aspect of my mission as an agent of the water world, I slept with the mermaid and she deposited seeds in me. Then I went to bed with the women and in my turn, I deposited these seeds of the mermaid in them. Before going on my mission, which consisted in sleeping with 10 to 15 women a day, I slept with the mermaid, which deposited in me two seeds: The seed of the snake and the seed of the snail. I want to start with the seed of the spiritual snake, which was a two-headed serpent.


In fact, every time I slept with a woman, I transferred to her a two-headed snake. The snake entered the body of the woman by her vagina, and this two-headed snake resided and positioned itself in the sex organ of the woman. The head of this snake was positioned in the vaginal opening of the woman. As a result, the female genitals became the head of the snake. Beloved, there are women whose vaginas have become the head of a serpent, and every man who sleeps with this woman has his genital organ penetrating the head of the serpent and thus becomes affected and bewitched. In fact, this two-headed snake that is positioned in the female genital organ captures the stars, the gifts and the destinies of those who sleep with these women. Whenever a man's body penetrated the woman's genital organ, it penetrated into the mouth of the snake that captured the wealth and happiness of that man. This two-headed snake captured and devoured the luck, the stars and the riches of all those who slept with these women.

Many lives and destinies have been destroyed and compromised because of fornication and illegal intercourse. Because of enjoyment and sexual pleasure, the lives of many men and women are destroyed. Sexual pleasure out of wedlock is extremely dangerous, which is why the Bible says: Flee from sexual immorality... 1Corinthians 6:18. Many have destroyed their lives because of sexual pleasure. Beloved, if by imprudence you sleep with this kind of women your destiny and your future are captured and compromised, and what remains is poverty and suffering.

I said that this snake had two heads: The first head of the snake was positioned in the vaginal opening of the woman, while the second head was positioned and resided in the conception organs of the woman, exactly where the baby resides. Sometimes this snake killed the woman's baby. But often the snake let the baby live to bite it later; and as a result of the snake bite, the baby will be born either with brain problems or with uncontrollable behavior.

Dear Christians, I want to warn you not to accept everything that happens to you in life. Many Christians accept demonic situations under the pretext that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28. There are many who say that we must give glory to God because all that happens to us is the will of God. We must not adopt this mentality. The things you accept in your life will remain and persist and the things you refuse will eventually leave you. The kingdom of Satan trades in the lives of many people. They take the original that God gave them to leave them the counterfeit, this is called exchange. They steal the original to leave you the fake. When you notice that your son or daughter is showing unbearable behavior, do not tolerate it. We must seek the face of God in prayer and fasting.


One day I was walking with the mermaid in the city. I saw a beautiful woman. In fact, I was looking for a victim, so I proposed this beautiful woman as a victim. The mermaid told me that this woman was already killed in the invisible world; so you had to look for someone who is alive. In fact, there was a date on the forehead of this woman indicating the time she had to die on the earth. Many people are walking down the street, but they are already dead. You can see the date on their forehead with spiritual eyes.



Beloved, when I slept with a woman and put a snake in her, the snake would destroy the seed of her husband or men who would sleep with her, in order to keep her in infertility. Secondly, this snake was intended to terminate pregnancies and cause miscarriages. Thirdly, this spiritual serpent disrupted the menstrual periods of the woman by making them painful. Finally, the snake could bite or kill babies. There are children born with difficult and unbearable behaviors and attitudes. It is because of the bite of the snake. There are children born with defects because of the venom of the snake. Once I slept with a woman and gave her the seed of the snake, this woman will lose her beauty and freshness. She will feel as if something were moving inside her body, she will be nauseated. Finally, she will be inhabited and influenced by a strong desire to sleep with men, and she will not manage to master this sexual desire. These are the effects and consequences that women and men who carry the snake in them will experience.


The second seed that I passed on to the women who slept with me was the snail that caused various diseases. There are men and women with various kinds of things and foreign bodies in them. They must be delivered, otherwise, they will continue to suffer. This is a warning to men and women living in fornication. You risk sleeping with a man or a woman whose sexual organ is a snake that will devour and capture your chances, your star and your wealth. There are men and women whose genital organs are destructive serpents.


Then I noticed lots of luxury cars. So I asked the mermaid who owned these cars. She replied that they belonged to the dead, I mean to the ghosts. The mermaid informed me that every night, when the dead or ghosts leave the world of the cemetery with their luxury car, they will relax in the bars, nightclubs, and sleep with men and women in the hotels.

The mermaid told me that the luxury cars I saw were actually coffins. In fact, the ghosts are men who died before their time, since God has determined for each human being the number of years to live on the earth. However, many die prematurely, either their lives are interrupted by witchcraft or by human sacrifice. These people cannot go to Hades. Therefore, they become serving spirits in the service of Satan's kingdom. Many of the beautiful cars we see in the boulevards are coffins, and their drivers are dead people or ghosts who come to earth to relax in bars, nightclubs, and hotels. Some people we see in the street are not normal men, they are ghosts, dead people. Those who have the lifestyle of frequenting nightclubs and sleeping with men are victims of these ghosts. They appear in the evening to disappear in the morning.


As I said, my mission was to sleep with 10 to 15 women a day. The mermaid was supposed to capture their odors from which she controlled their lives through mystical mirrors. One day I fell in love with a girl although I lived with the mermaid. I wanted to visit my new girlfriend, so I lied to the mermaid that I wanted to visit my parents and I would come back the next day. The mermaid agreed. I did not know she was aware of my relationship. She knew that I had lied to her, but pretended and let me go. Dear friends, once you are controlled by the marine world, you are monitored in a mirror or a magic board. So I went to see my girlfriend. We had sex. At 2 am, I noticed water around me on the bed. I did not know that this woman was a witch who used to urinate in bed when she came out of her body for astral travel. I was surprised and disappointed to find that she used to urinate in bed. When I asked her, she denied it.

Later in the night, this woman took a devilish and monstrous form to destroy me. She had become like a vampire with long nails and pointed and sharp teeth. She began to walk towards me to devour me. It was then that a violent and powerful wind began to blow in the room. It was the arrival of my mermaid wife. She landed in this room in the blink of an eye, precisely between me and the vampire witch like a missile.

The mermaid questioned the witch and asked, "What are you trying to do to my husband?"

Then my mermaid wife and the witch began to quarrel, and what followed was a trial and a test of power between the mermaid and this vampire. The witch was neutralized by the mermaid, which was too powerful for her. Then the mermaid ordered this witch to kneel. But the witch who looked like a thief surprised in action was filled with shame. She wanted to give the mermaid the cold shoulder.

Then the mermaid said to her, "If you do not kneel now I'll kill you."

But the witch pretended to ignore the mermaid.

Then the mermaid repeated her command: "For the last time I order you: kneel or you die!"

The mermaid was about to kill this witch when suddenly she received a call from the underwater world. She was instructed not to kill the witch because she was an agent on a mission. So I heard the mermaid say to this witch, "You're lucky, I've just been informed by the headquarter that you're on assignment, otherwise I would have killed you!"

Beloved, let me tell you that the kingdom of Lucifer is not divided. They coordinate what happens between their agents and workers. The Bible says: "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?" Matthew 12:25-26.

After this communication, the mermaid ordered the witch to return to her normal human form. I saw the witch leave her monstrous form of a vampire and resume the human form, and the mermaid drove her away. So I opened the door and the witch went out.



Our visit continued. We arrived in a place where I saw people who were arrested and incarcerated. I was informed that these men were captured by the kingdom of darkness on earth. They are people who have disappeared from the earth mystically. Sometimes these people reappear on the earth. These people are held under the sea, I saw them with my own eyes. In fact, there are people who are captured on the earth and imprisoned under the sea, but they are replaced on earth by demons. Demons take the form and the likeness of these captives and come to the surface of the earth to live there with the identity of these captives retained in the world of waters. These physical demons resemble and speak like them, but the real people are incarcerated. This is how demons come to earth physically. These demons are mistaken for the real person by the families of captives held in the underwater world. They are therefore integrated and accepted in these families. But with keen observation and discernment, you will notice inconsistencies and attitudes that do not relate to your real brother or sister held captive in the underwater world. Some of these people held captives are not dead; they just disappeared on earth and are slaves in the water world. After visiting the detention centers and prisons, we continued our visit to the underwater world.



I saw a powerful demon, he disguised himself into what looked like a beautiful lady that looks decent and like a good Christian. He entered a certain church to attack a brother that recently surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. He came in just to seduce that brother to lose his salvation.

Joel 1:14 Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD.

Let us call a solemn assembly and cry unto the Lord to awaken the church because they which are fallen asleep in Christ have perished.

1 Corinthians 15:18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.

The church needs a divine revival, let us build up our prayer life that we should destroy every seed that the Lord did not plant into the church.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

There are many demons in the church today operating in the likeness of men. They want to seduce the church.

2 Corinthians 10:13-15 But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you. For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unto you: for we are come as far as to you also in preaching the Gospel of Christ: Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men's labors; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly, .

For us to overcome them, we must put on the armor of God.

Ephesians 6:10-18 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Remember these are perilous times.

2 Timothy 3:1-7 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.



While the visit was still underway, the queen of the coast joined us and we continued the visit together. Sometime later a group of beautiful young women dressed in a way to provoke womanizers arrived. They were all extremely beautiful, they were about to be deployed on a mission on earth to seduce the nations. They came where we were with the queen who introduced them as her daughters. They prostrated themselves before the queen of the coast and asked permission to go to the surface of the earth to spend the weekend. The queen placed her hand on them and said, "You have my blessing, go and seduce mankind." Christians must understand that the beautiful women and beautiful kids we see on earth are not all ordinary humans, but physical demons.

Many people are victims of their evil power of seduction and end up getting missing because they could not resist this demonic attraction, and end up in submarine jails of the kingdom of waters. Many demons come from the world of cemeteries and the underwater world. They have the human appearance, they have beauty and money, beautiful cars and many succumb to their charm and are seduced by their money.



That man named Abdalla made the rain fall from the sky to refresh the crowd. I looked at that wonder, but then, as I looked up at the sky, my vision opened. I saw a legion of demons in the clouds of heaven. They made the clouds heavy for rain. I saw the vapors of water rising and the demons turning into water and causing it to fall.

Henry said, "Are you looking at the sky? What do you see?"

I do not see anything, just the clouds. I said, "Henry, let's get out of here, something's wrong going on. This man may be being deceived by the demons into thinking it's God sending rain. He may be innocent or he knows very well who he is working for."

When I spoke to him about my vision I said, "It is very difficult to believe in everything, this place is plunged in deceit and full of lies." At night, Henry went with me to visit a church.

The pastor invited a preacher who brought the Word that evening. This was the same man who made the rain fall from the sky, impressing the workers. I felt nothing and neither did Henry. Only the church was fired up with enthusiasm. When the service was over, the members were confused by our lack of response. A boy said, "You are cold and carnal."

Henry was not feeling well. I was looking at the preacher and trying to see if he had any influencing demons. I could not see anything. When the preacher finished the preaching, he left. I followed him down the road. He then realized that I was following him and stopped in front of me. He looked at me and laughed, his fingernails started to grow and his teeth as well.

He disappeared and a black smoke filled the air. I was astonished. A demon materialized and preached in the church, deceiving the people. So far these demons are coming in, not caring if anyone discovers their identities. The churches are insensitive and do not feel the presence of these demons among them. They are blind, there is no discernment, and they do not see the danger within the house of God. I'm not sure how a demon can appear inside the church personified in man. He could be a very strong sorcerer or a demon.

Robert Atsushi Third Experience

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